By Gail Roughton (Guest Blogger)
a story ever haunted you? I don’t mean as a reader. Or as a writer.
I mean you, personally—that tale from the campfire at summer camp.
“See, there was this guy with a hook where his hand used to be…”
The whispered tales from childhood spend-the-nights, told under
covers because it’s 2:00 a.m. and you’re supposed to be asleep
even if it is a-spend-the night. “My Granny, she says don’t
nobody go into Hoot Owl Holler, not ever…” The urban legends
bandied about amidst shrieks and screams at a teen-age slumber party,
without much regard to how loud it gets because you’re teenagers
now and nobody expects you to be asleep at a slumber party. “Didn’t
you know? There’s a man buried in Graceland Cemetery with a stake
through his heart…”
heard those tales, of course, and I told my share of them. But most
of all, I read them. I read them in the most fitting location for
such stories imaginable. I grew up by the banks of Stone Creek
Swamp, squarely in the middle of the state of Georgia. Beautiful? Oh,
yes. Deadly? Oh, yes. Not a place you’d care to get lost in. Don’t
believe me? Try it and see. As a backdrop for tales of terror and
suspense? Unequalled. The perfect place to produce a writer who
always has a trace of—shall we say—the unnatural—in her
how to blend that trace of the unnatural into the natural? How to
tell a story that takes the unbelievable and transforms it into the
utterly believable? Ah. There’s the rub. A writer takes a little of
this story, a little of that history, and blends it together in a new
recipe. But why did that particular recipe pop into their brain in
the first place? What made them even think of it?
my case, it happens when things just—converge. See, I grew up with
one of those urban legends. My home town has a very old, very
historic cemetery. A beautiful place. They have tours every spring
and every fall. And I grew up on the story of a man buried there with
a stake through his heart. I don’t have any idea if there’s any
basis in that story, I don’t even know if it’s a well-known story
or one that only a few people bandy about. But to the little girl who
read Edgar Allen Poe and H. P. Lovecraft and Bram Stoker on the banks
of Stone Creek Swamp, it was fascinating.
little girl grew up and went to work in a law office. Actually, she’d
planned to be a lawyer but knew she’d have to work her way through
law school and figured being a legal secretary would be on-the-job
experience, so to speak. (After she spent a few years in the legal
world, she became terrified she’d turn into an attorney, and so
kept her niche as legal secretary/paralegal and turned into a writer
instead.) But I digress. During the course of this journey, she
answered her boss’s phone one afternoon when said boss was out of
the office. “This is Jim Smith from Graceland Cemetery.” (Not
really, names changed to protect the guilty, in this case, that
little girl who grew up and became a writer rather than a lawyer.
Me.) “Please have him call me.”
problem. I wrote the message right up. “Jim Smith, Graceland
Cemetery, 555-5555. Has a vampire in one of the mausoleums and would
like him evicted.” Don’t ask me why that popped into my head.
Seemed like a good idea at the time. My boss came in, picked up his
messages, read same, and hollered “What?!” out the door and we
all had a good laugh. But that’s when it lodged in my brain, that a
short satire, a “Night Court” sort of thing would be hysterical.
What would happen if a cemetery tried to evict a vampire? From his
own mausoleum?

along the way, the whole idea ceased to be a satire and it damn sure
ceased to be short. It became an obsession. How to showcase this
story, these characters, this backdrop? Because by that time, it had
become a family saga, set against the backdrop of the small city I
knew best in all the world, flipping from 1888 Macon, Georgia to
modern day Macon. Using real street names and business names and
landmarks. A love song to my own heritage. And of course, being a
love song to my heritage, it absolutely had to showcase Stone Creek
Swamp as well, now didn’t it? I finished the first draft in 1993.
It took me three years. I threw away more pages than I kept. And I
thought it was wonderful. I put it in the closet (about all I did
with any of my books for years) and left it there for about fifteen
years. I pulled it back out and decided it wasn’t wonderful but it
was pretty close and re-worked it a bit and put it back in the closet
again. A few years ago, when I entered the world of professional
writers and realized how amateurish my early work actually was, I
pulled it out and recognized it was very, very far from wonderful.
So I re-worked it yet again, from start to finish. And I used
everything I’d learned in over twenty years of writing. More
important, I used everything I’d learned in the two years since I’d
been an actual published author.
And finally—I presented it to the
world. My love song to Stone Creek Swamp. To Macon, Georgia. To the
history that made me who and what I am. So come. Follow me. Into
shades and colors you’ve never thought of before. Like The
Color of Seven. Like The Color of Dusk. Follow me into
Dark. The Dark Series.
the past, like evil, never dies. It just—waits.
Cain strode the river bank. His bare
chest gleamed with oil. Amulets of gold and necklaces of bone draped
his neck and shoulders. He paced in growing fury. Alone.
