Monday, September 30, 2019

A tempest rising - #fantasy #romance #epic #giveaway

Fire Song cover

Praised for her beauty and grace, deep down, Seren Pendragon fears a tempest rising inside her. Her mother is a witch, her sisters are in peril, and she has been promised to a beast of a man who's already murdered one king. When she and her youngest sister seize the opportunity for escape neither realizes how much their struggle will cost, and it will take a terrible tragedy to unleash Seren’s inner fire and true nature.

The Bastard of Warkworth is no stranger to misfortune. Everything he held dear vanished one night in a wisp of smoke and fire, and he has been scarred by his encounters with Seren's own mother, Morwen Pendragon. Even so, when one of the witch’s daughters finds herself in trouble, Wilhelm must find the champion within and ride to her rescue.


Where are you going?” she asked in surprise.

Home,” he said irascibly.

Nay, my lord—not lest you mean to go by ship. And you’ll not put me on another one after what I have witnessed. You would have to gag and bind me, and tis not very likely I would stand still to allow it.”

I am not your lord,” he said again. “I’m no man’s lord.” And he kept riding, without bothering to turn back. Seren cast Jack a bewildered glance. The boy shrugged.

It was her habit, she supposed, to call every man of consequence lord. Somehow, it seemed better to give Wilhelm deference, but he clearly did not like it. And yet, he behaved like a willful lord, doing whatsoever pleased, keeping whatever pace he saw fit, and never bothering to ask what Seren would like to do. Hadn’t he said he was here to help? Well, he hadn’t had very much to say since insisting she accept his aid.

Wait here,” she said to Jack, and spurred her mare to catch up with the sour-faced lout. “I do not mean to disparage you,” she confessed. “Tis but that you seem more a lord to me than most lords do.”

He grunted in answer, but kept going, and Seren frowned.

How was she supposed to travel with his man, who seemed so intent upon ignoring her? He hadn’t said much of anything since retrieving Jack.

What in the name of St. Afan would you have me call you if not lord?”

Wilhelm,” he replied. “And since when do you Pendragon sisters swear by the name of saints?”

Seren lifted her chin. “I lived most of my life in a priory,” she informed him. And then she whispered, “I cannot very well swear by the Goddess, can I? Else Jack will wonder.”

Well,” he said. “That’s your fault. Had you left the boy in Dover you wouldn’t have to pretend you are someone you are not. And anyway, I doubt he knows St. Afan, either.”

Had he somehow taken offense? “Do you know St. Afan?”

Nay,” he said. “And neither do I aspire to. He’s some Welshman, by the sounds of him. But, more importantly, do you know who he is?”

Seren frowned. “Nay, sir. I do not,” she confessed. “Though I did hear Father Ersinius invoke him on occasion. I am not so much impressed by saints.”

What are you impressed by?”

Seren bristled. She was not going to confess herself to this impertinent stranger. “What I wouldst like to know is what you wish me to call you if not lord—can you, please, stop! Please?” She reined in her horse, peering back at Jack, who was staring at them with furrowed brows.

Nay,” he replied, without turning.

Seren sighed, and moved forward once more. “Where are you going?”

Home, I said.”

She furrowed her brow. “You are not going home! Did you not read that sign? You are going to Ramsgate, returning to the ocean, and, once again, I will remind you that lest you have a ship, or you and your horse would like to have a good swim, the road to Canterbury is the road best traveled.”

Finally, he stopped, turning to look at her, and his cheeks appeared to bloom. Without a word, he spun his mare about, trotting back toward Jack, who was still waiting right where Seren left him. Wilhelm passed him by, never sparing him or the signpost a glance.

He couldn’t read, she realized, with blinding insight.

About the Author

Tanya Anne Crosby is the New York Times/USA Today bestselling author of more than thirty novels, including works of women’s fiction, suspense, historical romance and fantasy. Known for stories charged with emotion and humor and filled with flawed characters, she is an award-winning author, and her stories have garnered reader praise and glowing critical reviews.

Tanya has been featured in magazines, such as People, Romantic Times and Publisher’s Weekly, and her stories have been translated into eight languages. Her first novel (Angel of Fire) was published in 1992 by Avon Books, where she was hailed as “one of Avon’s fastest rising stars.” Her fourth book (Once Upon a Kiss) was chosen to launch the company’s Avon Romantic Treasure imprint. She and her writer husband currently split their time between Charleston, SC, where she was raised, and northern Michigan, where the couple make their home.

