Monday, November 30, 2020

Stay safe online? Or risk her heart? -- #ReviewTuesday #Giveaway #EroticRomance @RoxanneDHoward


Type Dirty to Me cover


When hot actor Brem Lockwood enters her life, Madelyn has a choice—stay safe with an online fling or risk her heart for a chance at real love.

Divorcee Madelyn Stacilli has baggage deeper than the Grand Canyon, and her move to New Haven to start a new life is the perfect change she needs. When vicious gossip stunts her plans to open her own business, she can't confide in anyone around her. But online, beneath the blanket of anonymity, she can let loose and find comfort with the mysterious Easton216. Their natural, open relationship is a breath of fresh air.

When British A-list actor Bremond Lockwood rents the house beside her to escape an intense media spotlight and malicious past, he charges headlong into her life. Madelyn grows torn between her steady, emotional online connection and a fiery affair with a Hollywood star. Brem’s intense passion ignites the embers of her sexuality from a long slumber, making her burn hotter than the sun.

Should she stay safe with her online love or risk her heart with the man in front of her? The road to recovery just got a whole lot more complicated.


She turned back to the stove to hide her blush.

I take it you like it?”

Oh, yeah. I like it.” There was a gravelly undertone to the words.

Her cheeks burned. “Could you hand me the wooden spoon on the wall peg there?”

He leaned over her and reached for the wooden spoon. He paused, the tip of his nose grazing her hair.

Mmm. Your hair smells delicious.”

She gnawed her lower lip as her heart skipped a beat. “Thanks.” She turned to face him, and the embers of his evident desire radiated like a power plant.

Bloody hell, Madelyn. I’m sorry. Feel free to punch me.”

She furrowed her brow. “For what?”


He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her full on the mouth. She gasped as her insides liquified. Jeez… Forget decent kisser. Forget experienced. This guy was a mouth sensei. She clutched his shirt and pulled him closer. He smiled against her mouth and opened her lips

with his tongue, touching the tip to hers. She melted. His lips soothed, scrubbing away the scars of the past. She hadn’t been kissed in almost two years.

He drew her in close and kissed her like his soul was on fire. She moaned, wrapped her ankle around his and wound her arms around his neck as her body ignited. She hadn’t planned on skipping dinner and going straight to dessert, but by God, they were headed there.

Review by Lisabet Sarai

Like all too many women, Madelynn Stacilli was emotionally abused by her husband – criticized, belittled, made to feel worthless and helpless. Fortunately, she has managed to muster the money and the courage to seek a divorce, move across the country, and start a new life in New Haven, Connecticut. Here, she hopes she can realize her long-cherished dreams of running a bookstore and becoming a published author. Her fledgling business is her primary focus; after her experiences with marriage, she’s understandably skittish about getting involved with another man.

Still, she’s lonely. She finds solace and support in an anonymous online relationship with a man she knows only by his chat handle of Easton216. They seem to understand one another remarkably well. He’s everything her ex wasn’t: funny, courteous, respectful, encouraging. And, she has to admit after they graduate from texting to talking on the phone, pretty sexy too, with a gravelly voice that makes her insides flutter. She figures it’s a good thing their pseudonyms keep her safe.

When renowned British actor Brem Lockwood turns out to be her neighbor – and shows clear interest in escalating their relationship to a more intimate level – Madelyn is intrigued and terrified. She and Brem have an undeniable connection, both emotionally and physically, but he’s anything but safe. She struggles against her attraction, feeling paradoxically unfaithful to Easton216. The wisest and most honest action would be to break off with one man or the other. But how can she choose?

Type Dirty to Me has a lot going for it. Madelynn is likable and her marital history is all too believable. Brem is luscious, but more than just a gorgeous stud. He truly cares about Madelynn and shows it in wonderfully concrete ways (for instance, by creating a hand-crafted book case for her store). The love scenes in the novel pack a lot of heat but feel like a natural extension of Madelynn’s and Brem’s growing closeness. These scenes acknowledge the fact that Madelynn is a mature woman who is not shy about her desires.

There’s a suspenseful subplot, as Madelynn receives disparaging and threatening notes from an unknown enemy. She assumes the source is a spiteful woman who runs the shop next door, though she can’t understand why Tammy should be so hostile to her. Near the end of the book, this subplot explodes into a thrilling and violent encounter with the true villain, who turns out to be much more malevolent than either Brem or Madelynn imagined. Madelynn proves to be brave and resourceful in this scene, which I liked very much.

