Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Just in case someone wanted … #MFRWHooks #LustyMonthOfMay #99cents

The Slut Strikes Back Teaser

Happy Wednesday! Today’s post is part both the MFRW Book Hooks blog hop and my own Lusty Month of May event. I tried hard and managed to find a non-X-rated excerpt from one of my featured books, The Slut Strikes Back. All through the month of May, this book, normally $3.99, is only 99 cents at Smashwords, Barnes & Noble and Kobo. Why not indulge yourself?

By the way, during the Lusty Month of May, every comment on my blog counts as an entry in my giveaway of a $25 bookstore gift certificate. If you join my email list (see the button on the right), that counts as five entries.


Find someone else to satisfy your needs.”

When her husband complains about her constant sexual demands, MILF Lauren Gordon is shocked, hurt, and determined to act on his instructions. She’s never strayed outside the bounds of her marriage, but now that she has permission, she unleashes her voracious libido on her gorgeous girlfriend next door, the pool boy, and anyone else who strikes her fancy.

Once you’ve freed the genie, you can’t put it back in the bottle.


The Hook

In fact she was on the I-5 by five-thirty, speeding north in her bright red Prius while the sun rose over the San Bernadino hills. She’d poked her head into the bedroom before she left. Elliot slept deeply, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers that highlighted his morning erection. Horny as always, she’d been tempted to climb into bed and give them both some relief, but she held back. She’d find someone else to take care of her – just as he’d instructed.

The studio was as crazy as always. She slipped easily into professional mode, joking with the cast members, giving orders and answering questions, shoulder holding her phone to her ear half the time.

Hugo loved the script. Her co-producer was a trim, energetic guy a few years younger than she was, with sparkling blue eyes, a ready laugh and a reddish-brown ponytail. Lauren had always thought him attractive, but today she struggled to keep her hands off him. It was sweet torture, standing close to him as they watched the rehearsal. Things weren’t much better with Daniel, the director, a dark and intense New Yorker with eyes that could bore into your soul. She’d fantasized about him more than once. Now all those lascivious images came back to haunt her.

Difficult though it was, she managed to suppress her lustful impulses and focus on the show. She knew that getting involved with colleagues would be a big mistake. She might be a slut, but she wasn’t an idiot. Fortunately, she’d tucked her bullet vibe into her purse. During lunch she slipped away to the restroom for a brief but energetic session with the toy that took some of the edge off her horniness. The self-administered pleasure provided enough relief to let her concentrate on her job for the rest of the hectic afternoon.

By the time Hugo called it a day at seven p.m., she was totally fried. It was lucky she didn’t have to drive back to Orange County. In twenty minutes – including getting her car from the garage and tipping the very cute attendant – she was at her condo, guzzling a sparkling water and gazing down at the lights of downtown Los Angeles.

She’d bought the place a couple of years ago, when it became clear that “Wild Seed” was going past pilot, to save herself some painful commuting and give herself a place to unwind by herself. Now she spent one or two nights a week in the city, especially when she had to be on the set early.

Normally her evenings downtown were quiet, a chance for her to relax and decompress. Tonight, though, despite her weariness, she felt restless.

A drink would be nice. Though it was only a few blocks from her building, she hadn’t been to the Gallery Bar at the Biltmore in years. The elegant, wood-paneled lounge with its ornate chandeliers and padded leather chairs seemed like just the thing. 

She took a quick shower, then dressed in a clinging black cocktail dress with a deeply scooped neck and a skirt that ended well above her knees. No need for stockings on such a warm night, she decided, or a bra, either. Her tits didn’t need the support. So what if her nipples were visible? The clientele at the Biltmore would be too well bred to notice. She considered going bare below as well, then decided instead to wear a scarlet silk thong instead which highlighted her tanned and toned ass. Just in case someone wanted a look…

Grab a copy today – only 99 cents!


Barnes and Noblehttps://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-slut-strikes-back-lisabet-sarai/1137303515


Add on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54428619-the-slut-strikes-back

Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s hop!


bn100 said...


bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Janet Lane Walters said...

She is definitely in need

Daryl Devoré said...

In case somebody wanted to look - :-)

Colleen C. said...

Great snippet

Anonymous said...

The MILF is on the prowl and dress for action . . .

Larry Archer said...

Such a bad girl!

Maggie Blackbird said...

Love it. Also love the setting. I always enjoy a book that takes place in LA.

Fiona McGier said...

This was a hot read! I'm surprised you could find an excerpt that wasn't X-rated! LOL. But certainly a fun read as well. Just keep a cold drink handy--and a fan !

Anonymous said...

Very compelling!

vitajex at aol dot com

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