Monday, February 29, 2016

Sneak Peek:: A Kiss in the Shadows (#romance #suspense)

[Greetings! Today I'm hosting a sizzling, scary romantic suspense tale by Lily Danes and Eve Kincaid. They're giving away a $20 bookstore gift voucher, too. Just use the Rafflecopter at the end of the post to enter! ~ Lisabet]


Erin Grady is used to taking care of people. That’s why she’s thrilled to finally realize her dream of opening a clinic…and why she’s willing to overlook where the money came from—until a determined prosecutor comes sniffing around.

Will Patton is desperate to leave the small fogbound town of Lost Coast Harbor and build a real career for himself. But to do that, he’ll need to expose the dirty police chief—and betray the woman who makes him wonder if he’s leaving town too soon.

But the corruption in Lost Coast Harbor runs deep and wide—and exposing the truth will require Erin and Will to expose their hearts…no matter the risk.


Erin studied Will in the pale illumination from the street lamp. The overhead light brought out his cheekbones and cast his eyes into shadows. The fine mist settled on his thick dark hair.

God, he was really good looking. Objectively, she’d recognized this fact from the moment he’d fallen in front of her, and again when he was lounging in the hospital, trying to charm the nurses. But now, standing in the dark and cold night, alone… she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

His lips turned up slightly and her stomach fluttered. She’d been staring too long, too intently. The heat burned up her neck to her cheeks.

How about the dinner I promised?” he asked.

Erin shook her head. “You don’t have to do that.”

As soon as the words slipped out, she wanted to take them back. His gaze intensified and the flutters in her stomach grew to tremors. She didn’t even like cops, and though he wasn’t in uniform, that’s basically what he was. He was the end result of law enforcement.

I want to.”

She shivered and tried to tell herself it was the chill from the fog, but knew it wasn’t. It had been way too long since a man had looked at her like that.

Oh, what the hell.

I have to get Colin home,” she said.

Tomorrow then,” he said. He still held her hand, his thumb casually stroking the inside of her wrist. The touch was intimate, familiar. Long-dormant parts of her body woke in a wave of longing and heat.

I can’t tomorrow. I, uh, have to—I have plans,” she said, with genuine regret.

Will raised an eyebrow and Erin realized she was brushing off the only man who’d taken her breath away with a touch in, well, forever.

It seems that an awful lot of your vocabulary revolves around what you have to do,” he said, his head tilted slightly as he watched her. “How about this? I’m going down to the Crab Shack for dinner in about an hour, because it’s the only place open on a Monday night in this town. I’ll get a table for two. If you want to join me, I’d love the company.”

What she wanted was a nearly foreign concept, something Will seemed to have picked up on. She could defend herself, argue that she did what she wanted. That would be a lie, though. And she did want to meet him later.

I’ll be there,” she said.

It was a good opportunity to take Jerry's advice and talk to a prosecutor about the donation to the clinic, her rational mind said. It was just dinner.

But with a man whose slightest touch sent her reeling, her body reminded her. So don’t be late.

Get your own copy of A Kiss in the Shadows!

About the Authors

Like so many good ideas, Lost Coast Harbor was inspired by a few rounds of margaritas. One sunny afternoon, Lily Danes and Eve Kincaid went to a Mexican restaurant for snacks and tequila and left with the idea for a new series. Inspired by their love of noir movies and 1940s crime novels, they imagined a gritty small town full of crime and corruption, where intrigue and mystery can lead to love and passion.

Eve Kincaid is a lapsed lawyer who decided that fictional crime was more fun than the real deal. When she’s not writing about mysterious women and the dangerous and sexy men who love them, she’s probably shopping for books, lipstick, or imported cheeses to complement a nice California pinot noir.

You can keep up with Eve’s new releases by signing up for her reader newsletter. She’d love to hear from you. Just don’t be creepy about it.

Giveaway! Lily and Eve are giving away a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during their tour.

