By Rebecca Lee Smith (Guest Blogger)
never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up.
know it’s cliché. And I know hearing that (again) makes writers
who are on the long, lonely road to publication, and want to place
their book with a traditional publisher, feel like throwing something
against the wall. Or at me.
it’s true.
Shadow on the Ground
is the second book I’ve published, but the sixth book I’ve
written. Book Number Five (the first book I sold) was rejected over
forty times before someone wanted it. Book Number Four received
ninety-six rejections in the span of one year. Some of these
rejections were from publishers, but the majority were from agents
who clearly thought the work I produced was unsalable. I had several
requests for full manuscripts, synopses, partials, bios, and more
chapters. If they asked to see it, I sent it out. Over and over
all read articles about surviving the query process, and taken to
heart the platitudes that are supposed to keep us going. Throw
the query net wide and deep.
Be patient.
Don’t get discouraged.
Believe in yourself. Cream rises to the top.
But what if
it doesn’t?
I asked myself. What if I’m sending out manuscripts five years from
now, and the rejection numbers stay the same? What if cream doesn’t
rise to the top? And then a voice deep inside my soul whispered, But
what if it does?
query process can be heartbreaking. Especially those close, close
calls. I’ve been writing for over twenty years with lots of stops
and starts when life got in the way. Throughout the process, I’ve
experienced incredible highs and lows. I’ve won and placed in
numerous contests. I’ve had goodhearted agents and publishers write
gems of encouragement across the bottom of their rejection letters.
But I’ve also had agents ask for the full manuscript, keep it for
three months, then reject me with a form letter. Or, in one case,
never respond at all. One publisher asked for revisions, then held on
to the revised version for thirteen months and rejected me with a
form letter. (Gotta love those form letters!) I’ve had an agent
call me on the phone to tell me she loved my book and would really
like to represent me (my heart stopped), if only she had room for
another author in her stable. Well, the list goes on.
remember reading an interview with a well-known multi-published
author who was bemoaning the fact that she had sent her first
manuscript to five different agents before she secured
representation. Five agents. Wow,
I thought.
How in the
world did she ever cope with that
kind of rejection?
Sarcasm aside, it all boils down to this: Everyone has their own path
to follow. Some are rocky, some are smooth, and some wind their way
through the forest and back out again. But if you give up and sit by
the side of the road because it’s just too damned hard to keep
going, you will never reach your goal.
were times when I pulled back and regrouped. Times when I faced the
cold, hard truth that the manuscript I had been rewriting for over a
year would never work and find the courage to move on to something
new. I’ve screamed and cried and threatened to toss my computer out
the window. But I never gave up. I kept going and going and going,
just like that old Energizer Bunny. And a few days ago, I stood and
wept as I held a copy of my second book, A
Shadow on the Ground,
in my hands. It still feels that good.
whoever you are, and whatever you write, just keep flinging those
finished manuscripts out into the world, and sooner or later, one
will land on the desk of someone who “gets” you and loves your
work. But until that happens, you have to keep trying. Because
there’s no way you can win the lottery if you don’t get in the
car, drive to the store, and buy the damned ticket. Or five.
So let me tell you a bit about A Shadow on the Ground. After you read my excerpt, use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter my blog tour giveaway. You might win a $50 gift certificate to Amazon or Barnes & Noble!
Maguire is afraid to believe in second chances. The family orchard is
failing, her twin brother is being framed for murder, and the sharks
are circling. The tough exterior she's spent years hiding behind is
beginning to crumble, just as the man who shattered her heart is back
in her life. Gage Kirkland is as compelling and magnetic as ever, and
he's offering the kind of help she may not be able to refuse. But can
she trust him?
finance his troubled son's therapy, Gage, a former investigator,
takes one last job--recovering a stolen Civil War artifact.
Unfortunately, it's in the possession of the woman he left behind,
the woman who's haunted his dreams ever since. The electricity
between them still crackles, but unless he helps exonerate her
brother and finds a way to confess his true reason for returning, how
will he ever recover Morgan's heart?
grinned, making Morgan’s heart beat in slow, rolling thuds. “I'm
going to make some calls about finding Sean representation. If he
goes up against a murder charge, he'll need the best lawyer we can
He held
her gaze while a current of electricity sliced a path through the
center of her abdomen.
didn't want to leave you alone last night,” he said.
“I was
I wasn't.”
come on. A big, tough, adrenaline junkie PI like you?”
so tough when the bullets are flying.”
of the night before slammed into her brain—the sound of gunshots
cracking the air, Gage pushing her off the flagstone walk, lying
stone still beside him in the wet grass with a broken rhododendron
stob biting into her neck. If she closed her eyes, she could still
feel his breath crashing across her shoulder, the pulse at the base
of his throat flicking against her cheek. How long had it been since
she’d touched a man? Or been wrapped like his most cherished
possession in the strong, shielding warmth of his arms? Had she ever
felt so safe? Would she ever feel that safe again?
she should hold on to the memory. Bury it deep. Then, when she needed
comfort, she could take it out and replay it over and over in her
head to drive the unbearable loneliness away. Until something that
felt like contentment trickled through her bloodstream, like a double
shot of apple brandy on a cold, wintry night.
