Friday, February 14, 2025

A Valentine’s Origin Myth – #ValentinesDay #Martyr #TrueLove

Scattered hearts

Image by Alicja from Pixabay

Looking for a topic for this Valentine’s Day post, I thought that I’d discuss the history of the beloved holiday. When I did some research, however, I discovered a great deal of confusion. In fact, the history of Valentine’s Day is one big muddle.

First, there was not one, but three Saint Valentines, all martyrs during the first few centuries after Christ, when Rome was working to suppress the subversive new religion.

Second, there appears to be no relationship whatsoever between any of these saintly figures (who were celibate priests) and the topics of romantic love or sex. Yet by Chaucer’s time, such an association existed, at least tentatively, and the notion was well-established by Shakespeare’s period, as indicated by an extended passage from Hamlet:

To-morrow is Saint Valentine's day,
All in the morning betime,
And I a maid at your window,
To be your Valentine.
Then up he rose, and donn'd his clothes,
And dupp'd the chamber-door;
Let in the maid, that out a maid
Never departed more.

The holiday was commercialized in the mid-nineteenth century, when the sending of cards, flowers and gifts became popular. I’m more curious, though, about the original inspiration. How did Saint Valentine become the patron of lovers? There must be something missing from the historical record.

Given the lack of any clues, I decided to offer my own Valentine’s origin myth based (extremely loosely) on what we do know about the mysterious martyr.

The Origin of Valentine’s Day

By Lisabet Sarai

The priest Valentinus lay on the straw pallet in his cell. Final rays from the setting sun pierced the slits in the stone walls and made gold streaks on the floor. Valentinus sighed at the thought that this would be the last he would see of the glorious orb. Soon, though, I’ll will be with Christ, in the heart of glory, he reminded himself. Still, his heart was as heavy as the granite enclosing him.

Claudius had just left in a fit of pique, after failing again to make him recant. Despite the emperor’s epithet, “The Cruel”, Valentinus understood that the august ruler respected him, and did not want him to lose his head. It was all political for Claudius; he hadn’t a spiritual bone in his body. The new religion offered too much of a challenge to the state to be tolerated. If the priest would renounce his faith and publicly bow to Jupiter, Claudius would free him in an instant, an example to the self-righteous rabble who followed the new prophet.

Valentinus was a different sort of man. He believed in divine love and ultimate resurrection. His faith had kept him strong and pure for more than fifteen years, since the trip to Ephesus when he had first encountered the True Church. For his faith, he would lose his life. But he would save his soul.

Dusk deepened to full night. The pitch torch smoked and sputtered. Valentinus prayed, there on his back. He knew that his Lord did not require the discomfort of bony knees on a hard floor.

The iron door squealed. Valentine sat up. It was too early for his last supper. A slight feminine figure swathed in white linen slipped into the cell and pushed the recalcitrant door shut behind her. She approached the pallet and removed her outer wrap.

Golden curls tumbled down over her shoulders, brilliant as the vanished sun. A chaplet of myrtle bound her brow. Youth shone in her eyes, but the body he glimpsed under her finely-woven robe was the ripe form of a woman. Ancient desire stirred in him. He suppressed it with the ease of long practice.

Who are you, lady? Why have you come to disturb my final meditations?”

Lord Valentinus, I am Lydia, priestess of Juno. The Holy Mother is affronted by your stubborn refusal to pay her homage. Tonight is the festival of Lupercalia. Tonight, maids and youths throughout Rome will be celebrating the marriage of Juno and Jupiter, the rulers of heaven. Yet you languish here, refusing to accept the gift of love, scorning the generosity of the gods.”

Your gods are not mine, lady. I neither honor nor scorn them. They are irrelevant to me.”

Relevant enough to take your head,” Lydia commented.

My body is unimportant. Soon enough, my soul will be with God.” Despite his brave words, though, her beauty was working her spell on him. The rod of flesh between his legs grew stiffer by the minute.

Lydia untied the sash that fastened her robe. The diaphanous garment floated to the floor, revealing her lush, perfect body. “I’ve come to offer you Juno’s gifts, nevertheless.” She approached the pallet and took his face in her hands. “I know I cannot change your mind, Valentinus, or make you renounce your faith. But allow me to provide one last taste of the pleasures of earth, before you leave it.”

