Saturday, March 31, 2018

Seven Sci-fi Books that Changed Me -- #ScienceFiction #SaturdaySeven #LASR

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From my earliest years as a reader which began when I was four—science fiction has been one of my enduring loves. The first sci-fi books I remember were The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet by Eleanor Cameron and The City Under the Back Steps by Evelyn Sibley Lampman. I doubt I was more than seven at the time, just introduced to the wonders of the library.

Of course, I grew up during the dawning space age. I was in fourth grade when Alan Shepard circled the globe in his tin can. Men landed on the moon the year I graduated high school. Indeed, I wanted to be an astronaut, until I learned that there was no way they’d take someone with my serious myopia and flat feet. (The fact that I was female never seemed to me to be an obstacle.)

Over the years, I’ve read lots of sci-fi, though to be honest, much of it has been forgettable. However, here are seven science fiction titles whose memories I cherish, books that opened new vistas for me or changed my view of the world.

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury

I’ve loved Bradbury ever since I first encountered his work. This book presents a poetic, nuanced vision of true strangeness. On a planet where man is the alien, there is much to be learned about ourselves. Beautiful, scary and intense, this book taught me that we humans weren’t the center of the universe.

Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein

I read this when I was just past puberty, overwhelmed with hormones like all teens. I have to admit that what made the most lasting impression on me in this book was the sex. No, there are no explicit sex scenes in this novel. However, Valentine Michael Smith, the human brought up by Martians who is the “stranger” of the title, establishes a polyamorous tribe in which sex (“water-sharing”) is both ecstasy and sacrament, a connection of mind as well as body. I know my own views and experience of sexuality (often expressed in the stories I write) borrows a lot from the philosophy of this book.

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

Hard as it might be to believe of a sci-fi afficionado, I’d never heard of Philip K. Dick until my husband introduced me to this book. (A love of science fiction is just one of many things my DH and I have in common.) I was totally floored by its audacity, its detail, the darkness of its themes and the brilliance of its exposition.

Dick paints a vivid picture of an alternative present in which the United States and its allies lost World War II. Starting from that single premise, he imagines a world in which the Nazis and the Japanese have divided the continent, then spins out the consequences.

How did this book change me? (Aside from making me a huge Philip K. Dick fan, that is!) It crystallized my awareness of what I like most about science fiction—the way one powerful idea, one modification of reality, can change everything. That’s the sort of sci-fi I usually like most, not the space operas with tons of technological marvels, or the interstellar epics with dozens of planets and civilizations. I’m interested in the social implications of technology, more than the technology itself.

Holy Fire by Bruce Sterling

This book came out in 1997, and I probably read it soon after. It’s interesting what I do and don’t remember about the novel. The heroine, Mia, is an ancient woman, over a hundred, who undergoes physical rejuvenation. What I recall most vividly is the disconnect she feels between her gerontocrat mind and her youthful body. We like to fantasize about eternal youth, but Sterling does a fantastic job portraying the complexities that would likely arise if this technology were to become available.

As I am now well on the way to being an old crone myself, I sometimes fantasize about what it would be like to have my lithe, sexy young body back. When my thoughts tend in that direction, I recall this cautionary tale.

Anathem by Neal Stephenson

I said I don’t usually prefer science fiction books that construct elaborate new worlds, with their own cultures, languages and so on. Anathem is an exception, partly because it really is a book about ideas—competing ideas about the nature of the universe, time, man, and the earth, battling for supremacy.

Stephenson has a brilliant imagination but sometimes too little discipline. I’ve tossed his books halfway through because he didn’t know when to stop going off on tangents. In this massive novel, though, he keeps himself in check, building an exquisitely detailed universe in which science, and power, are centered in monasteries scattered over the earth. As was the case in the Middle Ages, these monasteries preserve the past, but also are limited by it.

I can’t count how many times, reading this book, that I stopped, amazed, at some incredible (and often slyly humorous) notion or description. You can read Anathem as an adventure, but I think it’s a far deeper effort by intent. 

The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigalupi

This novel, published in 2009, is hands-down one of the best science fiction books I’ve read—ever. Since it won both the Hugo and Nebula awards, I guess other people agree with me.

The book is set in Bangkok, in a not-so-distant future when the planet is crushed under the heel of the agro-conglomerates who control all the genetically modified food stuffs. Petroleum reserves have long since been exhausted. People use gene-edited beasts of burden and kinetic energy storage to accomplish their work. Thailand has preserved some original, non-modified seed stocks, though, and Company Man Anderson is determined to get control of this precious, subversive genetic material.