Buy Links

Tanya Anne Crosby will be awarding signed copies of the Daughters of Avalon series (3 books, US only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Relief of Not Giving Up On A Dream -- #horses #writing #dreams @CharmedOzarks

Spins Are Wild cover

By Mary Caelsto (Guest Blogger)

I discovered fantasy novels the way any horse-crazy pre-teen probably would have, by finding a book with a horse and a cute guy on the cover at K-Mart. I was working, so I was at least thirteen. I purchased the book, fell in love with the characters, the world, and the author.

At the time I was reading romance novels, and I knew I wanted to be a writer. By the time I was in high school the “what do you want to be when you grow up?” question was answered with “writing romance novels and working on a horse farm.” I earned half a degree in equine science, realized that at $5 an hour, I was the highest paid stable hand in America most likely, and sadly, wages like that weren’t going to allow me to move out of my parent’s house. I got a “real” job.

I never gave up on the dream of writing books.

In 2002 I became published with an erotic paranormal romance novel. Most of my published work was romance, though I also started publishing non-fiction.

The road got pretty rocky here, with caring for my mother and making some drastic decisions, but last year, I decided to focus not just on horse books for grown up horse crazy girls like myself, but also…yes, fantasy. I came back to the world of the Musimagium I created and began writing books that combined my other two passions: fantasy world based magic and music.

I didn’t give up, and though the journey has been rocky at times with a lot of doubt and fear, I am so thankful I made it. When I look out across the pasture in the morning at my horses, I smile. I’m relieved. Because I’m here, and I didn’t give up. It is not as scary as I thought it would be. And I am so blessed to have people who support me.

Things are still pretty tough. I’m rebuilding after my mother’s death almost a year ago, dealing with my own health issues and figuring out just where I want to be and how I can take care of things. I juggle a full-time job with my work editing, website assistance, and other author-related work. And yet, relief is freedom. Relief is knowledge that you are supported by the universe, that there are reasons to things and determination is rewarded. Relief is knowing that you can do it and feeling the weight lift from your shoulders.

Relief is not giving up on your dreams.

Spins are Wild Blurb

Lora's in the middle of a messy divorce with her bull rider ex-husband. Just because she left the WBR circuit and is making a name for herself as a trainer, now his buckle bunny of a girlfriend thinks she can take half of Lora's farm, her two best horses, and even her truck and trailer in the divorce and do the same thing. Lora is tired of propping up Billy and it is long past time he learned to cowboy up and take responsibility for his own life. She's swearing off men for good. Until her best friend introduces her to an up and coming D-series barrel racer with plans of his own.

Note: This women's fiction story contains romantic elements and the romantic plot grows stronger as the series continues.

Universal Link:

About the Author

Mary Kit Caelsto never grew out of the phase of being a "horse crazy girl". Though she's now over 40, she's finally fulfilling her dream of writing equestrian books for others who haven't grown out of being "horse crazy". She lives in the Ozarks with her four very spoiled and very opinionated horses, as well as a large flock of poultry and enough cats to qualify her as a crazy cat lady. Her husband, though not an equestrian himself, understands and supports all her equestrian dreams.

She's convinced three of the best things in the world are the smell of a sun warmed horse, the smell of leather tack, and making sure to hug her horses every single day.

Picture of the author and “SuperDuck” taken 3/2019. 
Hair color varies depending on mood.

Website: Visit and sign up for free stories!

Patreon: Patreons receive free stories. Support starts at $1/month.


Friday, September 27, 2019

What Comes Next? #Suspense #AuthorCraft #AmWriting

story telling
We all love stories. It's in our genes. Humans have been spinning tales for thousands of years. From the sagas our ancestors told as they huddled around their campfires to the ebooks flying off today's virtual shelves, stories satisfy some deep psychological need.

Sometimes we want a familiar story, even though we've heard it a million times before. We anticipate and then enjoy the expected conclusion, which reassures us that all is right in the world. Often, though, we follow a story because we want to know what comes next. Suspense and uncertainty produce a particular kind of excitement., a tension that is pleasurably released when the uncertainty is resolved. Suspense is what keeps readers turning pages long after their normal bedtimes. They don't want to stop reading until they see how it all turns out.

