It's Sunday again, and that means it's time for our weekly snog. This week I've come an excerpt from "Fourth World", a vampire tale with a difference that is included in my collection Body Electric.
Before I hand you over to my Thai vampire Mai, though, I want to invite you to join me for the next two weeks, when I'll be hosting my Backlist Blog Bash. I'll be traveling, but I want to keep you happy! So every day between the 26th and the 10th of October, you'll find a new, steamy excerpt from one of my older books or stories. On the 26th and 28th of September and the 2nd and 6th of October, I'll have my usual guest slots.
You could win the grand prize - three autographed print books from my backlist! All you have to do is visit and comment. Every comment counts as an entry. Comments on posts from my guests count double! So please, visit often and leave comments telling me what you think!
Now here's my kiss. Don't forget to visit the snog page created by Victoria Blisse, who started all this. She's got a guest snogger today - my good friend Lucy Felthouse. From Victoria's place you wander on to sample the snogs posted other writers!

I smell her perfume, jasmine edged with something sharper, less sweet. My heart slams against my ribs. “Who are you?” She must be someone’s daughter or wife, a general or a politician. Or maybe the latest pop sensation, though her classic style argues that she’s older than her body would suggest.
“I’m nobody. Just a woman looking for a good time. Sanuk sabai. You understand?”
“Yes, but...”
“Hush, Harry. You talk too much. You should be more like your friend. A man of action.”
I turn to see Jeremy’s hand wandering up her silk-clad thigh. I’m surprised by his daring. Back at school he was always the shy one in our crowd. I was the one who took the initiative.
His eyes are closed, his lips parted. His trousers rise up from his groin in an imposing peak. Mai cups his bulk and squeezes. Jeremy groans. His hand slips under her skirt.
Jealousy sizzles through me. A red mist clouds my vision. “Never mind,” says Mai, her hand on my thigh, her lips fastening on mine.
Her kiss claims me. I try to take control, to thrust my tongue between her ripe lips, but she playfully forces me back, then plunders my mouth with her own. She tastes sweet but strange, the fruity remnants of her wine not quite hiding a metallic element. My cock surges, painful and eager, trapped in my tight briefs.
Blinded by the fall of her hair around my face, I grope for her breast. Her flesh is firm and elastic under my fingers. Her nipple juts through flimsy barrier of her dress. I circle it with my thumb and she moans into my mouth. I pinch the delightful nub and she bites my lip, hard enough to draw blood. I want to protest, to push her away, but she’s far stronger than I expect. Her kiss becomes more heated, more desperate. My pierced lip throbs. Something’s not right, I think, but then her hand settles on my cock and all thought vanishes.
Her fingers skitter across the distorted fabric of my trousers, testing my hardness. She settles her palm over my swollen bulk, squeezing in time with her sucking kisses. I feel the tightening heaviness that tells me I’m going to come. I take a deep breath, trying to gain some control. Her scent floods my nostrils. The need for release overwhelms me. The first spurt of cum pulses halfway up my shaft, but then she removes her hand. The urge subsides, becomes just bearable. Her lips graze my earlobe. “Not yet, darling. Save that for me.”
Hot, hot, hot!!!!
Thanks, Victoria!!
Wow! Hot! Please post more? lol Thank you for sharing!
Have a wonderful & safe trip!
Great snippit!
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