By B.J. Scott (Guest Blogger)
Why are people drawn to
This question came to mind
when I was deciding if I should write my sequel to Highland Legacy
right away or finish another Scottish historical I had started that
was not related to the first book. I asked on average if the reader
would rather read a sequel to a book they liked or something by the
author on an entirely different topic. While the response was mixed,
the majority said that they enjoyed reading a sequel or series of
books about a given family/clan or series of events. When asked why
they gave me the following answer.
The most common response
was that they if they loved the first book, they usually didn’t
want the book to end, wanted to know more about the other characters
in the book, wanted the story to continue. They have gotten to know
the characters, fell into the sub-plots or develop a particular
connection to one or more of the secondary characters. This to me was
an interesting answer and one authors need to keep in mind when
writing a novel they think might become a series. In my book Highland
Legacy, the three brothers were all very different from each
other, but shared a bond of fierce loyalty to family and country. The
story focused on the hero and heroine in the book, but I got many
requests to continue the story so they could find out what happened
to Bryce and Fallon, or if Alasdair would ever soften his heart and
find love. This laid the groundwork for the next two books, Highland
Quest (my current release) and Highland Homecoming (to be
released later this summer or early fall.) Knowing my readers liked
the first book and wanted more of the Fraser brothers’ saga gave me
a good reason to write the series.
When I penned the first
book, I had a series in mind, but wrote it in such a way it could
stand alone. Highland Quest and Highland Homecoming
were written the same way. While they are both essentially a
continuation of Highland Legacy, a reader could pick it up any
of the three books, not read the first book, and not feel lost. They
could also read the first book after the second or third and still
enjoy the story. I did this by adding just enough back-story to
Highland Quest and Highland Homecoming to let the
reader know who the returning characters are and how they play a role
in the sequels, without giving too much away from the first book. I
think the key to writing a good series is to make it so a person can
pick any book in the series and read them in any order they desire.
Fans of historical
romance, any romance for that matter, who fall in love with the
characters in a book, typically want more. If they found a satisfying
escape from the stress of the real world in a time they loved, with
characters they can relate to, it stands to reason they’ll want
more. The onus now falls on the author to write a sequel or series
that is as good and if possible, even better than the first book.
Some might be tempted to write a quick sequel just to keep the
interest going and to make more money off an already captive
audience. But don’t sell yourself, your book or your reader short.
Do everything you can to make the sequel even more memorable and more
enjoyable and you will have fans for life.
(Leave a comment with your email on this post, by the way, and you could win your choice of either of the first two books in the series, in ebook form.)
Blurb for Highland Legacy. Book one in the series:
with an abhorrent betrothal, Cailin Macmillan flees her father’s
castle and quickly learns that a woman traveling alone in Medieval
Scotland is an easy target for ruthless English soldiers. When
Highland patriot Connor Fraser comes to her aid, his steadfast
dedication to king and country is challenged by his overwhelming
desire to protect Cailin—even if he must marry her to do so.
of murdering one of her attackers and determined to rely on her own
resourcefulness, Cailin dresses as a lad, intent on seeking refuge at
the camp of Robert the Bruce. Can she elude an enemy from her past—a
vindictive English lord bent on her utter demise—or will she fall
prey to his carnal intent and be executed for a crime she did not
Fraser brother's saga continues in the second book in the series,
Quest and
coming soon, Highland
Scotland, 1306.
Macmillan’s nostrils flared, and his piercing blue eyes narrowed
with anger. Judging by the rigidity of his stance, the bulge of his
neck veins, and scowl of utter contempt, Cailin had pushed her father
beyond his limits. Again.
quarreled often, and each time, he cursed her wild spirit, and
temerity, swore fairies stole his real child at birth and left a
changeling in her place. An unyielding man, he ruled Clan Macmillan
with an iron fist, and made no exceptions. Cailin experienced the
force of his wrath on more than one occasion, and bore the physical
and emotional scars.
paced his chamber like a restless animal ready to pounce on its prey.