No, wait. I am sworn to celibacy...” Valentinus began. Yet he did not resist when she gathered him to her sweet breasts, when she pushed away the ragged cotton robe that covered him and laved his aching nipples with her tongue. He cried out, but did not push her away, when she swallowed the stubborn pillar jutting from his groin. He grabbed her hips and arched into her when she straddled him and settled his shaft in the liquid depths between her thighs.

They moved together, not speaking aloud, but joined in spirit. She is not like the other Romans, realized Valentinus, even as pleasure surged through him in ecstatic waves. She does not care about material things. She is a creature of faith, a true daughter of her gods. I can touch her soul as well as her body.

Moonlight crept through the window-slits, painting their skin silver. Their passion rose and fell, smooth and silent as the Tiber rolling toward the sea. Their pleasure crested and ebbed and then climbed again. They never broke the connection. Through the night he remained within her, their limbs entwined, their minds and hearts united.

At last they slept. At dawn came the squeal of the rusty hinges and the guards, unexpectedly gentle when they saw Valentinus and Lydia together. Without shame, ignoring the lustful gaze of the centurions, Lydia rose and donned her robe.. “Remember me,” she told the priest, with a last kiss. “It will ease the last pain.”

And remember me,” said Valentinus, unfazed by his apparent fall from grace. “Here, take this.” He handed her a scroll, his copy of the scriptures. “I know I will not woo you from your gods to my God, but let this be my keepsake.”

Sign it,” she said, and he did, before the guards led him to the execution ground.

Lydia returned to the temple, rejoicing in the trickle of Valentinus’ seed running down the insides of her thighs. She did not wish to see his final moments. She knew that she would be in his thoughts as the sword came down. She made her obeisance to the majestic gilded image of the Mother before returning to her modest room. There, she unfurled the scroll and read her lover’s dedication.

To my beloved Lydia whom I look forward to meeting in heaven,

For I know that no God or gods would be cruel enough to separate us.

From your devoted Valentine.”

Tears fell on the parchment, smearing the charcoal-based ink.

They were tears of joy.

Statue of lovers

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my readers!

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The slave market in Port-au-Prince – #ParanormalRomance #Vampires #BlackHistoryMonth #MFRWHooks

Fin d'Espoir Banner

Welcome to this week’s MFRW Book Hooks blog hop. Sticking with my theme for the month, I have an excerpt from another book featuring a Black character. In fact, there’s a bit of history in this story; vampires live a long time.


Bitter and alone, Etienne de Rémorcy haunts the forest around the ruined plantation of Fin d'Espoir. He has sworn to never again taste human blood. Then a fierce storm and a runaway horse bring a slender, raven-haired beauty to his lair. When she begs him to take her, he cannot resist. Her companion likewise falls under Etienne’s spell. Their love may be his last hope for redemption.

The Hook

Tell me.” She lay with her head on Etienne’s chest, listening to his heartbeat. Strange, she thought, that he should have a beating heart, if he was what she suspected. But what did she know of such things? She raised her face from that ebony pillow and flicked her tongue over the rosy nub of his nipple. “Tell me about her.”

Etienne stirred, untangling his limbs from hers. “Why waken old sorrows, petite? Why not just enjoy the remains of the night?”

I want to understand you.” She braced herself on her elbow, feasting her eyes on his physical perfection. “Maybe to help you.”

Impossible. I am damned, condemned to live alone with the knowledge of my sins. You are a poor, frail mortal. There is nothing you can do. If I wish, I can wipe your mind clean of the memory of me. From your perspective, I will not exist.”

Please, don’t,” Madeleine whispered. “I gave myself to you. Give me a bit of yourself in return.”

The sable giant frowned. He shifted his bulk to a sitting position. His heavy penis lolled against his thigh. Madeleine’s mouth watered as she imagined rousing it from its relaxed state. She shifted her attention to his noble face. “Please, Etienne.”

Very well. I find you difficult to resist.” He sighed and was silent for a moment, looking off into the distance.

I first saw my mistress in the slave market in Port-au-Prince. The year was 1796. I was fifteen. It was dusk. In those glory days of colonial power, the trade in human flesh went on around the clock.