Increase your chances of winning...visit all the stops in the book blast event!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Oral Action from Raw Silk (Sunday Snog 215) -- #erotic #bdsm #newrelease

Next Tuesday, March 1st, is the general release date for the reboot of Raw Silk. Think you’ve read some hot scenes in my other books? This novel makes a lot of my other work look tame!

Today, for instance, I have a bit from my heroine Kate’s first encounter with the man who will become her Master, Gregory Marshall. (There’s no mouth-to-mouth snogging here, but you’ll definitely find oral action!)

When you’ve recovered from my snog, head back to Victoria’s page for more sexy kisses!

She began a low keening, feeling her orgasm just out of reach. So close, so close… Just a bit more…

Stop. Right now.”

She would not have thought it possible to obey. Yet somehow, for some reason, she did. She opened her eyes and gave him a blank look, her breath heaving, both her hands still inside her panties.

Good. Very good.”

She warmed at his approval.

It’s not time for you to come yet. Now take them off.”

Kate removed her hands, shimmied the damp garment down her thighs to her ankles, and stepped out. Suddenly, incongruously, she felt incredibly exposed. Her wet pussy gaped, her lower lips swollen and red.

On your knees now.”

Once again she felt a flare of resistance. Part of her, though, wanted to follow his direction. Strange pleasure flooded her as she sank to a kneeling position across from him. She looked at the floor, not daring to meet his eyes.

Pick up the panties in your mouth. Using just your mouth. Then bring them to me.”

Awkwardly, still in her high-heeled shoes, she bent down and took the discarded briefs in her teeth. Her nostrils filled with her own musky scent and she felt a new surge of lust.

Somehow knowing that this was what he wanted, Kate put her hands down and crawled the short distance to the chair where her tormentor lounged comfortably. With her ass in the air, she felt even more vulnerable, and more aroused. He sat up, thighs apart, and gestured to her to come closer. Finally, she was at his feet, between his spread legs. She sat up, leaning back on her heels, offering him the garment in the manner of a family pet offering the newspaper.

Gregory gave a little laugh, of delight more than mockery. He took the panties and held them to his face, inhaling deeply the womanly perfume with which they were soaked. “Wonderful!” he said. “Even better than I had hoped.”

He leaned forward, cupped her chin in his hands, and searched her face. “Are you all right?” he asked, his tone serious. She nodded, reveling in the fact that at last he was touching her. She focused her attention on him, silently begging him to handle her breasts, to stroke her ass. But instead he sat back in his chair, still regarding her gravely.

Shall we continue, then, my little Kate?” he asked.

Yes,” she whispered, not knowing to what she was agreeing. “Yes.”

Marshall rose from his chair and stood towering over her, practically straddling her. He took another sampling of her scent, and smiled down at her. The mocking tone had returned. “Undo my fly, then. And give me your mouth.”

Kate tried to be gentle and careful unfastening his jeans. They would have been tight under normal circumstances. His erection stretched them to the point that the zipper would hardly operate. Every time her fingers brushed that taut organ through the denim, a shiver ran through her own flesh.

When Marshall’s cock finally became visible, she stifled a gasp. His member was on the same scale as the rest of him. It pulsed with heat, as if this were the heart of his fevered self. She ran her tongue delicately down its length, tracing the raised veins, tasting salt and bitterness.

Open yourself,” he said. As she did so, he slid his penis into her mouth, slowly, steadily. “Wider,” he murmured. “I want you to take all of me, every centimeter.” He pulled back slightly then pushed in farther.

Kate fought rising panic as she felt herself choking.

Relax. Open to me, receive me, honor me.” His voice, hoarse with lust, reassured her. Waves of warmth flowed through her limbs as she allowed her facial muscles to go limp and let go of the constriction in her throat. He pushed even deeper—she willed herself to open more. Then she realized her chin was against his pubic hair, that in fact his entire cock was inside her mouth. Pride surged through her, even as he began thrusting, driving his length all the way to the root once again.