“Laird MacMurray arrives on the morrow and expects to find a
cheerful, willing bride. You’ll not embarrass me with your
me, beat me, or throw me into the pit if you wish, but I will not
marry a man I dinna love. Especially a vile, contemptible swine who
is almost three times my age.” As the rebellious words left her
lips, memories of past punishments flooded her mind, but she refused
to concede to her father’s demands, regardless of the consequences.
alliance is important to the clan, and I’ve given my word.” He
balled his fist and took a step in her direction.
crossed her arms over her chest and glared up at him in defiance.
“The alliance does not interest you as much as the cattle, land,
and chest of gold he has offered for my hand.” She took a slow,
deep breath for courage, and continued. “My happiness is of no
importance to you. Not as long as you can pad your coffers, and
increase your holdings. I am nothing more to you than a pawn,
property for sale to the highest bidder.”
face flushed red as he stomped toward her with a hand raised in
preparation to strike. “Insolent, ungrateful lass, I’ll teach you
to speak to me with such disrespect. When I’m finished, you’ll
rue the day you were born.”
have, for eighteen summers,” she snapped back in retaliation. The
stinging backhand she received brought her to her knees.
please.” Before he could deliver another blow, his wife, Catherine,
stepped between them, and placed her hand on Duncan’s raised arm.
“She’s your daughter, and you must show more compassion and
understanding. I am sure once she has time to get accustomed to the
idea, she will do your bidding. Won’t you?” She glanced over her
shoulder, and gave Cailin a pleading look.
glared down at his wife. “She’s been a wee devil since birth, and
it is about time she learned her place. Step out of my way, or you’ll
learn your place as well.” He grasped Catherine by the shoulders,
and briskly moved her aside.
slowly climbed to her feet, wiped the trickle of blood from her lower
lip with the back of her hand. “Dinna fash yourself, Catherine, it
is a private matter to be settled between my father and me. Not one
so easily resolved. Mayhap you should go and rest.”
two years her senior, Catherine carried in her belly what Cailin
prayed would be the son her father had always wanted. If he finally
had a male heir, she’d be freed from the burden of blame, guilt,
and obligation that had plagued her entire life.
body shook as he pointed his finger in his daughter’s direction.
“Do you see what I mean? Even when someone tries to help her, she
shows no appreciation. Not a day goes by I have not wished she had—”
ahead, Father. Admit you wish me dead instead of my twin brother and
that you blame me for my mother’s death.” Toe to toe, she stood
in front of him. She swallowed hard past the lump in her throat and
fought back tears. “No matter how what I accomplish, my efforts
will never be good enough. If I could bring my mother back from the
dead, I would gladly trade my life for hers. I wish I had been born a
lad, and not a lass, but—”
instead of a son, I’ve been cursed with a headstrong daughter who
is the bane of my existence. I am surprised any man would ask to
marry the likes of you. But on the morrow, you will wed Laird
cruel words cut straight to the core, but she’d not give him the
satisfaction of knowing he’d wounded her again. “He marries
because he needs a mother for his nine unruly bairns, and someone to
bear him more. They say he killed his last wife when he found out she
could no longer breed.” The thought of bedding Graham MacMurray
made her skin crawl. “Mayhap he lusts after the land and wealth I
shall inherit should anything happen to you. As your heir, I will be
a wealthy woman in the event of your death.”
she ever know if a man wanted to marry her for love, or would she
always wonder if greed motivated her suitors? Then again, if all men
were like her father, prayed for sons, cared only for wealth and
power, she’d rather take the vows and spend the rest of her life at
a convent. She’d not be like her mother and marry out of obligation
or duty to her clan. Nor would she risk bringing a daughter into this
world, only to have her shunned by her father and bartered for with
less regard than a hog or a steer. No, she’d not take Laird
MacMurray as her husband. Mayhap, she’d never marry.
me, my lord.” The door opened and a servant stepped into Duncan’s
spun around and scowled at the young man. “Ian, what is the meaning
of this interruption?”
me, my lord, but a messenger comes from the Clan MacMurray. He bears
a gift for lady Cailin.” With his head bowed and his eyes fixed on
the floor, Ian moved in her direction and held out a small wooden
box. “His laird has been unavoidably detained, and will not arrive
for a week or more.”