In the midst of the filth and degradation, she was a gorgeous tropical flower. She wore a gown of emerald silk embroidered with silver thread. Her hair tumbled in jet ringlets over her pale shoulders. Her eyes were dark jewels, her mouth a crimson blossom. She picked her delicate way through the dirty straw wearing kid boots, but she held no handkerchief to her face against the stench of unwashed bodies. She carried a dainty leather whip dyed to match her costume.

I stood on the block with the other merchandise, dirty, covered with scabs, chains around my neck and my ankles. The auctioneer called for bids on the man before me, laughing and joking in a coarse way about the man’s substantial genitals. My mistress came right to the front of the crowd and interrupted the proceedings.

“‘I will take that one,’ she stated, pointing at me. ‘What is his price?’ She was a petite woman. Her voice was not loud, but it held an unassailable authority. Everyone stopped to listen.

“‘He is to be auctioned next, Madame.’ The grizzled man looked nervous. ‘Please wait for a few moments.’

“‘There is no need to bother with the bids,’ my mistress insisted. ‘I will match any offer.’

“‘Madame, please…’ She ignored him and fixed her eyes on me. ‘I want you, boy,’ she said. Though in my own country I was a king’s son, her attention made me blush and hang my head. Then to my horror, I realized that I was hugely erect.’

“‘And you want me, too, do you not, my prince?’ She laughed. I had picked up a bit of French on the voyage. I understood why the crowd was jeering. She threw a heavy bag of coins onto the block. ‘Unchain him,’ she ordered.

The auctioneer scrambled to retrieve the purse. Inside was more gold than he had likely ever seen at one time, enough to purchase every slave on the platform. He hastened to unfasten my leg shackles and unchain my collar from that of the two men on either side of me. He handed the chain to my mistress and she led me to her carriage.

We returned to her plantation. She had me bathed and fed. She tended to my sores with her own hands. I thought that I was in paradise. I was hard the whole time.

That night she took me to her bed. As I entered her, she drank from me for the first time.”

Maddy swallowed. “She was a—a blood-drinker?”

A blood-drinker, a witch, a Voodoo priestess. The cruelest and most savage creature you can imagine. She looked white but she was an octamaroon, the granddaughter of a slave as black as I. How she loved to play the grand lady, full of contempt for the society around her…” He buried his face in his hands. Maddy rested her hand on his shoulder, encouraging him to continue.

I grew to manhood on her plantation. She educated me, when it suited her fancy. She used me. Sometimes, she made me labor in the cane fields, laughing when I came to her at night, covered with sweat and dirt. Sometimes it pleased her to dress me in silk livery and have me serve her the wine and raw meat she favored. She enjoyed hanging me from a hook in the ceiling and whipping me until my skin hung in strips from my back. Then she would lick the gore from my wounds and tell me that she loved me.”

Etienne was breathing hard. His fists were clenched in his lap. But his cock was half swollen.

She forced me to enter the local villages at night and kidnap children for her to torture. She wanted youths and maids in their teens, tender, fresh and full of hormones. She would bind me to the wall, making me watch while she played with them. Her beauty was so captivating it was easy to make them go along with her, at least at first. That is how we are, you know. Irresistible.”


Fin d'Espoir book cover

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today's Book Hooks!


Monday, February 10, 2025

Hoping for help from the resident ghost – #CozyMystery #TwelveStepProgram #Giveaway

Inn the Dead of Winter tour banner


Welcome to Spirit Lake in the dead of a Minnesota winter, where the brutally cold temp isn't the only thing to fear.

Andie Rose Kaczmarek, a six-year sober life coach and owner of the haunted Spirit Lake Inn, has learned the hard way that the living are far more dangerous than anything in the spirit world.

When a controversial guest fails to return to her room on the same night a body is discovered in a fish house on Big Spirit Lake, Andie Rose teams up with her sponsor and sidekick, Sister Alice, and her emotional support red retriever, Aspen, to solve the case.

After Andie Rose discovers illegal activity on the inn’s property that ties to the murder, the investigation shifts into high gear. As she uncovers shocking secrets of those she thought she knew, someone is intent on keeping her quiet at any cost.