What I didn’t like was the book’s predictability. I frequently have this problem with romance novels, but I found Type Dirty to Me more frustrating than most romance in this regard. I don’t want to create any spoilers, but I can say that I knew the characters’ secrets and the solution to the core conflict almost immediately, and wondered how Madelynn could be so blind.

Another thing that bugged me was the author’s apparent geographic naivete. I know New England well; the New Haven that she describes has very little in common with the actual city of New Haven. Indeed, Madelynn makes comments about moving from the “city” of Kalispell, Montana to the “country” in Connecticut. Although there’s a lot of country in the state, New Haven itself has more than ten times the population of Kalispell. She also portrays New Zealand as being a tropical paradise in the South Pacific, which isn’t really accurate.

If you’re more interested in a hot love affair than in an engaging plot, you’ll probably enjoy Type Dirty to Me. I found it somewhat less than satisfying.

About the Author

Roxanne D. Howard is a U.S. Army veteran who has a bachelor's degree in Psychology and English. She loves to read poetry, classical literature, and Stephen King. Roxanne resides in the western U.S., and when she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and children. Roxanne loves to hear from her readers, and encourages you to contact her via her website and social media.

Other Books by Roxanne D. Howard

When You Close Your Eyes

Sonnet Coupled

Flip the Beat

Romancing the Seas #1: The Hotter They Come

Romancing the Seas #2: The Harder They Fall

Romancing the Seas #3: The Longer They Last

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First for Romance:


Totally Bound Publishing:

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Roxanne D. Howard will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Dark and dangerous desires... #EroticRomance #MotorcycleClub #DarkDesires

Sinful Deeds cover

Out today from Kris Anne Dean! Sinful Deeds: Krymson Destroyers MC Book One

A man on a mission. A woman scorned.


Darker than the hell I came from, Raven crashes into my world shattering the ice around my soul. She’s a dangerous woman, responsible for my missing brother. As President of the Krymson Destroyers, I need to uncover the secrets she’s carrying before her demons destroy her and take down my club in the process.


My scars are a constant reminder of the nightmare I’m running from. When my past catches up to me, I’m forced into the Krymson Destroyers compound. I try to keep Chainz at arm’s length, but my body and mind are at war. His touch breaks down my defenses in all the ways I desire. Can I trust him with my heart and the deadly secrets I hold?

Get your copy of this dark, thrilling erotic romance today!

Amazon $2.99 or FREE on Kindle Unlimited




About the Author


Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.” Marilyn Monroe -1960

Kris Anne Dean is an indie author and lover of all things alpha. She loves the bad boys and the women strong enough to stand with them. She enjoys reading books, watching TV series and movies that feature the troubled, morally challenged anti-hero with a big heart when it comes to family. Throw in a hot body and beautiful eyes and she’s a fan.

Kris Anne is a mother to three boys with an age gap between the oldest and youngest of 14 years! When she’s not working, reading or binge watching Netflix, you can find her on the sidelines cheering them on.

Kris Anne grew up in South Florida but is raising her children in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. While she enjoys the small town life, she hates shoveling snow. She’s always on the go, always running late (blame the cow crossings and horse and buggies) and often forgets to breathe!


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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Charity Sunday: Shelter and more for homeless women -- @RosiesPlace #Sanctuary #Homeless #CharitySunday

Charity Sunday Banner

The holiday season has arrived. Indeed, Thanksgiving is already behind us. At this time of year, I’m always acutely aware of how fortunate I am. It’s been a tough year for everyone, but I still have everything I need: a loving partner, a challenging but rewarding job, a comfortable home, decent health, two naughty but adorable cats, and much more. And my mind turns, of course, to those people who aren’t so blessed – especially people who find themselves without a home during the holiday season. I spent many years in New England, so for me November and December will always mean bitter cold, maybe even snow, the worst possible time to be trying to survive out of doors.

Hence, for this month’s Charity Sunday, I’m supporting Rosie’s Place, a Boston-based sanctuary for homeless women and their children. I’ve done Charity Sundays for Rosie’s before. They’re one of my favorite charities – tough, practical, realistic, compassionate, respectful of their visitors, generous with their love. Rosie’s doesn’t just provide emergency food, medical care and shelter. They also offer legal assistance, education, job training, legal advocacy, and much more. Founded by a woman, run mostly by women, the organization recognizes that homelessness is just one symptom of a larger and more complex problem.


Anyway, this month I will donate two dollars to Rosie’s for every comment I get on this post. Furthermore, if I reach fifty comments (which, admittedly, has never happened), I will commit to donating $25 per month for the next year. (So tell your friends...!)