In genre fiction such as romance or mystery, readers know the final shape the story will assume. The lovers will overcome the obstacles that confront them in order to be together. The guilty parties will be identified, the mechanisms of the crime will be explained and usually the perpetrators will be brought to justice. Part of the reason readers enjoy these genres is that they provide the same satisfying reassurance as a well-known fairy tale or myth. A book that labels itself as romance or mystery then fails to provide the expected pattern of resolution will likely arouse readers' ire.

This does not mean that stories in these genres should be predictable. As the story progresses, a skillful writer will make the reader question how the expected ending could possibly come about. You'll lose your reader's attention if he or she stops wondering what happens next.

Unfortunately, I find that a significant percentage of the romance I read is far too predictable, at least for my tastes. By the time I've finished the first chapter or two, I know the general path the story will take. I can't presume to speak for other readers, but this definitely diminishes my own enjoyment.

As an author of erotic romance, I struggle to add suspense to my own stories. It's not always a conscious process, but when I sat down to write this post, I tried to analyze the strategies that I use, or have seen others use, to avoid predictability. I identified four techniques that can be helpful in this regard.

1. Withhold critical facts

Even if you're a pantster rather than a plotter, you'll generally know more about your characters and their background than you tell your readers. Often there are things in a character's history that are critical to the plot. By holding back and not disclosing these facts right away, you can heighten the level of uncertainty and make the final resolution more surprising.

I found an example in my ménage story Wild About That Thing. Ruby Jones, the heroine, owns a struggling blues club that represents her life's dream. As the story opens, she has received a letter from the lawyers for the new owner of her rented building, indicating that her lease will not be renewed and that she must vacate the premises. Her anxiety over her impending eviction colors her reactions to the two men who become her lovers.

Quite late in the tale, I reveal the fact that one of her lovers, Remy, is in fact the building owner. This serves two purposes in the narrative, emotional and practical. First, it adds a sudden obstacle to the relationship (since Ruby is rightfully upset that he had not told her sooner) and also allows the second man in the triangle, Zeke, to come to Remy's defense. Second, it provides a plausible solution to the problem of Ruby's eviction.

Keeping important details secret from your readers can be an effective way to add unpredictability, but it does carry the risk of appearing contrived. The new information, when it is finally exposed, must be believable. It must not seem to "come from left field". If you can, you should drop hints earlier in the story. When the revelation finally occurs, you want your readers to nod their heads, saying "Yes, of course, I should have known!"

2. Keep alternatives alive

Fiction, especially romantic fiction, frequently revolves around a character's choices. Your heroine may be choosing between two potential relationships, or between a relationship and a life path that will make that relationship impossible. To avoid predictability, you need to paint the competing alternatives as equally attractive and plausible. You should also maintain the ambiguity concerning the character's ultimate decision for as long as possible.

To implement this strategy, you can use trade-offs. No one choice is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Highlight those contrasts for your reader. Meanwhile, watch out for stereotypes. The handsome, arrogant, wealthy playboy; the smoldering, tortured bad boy biker; the sensitive, nurturing guy next door... You know what I mean. Stereotypes are a sure way to kill suspense - unless you set them up and then turn them on their heads. This is actually another technique for avoiding predictability. If, for example, the playboy is later revealed to be a submissive who wants to serve as the heroine's 24/7 slave, you'll definitely surprise (and possibly delight) your readers.

This strategy can apply to alternative explanations or scenarios, as well as decision alternatives. In my erotic suspense novel Exposure, Stella realizes that any of several people might be responsible for the mayor's murder and the threats she receives: the mayor's widow; his opponent in the upcoming election; the sinister mob boss; even the cop who's Stella's high school friend and current lover. I try to provide evidence supporting each of these hypotheses. I want to keep the reader guessing.

3. Allow your characters to change

A story is a journey taken by your characters. Events occur and the characters change in response. You can use these changes to make your story less predictable. As the tale unfolds and your characters develop, they will behave and react in ways your reader may not expect. In fact, their surprising behavior will reveal the nature of their inner changes.

The movie "Long Kiss Goodnight" ( provides a great example. Geena Davis stars as a suburban wife and mother who gradually recovers from amnesia to realize that she's a former spy. Over the course of the film, polite, conventional, squeaky-clean Samantha morphs into wise-ass, slutty, violent Charly, the top secret agent now running for her life. The shift is gradual. Since you never know (until you see it) how far Charly has reverted to her old self, you never know exactly what she's likely to do.