Can the inn’s resident ghost save her from impending harm when it seems the ones closest to her pose the greatest threat?


Hey, Sister Alice. Good timing.” I wandered to the parlor and stood in front of the fireplace.

Can’t say that there’s such a thing as good timing when I tell you why I’m calling.” I groaned inwardly. It was going to be one of these days, was it? When I didn’t 1 say anything, she continued. “They found a body in Big Spirit Lake.”

Holy wicked whiskey!” My mind spun furiously. “Who’s they?”


Hm. Well, on the positive side of things—and I know this won’t sound good—but at least it wasn’t here at the inn this time. And that someone found it before Aspen and I stumbled upon it when I took him there this afternoon.” I’d found a body at the inn last fall, bringing in the Halloween season in an unexpected fashion.

Keep in mind when you go this afternoon that the police don’t need your help. Stay out of their way.”

I’m insulted.”

Stop pouting. You know it’s true. We’re to keep our own side of the street clean. Not stick your nose in where it doesn’t belong.”

I want to fire you as my sponsor.”

She snorted with amusement. “Have at it. You’re assuming you could find another one.”

Inn the Dead of Winter book cover

About the Author

Rhonda is an avid reader, writer, coffee and dark chocolate connoisseur, and certified life coach. She has 10 independently published novels: The Inheritance, a contemporary fiction novel; seven books in the Melanie Hogan Mysteries; and Finding Abby and Abby's Redemption in the Whispering Pines Romantic Suspense duology. She was awarded the 2022 Master of Literary Arts Award from the Brighton Chamber.


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Rhonda Blackhurst will be awarding a free e-book of Inn the Dead of Winter or book one, Inn the Spirit of Murder to a randomly drawn winner.

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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sizzling Sunday: Annie gets what she wants; Patty watches – #VegasBabes #Erotica #SizzlingSunday

Sizzling Sunday banner

Happy Sunday!

It has been a while since I did a Sizzling Sunday post.

I’m working on the final chapter of my new novella The Slut Does Vegas, which will be Book 6 of my Vegas Babes series. This book unites characters from the previous series books with Lauren Gordon, heroine of The Slut Strikes Back. Redheaded Annie, in particular, is a major player, along with her handsome and open-minded husband Ted.

So I thought I’d give you a reprise of the lascivious, anything-goes atmosphere of the earlier books. Here’s a bit from Book 5, Babes in Bondage.



It’s 9 PM in Vegas. Do you know your safe word?

Some people just won’t mind their own business. When an anti-porn terrorist group shuts down the Sin City Fetish Fair, Larry Archer offers The Fox’s Den as an alternative venue. With the assistance of newly arrived dominant Master Shark, plans for the Den’s very first Kink Night quickly take shape. Indeed, the denizens of the Den are practicing their BDSM techniques well before the event.

Blonde, beautiful and untouched, Patricia Hastings leads the Citizens Resisting American Perversion in their fight against filth. She’s determined to destroy the licentious, permissive, anything-but-vanilla strip club – whatever it takes. A smidgen of plastic explosive should do the trick... If only she can resist her attraction to the voluptuous, red-headed minx Annie, and her own secret craving for surrender.

Caught in the act of sabotage, Patty faces a choice: arrest, scandal and prison, or private punishment at the hands of Master Shark and his horny acolytes. Will C.R.A.P.’s paragon of purity uphold her prudish principles? Or consent to the violations that populate her forbidden fantasies?

Babes in Bondage cover

Excerpt (Rated X)

These women weren’t members of her organization. One looked like some international supermodel, over six feet tall, with dusky skin and a curtain of shimmering silver hair flowing down her back. The other, though petite, was all curves, with a breezy, relaxed manner that was disturbingly sensual.

There was nothing suggestive about their clothing—nothing overt, at least. The statuesque blonde wore flowing, dark blue trousers and a sleeveless white crepe blouse. Her carrot-topped companion was attired in a denim skirt and a Kelly green tank top.