His rock-hard flesh battered her lips, yet somehow the pain did not reach her. She marveled at the silky skin that covered that hardness. As he slammed his hips against her, the rough denim of his jeans grazed her nipples, which were just as hard, and sent electric spasms through her body. Kneeling, legs apart, she felt her own juices running down the insides of her thighs. Her clit throbbed in synchrony with his thrusts. Somehow Kate knew she did not have permission to touch herself.

His motions quickened. Kate felt a premonitory contraction in the rod of flesh that had taken over her mouth. Exultation filled her. Let him come! Let me taste him, swallow him, serve him. She closed her eyes and focused on becoming the perfect receptacle.

Contrary as always, he did not do as she had hoped. On the very brink of orgasm, he stopped and pulled out his cock. Kate stared at him, her mouth still hanging open, disappointment flooding through her.

Now, Kate,” he laughed. “You mustn’t be greedy! I will decide when you taste my cum.”He leaned closer. “Don’t worry, though. You will.”

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Dreaming in New Orleans -- #pnr #romance

By Elodie Parkes (Guest Blogger)

Thank you for inviting me to your blog today to celebrate my new release with Hot Ink Press, erotic paranormal romance, Deep Dream.

This story concept was originally formed for a proposed series. Now it has been completed revised, lengthened, and re-edited for Hot Ink Press.

Essentially a vampire erotic romance, it also has threads of magic, and taking place in New Orleans, it's set in a music club/rock club, the mysterious StarZ.

Ethan Ross, the vampire hero, has been in New Orleans since his girlfriend and sire, dumped him in 1922. He's used to the weird undercurrents of the city and now works in StarZ that caters to the supernatural folks. His band, Deep Dream, play there. He's tasked with taking care of the 'ordinary humans' that arrive in the club and he does this happily ...

With a broken heart to heal Ethan swore off love long ago ... that is until starry eyed Anna Prideaux wanders into his life.

Then sparks start to fly...


She watched him disappear into the gloom. Anna stood and scooped her phone from the counter. She glanced around to check who might be watching her. When it looked like no one was, she quickly followed Marcus. She quickened her pace as she lost sight of him in the swirling mist at the back of the club’s main room. Marcus disappeared.

When she reached where she’d last seen him a shiver spiked up her back. The mist was freezing cold, the air thick with potent. Anna turned away as a weird fear gripped her. She practically ran back to the bar, weaving through the groups of patrons, and muttering, “Sorry,” as she knocked into one, splashed the drink from the glass of another, until she stood in front of Ethan.

His gaze mesmerized her. She wasn’t even sure she actually heard his voice, but somehow he soothed her.

Anna, it’s time you went home now. You want to go home. You have work to do transcribing the interview with the band. Everything’s fine.”

She smiled at him. “I’m off now. Thank you for answering my questions. Thank Marcus for me. He left.” She gestured toward where she’d run from. A flutter of fear rose in her stomach and then Ethan was leaning forward, his blue eyes capturing her so that she dreamily froze to soak up his low voiced words.

Goodnight, Anna.”

She left the club happily, a faraway feeling carrying her along ...

About Elodie

I’m a writer who is in love with happy endings. Currently based in the UK but thinking about joining the next flock of birds I see heading south for the winter.

I love: music, art, flowers, trees, the ocean...

I work with antiques by day and words by night.

Like a vampire, darkness is my friend, that’s when the silence is only broken by an occasional hoot of owls in the woodlands opposite my current home, and I write.

Find me:

Friday, February 26, 2016

Another Amazing Review

So, is it tacky for me to write a blog post showcasing a glowing review?

Like most authors, I find it hard to keep up the shouting about my work. My preference would be for readers to discover me on their own.

In fact, the reader who wrote this new review of Rajasthani Moon did learn about me through word of mouth. In an email to me, he wrote:

"I've actually been reading and writing erotica on an amateur level for many years now, and I could barely put your book down last night. I'm still shuddering from pleasure as I type this."