Most romance character shifts are less extreme. Just remember that static characters are easy to predict. Also, some change trajectories have become clichés. The uptight, authoritarian female executive who gradually realizes that she craves submission; the woman wounded by past relationships who must learn to trust a new love; the emancipated, free-wheeling chick looking for no-strings sex who discovers instead a deep need for commitment; these patterns have been been employed so often that they'll kill any suspense - unless of course, you use misdirection, shattering the cliché to send the character off on a new and surprising path of development

4. Take advantage of strong emotion

Characters don't just change over the course of the story, but moment to moment as well. Even the most stable individuals are not 100% consistent in how they behave, especially under the influence of strong emotion. Anger, grief, guilt, terror and shame can all induce people to behave in atypical ways that would be hard to predict based on their normal personalities. Since such emotions often occur at critical points in your plot, you can use them to introduce the unexpected into your tales.

For example, Kate O'Neil, the heroine of my novel Raw Silk, is a self-confident, independent professional woman. Her first full-blown experience as a submissive stuns and scares her. She actually skips out of work, jumps on a plane, and escapes to the safest place she can think of (in this case, Singapore). This is highly unusual for someone as responsible and career-oriented Kate. Even I was surprised when she did it! The episode contributes to the plot by providing her with an opportunity to reflect on her reactions - as well as a chance for readers to catch their breath.

I’ve been using erotic romance for my examples so far, but non-romantic erotica also has its predictable patterns. Ultimately, readers expect the characters to have some sort of sexual interaction—and more likely sooner rather than later! Readers are in it for the climax, sure, but the experience will be more pleasurable if there are some twists and turns along the way. That’s why I personally find a lot of “stroke fiction” uninteresting and unsatisfying. If there’s no suspense at all, just fucking, the story falls flat. (Your mileage may vary, of course.)

Authors of genre fiction walk a tightrope. On the one hand, we must give our readers the pattern of resolution they expect - a happy ending, in the case of romance, an orgasm (or more than one!) in erotica. On the other, we want to keep our readers turning the pages, wondering what is going to happen next. We must be faithful to the conventions of our genre while still ringing enough changes to be fresh and exciting. It's a tall order. I hope that the suggestions I've made in this post get you thinking about how you can maintain this balance in your own work.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday Book Hooks: The Last Amanuensis - #MRFWHooks #MFRWAuthor #sciencefiction

Book Hooks banner

Welcome to the Wednesday Book Hooks blog hop! Today I’m sharing an exclusive snippet from my most recent release, The LastAmanuensis. This story is basically dystopic sci fi with an erotic edge. Not the cheeriest thing I’ve ever written, but it’s extremely intense from an emotional perspective – and does have redemption at the end.


Poetry is like bloodyou cant hold it back.

The Emperor has decreed that Reason will rule in his lands. Art and literature are banned in favor of military technology. The fearsome Preceptors prowl the capitol, arresting anyone who dares, even secretly, to engage in forbidden activities.

A former teacher and frustrated writer, Adele is grateful for her job as secretary to the enigmatic Professor. During the day, she transcribes his learned treatises on a vast range of topics. Then he calls her to his room one night, to give her a more difficult and intimate assignment, one that risks both their lives.

The Hook

First he served me tea, asking me, rather perfunctorily, about my education and previous employment. He was clearly pleased to hear about my scientific background. As soon as my cup was empty he took me upstairs, sat me at a typewriter, and gave me a quadrille notebook full of handwritten scrawls.

Type this, please.”

I peered at the page he indicated, which at first glance seemed totally illegible. I had no idea how I was going to decipher his chicken scratchings. My dismay must have shown on my face, for he laughed. Merriment transformed his stern countenance and for the first time, I saw the warmth that dwelt behind his intellectual's mask.

Don't worry. Take your time. It's far more important for you to be accurate, as these notebooks record my lifetime of research.” He adjusted the gas lamp so it brightly illuminated the chosen page. “I'll leave you to the work. I'll be downstairs in the front parlor.”

Grateful that he'd left me alone—for he definitely made me nervous—I set myself to the task he had imposed. At first I had significant difficulty but as I became more familiar with his writing style, the process became easier. Still, I needed nearly an hour to transcribe that single page.