Just tourists, Patty thought. Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something off about them, something twisted, perverse, dangerous. Perhaps it was the way they moved, the way their bodies shifted under their clothes. It was obvious that the redhead wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts bounced with every step, and her pert nipples were clearly visible to anyone who cared to look. Her taller companion stalked down the hall as if she owned the place, oozing power and control. Like a lioness, Patty thought, fascinated despite herself. Indeed, when the blonde glanced over her shoulder at her companion, her features revealed a sort of hunger that made that set butterflies dancing in Patty’s stomach.

Without making a conscious decision, she followed them into the lobby atrium. She wasn’t close enough to hear their conversation with the concierge, who pointed in the direction of a side corridor. Patty held back for a moment, not wanting the women to realize she was shadowing them. She peeked around the corner just in time to see the two of them stop in front of the hotel’s activities bulletin board.

Blondie extracted an A2-sized poster from the tube. Red stood on tiptoe in order to staple it to the cork board. Her shapely calves tensed and her round buttocks tightened under the covering denim. Blondie used the opportunity to fondle her companion’s full ass.

Patty and the redhead both gasped. The tall blonde used both hands to massage those enticing butt cheeks. Her petite victim leaned against the wall and arched back, offering her body to the other woman’s lewd groping. The lioness responded to this saucy encouragement, sliding her palms up the back of Red’s bare legs and under the brief skirt.

Oh, Inez!” the ginger-topped wench moaned. “You shouldn’t!”

Don’t pretend you don’t like it, my little slut. Why else would you go out with me bare-assed? And your cunt is soaked!”

Cunt. The filthy word reverberated in Patty’s mind. Cunt. Cunt. Not a word she’d ever even whispered, not even to herself. Disgusting. Degrading. Of course she knew what it meant. Lady parts. Private flower. Secret core. Pussy.

Cunt. Cunt. Oh God! Her own—her pussy—grew wetter by the instant as she watched the two woman—lesbians! —continue their obscene dance.

Let me see.” The blonde peeled the denim up to expose her partner’s pale, perfectly shaped derriere. The girl obligingly parted her thighs, displaying her damp, rosy folds. The blonde drove three long fingers deep into that juicy cleft.

Even from two yards away, Patty could hear the squelching sounds as the bossy older woman pumped her fingers in her friend’s—pussy. Meanwhile, she reached her left hand around to the front. From the way the redhead jerked and yelped, Patty guessed the aggressor had latched on to her victim’s clitoris.

The redhead writhed on her partner’s fingers, bearing down hard to force those digits deeper into her body.

Patty couldn’t help imagining that rude intrusion. Her pussy muscles tightened as if to hold those invading fingers inside. Her own clit pulsed, urgent, hard, hot as a live coal. I should get out of here, she told herself. Before they corrupt me.

She couldn’t tear her eyes from the lurid scene, though.

The blonde bombshell was using four fingers now, in and out, fierce, relentless. Wet pussy flesh clung to her hand, as if trying to keep her inside. “Tease!” she hissed. “Slut! You can’t get enough sex, can you? You’re insatiable!” Suddenly she yanked her fingers from the other woman’s depths and landed a hard slap on her ass.

Ooow!” The redhead wailed. “No!”

Patty stiffened as something like lightning flashed through her. Sparks jumped from one taut nipple to the other, then skittered down to her clitoris.

You love it, Annie,” Blondie growled, slapping the other quivering cheek. “Admit it. I can make you come, just by spanking you.” Releasing the other woman’s clit, she proceeded to rain ferocious, ambidextrous blows on her companion’s defenseless bottom.

No—no, please—Ow! That hurts, Inez…” The red-haired minx protests were loud, but Patty realized the girl was making no effort to get away.

Neither am I, she thought, her own body awash with strange sensations. I should challenge them for the perverts they are. Or I should run, escape from their evil influence. She did neither. Instead, she stood there, eyes wide, both her clenched fists pressed against her skirt, at the juncture of her thighs. Pitifully insufficient stimulation. Underneath her clit raged, demanding relief. Her pussy—no, her cunt—gaped, empty, hungry to be filled.

Babes in Bondage teaser

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Friday, February 7, 2025

Who said being soul mates was easy? #RomCom #Fantasy #Giveaway

HiJinks, Hitchikers and Mayhem tour banner


All Casey wanted was to have hot, mind-blowing sex with Hothar, her soul mate. That little fantasy went up in smoke when she’s stuck babysitting a cowardly witch who is the galaxy’s only hope of survival.