And then in his review, he called me a "a storytelling seductress who weaves her charms and prose--and weaves them well."

Maybe--just maybe--his review will entice a few more people to try one of my books.

Thank you so much, JS!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Review Tuesday Moved to Thursday: Taking the Lead by Cecilia Tan #review #bdsm

Taking the Lead by Cecilia Tan
Forever, 2016

Heiress Ricki Hamilton has it all, or so it would appear: designer gowns, Ivy League degrees, a house-sized wing of her own in the family mansion, a chauffered limo, dozens of staff at her beck and call. She’s as renowned for her icy self-possession as for her intelligence and beauty. But it’s all a mask. Ricki is juggling all sorts of issues. There’s the secret BDSM club in the mansion basement, which her recently deceased grandfather requires she maintain—the global media company she owns but, according to the will, isn’t yet allowed to run—her grandfather’s lecherous, power-hungry second-in-command, who wants to control both her and the corporation—her irresponsible, alcoholic father—the lingering pain of her mother’s death two decades earlier under mysterious, possibly kinky circumstances. Ricki responds to all this pressure by keeping a tight rein on her feelings and shunning publicity.

Then she’s kidnapped by rock star Axel Hawke.

It’s a media stunt, not a real kidnapping, at the Grammy Awards show where Axel’s band The Rough performs their hit “Kidnap My Heart”. Ricki isn’t even supposed to be the victim. When Axel catches sight of her, though, he can’t resist his sudden urge to change the script. Something about the lovely, untouchable heiress speaks to his dominant side. Going purely on instinct, he coaxes Ricki to pleasurable surrender that astonishes them both. The connection between them is too strong, too real to ignore, or so Axel would like to believe. However, despite the way he has touched her—both physically and emotionally—Ricki believes she can’t afford to have the impulsive, media-hungry rock idol in her already-too-complicated life.

This is, of course, a classic romance scenario. No one will be surprised to discover that Axel eventually wins over the reluctant heiress, as well as opening her to her latent submissive urges. It’s so much fun, though, to be taken along for the ride.

Axel is a fabulous hero. The world sees him as a sex god, but in fact he’s a surprisingly humble and down-to-earth guy, who, refreshingly, acts his age (mid twenties). He takes his music seriously; it’s a fundamental part of who he is. Fame is new to him, though he’s having fun with the perqs. He’s astonished when his group wins a Grammy.

After many enjoyable but fleeting encounters with fans, his enduring need for Ricki both surprises and thrills him. As a Dom, he’s delicious, both challenging and cherishing Ricki. I loved the fact that he doesn’t always know what he’s doing, just following his intuitions.

I know BDSM takes people to a lot of places in their heads. There’s no guarantee it’ll go where you want it to, though. It’s like jamming with other musicians. You know basically how the song goes but you get ideas while you’re playing, and you try them out, and if you like how it sounds then you and the people you’re playing with can chase after it. Sometimes the chase takes you down a rabbit hole and sometimes it takes you right back where you started.

This is one of the best comments on how kink works that I’ve ever read.

Ricki’s a bit harder to believe in. I suppose this is partly because I haven’t met many twenty-four year old millionaires. Still, given that she’s a child of the digital age, her fear of the media struck me as somewhat implausible. After the transcendent, cleansing experience of her early encounters with Axel, would a woman in her position really push him away so resolutely? I wouldn’t!

Of course, the plot of a romance requires obstacles. In Ricki’s case, there are so many that it’s difficult to keep track of them—though mostly they reside in Ricki’s mind.

These are quibbles, though. What set this book apart, for me, are the love/sex/kink scenes. Ms. Tan’s descriptions of Axel’s and Ricki’s encounters are more than just incredibly arousing. They’re full of insight, emotional nuances, truths to which I can vouch from personal experience. Ms. Tan understands how power exchange works and she brings that knowledge to the page. She also manages to communicate how dominance and submission can offer not just incandescent pleasure but soul-deep healing. Ricki requires the surrender Axel coaxes from her, to balance the warring factions in her personality and claim the strength to manage her complicated life.

