Tuesday, December 29, 2020

I want to make this last -- #MFRWHooks #KinkyRomance #Giveaway

The Gazillionaire & the Virgin cover

Welcome to the Marketing for Romance Writers Book Hooks blog hop – your chance to binge on great romance and discover fabulous new books to add to your library

Today I’m featuring an exclusive excerpt from the book I consider my most romantic: The Gazillionaire and the Virgin. And just for fun, I’m giving away a copy to one lucky person who leaves me a comment with his or her email (obfuscated if you wish).

Enjoy! And when you’re done here (make sure you comment!), check out all the other great excerpts by MFRW authors.


Trust can’t be bought—it has to be earned.

Silicon Valley entrepreneur Rachel Zelinsky is not a woman who lets pleasure interfere with business, but when she meets reclusive genius Theo Moore, she can’t resist his geeky appeal. Though Theo’s knowledge about sex derives from extensive research and a stash of kinky porn rather than real-world experience, he is Rachel’s first true Master—and the first man to truly touch her heart.


Excerpt (Theo)

The future. I ponder the possibilities as I putter around the kitchen, putting the chicken into the microwave to thaw, whisking together olive oil, lemon juice, basil and tarragon for the marinade, tearing romaine leaves and slicing vine-ripened tomatoes. Did Rachel and I have a future? Was there any way I could fit into her high-flying, super-charged, billionaire executive life?

We connect sexually. I have no doubts about that, not anymore. Despite her position, or maybe even because of it, she has a natural desire to submit, a desire that I can apparently satisfy. And make no mistake, I’m happy to oblige—to push her to her limits, and beyond. I’ve never felt the kind of power and certainty I felt this afternoon. And that was just the beginning. There are so many things I want to do to her—with her. I’m getting hard again as a parade of X-rated images runs through my mind.

But sex is not enough. Entertaining as it might be to fantasize about a life with Rachel as my 24/7 slave, I know that’s ridiculous. We come from different worlds. We have different values. Rachel measures everything in dollars and cents.

That’s not fair. I arrange the chicken in a baking dish, dump in the marinade, sprinkle chopped garlic over the top, and leave it to sit for ten minutes. From what I’ve seen so far, she also values creativity, innovation and hard work, just like I do. She’s super-smart, energetic, funny. And brave. It took guts for her to take me to Home Depot. I’m sure she realized I might have had a total melt-down. Hey, I almost did.

She’s a lot braver than I am. Would I ever have admitted my interest in kink if she hadn’t found my stash?

Vinegar, oil and Grey Poupon make a quick, tasty salad dressing. Too early to pour it over the greens, though. I put the chicken in the oven, setting the timer for half an hour.

Now the cat’s out of the bag. And she didn’t run away screaming—quite the contrary! It’s pretty likely she’s going to want more.

So now what? She lives almost an hour away, even if there’s no traffic. She runs a billion dollar company. She’s glamorous and self-confident, with a taste for luxury. And me? I’m just a nerdy computer scientist with a touch of Asperger’s and a penchant for bondage. People scare me. Change terrifies me. There’s no way I belong in her universe.

Even if she wants you there? A startling notion. Dr. Rachel Zelinsky always gets what she wants.

The rich aroma of roasting chicken makes my mouth water and my belly clench. The water for the couscous is boiling, so I dump the yellow grains into the pot, cover it and take it off the stove. Time to set the table, then I’ll go wake my guest. I like that notion, actually. I’ve never had a guest for dinner before.

God, that’s smells incredible!”

I jump, almost dropping the glass salad bowl. “Jeez! Don’t sneak up on me like that.”

Sorry.” Rachel extracts the bowl from my grip and places it on the counter, then wraps her arms around me. She’s warm and rumpled and smells of sex. “You must have been lost in thought.” She lands a quick kiss on my lips and gives me a squeeze. “I didn’t know you could cook.”

I can’t.” My cock rises in reaction to her proximity. She rubs her belly against my hardness, provoking me. I dig my fingers into her lush ass, through the tee shirt she’s donned. I can’t help it.

Teasing, she twists away. “You could have fooled me! This looks scrumptious, at least as good as anything my own cook makes. And I have to say, I feel hungry enough to eat the proverbial horse. Is it ready yet?”

She’s so annoying. And appealing.

Almost. Here.” I thrust a handful of silverware at her. “Go set the table.”

Yes, sir.” She’s out of reach before I manage to slap her cheeky posterior. Even spoken in jest, the word makes me grin. I could definitely get used to hearing that, especially from her.

I want more. I want to make this last. I just have to figure out how.

Available in Print, Ebook and Audio

Kinky Literature


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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28766414-the-gazillionaire-and-the-virgin

Audio (WordWooze): https://www.amazon.com/The-Gazillionaire-and-the-Virgin/dp/B075WZS3TN/

Don’t forget to leave a comment if you’d like to win a copy of this super-sexy romance! And please visit the other authors in today’s hop.


Tena Stetler said...

Sounds like he has quite a dilemma. Enjoyed your blurb and excerpt.

Kryssie Fortune said...

I love how the mix of cooking with deep thoughts. I'd certainly have dinner with him.

Janet Lane Walters said...

Great excerpt. An interesting twist going on here.

bn100 said...

nice excerpt
bn100candg at hotmail dot com

raecharmed said...

sounds good. raecharmed@aol.com

Anonymous said...

It sounds fantastic...thanks so much, and happy new year!

Trix, vitajex at aol dot com

Personalized Marketing Inc said...

LOL! Loved this line. "She’s so annoying. And appealing."

Today's #MFRWhooks have been shared on #PMInc's Facebook Excerpts & Promotions Page. https://www.facebook.com/Excerpts.and.Promotions


Sierra said...

She's going to rock his world!

Fiona McGier said...

One of my favorites of your books. I LOVE Theo! More readers need to fall in love with him too.

Anonymous said...

I love how grounded your characters are in this snippet. He isn't some mindless guy who is all Alpha with no uncertainties, and that's great!

kaisquared said...

A fun excerpt! emmasmom69 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...

Lisbet always writes the best erotic,,,, without a doubt! This excerpt sounds sizzling hot on a cold night. Can I snuggle with one of your books?


Karinski said...

Fun excerpt, always living vicariously through your stories. Happy New Year

Lisabet Sarai said...

Congratulations to Bob! I drew your name as the winner of this giveaway. I'll contact you by email.

And thanks to everyone who visited and commented!

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