Meanwhile, I have a relevant snippet from my new holiday boxed set, Comfort & Joy: Red-hot Holiday Romance. The book comes out on Tuesday, and collects all my favorite seasonal romance tales. This bit is from “Slush”.


An odd sense of well-being stole over him as he propped himself against the wall, watching Daisy move around her rudimentary shelter. Her every gesture had an economical grace. With her back to him, she busied herself at a makeshift counter of planks and cinder blocks along the opposite wall. He caught the snap of a match, the chemical odor of Sterno. Her blond tresses were a shower of gold, illuminated by the single dusty bulb in the ceiling. When she stood on tiptoe to grab something off a shelf near the ceiling, her pert buttocks flexed under the red long johns. Ian mentally scolded himself as his cock twitched and filled. But what could he do? She was, quite simply, enchanting.

A heavenly aroma filled the space. Ian’s stomach rumbled. “Oh my God, that smells delicious! What is it?”

Daisy smiled over her shoulder. “Just Campbell’s tomato soup. About all I can afford these days. You want some?”

Is there enough?” He felt so guilty, craving her meager supplies.

Sure. I’ve got some crackers, too.”

She brought him a steaming bowl and a bent, stamped metal spoon. “Careful, it’s hot.” She scattered cellophane-wrapped two-packs of saltines over the blanket. “Help yourself. It’s easy to filch more from work.”

You have a job?” He dipped his spoon into the soup then blew on the hot surface. The smell reminded him of his childhood. His mom used to make tomato soup when he came in from playing in the snow.

Sure. What’d you think, I was some kind of bum? At Donut Heaven, down on Huntington Ave. Only part time, and not even minimum wage, but I get a free uniform, lunch if I don’t have a split shift, and all the day-old doughnuts I can eat. Unfortunately, they make awful doughnuts.” She gave a rueful chuckle. “But it’s a lot better than nothing!”

Seating herself cross-legged on the mattress beside him, she tucked into her soup with the single-minded intensity of someone who was famished. “I was off today, though,” she added, as if in explanation.

For a while, they savored their soup in silence. What a mystery she was – beautiful, kind, self-sufficient, living on the streets, or nearly. What was her story?

Been homeless for nearly six months now.” She spoke matter-of-factly, as if he’d asked the question aloud. “Came here last spring from West Virginia with my boyfriend Hank. Hank had folks here, an uncle who swore he’d get us good paying jobs in the hospitality industry. Turns out the uncle ran a so-called strip club up on Route 1. He’d paid Hank to bring me up here. Once I saw how things were, I ditched Hank and set out on my own.”

That was brave. Why didn’t you go back to West Virginia?”

She set down her empty bowl. “Honestly? Weren’t much down there for me either, unless I wanted to marry some jerk and pop out kids. No, I figured I’d have a better chance here in the city. I didn’t realize how hard it would be, not knowing anyone. I was willing to do pretty much any kind of legal work, but with economy in the toilet and the cost of living...”

Her head bowed, her hair falling over her face. For the first time Ian heard weariness in her voice. How could he begin to understand what this girl had been through? He’d never lacked for anything – at least not anything material.

Since the components of this boxed set are available at other publishers, I decided to put this book into Kindle Select. That means you can read it for free on Kindle Unlimited. I do hope you’ll give it a try.

Add on Goodreads:

Meanwhile, please do leave a comment. Then go visit the other authors participating in today’s Charity Sunday!

Friday, November 27, 2020

Who doesn’t love a billionaire? #EroticRomance #Billionaire #Steamy @daryldevore

Love a Billionaire cover

If you love hot, billionaire romances, then Daryl Devoré’s collection is a must read. Three of her hottest billionaire romances bundled into one smouldering collection.

Desires - When secrets conflict with dreams, love explodes.

After a mistake by a surgeon’s scalpel shattered Fuchsia Quinn's dance career, she picked up the pieces of her life and moved forward.

Peyton Lang, having run from an impoverished neighbourhood, lives the lifestyle of a successful billionaire.

Frustrated that his current multi-million-dollar project is stalled, Peyton drops in to LEATHER-ICIOUS for a quick drink and late night entertainment. What he saw was a beautiful redhead. What he found was he wanted her.

Two O’clock with the Billionaire – Sometimes, a woman has to do what a woman has to do.

Where Derek Davenport is concerned, women only had one thing in mind: trap him into a marriage.

Unemployed and nearing financial desperation, Arianne is forced to step out of her comfort zone. With minimal hours and excellent pay, she accepts the position of courtesan to a handsome billionaire.