He appeared delighted by the result. When he smiled I found him far less forbidding. I concluded from his reaction that I'd gotten the job. However, he had one more test for me.

Sitting me down at his desk, he handed me a sheet of linen notepaper, a pen and a bottle of ink. “Copy the first paragraph from this typescript,” he ordered. “I need a woman with a fair hand.”

After my ordeal at the typewriter, this assignment should have been trivially easy. However, instead of leaving me as he had before, he stood behind me, watching every stroke I made over my shoulder.

Rattled by his presence, unable to concentrate, I spoiled the first piece of paper. Shaking his head, he gave me another. “Last one, though. If you don't have the nerves to work under my scrutiny, you're not right for this job.”

Closing my eyes, I centered myself. Then I took up the pen and began to write. The ink flowed clean and smooth onto the page. After each sentence I forced myself to pause, to summon my ability to control the pen's trajectory.

The professor remained at my back, a presence I could not ignore. He was close enough that I could sense his body heat through my woolen gown. His breath stirred the stray hairs on my neck, below my chignon.

Irrationally, my nipples knotted under my chemise and the blood climbed into my cheeks. I had not been this close to a man in years.

Think about the pen, I told myself. Only the pen.

Finally, it was done. I released the air I'd been holding in my lungs, blotted the page, and handed it to him for his verdict.

Lovely,” he murmured. “Absolutely lovely.”

I glowed at that first praise—just as I do now.

Buy Links

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s event. You’ll find their links below.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Rugby Mania! #rugbyromance #southafricanromance #rugbyworldcup2019 @BeatonFrancine

Rugby team
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

By Francine Beaton (Guest Blogger)

When you meet a fellow rugby enthusiast on a boat cruise on the Hudson during the Fourth of July celebrations, there had to be a reason why such a meeting made an impression. It was only on the long flight from New York to Johannesburg that the idea of the series started to form. Before then, I never considered writing about my beloved sport, not even romances.

Eye on the Ball was not the first book in the series I thought would be published. When I plotted the series, Jakes was only a number in the team. I’ve already written the first four books and the prequel when Jakes suddenly made an appearance while I was watching a Six Nations rugby match on television. Jakes made such a compelling plea to be heard that I didn’t have much choice than to stop watching the game halfway and put my thoughts about Jakes and Angie on paper.

Jakes was not an easy character to figure out. He had issues, which he hide at first.

A few days later, when the news came of the suicide of the former Wallaby, Dan Vickerman, I started to get glimpses of what Jakes and many other men in similar environments, were dealing with. During a talk show in which the panellists discussed Dan’s passing, one panellist made the point that men in macho environments don’t want to appear weak, so they never talk about emotions and fears. That was when I realised that there was more to the reason why Jakes felt it so necessary to keep his promise to his team.

Jakes’ reasons, however, had nothing to do with Dan Vickerman. It was the phrase that caught my attention and made me wonder what could cause such reactions in men. Slowly but surely Jakes emerged, forcing me to touch more than one sensitive subject.

I soon realised that Jakes’ story was not going to be the typical sports romance I envisioned when I planned the series. Although Jakes had the the physical appearance, macho male image, intelligence and other attributes to make him an alpha male, Jakes wanted to highlight important issues that had nothing to do with his looks.

Eye on the Ball is about a man who struggles to keep his focus on what he felt was important—his teammates, his team and their end goal. It is also about a woman who is strong enough to deal with Jakes’ fears and insecurities, although it may not appear that way. Angie just didn’t need the limelight. It also didn’t make her weak.

The rest of the series seemed to follow Jakes’ example. Each character has a different story, dealing with teenage pregnancies, work ethics, and unforbidden love. Between all the ups and downs, rugby is the one thing that keep my characters together. Some of the books are steamy and some are clean, but in the end, it was what the character wanted.

And they all get their Happy Ever Afters.

The Playing for Glory Series, is standalone sports romances which follows the lives of red-hot professional rugby players and the women they love.


What would prove to be stronger? Love, or loyalty?

It is a World Cup year and top professional rugby player, Jakes du Plessis, desperately wants to fulfil his childhood dream of playing for the Springboks. To succeed, he must stick to the team’s strict vow of celibacy and mantra: ‘Focus! Keep an eye on the ball – and stay away from women.’