I might not have fully believed in Ricki’s character, but I had no doubts about her connection with Axel. Love, lust and imagination align to provide both characters exactly what they need.

I’ve read, and loved, many of Cecilia Tan’s works in the past, mostly in the speculative fiction, LGBTQ and fantasy genres. Taking the Lead proves that Ms. Tan is equally adept at writing erotic romance.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Corset Capers

By Killarney Sheffield (Guest Blogger)


I am historical romance author Killarney Sheffield. I am delighted to be here today! As a historical romance author I share something in common with all of you. I love corsets! Corsets are a big part of history and historical romances. After all, all Regency, Victorian and Georgian ladies wore them. In addition to wearing them, getting in and out of them often proved exasperating, and a whole lot of fun to write about as an author.

Corsets come is all shapes and sizes, colors and materials. I recently saw an amazing hand embroidered one of mint green silk with pink panels and tiny fuchsia flowers sewn on it. I also came across one in black patterned with bright red roses, so well sewn that the pattern matched up perfectly when fastened. And don’t get me started on the lacings! I even discovered there is a right and a wrong way to tie the laces. Go figure!

Something that really surprised me during my research was the fact that women in the Regency, Georgian and Victorian era often wore a pregnancy corset. Women tried to hide their pregnancies as long as possible back then to avoid having to ‘lay in’, in other words retire to the country and not be seen in public until after the baby was born. The thought of compressing ones stomach like that with a growing fetus inside was horrifying.

I myself have worn a corset on exactly two occasions, my wedding day and at a large book award ceremony a few years ago. Being a farm gal I don’t have much call for a corset I suppose, it would be awfully uncomfortable to try and feed the horses and cattle in one I am thinking. However, because I write about periods in history where all women wore them they are something I have gotten a chance to admire on many occasion, especially now with the upcoming release of my 19th historical romance called, Corseting The Earl. An Earl in a corset you say? Highly unlikely and very unconventional I know, but trust me, I had a blast putting him in one! A little womanly payback to the male species is always fun, am I right? 



Pippa Nickle is a merchant’s daughter who has made a grave mistake. When the chance to leave her little town to help with a cousin’s nuptials arises, Pippa hops on a mail coach grateful the trip will buy her some time to figure out what to do about her predicament. That is until she ends up seated across from a Mrs. Percephany Doyale who is not exactly what she appears.

Lord Heath Sedgewick has been put in charge of finding the ringleader to the corrupt faction willing to kill to put Queen Charlotte on the throne. When he meets Miss Pippa Nickle he is hard pressed to decide if she is a friend, or a foe. Either way, falling for the doe eyed girl is not part of his mission.

Can Pippa be trusted to keep Heath’s secret? Or will falling in love expose them both?


Could we please not talk about it?” Pippa held up a corset of black satin, whalebone and threaded with bright yellow ribbon. “I would rather forget it all happened.”

That will be mighty hard in a few months’ time.”

Be that as it may, I refuse to think any more on the subject, or discuss it with the likes of you.” She thrust the corset into his hands. “Put this around your middle.”

He eyed the contraption in his hands as if it were going to bite. “You are not serious?”

You can never hope to fit into your gowns without a corset. They are made for a woman after all and you…” She swallowed, her cheeks heating. “do not have any, ah, curves.”

Holding the material betwixt his thumb and index finger he lay it against his flat stomach. “Man was not designed to have curves,” he groused.

Pippa snickered. “Be a big boy now.” She made quick work of the lacings and braced her foot in the small of his back. “Now exhale.” When he let out a whoosh of breath she pulled as hard as she could on the laces and cinched them up tight.

Dear God,” Heath grunted. “No wonder women… are always fainting. How does one… breathe… in this thing?”

With great difficulty,” she snapped, tossing the gown over his head.