A shadow
fell over the table.
lifted her eyes and gasped softly. The last thing she expected to see
were the pale, twisted, angry eyes of Lawrence Finch.
About Rebecca

- @rbeccaleesmith
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Use the widget below to enter my drawing! And I hope you'll visit the other stops on my tour, too. You can find the schedule here:
The more often you enter, the higher your chances of winning.
Use the widget below to enter my drawing! And I hope you'll visit the other stops on my tour, too. You can find the schedule here:
The more often you enter, the higher your chances of winning.
Thank you for hosting
Hello, Rebecca,
Thanks for being my guest, and for sharing a bit about your own journey. It's tough to have faith in your talent in the face of rejection, but you're completely correct - if you give up, you'll never realize your dream of being published.
Good luck with your book and with the tour.
Yes! Thank you, Rebecca. I used to work as a telemarketer so rejection doesn't bother me. My history with men also makes me immune. lol! My problem is I start something and never finish. I always want to move on to something else. Also I have a fear of writing. Advice? I don't Twitter so I know that cost me points on the RC. I think after the beginning of the year I'm going to give up (there's up) on contests. Rafflecopter leaves no room for creativity. I enjoy being creative. Enjoyed the excerpt for SHADOW! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I had no clue getting published was so difficult. Kudos to u for ur perseverance and success!
I've heard many people quit just when they're about to make it. Thanks for the excerpt and words of encouragement. I needed them today! Good luck with A Shadow on the Ground and Happy New Year!
Great post. It must be very hard on your ego to be rejected so many times. Then you must remember that Harry Potter was rejected as well.
Best of luck in the New Year. Thanks for the great post.
I loved the excerpt, especially the chemistry between Morgan and Gage. Thank you for telling your story. I have not yet published a book but I plan to. It helps to know that someone can write such a good book and have been rejected before many times. Your stories are helping the rest of us newbies.
I'm so glad it worked out for you--best of luck with the release!
Trix, vitajex(at)aol(dot)com
Hey, Meljprincess. It's hard to finish a manuscript. I know this because I was always the writer who went back and worked on the beginning over and over again until I got it right. I'm just now discovering that it really is okay to write a terrible first draft, then see what you've got and go from there. Sometimes the best things come to me while I'm writing the last third of the book. Maybe my muse finally decides to stop napping, or maybe at that point I know the characters well enough to relax and let them do what they want. I had to make myself give up on contests, too. It was keeping me from moving forward with the manuscript (not to mention the expense). I keep a quote by Nora Roberts taped to my desk: "You can fix anything but a blank page." It always helps me to keep going. Good luck with your writing.
Thanks, Elise-Maria.
I've heard those stories, too. I heard a writer say once that after years of rejection, she finally gave up then got two offers the next day. So, you never know.
Thanks, Val. Thick skin or not, I still hate rejection. Don't we all? I guess the trick is to not take it personally, and just keep plugging along. These days, there are a lot of avenues to get published. Which is a good thing.
love the excerpt ,sounds like a winner to me :)
I always like to have information about a book. This excerpt did it for me-now I have to read the rest of the story. I also like to read information about the person who wrote the story
Great post. Thanks for sharing the great excerpt and the giveaway. Sounds like a great book. Happy New Year! evamillien at gmail dot com
It's good to know how hard you have to work to be published. I'm sure the average person has no idea. I had read that it was hard, but 96 rejections?!?! You have to really want it. I guess that's survival of the fittest. :)
Thanks, Joye. If you read it, I really hope you like it.
I know. Or survival of the stubborn. After a while, the number of rejections got kind of comical, but then I heard that someone else had gotten over 120 before selling a manuscript.
I like that you never ever gave up even though you saw/got so many rejection letters for your story. I have a friend who is an aspiring writer and when he sees reviews about his original fiction online he gets a bit discouraged at some of the things he reads. Your story is a wonderful example that if you keep on trying, it'll happen.
Loved the excerpt! Thanks for sharing ;)
Thank you, Rebecca. I really like the NR quote. I think contests keep one from moving forward with everything. I'll keep going with my writing. Good luck to you as well. Btw, my muse likes to visit when I'm in the shower. They really need to come up with something to write on and with when your soaking wet! And me, Mel :-)
If this were a Facebook comment I'd 'like' it. :-)
Enjoyed your getting published story. Thanks for the giveaway.
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