Their sexual antics cause emotions neither is willing to admit. Will Arianne and Derek drive each other crazy…or will they fall in love first?

Two Truths and Lie - The legend of Robin Hood and Maid Marian with a twenty-first-century twist.

As if multiple planes crashes, a car accident, and a concussion isn’t enough, carefree Byn and straight-laced billionaire, Mark clash over Byn's need for independence and Mark's struggle with guilt pushing him in the opposite direction of love. When an art forger, an art thief and a ninety-year-old woman get involved the chance for true love for Byn and Mark fades.

All is lost until a children's game is their only hope.



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Snippet from Desires

Flame slithered her fingertips along the side of the cold metal pole. Thick. Hard. Erect. She coiled her fingers around it and locked gazes with the man in the NY Yankees ball cap. She flicked her wrist up and down the long, metal shaft. He blinked. She jacked the pole several more times then kicked off and spun. Wrapping her legs around it, she pressed her crotch against the pole and arched back, hands supporting her on the stage. She smiled in Baseball Cap Guy's direction and then ran her tongue in a circle over her lips.

He closed his eyes, groaned, and visibly shuddered.

Want me, don't you? You creepy bastard. Biting her bottom lip to hide the smirk threatening to adhere to her lips, Flame pushed off the stage, grabbed the pole, threw her legs outward, and swung. She planted her feet wide apart on the floor, reached back overhead, gripped the metal rod, and, moving hand over hand, bent backward until her head was low between her legs. She held back a chuckle, imagining the look on the Yankee fan's face and the effect of staring directly at her crotch was having on him.

She loved tormenting the baseball fan. Most of the men who frequented the bar were out looking for a night away from their life. Baseball Cap Guy was the stereotypical lowlife who hung out in strip clubs and bars, and she played on that. She'd writhe, moan, and pose, offering him the sexual fantasy he'd come to LEATHER-ICIOUS for.

The music pounded out the closing chords of the song. Flame straightened, pushed off the stage, and with her legs spread wide, circled the pole three times. As the last note sounded, she dropped her feet to the floor, slid out to full side splits, lay forward, resting her chest on the stage, and released a sexually tinged sigh.

Applause scattered through the bar. It was Thursday and early, not a lot of customers. Flame stood and sashayed back to the dressing room. She didn't have to look back. She knew all eyes watched the wiggle of her thonged ass.

About the Author

Two writers in one. Daryl Devoré writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines and sweet romances with little to no heat. She has several published books available on Amazon in ebook or print book and available at other book retailers via Books2Read.

Daryl (@daryldevore) lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband and 2 cats. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

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Thursday, November 26, 2020

This particular lawyer won’t stay dead! #NewRelease from @SeelieKay

First We Kill All the Lawyers cover

I’m delighted to welcome Seelie Kay back to Beyond Romance. Today’s she’s celebrating the release of her latest book, First, We Kill All the Lawyers, a contemporary romance with elements of suspense from Extasy Books. She’s agreed to answer a few questions for you...

Q. Why do you write romance?

Because I am fascinated by the games people play to find and secure a lasting relationship, which is not always love. There’s the chase, the courtship, the falling, the surrender. That’s what I try to capture in my stories.

Q. Do you prefer a certain type of romantic hero?

I adore smart, dashing gentlemen who aren’t afraid to live on the edge. They can be a bad boy, a billionaire, a prince, or a secret agent. That hint of danger just hooks me! However, I they have to be paired with strong, independent women who aren’t afraid to fight for what they want, even love.

Q. Why did you write First, We Kill All the Lawyers?

I have wanted to write a vampire tale for some time, but had difficulty coming up with something consistent with current tropes. Finally, I decided it was time to break all the rules. After all, vampires have been around for centuries. Surely, they have evolved by now. And no doubt, they have many of the same societal problems that humans do. However, I also wanted the vampire to be a lawyer. The title came from my experience as a lawyer. I can’t tell you how many times someone would quote Dick the Butcher, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” (Shakespeare, Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2.) They would laugh heartily, like they had just told a wonderful joke, but for me, it was great inspiration for a story. What if someone was killing lawyers?

Q. Obviously, your former profession as a lawyer impacts your writing!

My friends say I am obsessed with justice and I guess that’s true. After 30 years, the law and the legal world are so firmly embedded in my brain that I can’t flush them out. That has become the lens through which I view the world and that naturally guides my characters and plots. Injustice infuriates me, but it also leads me to great stories! Even in this book, I find a way to explore social and criminal justice issues.