Cailin threw her hands up in protest, shook her head, and backed
away. “Tell him I dinna want his gift.”
snatched the box and opened the hinged lid. From a bed of lamb’s
wool, he plucked a ruby and emerald encrusted brooch with the
MacMurray Clan crest. After he’d carefully examined the pin, he
thrust his hand forward. “You’ll not insult your betrothed by
refusing his fine gift. This must be worth a fortune.”
dinna care if he is insulted. There will be no wedding. When I marry,
it will be to a man I love.” She turned to face Ian. “Send the
brooch back, and have the messenger inform his laird I’ll not be
pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. “Love has
nothing to do with marriage. The sooner you put aside these foolish
notions the better.” He took a step closer, his hands fisted at his
sides. “You will do as I say.”
should I tell the messenger?” Ian shrugged and glanced from Cailin
to Duncan.
him my daughter thanks his laird for the fine gift and anxiously
awaits his arrival. And while you’re below, tell Cook to send a
tray to my solar. I’ll not be down to break my fast this morning.”
her father’s momentary distraction as an opportunity to put an end
to their futile discussion, Cailin inched toward the door, turned on
her heels, and fled his chambers.
lass! We’re not finished with this matter. You’ll do as you’re
told, or I’ll—”Duncan called after her, but she slammed the
large oak door, muffling the rest of his tirade.
raced down the long hallway. Surprised, and relieved, that he did not
give chase, she paused at the top of the stairs. The daughter of one
of Scotland’s most powerful lairds, she knew a day would come when
he’d demand she marry, but she’d never believed he’d chose a
man she found appalling in every way. Despite her lot in life, she’d
always fantasized of a marriage based on passion, and mutual respect.
She prayed nightly for a man who would adore her and rescue her from
a life of servitude and duty.
handsome, in a rugged sort of way, he’d have the finely honed body
of a Norse god, the strength and bravado of a warrior, yet the
kindness and gentle heart of a bard. “Be he rich or poor, warrior
or poet, I will marry a man I love, or I’ll not wed at all. With
that oath on her lips, she bolted down the stone steps.
the whispers and wayward glances of the servants, Cailin didn’t
stop running until she’d reached the bailey. Her only option was to
run away. The thought of leaving her home and all she held dear, of
venturing out into the world alone, frightened her, but she had no
choice. Her father would never yield on this matter, and neither
would she.
messenger’s arrival provided the perfect opportunity to escape her
father’s ire, but to get beyond the castle walls unchallenged could
prove more difficult. If Duncan got wind of her intent, he’d lock
her in her chamber until the dreadful day her betrothed arrived, but
she had to try.
Scotland in a state of constant turmoil and the high risk of running
into thieves, scoundrels, or worse, English soldiers, she seldom left
the castle without her nurse and an armed escort. Guilt tugged at her
heart when she thought about Eildth, the only mother she’d ever
known. She hated the idea of leaving her behind, and she would miss
her nursemaid terribly. But marriage to Laird MacMurray would be a
fate far worse than death. Once she’d settled in her new home,
she’d send word and let her nurse know she was safe.
Lewis first captivated B. J.’s imagination in the fourth grade, and
her desire to write sprang from there. Following a career in nursing
and child and youth work, B.J. married her knight-in-shining-armor,
and he whisked her away to his castle by the sea. In reality, they
share their century-old home in a small Canadian town on the shore of
Lake Erie with three dogs and a cat. When she is not working at her
childcare job, on her small business, or writing, you will find her
reading, camping, or antique hunting.
Highland Quest:
available in e-book and soon in print.
Highland Homecoming, available late summer of 2013