The image of a nude female draped over Hothar’s lap flashed across my mind. Oh, hell no. The bastard was fondling her breasts. A murderous fury swept over me. “And how many pleasure houses did that undercover assignment include?”

Hothar’s eyes narrowed. “I did what was necessary to maintain my cover.”

And you enjoyed every minute of it too, didn’t you?” I shoved the memory of the nude female into his head. “Why don’t you just admit, you forgot all about me. But that’s okay, you’ll never have to see me again. It’s a win-win situation for both of us.” I stomped off.

The war commander teleported in front of me. “Stop!”

Why? You made your choice and it’s obvious you don’t want me.”

Hothar’s hands closed around my arms and up I went. He held me at eye level. “How could you even think I would have sex with another female?”

What am I supposed to believe? You were touching her.” I studied his stern face, hoping to find some sign of affection or love. “I thought you were the other half of my soul. Guess I was wrong.”

A burning hunger exploded in Hothar’s eyes. “Every hour of every day without you was pure agony.” He gently shook me. “You are mine and I will never let you go.”

Why should I believe you?”

Hothar’s mouth closed over mine. It wasn’t a gentle kiss. It was a body-burning, soul-searing lip lock.

Hijinks, Hitchhikers and Mayhem book cover

About the Author

I was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Glendale Police Department and to keep from going totally bonkers – I mean people have no idea what a real emergency is. Take this for example: I answered, “9-1-1 emergency, what’s your emergency?” And this hysterical woman yelled, “My bird is in a tree.” Sometimes I really couldn’t help myself, so I said, “Birds have a tendency to do that, ma’am.” The woman screeched, “No! You don’t understand. My pet parakeet is in the tree. I’ve just got to get him down.” Like I said, not a clue. “I’m sorry ma’am but we don’t get birds out of trees.” The woman then cried, “But… What about my husband? He’s up there, too.” See what I had to deal with? To keep from hitting myself repeatedly in the head with my phone I took up writing.

Gail Koger will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Money and fame don’t buy you out of the hard stuff – #CelebrityRomance #ContemporaryRomance #Giveaway

After the Red Carpet tour banner

By Patricia Leavy (Guest Blogger)

Lisabet asked me the following question: Many romance authors write about celebrities and wealth. Often their portrayals have little resemblance to reality. How do you make millionaires and celebrities realistic and believable?

Here’s my take.

Celebrity romances are a trope for a reason. For readers, it’s escapist and offers a dose of wish-fulfillment. For authors, it’s a chance to really let your imagination soar. When you’re decorating mansions, flying off in jets, or offering grand gestures out of reach to most of us, there’s complete freedom. It’s so much fun. Yet it’s also incredibly important for characters to be relatable. Their stories need to ring true and have some relevance to our own lives. So, I think about two things when writing about wealthy celebrities. First, people are multidimensional, and no one escapes this life without pain, heartbreak, grief, and other struggles. Money and fame don’t buy you out of the stuff of life. So, I work hard to show who my characters are beyond the external and to focus on their internal struggles. Second, it’s about the stories I use these characters to tell. For example, After the Red Carpet follows a married couple and is simply about trying to build a life and start a family. Many romance novels end with a proposal or wedding. But it’s not the whole story. Merging your life with someone else, growing with them, accepting them unconditionally, the stresses of family life, all the while retaining your own identity—these things are challenging. These are aspects of life and relationships many of us negotiate. After the Red Carpet shows us what happens after two people fall in love and decide to build a life together. It’s about partnership and identity. These are things we can all relate to, even if we don’t have a mansion or private jet.


For fans of Tessa Bailey and Hannah Grace, After the Red Carpet is a feel-good, contemporary celebrity romance about what happens after the fairy-tale beginning as two lovers work toward their own true meaning of “happily ever after.”

After legendary Hollywood star Finn Forrester proposed to philosopher Ella Sinclair on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, the couple captivated the press and public with their real-life fairy tale. Now they vow to prioritize their romance and live an adventure of their own making. Ella moves into Finn’s Beverly Hills mansion and must adjust to his world. Finn, secretly afraid of losing Ella, is determined to make everything perfect for his betrothed. Meanwhile, Ella wants nothing more than to retain her own identity as they build their new life together. All the while, she is writing a philosophical treatise on love, exploring the question: when we love so deeply, where do we end and where does the other begin?