A chance meeting with artist Angie Summers throws his well-laid plans into a tailspin. Not even his promise to his friends and teammates, over 9 000 miles between them, and demons from his past can stop Jakes from falling for her.

But life is not plain sailing, and Jakes discovers that it takes a team to help him overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of his own Happily Ever After.

When Angie meets Jakes, it is not love at first sight. She is not looking for a new relationship; after all, she still wears another man’s ring.

Fate has different ideas though.

Can Angie forgive Jakes and forget about their first disastrous encounters? Will he let her into his heart to overcome his biggest enemy, which is not on the field of play?


Everyone deserves a second chance...

There is a fine line between love and hate. Christopher Brooks spots Riley Adams, his first love, at the Buffaloes’ first press briefing of the year. He cannot allow her back into his heart that she broke more than seven years ago. Or can he?
Riley does not have the luxury of hating or avoiding Christopher. Their lives are inextricably linked forever. Her best option is to confront him before he discovers her secret through someone else. And when he knows the truth, will Christopher hate her even more or will he be willing to forgive?

Obstruction, is the second standalone sports romance in the Playing For Glory series, it follows the lives of red-hot professional rugby players and the women they love.


Temptation can come in any form.

As long as it didn’t come in the form of Melissa Roux—a feisty blond with long, shapely legs. She spelled trouble and Daniel Cooper knew that from the moment he laid eyes on the new physio for the Buffaloes rugby team. As captain, he had to set an example and falling head over heels in love wasn’t the way to do it.

Melissa knew Daniel was going to be a problem from the first day on the job. There was no way she was going to risk her career for an arrogant chauvinist who called her a blonde bimbo. She had worked too hard to get her dream job.

Neither of them could deny the undeniable chemistry between them, or the famous Cooper curse. When Daniel made one simple request, it had unexpected repercussions. In his quest to find the truth, he made another error in judgement, risking not only Melissa’s career but also the loyalty of his team and the Club.

Daniel and Melissa both faced a decision: What’s more important? Your career or love?


If you know what’s good for you and your career, stay away from my daughter!”

Ulrich Fölscher wants to play rugby for the Buffaloes and the Springboks and eventually become the best chef in town. In that order. There is no place for romance in his life. Obeying Coach Brady’s command is easy, until he meets his daughter Samantha. She is everything he needs – warm, bubbly – and possibly, the missing ingredient he lacks to spice up his life.

Sammy is a professional athlete and she too knows the rules. But it is hard to resist Ulrich’s quiet strength, focused determination and, most of all, his delectable kisses.

Both know how to fight for what they want. But as their desire for each other intensifies, so does the pressure to make a choice. Can Ulrich and Sammy continue to play by the rules or risk it all for love?


One chance. One choice. It’s his call.

Nicholas Carter is the billionaire owner of the Wild Dogs, a young and successful rugby club. His secret to success is simple; he keeps his business and his private life separate. That resolve is tested when Emma Cole comes into his life. His new accountant is not his type, yet she has the uncanny ability to make Nicholas lose control.

Geeks shouldn’t look like Nicholas and neither should they kiss like he does. Emma is mortified to discover that the hot, sexy, green-eyed man with intoxicating kisses is her new boss.
They cannot deny the attraction between them. But giving in to the chemistry spells serious repercussions. During a business trip they surrender to their passion, and embark on an affair that changes their lives forever. Reality creeps into their relationship and Nicholas is forced to make a decision. Will he take ownership of the resulting fallout? Will he make the right call?

About the Author

Romance author Francine Beaton published her first romance novel — a contemporary sports romance called EYE ON THE BALL— in April 2018 after she started writing in July 2016. Her latest novel, TASTE FOR WINE, will be the second in her TASTE FOR LOVE SERIES and her thirteenth novel. Francine believes she was born to be a nomad. She loves travelling to faraway places and considers Scotland her second home. When she’s not reading or writing about love and Happily Ever After, she’s most likely busy painting or taking photos of everything that catches her eye. During rugby season, you’ll either find her next to the pitch or in front of the television, following her favourite teams. It’s probably not difficult to figure out why her debut novel, Eye on the Ball, as well as the series, Playing for Glory, has rugby as a theme. 

E-mail: beatonfrancine [at] gmail [dot] com



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