Heath adjusted the two rolls of cloth supposed to resemble breasts in the chemise before tugging the high neckline of the dress in place. “Do you think these breasts are too small?”

Pippa snorted. “I am sure I would not have an appropriate opinion on the subject, Sir.”

He gave her a quizzical look. “Why not? You are a woman after all.”

Her face heated. “Do you go around ogling other men’s, ah, attributes?”

Drawing himself up tall he shot her a wounded look. “Certainly not! What do you take me for? One of those reprobates who like young boys?”

Well you are wearing a dress, Sir.” She snickered.

He let out a huff of air. “Well, that aside, no I have never leered over another man.”

Good for you.” Shaking her head she fastened the buttons down the back of the dress. “And in answer to your absurd question, the size of one’s breasts are neither here, nor there a consideration. After all I am afraid us women are stuck with what the good Lord gave us.”

Hum… ‘Tis truly a shame the good Lord is so generous with some and meager with others. I myself think these need be a little larger. I mean to draw the eye from my face.” Heath turned sideways in the mirror, studying his profile with a thoughtful expression.

I do believe you have crossed into inappropriate subject matter again, Sir. I must say it is beginning to be an awful habit, and more than a little disconcerting.” Pippa looked away and busied herself tidying up the room.

Well, I am only trying to be a convincing specimen of the female persuasion. How can I hope to cajole any useful information out of a man without a tempting distraction now?”

Pippa made a face at him in the mirror. “You could try using your brain; most women have those, I hear.”

~ ~ ~

Corseting the Earl will release on the 13th of April, but you can pre-order your copy today: 

Leave me a comment below, and I will enter you into a drawing for a copy of Kidnapping the Duke, another of my historical romps. Be sure to include your email address in the comment!


About Killarney Sheffield

Killarney is a Canadian prairie farm gal. Corseting The Earl is her 19th published historical romance novel. In addition to penning romances she breeds Appendix Quarter Horses, raises a family of 5 kids, rescues horses and is often found wrangling the cats and reading.

Historical romance author Killarney Sheffield.

Facebook: Killarney’s Kozy Book Korner
Twitter: @authorkillarney
Books available online Amazon, Itunes, B&N, and anywhere ebooks and paperbacks are sold and in paperback at your local Chapters, Coles and Indigo stores.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Super Book Blast: Nobody's Princess by Sarah Hegger #contemporary #romance #giveaway

[Normally I post reviews on Tuesdays. However, when I saw the call for people to host Sarah Hegger's book blast, I signed up, to give my readers a chance at the huge number of prizes she's offering! See the end of the post for details. ~ Lisabet]


Tiffany Desjardins has a plan. Well, she had a plan, until her past and all its complications came back to haunt her. Her not-quite-ex-husband, Luke, is missing, and suddenly everyone needs to find him--including Tiffany, if she wants to marry the true man of her dreams. Then there's Thomas Hunter, Luke's brawny friend, who won't take "no road trip" for an answer--and who won't stop showing up in her daydreams…

Thomas couldn't care less about Luke's personal life, but he needs to find him if he's going to make his fledgling minerals and metals company a reality. And if that means following Tiffany, who's taken off in Luke's rare Lamborghini Miura, he's more than willing--especially if there might be a chance to negotiate some of Tiffany's lovely curves. 

As Tiffany and Thomas speed along without a map, the only destination that seems certain is being together…


Blondie stood there giving the other models a thorough eye scan. Gay. What a shame.

She shook her head at herself. What did it matter? She was practically an engaged woman.

Blondie hovered at her side.

Clichés sucked, but some of these boys had no brain beneath all that brawn. Hooking her hands beneath the hem of his T-shirt, she tugged. “You have to take this off for makeup.”

Are you taking my clothes off?” Blondie folded his huge paws around hers and stopped her. He had a great voice, like hot chocolate laced with rum. The sort of voice that would do great bedtime stories.