In this highly anticipated follow-up to The Location Shoot, will Ella and Finn finally live the life they’ve dreamed of? See how their epic romance unfolds, after the red carpet.

After the Red Carpet book cover


Socrates basically argued that love was bullshit. He was fancier about it, so I’m paraphrasing,” Marni said as the others laughed. “But I’m serious. He philosophized that we only want what we can’t have, and thus it’s always fleeting, never deep. I know this puts me in the minority in our romance-obsessed culture, but I think he was on to something.”

Of course you do,” Ella replied with a giggle.

Marni shrugged and helped herself to another stuffed grape leaf off the Greek meze platter Ella prepared for their meeting. “These are delicious. The hummus too. I so love it when you host our club. I’m the worst.”

Nonsense. Who doesn’t enjoy stale crackers and tap water? And so clever to use toilet paper in lieu of napkins,” Ella joked.

Jade laughed, covering her mouth.

Dante looked at Marni. “When you’re done gorging yourself, try to remember that we’re supposed to be inspiring Ella for her book project. Your doom and gloom is more likely to put her off the whole thing.”

First of all, you went to town on that olive tapenade,” Marni rebuffed, giving him the side-eye. “Second, what can I say? I’m a realist. Besides, take a look around. We’re basically having this discussion in Prince Charming’s castle, and Ella’s growing another one of his love children as we speak. I don’t think she’s falling off the romantic love bandwagon anytime soon.”

Ella smiled and touched her belly. “Fear not, I am resistant to the pessimism. These days, I feel especially hopeful.”

That may be the pregnancy hormones talking,” Marni quipped.

Ella smirked.

I’m a terrible friend, I admit it. Seriously, how have you been feeling?” Marni asked.

Never better. I can feel our little one fluttering around. I’ve hardly had the time to write a thing because I want to give Betty as much attention as possible before she has to share me, but I do feel inspired. It’s strange because I used to think of love as something we want for ourselves, but now . . .”

Marni raised her eyebrows.

I’m not sure. All I do know is that I feel consumed by love, and it’s all directed at my family. Being with them, nurturing them, experiencing life with them.” She crinkled her nose and shook her head. “It’s the way I feel most alive.”

Sounds like you’re an Aristotle girl. He believed that love requires us to focus on what is best for the other, not ourselves. There’s nobility in that, beauty,” Dante said.

But to do that, he believed we must first love ourselves so that we can best love others,” Jade added.

Ah, finally something I can get behind,” Marni said. She turned to Ella and asked, “What do you think?”

Wouldn’t that create a dialectical? If we focus on what’s best for those we love, then they would simultaneously be focusing on what’s best for us. It’s reciprocal,” Ella said.

When you cut through it all, the question becomes: is love about focusing on what’s best for others, or should self-love come before all else?” Marni said.

Maybe that’s not really the question.” Ella leaned back on the sofa. “Perhaps it’s more complicated. I think the question is: when it comes to love, is it even a question of self and other, or something else entirely?”

About the Author

Patricia Leavy author image

Patricia Leavy, PhD, is an award-winning, best-selling author. She was formerly Associate Professor of Sociology, Chairperson of Sociology & Criminology, and Founding Director of Gender Studies at Stonehill College. She has published more than forty books; her work has been translated into many languages, and she has received more than one hundred book honors. Her last novel, The Location Shoot, was featured on Ms. Career Girl‘s “10 Perfect Books to Get Your Fall Reading List Started” and was the 2023 Firebird Book Awards 1st Place Winner in 4 categories: Contemporary Novel, Pop Culture Fiction, Romance and Summer Beach Read. Patricia has also received career awards from the New England Sociological Association, the American Creativity Association, the American Educational Research Association, the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, and the National Art Education Association. In 2018, she was honored by the National Women’s Hall of Fame and SUNY-New Paltz established the “Patricia Leavy Award for Art and Social Justice.” Patricia lives in Maine. In addition to writing, she enjoys art, reading, and travel.

