Friday, December 7, 2018

Soldier. Smuggler, Warrior. Brigand Lord. The Dark Road by @GailZMartin - #epicfantasy #giveaway

The Dark Road cover

Jonmarc Vahanian fled from the raiders and monsters that killed his family, but when danger dogs his steps once again, he leaves the traveling caravan that gave him shelter to become a mercenary in nearby Principality. His fighting skills help him rise through the ranks, and draw the attention of a Nargi general—and the general’s undead mage. An old, unsettled score turns deadly, trapping Jonmarc in dangerous intrigue. He can save himself—and betray everything he holds dear—or die a hero as the raider’s curse holds true.

This collection is the second set of short stories and novellas that reveal another phase of Jonmarc’s growth from a blacksmith’s son to becoming one of the greatest warriors in the history of the Winter Kingdoms.

Soldier. Fight slave. Smuggler. Warrior. Brigand Lord. You may have encountered Jonmarc Vahanian in the Chronicles of the Necromancer but you don’t really know him until you walk in his footsteps.

Buy as ebook or paperback or free on Kindle Unlimited here:



Be off with you,” Harrtuck said. “Nothing but made-up rubbish.”

The woman gave a raspy laugh. “True for some, not for me. She flipped over one illustrated card and then another. “Chenne smiles on you,” she said, naming the warrior aspect of the goddess. “Success in battle will be yours,” she promised and turned another card. Her smile faded. “You will be hunted,” she said, giving Harrtuck a warning glance, “and powerful hands will turn against you.” One more card turned up. “Great favor awaits you.”

Harrtuck snorted. “Great favor? I’ll be happy for a tankard of ale and a warm trollop in my bed tonight,” he said, but he tossed a coin to the seer who caught it in her bony hands.

How about you?” she said, giving Jonmarc a look as if she could see down to his bones. He took a step back and started to protest, but she was already flipping over cards.

The fortune-teller took a sharp breath. “You have been marked by fire and darkness,” she said. “So much loss for one so young.” She turned another card. “You will have great success in battle, and your skill will earn many coins.” Another card made her pause. “But it is the Dark Lady, not Chenne, who watches over you. Her hand is on you, but she is not a gentle mistress.” A final card turned at an angle showed a hangman, and the color drained from the seer’s face.

About the Author

Gail Z. Martin writes epic fantasy, urban fantasy and steampunk for Solaris Books, Orbit Books, Falstaff Books, SOL Publishing and Darkwind Press. Vengeance is the second in the new Darkhurst epic fantasy series. Also new is The Dark Road, the second in the Jonmarc Vahanian Adventures series, and Assassin’s Honor (coming, October 2018), the first in the new Assassins of Landria series.

Her Deadly Curiosities urban fantasy series set in Charleston, SC has a new novel, Tangled Web, and two new collections, Trifles & Folly, and Trifles & Folly 2.

Other work includes the Chronicles Of The Necromancer series, the Fallen Kings Cycle, the Ascendant Kingdoms series, and the alternate history novel Iron & Blood and the Storm & Fury collection (co-authored with Larry N. Martin) She is also the co-author (with Larry) of the Mark Wojcik monster hunter series (Spells, Salt and Steel) and the upcoming Wasteland Marshals series and the Cauldron/Secret Council series from Falstaff Books.

As Morgan Brice, she writes urban fantasy MM paranormal romance. New and upcoming books include Witchbane, Burn, Dark Rivers, Badlands, and Lucky Town.

Find her at, on Twitter @GailZMartin, on, at blog and on Goodreads She is also the organizer of the #HoldOnToTheLight campaign Join her email update and never miss a new release—plus get great free stories just for signing up!

Gail Z. Martin will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Gail Z. Martin said...

Thank you for having me as a guest!

Lisabet Sarai said...

Hi Gail! Sorry I'm late in welcoming you. Friday was insane.

Hope your tour brings you lots of new readers.

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