Wednesday, February 3, 2016

An Interview with Michael Leon (and a Giveaway!)

[Today I am hosting Michael Leon's blog tour for his new science fiction novel Cubeball. Read on for more info, and don't forget to enter his giveaway at the end! ~ Lisabet]

1. What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

Where do I begin! The best ice cream desert I ever had was named ‘the Apple’. It was served at an inner London restaurant called Sarastro. The desert was shaped like an apple. But the minute you cut into it with a spoon, coconut, banana, apple and cinnamon flavours and aromas sparkled from its core. It motivated me to write the restaurant scene where Mickey and Jules dined.

2. Which mythological creature are you most like?

My mind turns to Jason and the Argonauts. I imagine myself as Jason as he confronts Medusa and the sirens on a distant turbulent shore. Medusa’s mix of goddess-like beauty that could entice any man and her deadly secret that could turn a man to stone is a wonderful idea that plays on human weakness.

3. First book you remember making an incredible impression on you.

I remember going to the movie release of 2001 A Space Odyssey. It so inspired me, I read A.C. Clarke’s book, not long after. I went on to read many more of his novels and enjoyed his brand of hard science fiction.

4. How do you develop your plot and characters?

I’m not from the school of writers who overly plan. Don’t get me wrong, I do research for many months before commencing my novel. But once I start the process of writing a first draft, I try to write it quickly. So I rely more on my creativity to develop the plot and then I work with my characters to move the action forward.

5. Describe your writing space.

I have spaces all over the world, literally! At home, I go out most mornings with paper and pen in hand. My day usually starts with a long walk to allow my imagination to run free. Then I settle in a park, beach or quiet cafe to write new scenes. Typing and editing is left until the afternoon in my lounge room at home. 


A naturally gifted ex-national champion and a savant with a computer-like mind compete against the world's best in the 22nd century's most popular sport - CUBEBALL - the chess-like, technology-enhanced, snooker of the future where the world stage is dominated by gambling, drugs and massive audiences.


Jules’ gaze emboldened Mickey to reveal his special gift to her. He strode confidently to the cue-ball and lined up one of the most difficult shots in cubeball. Then with little thought, he cracked the cue-ball with a force that matched the passion he was feeling. The curve on the first line was more pronounced than the programmed line set by the computer.

Mickey had struck the perfect shot. Sam and Riley sat staring at the console, mesmerised by what they had just seen and eager to re-capture its perfection on replay. Only champions could play this way and it was clear to all that Mickey was developing into one.

Fucking incredible,” said Johnnie. His eyes were wide. Filled with awe for Mickey’s skills and expectation with how much he could earn from it.

Mickey didn’t hear his appreciative manager. He didn’t see the small tear that had formed in his kid sister’s admiring eye. His gaze remained on Jules. She brushed her hair back on to her shoulders before resting her slender hands on her hips. Her mouth was wide open, breathing in her excitement for what she had just seen. Then her eyes revealed that there was more to her feelings than that of an adoring fan. Her gaze began to fill with a stirring hunger. Fate was beginning to move into Mickey’s life like an evening moon tide.

About the Author

I worked with national and international organisations as a business analyst in Australia and overseas. I authored many business books analysing the foodservice and food retail industry in Australia, Europe and Asia, as well as agribusiness global trends. I also ran a consultancy business that assisted Australian enterprises to develop new markets in Australia and overseas.

I commenced writing science fiction novels full time in 2009. It was a life-long interest of mine. I have written five novels - all exploring contemporary social issues in future speculative worlds. They are: Shadow Dance; Extinction; Cubeball; Titan Sages and Alive. My novels blend speculative science, new age and poetry. Readers of novels such as Carl Sagan’s Contact would enjoy my novels.


Buy links


Michael will be giving away a $50 Amazon/BN gift card to one lucky reader. Use the Rafflecopter below to enter. To increase your chances of winning, visit the other stops on his tour.

January 11: Long and Short Reviews
January 11: Reviews by Crystal
January 12: Room With Books
January 13: Lisa Haselton's Reviews and Interviews
January 14: Writer Wonderland
January 14: Unabridged Andra's
January 15: Christine Young
January 15: Independent Authors
January 18: Romorror Fan Girl
January 19: Deal Sharing Aunt
January 19: Cover2Cover
January 20: The Reading Addict
January 20: Liza O'Connor
January 21: Queen of All She Reads
January 22: Sharing Links and Wisdom
January 25: Blog of Jacey Holbrand
January 25: Reviews By Crystal
January 26: Author C.A.Milson
January 27: Where the Story Comes First
January 27: Laurie's Thoughts and Reviews
January 28: Harps Romance Book Review
January 29: Tina Donahue Books - Heat with Heart
January 29: The Avid Reader
February 1: SolaFide Book Club
February 2: LibriAmoriMiei
February 2: It's Raining Books
February 3: Beyond Romance
February 4: BooksChatter
February 4: Harlie's Books
February 5: Welcome to My World of Dreams


Michael Leon said...

Thank you Lisabet for hosting me today and thanks to Goddess Fish! Wishing everyone good luck in the giveaway!

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

That ice cream dessert sounds absolutely amazing! Yum!

Michael Leon said...

Hi Ree! Yes, it was a desert to remember! I hope to get back to that restaurant one day!

Lisabet Sarai said...

A warm welcome to Beyond Romance, Michael!

Hope the tour goes really well.

Sherry said...

What is the hardest part of writing for you?

Michael Leon said...

Hi Sherry! The editing process can be tedious, but it is a necessary evil!

Anonymous said...

The Apple sounds really amazing!


Michael Leon said...

Hi Trix! Yes, chefs can do amazing things can't they! Thanks for visiting and good luck with the giveaway!

Heidi said...

What do you do when you get writer's block?

Stormy Vixen said...

Enjoyed the interview and excerpt, sounds like a really good book, thanks for sharing!

Michael Leon said...

Hi Heidi! I don't get writers block as much these days as I am working on a few books. I usually mix writing, editing and marketing every day, so if I can't move forward in one area, I work on another. Thanks for visiting!

Michael Leon said...

Hi Eva! Thanks for visiting. I really appreciate your support. Good luck with the giveaway!

Victoria Alexander said...

Great post! Thanks for sharing :)

Michael Leon said...

Thanks, Victoria! Good luck with the giveaway!

Audrey Stewart said...

Thanks for the intro to Michael and his work. Great interview. (

Michael Leon said...

Hi Misty! Thanks for visiting. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview and good luck with the giveaway!

Patrick Siu said...

Sounds intriguing and entertaining, will have to read soon. Thanks for the giveaway.

Michael Leon said...

Thanks, Patrick! I hope you enjoy Cubeball. I look forward to your feedback. Best of luck with the giveaway!

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