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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

It’s not safe here after dark – #ParanormalRomance #BlackHistoryMonth #MFRWHooks

The Eyes of Bast banner

Welcome to this week’s MFRW Book Hooks blog hop!

Since February is Black History Month, I thought I’d feature snippets from some of my books that feature Black characters. I can’t claim that they offer any historical insights, but I hope that I’ve managed to treat the protagonists with respect, and affection.

Today’s excerpt comes from my paranormal erotic romance The Eyes of Bast. If you like what you read, then go over to Smashwords ( and snag yourself a copy, absolutely free. Just click the Buy link, then use this coupon code: FV59Z. The price will drop to zero, and you’ll be able to download the e-book in your choice of formats.

This offer expires on Valentine’s Day, so don’t wait.


Trust your heart. Follow your dreams.

When instinct tells Shaina to visit the feral cat trap she’s set in Central Park, she listens to that inner voice. The sleek black cat she finds has a terrible secret. Tom is an unwilling shape shifter, cursed by a sorceress who craved a human plaything. Shaina vows to defeat the vicious but seductive witch and save the man she believes is her soul mate—though it might mean losing him forever. 

The Eyes of Bast cover

The Hook 

Hello.” The voice was male, low and throaty. I jumped and whirled around.

A man stood behind me, a fairly young man with sleek, dark skin and a wide, shy smile. Although his body appeared to be fit and muscular, he held himself in an awkward manner, as if he had some subtle handicap. His arms hung at his sides, his hands clenching and unclenching as though he didn’t quite know what to do with them.

I gripped my mace more tightly. He didn’t appear at all threatening, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

Um—what are you doing here?”

Nothing, nothing…” He shrugged and scratched the curly black locks that covered his head. “I heard your voice. I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

Had I spoken aloud? I returned his smile, still uncertain whether I should trust him. “I’m fine. Just taking a walk.”

It’s not safe here after dark, you know.”

His earnest tone made me chuckle. I held up the can of mace. “I can take care of myself.”

Worry furrowed his high forehead. “That won’t help against some of the things that come out at night.”

A chill shot through me. I shook it away. “I was just headed home anyway.”

Good. You should be careful.” His smile returned, melting my last vestiges of suspicion. He pronounced his English with a precision that made me wonder if he spoke something else as his native language. It wasn’t exactly an accent, but I could tell he wasn’t a native New Yorker.

What about you?”

Oh, I know my way around here,” he answered. He ran his fingers through his curls and arched his back a bit, as though stretching. Despite that odd awkwardness, he was lithe and graceful. A brief pang of desire shot through me. “And I have excellent night vision. Exceptionally sharp hearing too.”

I couldn’t figure out why, but something about him felt familiar. “Have we met before?” I asked then cringed, realizing it sounded like a pick-up line. “I mean…um… I don’t mean…” Hot blood climbed into my cheeks, though the shadows were probably too dense for him to detect my discomfort.

His bold laugh rang out in the growing darkness. “Maybe we have met,” he said. “I live in the neighborhood. Do you?”

Pretty close,” I answered, alarm bells sounding in my head. No matter how handsome and charming he was, I wasn’t about to give him my address.

Well, then, you never know. You said you were heading home. May I walk with you?”

Um… Actually…”

He took my arm without waiting for my permission.

His touch stopped me cold. It drove out rational thought. As if someone had turned on a faucet, hormones poured into my blood. My nipples tensed and my lower lips grew plump and slick. Fire tipped the fingers resting on my bare forearm. I gasped, staring up in wonder at his strong, even features, overcome by his imminent maleness.

I wanted to stretch out in the grass and pull him down on top of me. I was dying to feel his weight on my chest, his hardness probing between my thighs. Skin on skin was what I craved, with an urgency I’d never experienced in my all my twenty-eight years.

His nostrils flared and I knew he’d caught the ocean scent rising from my sex. I could smell it myself. My saturated panties and jeans were no barrier. He grinned, revealing teeth so white they gleamed in the twilight gloom. I shuddered with need, imagining those teeth tearing my flesh, and stumbled on the gravel path.


The Eyes of Bast teaser

I hope you’ll visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks. And don’t forget to download your free romance!