She hauled back on her thought path. “You have to strip.”

He looked right at her. Not past her or around her, but right at her as if he wanted to see straight into the center of her.

Strip?” Up went one eyebrow.

Something she didn’t want to name crackled through the space between them. Sweat prickled her palms. Her hands were still fisted around his shirt, exposing about two inches of stomach. He had a garden path trail of hair disappearing below the low-slung waist of his jeans. That would have to go. Pity. Tiffany dragged her stare off his navel and focused on the writing on the front of his T-shirt: Never trust an atom—they make up everything.

Cool shirt. She and Blondie were probably the only two people in the world who thought it was funny. “Yes, strip.”

She pulled at the shirt and his hands tightened over hers. Tiffany glared up at him. Following up on late with an attack of modesty? Unbelievable. Did he think he would be modeling undershirts and long johns? “You have to take it all off.”

Normally I get dinner first.” Those bad-boy eyes danced at her, inviting her to share the joke. For a second, she badly wanted to.

Tiffany, sweetie.” Tyrone appeared beside her. “That’s not your model.”

What?” Tiffany stared at Blondie. Of course he was her model, because otherwise she was stripping . . . A whimper caught in her throat.

He looked back at her.

Tyrone took her by the shoulders and spun her around. “That’s your model.”

He pointed to a beautiful Rocky (as in the Picture Show, not Sly) look-alike talking earnestly to Piers. Piers lapped it up, waving one hand through the air and patting the pretty blond boy on the arm.

I . . .” Tiffany peered over her shoulder. Please let the last two minutes be a figment of her imagination. Her figment grinned at her and tucked his hands into his back pockets.

About Sarah

Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first met. Together they’ve made homes in seven different cities across three different continents (and back again once or twice). If only it made her multilingual, but the best she can manage is idiosyncratic English, fluent Afrikaans, conversant Russian, pigeon Portuguese, even worse Zulu and enough French to get herself into trouble.

Mimicking her globe trotting adventures, Sarah’s career path began as a gainfully employed actress, drifted into public relations, settled a moment in advertising, and eventually took root in the fertile soil of her first love, writing. She also moonlights as a wife and mother.

She currently lives in Littleton, Colorado, with her teenage daughters, two Golden Retrievers and aforementioned husband. Part footloose buccaneer, part quixotic observer of life, Sarah’s restless heart is most content when reading or writing books.

She loves to hear from readers and you can find her at any of the places below.


Sarah is giving away a whole raft of prizes! Just use the Rafflecopter below to enter!

5 x paperback copies of Nobodys Princess
5 x ebook copies of Nobody’s Princess
1 x $50 Amazon Gift Cards
2 x $20 Amazon Gift Cards
3 x $10 Amazon Gift cards 

For a full list of Sarah's stops (you can enter at each one!) go here: 


Monday, February 22, 2016

Out Now - The Collared Collection

The Collared Collection is a two-novel boxed set from the pens of multi-award winning erotica writers, K D Grace and Kay Jaybee.


In The Pet Shop by K D Grace, in appreciation for a job well done, Stella James's boss sends her a pet, a human pet. The mischievous Tino comes straight from The Pet Shop complete with a collar, a leash, and an erection. Stella soon discovers the pleasure of keeping Pets, especially this one, it's extremely addicting. Obsessed with Tino and with the reclusive philanthropist, Vincent Evanston, who looks like Tino, but couldn't be more different, Stella is drawn into the secret world of The Pet Shop. As her animal lust awakens, Stella must walk the thin line that separates the business of pleasure from the more dangerous business of the heart or suffer the consequences.

In The Voyeur by Kay Jaybee, wealthy businessman and committed voyeur, Mark Parker, has a list of 13 fantasies he is intent on turning into reality. Travelling between his London flat, his plush Oxfordshire mansion, and Discreet, his favourite BDSM club; Mark is helped to realise his imaginatively dark erotic desires by two loyal members of his staff - his personal assistant, Anya Grant, and his housekeeper, Clara Hooper.