“Cowards!” he muttered under his
breath. “’De fools! De stupid fools dare turn dere backs on me!”
He stopped suddenly in mid-stride.
“Where are you?” he shouted,
his voice echoing back into the trees. “Where are you, fools?”
They would pay. The whole town would
pay. He swayed in concentration, moving among the seven fires burning
in the clearing.
“Sebben. My color be sebben. Color
be sebben … sebben … sebben….”
He knelt before the skulls of his
grisly sentries, their glowing eyes powered by the demons imbuing
them with sight. His demons. He’d call them forth, yes, and all
their brethren, and send them streaming through the town, darting
though open windows. Feasting till they burst.
He reached down and lifted two skulls
high, one in each of his huge hands.
“Last chance, fools!” he
shouted. “Where are you?”
“Here I am.” And almost
instantly, from the opposite side of the clearing, the words
“And here. And here.”
Shifting, ever-moving. “Here … and here … and here.”
The voice, human, held silvery overtones of inhumanity.
Cain twirled around in circles,
following the voice. A voice he recognized. Except he didn’t.
Because it was impossible.Wasn’t it?
“White man!” he shouted.
“Dat you?”
“And here … and here … and
here … here … here….”
Cain swirled in a dizzying circle as
the voice cat-called, moving, floating, seemingly coming from all
directions at once.
“Come out! Show yo’self! Like a
The taunting ceased, replaced by
laughter floating in the air from everywhere at once. The laughter
stopped. Echoes bounced back from river.
A tall figure materialized directly in
front of Cain. It smiled a terrible smile and curled its lips. Four
incisors, honed to razor sharpness, gleamed in the mingled moonlight
and fireglow.
“I’m not a man, Cain. Not anymore.”
Paul advanced toward him and Cain fell
back, fear rising from the lower reaches of his stomach. It moved up
his spine, accelerated and raced upward, leaving his body almost
numb. This man was dead, executed by his demons. Dead! But wait! If
dead, he belonged to the regions of darkness Cain ruled. Confidence
rekindled. He could control this being. He halted his retreat and
stood tall.
“You can’t do nothin’, white
man! I made you! I control you! You does whut I
says you do!”
“You keep right on thinkin’ that.”
Paul smiled. His arm flashed out and caught Cain by the throat. His
hand squeezed. Cain’s eyes bulged under the pressure.
Cain curled his fists, raining blows on
Paul’s head and face. But Paul’s head didn’t snap back.
His lips didn’t split. He loosened
the pressure on Cain’s neck a bit, allowing a trace of air to flow
back into his windpipe.
are you?” Cain croaked. “What
are you?”
“You don’t know?” Paul released
Cain’s throat, immediately grabbing both his arms. He threw him
across the clearing like a sack of feed. The impact of landing
knocked the breath from his lungs. He tried to suck in enough wind to
stand and fight.
From nowhere, Paul fell on him again,
hauling his bulk off the ground as though it weighed nothing. He
tossed him into the middle of the clearing. Cain’s right arm landed
in the center fire. His left arm twisted and bent beneath his great
weight with a snapping sound. Cain screamed. He jerked away from the
flames, trying to shift his body, his right arm a running river of
agony. Fire fed on flesh.
Paul reached down and grabbed the
charred skin, jerking and twisting. Bone snapped again as he hauled
Cain free of the flames and loomed over him, wicked incisors coming
closer, closer.
“No! No!”
Cain felt the blood leaving his
vessels, draining from the valves of his heart, the pit of his
stomach, the chambers of his lungs, the smallest capillaries of his
body. As it left, it burned, burned with an intensity so hot it was
ice cold. Finally, the clearing held only dying moans and the wet,
sucking sounds of Paul’s mouth.
Paul floated, then soared with an
exultation unlike any he’d ever experienced. He felt the power of
hot blood as it rushed throughout his body. Sated, he dropped Cain’s
bulk to the ground like an apple core and laughed. He laughed and
laughed until laughter turned to sobs. He raised his hands and wiped
the blood from his lips.
He looked down at his hands, at the
bloodstains gleaming black under the moon, and rushed to the banks of
the river, down to the water. He leaned over and gazed into the
slow-moving eddies of the river. Moonlight glazed the water, turning
it to a shimmering mirror.
He stared at his reflection and curled
his lips, showed his teeth. His hand flashed down, breaking the
surface of the water. He cupped his hand and scooped water to his
mouth, scrubbing viciously.
He was still perched on the river’s
edge when his clean-up crew arrived at the scene to pick up the
trash, engaged in an endless, repetitive cycle. Hand to river water,
river water to mouth, scrubbing and scrubbing as though his lips
would never be clean again.
to Gail Roughton’s books:
& Nobles