Someone is killing lawyers, but a particular vampire lawyer won’t stay dead.

Donovan Trait is a marked man. Flamboyant, stunningly handsome, and notoriously insatiable, his attitude and style belie his skills in the courtroom. No one survives a cross-examination at Donovan’s hands. His knowledge of the law and trial practice has accumulated over the years… and years, of experience. More than three hundred years. You see, when Donovan isn’t seducing judges and juries, he’s a creature of the night. And now that someone has decided that it’s time to kill all lawyers, his lust for attention has set him in the murderer’s sights. The problem is, vampires don’t die. Not easily, anyway. That’s good news for Donovan, not so much for his very human lady love, also a target of the serial killer. Will several unsuccessful attempts on his life expose Donovan’s true nature? Will the killer learn the secret that will guarantee a permanent death? Or will Donovan finally manage to put an end to the killer’s murderous spree and live happily ever after, with his lady love?


Donovan’s cell phone pinged. He pulled himself into a small alleyway, away from the stampede trudging back to their workplaces after lunch, and leaned back against a building to read a text. His face screwed up in confusion. The text read, The first thing we do, let’s kill all lawyers! Starting with you!

What the bloody hell?” he muttered. “Is this some kind of joke?” Donovan’s eyes surveyed his surroundings. He gazed right, then left. It did not appear that someone had made him the focus of their attention. Everyone was scurrying about, like mice in pursuit of a big cheese. “Must be Finley,” he said. “Finley is always plying me with lawyer jokes. He thinks he’s funny.”

Donovan shrugged. Not funny at all. He left the alleyway and re-entered the mass migration on the sidewalk. He approached the crosswalk at Michigan and Superior and emitted a snort of frustration as the light changed and the crosswalk filled with cars. He was bumped hard by someone behind him. Donovan was forced to step into the street to regain his balance. A cab rushed by and narrowly missed clipping his side. Donovan jumped back onto the sidewalk.

A woman screamed and Donovan jerked his head around, trying to see what all the fuss was about. The woman was pointing at him. Donovan frowned and turned away. God save me from simpering females who saw the last issue of City Magazine. Donovan had appeared on the cover after being named as one of Chicago’s most eligible bachelors. Since then, he had learned that the female population was comprised of women of questionable morals and distressing behavior. He was growing weary of the attention. While his colleagues thought it a wise marketing strategy, it had brought him nothing but unwanted female attention. He had become prey.

Vampires were predators. They stalked their victims. Sometimes, they pursued them with a vengeance. That was why he had joined the legal profession. His predilections were well-suited to that particular world. Now, his role had apparently shifted and he was not pleased.

Someone tapped Donovan on the shoulder. “Sir? Are you alright? You’re bleeding. It appears someone stuck a knife into your side.”

Donovan’s mouth gaped and he turned toward the man who had spoken. Then he looked at where the man pointed. There was indeed a knife sticking out of his left side and a stream of his blood was flowing onto the sidewalk. He had a very high threshold of pain. He hadn’t felt the knife thrust into his side. If it wasn’t so appalling, he would be embarrassed. Donovan opened his mouth to reply. Then the pain in his side exploded and his vision dulled. Slowly he slid onto the sidewalk as if he planned to sit on the curb.

Then everything went black.

Book Trailer:

Buy Links

Extasy Books:

Amazon: Coming

Barnes & Noble: Coming

Kobo: Coming

About Seelie Kay

Seelie Kay is a nom de plume for a writer, editor, and author with more than 30 years of experience in law, journalism, marketing, and public relations. When she writes about love and lust in the legal world, something kinky is bound to happen! In possession of a wicked pen and an overly inquisitive mind, Ms. Kay is the author of 18 works of fiction, including the Kinky Briefs series, the Feisty Lawyers series, The Garage Dweller, A Touchdown to Remember, The President’s Wife, The White House Wedding, and The President’s Daughter.

When not spinning her kinky tales, Ms. Kay ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. She resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine.

Ms. Kay is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS, it does not define you!

Author links



Twitter: @SeelieKay



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Prior Books

Kinky Briefs,

Kinky Briefs, Too,

Kinky Briefs, Thrice,

Kinky Briefs, Quatro,

Kinky Briefs, Cinque,

The Garage Dweller,

A Touchdown to Remember,

The President’s Wife,

Snatching Dianna,

The President’s Daughter,


Seizing Hope,



The White House Wedding,


Coming soon

The Last Christmas, date of release: December 11, 2020.