Upon the backs of his willing slaves, Mark has written out his fantasy list in thick red pen. Only Fantasy 12 awaits the tick of completion against their flesh before Mark's ultimate fantasy, Fantasy 13, can take place. But have the girls performed well enough to succeed in the final challenge? And what hold does Bridge's gentleman's club, Anya's previous employer and a place she was delighted to escape from, have over Mark?

In order to find out, the girls are going to have to face some of the fantasies they thought they had left behind them all over again.

Excerpt from The Pet Shop

Wet and cold, Stella was trembling hard enough that is was an effort not to spill the cocoa. ‘You’re Tino, aren’t you?’ She spoke between chattering teeth.

His back stiffened slightly, then relaxed again as he continued to dig through his pack. ‘I’m Vincent.’

She sat the cup down next to her and chafed her arms. ‘I know you’re Vincent, Vincent Evanston, but you’re Tino. I mean he’s you, isn’t he?’

He turned on her quickly and grabbed her shoulders so that she feared he would shake her. Instead he began to chafe her arms, his dark eyes locked on hers. ‘I told you, Tino’s not here.’

But I — ’

He swallowed up her words in an open-mouth kiss, taking her breath away, taking away her ability to think with the heat of it, the expressive depth of it. He bit her lip as he pulled back, still holding her gaze. ‘Tino’s not here,’ he repeated. His voice held the tiniest edge of warning.

Excerpt from The Voyeur

Reclining in his chair, Mark raised his arm as if he was about to start a race, and gave the first order. ‘Strip.’

With practice born of repetition, the women divested themselves of their clothing, heaping their discarded garments onto the bed behind them.

Mark took a moment to study his staff, and then pointed to the foot of the four-poster bed. Understanding the unspoken request, the women stood, face to face, one metre apart.

Anya could feel her heart rate quicken further as she regarded Clara. It didnt matter that she had enjoyed the feel of Claras skin a hundred times before; all that mattered was feeling it again, and soon...

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Bio: K D Grace

Voted ETO Best Erotic Author of 2014, and a proud member of The Brit Babes, K D Grace believes Freud was right. In the end, it really IS all about sex, well sex and love. And nobody’s happier about that than she is, otherwise, what would she write about?

When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening. When she’s not gardening, she’s walking. She walks her stories, and she’s serious about it. She and her husband have walked Coast to Coast across England, along with several other long-distance routes. For her, inspiration is directly proportionate to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She also enjoys martial arts, reading, watching the birds and anything that gets her outdoors.

K D has erotica published with SourceBooks, Xcite Books, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Sweetmeats Press and others.

K D’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels include, The Initiation of Ms Holly, Fulfilling the Contract, To Rome with Lust, and The Pet Shop. Her paranormal erotic novel, Body Temperature and Rising, the first book of her Lakeland Witches trilogy, was listed as honorable mention on Violet Blue’s Top 12 Sex Books for 2011. Books two and three, Riding the Ether, and Elemental Fire, are now also available.

K D Grace also writes hot romance as Grace Marshall. An Executive Decision, Identity Crisis, The Exhibition, Interviewing Wade are all available.

Find K D Here:

Bio: Kay Jaybee

Kay Jaybee was named Best Erotica Writer of 2015 by the ETO.
Kay received an honouree mention at the NLA Awards 2015 for excellence in BDSM writing.

Kay Jaybee wrote The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (The Perfect Submissive, The Retreat, Knowing Her Place, Xcite 2011-14), The New Room, (Xcite, 2015), The Voyeur, (Xcite 2012), Making Him Wait (Sweetmeats, 2012), A Sticky Situation (Xcite, 2013), Digging Deep, (Xcite 2013), Take Control, (1001 NightsPress, 2014), and Not Her Type (1001 Nights Press, 2013.

Details of all her short stories and other publications can be found at

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Kay also writes contemporary romance as Jenny