This book deeply impressed me, on a whole range of levels. The portrayal of Thai society and culture is so accurate (based on my past experience living there) that I can hardly believe the author isn’t Thai himself. The many characters are distinctive, rich, sympathetic yet highly flawed. Meanwhile, the conflicts and the environmental scenarios are all too believable.

I picked up a copy of this book at a used book sale. Since then I’ve bought it for at least half a dozen people as a gift, and recommended it to many more. Astonishing.

Quarantine by Lisabet Sarai

Wait a minute! Am I really about to include my own novel in this list?

Well, I’m talking about books that changed me. Despite my love of sci-fi, or maybe because of it, I haven’t dared write very much in this genre. Quarantine is to date my only full-length science fiction title. Writing Quarantine, a MM sci-fi romance, was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. The process gave me new respect for writers of sci-fi.

The book takes place in a dystopic near future. After a sexually transmitted plague kills millions and devastates society, a shadowy group steps in to restore order. The self-styled Guardians of American Greatness incarcerate all males who carry the “homogene” in remote internment camps, supposedly to protect the population from a recurrence of the plague. One of my protagonists, Dylan, has been a camp prisoner for seven years; the other, Rafe, is one of the few humans who supplement the robot guards that maintain camp security.

Rafe is H-negative. He’s not gay. Yet he falls in love with the brilliant, desperate young detainee. Together they escape to the riot-scarred city of SanFran, where they find both allies and enemies.

Throughout the process of writing this book, I worried that my world wasn’t sufficiently imaginative to hold readers’ interest. I agonized over details, struggled with back-story, lost my self-confidence. I stopped working on the book for more than six months, convinced it was worthless.

Now, though, I think it’s one of the best things I’ve written, with a lot more substance than most romance (including my own). The process taught me that sometimes, creation involves the pain of self-doubt.

Still, I’m not eager to tackle writing another science fiction novel anytime soon! I’ll just enjoy books written by others.

Anyone have any suggestions? What science fiction books have made the most impression on you? Leave me a comment to let me know, and I will enter you into a drawing for a free copy of Quarantine. (Don’t forget to include your email!)

Friday, March 30, 2018

How far would you go to be seen? #exhibitionism #bisexual #giveaway @suzannjefferies

Watched banner

Suzanne will be giving away two ebooks of Watched to two lucky winners. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter. Remember you may increase your chances of winning by visiting the other tour stops. You may find those locations here.


Newly divorced Professor Evie Brown notices her student Cameron Slade and how attentive he seems, so totally unlike her ex-husband. Cameron is also delicious to look at, all taut body, broad shoulders, and hot eyes. He’s forbidden territory, but one late afternoon as she pleasures herself in an empty lecture hall, she looks up to find she’s not alone. He’s there…watching her.

And then there’s Sophie Walker. Ever since Evie met the sensual woman, she’s allowed her inhibitions to unreel, one by one. It’s Sophie who’s been sharing Evie’s erotic awakening, Sophie who she yearns for. Or is it?


I wipe clean the whiteboard, enjoying the push of the felt, swinging from side to side as I move, the squeaking sound it makes as it erases the past three hours’ worth of hard work. An image replays over and over—that unexpected reveal of Cameron’s torso—a handspan of bareness, the grooved shadow of muscle. It was a shock to the sterility of that lecture hall. My mouth waters. Bare, taut skin—that male skin, so much rougher, harsher than a woman’s.


I replace the lids on the markers and switch off the projector. Alone. Facing late afternoon emptiness.

If Cameron were to give me something I’d like... I’d like him, close to me, all sweet-sandy raw male youth, at my knees. Male.

I swallow back the desire that is starting to slither through me, stroking the space between my neck and collarbone. Cameron. I picture the way he ran his hands through his lightly gelled hair, the bulge in his arms as his hands extended behind his head. The soft curve of his lower lip. That vulnerable stretch of torso that was making my mouth salivate like a beast before its slaughter.

About the Author

Suzanne Jefferies loves to write romance. As a member of ROSA (Romance Writers of South Africa), she knows that she’s not the only believer in romantic tension and emotional power smacks to keep the romance reader hooked. A movie fanatic, she spends most of her time as a writer-for-hire. Working in communication, she has done more than her fair share of corporate and investor PR, and now freelances in between editorial jobs for big. glossy company magazines. The Joy of Comfort Eating, her first contemporary romance novel, won the 2016 Imbali Award for excellence in romance writing.

Visit her website at, tweet @suzannjefferies, Facebook: SuzanneJefferiesAuthor

Thursday, March 29, 2018

What the Templars did for us -- #KnightsTemplar #History #Romance @KryssieFortune

A Knight

By Kryssie Fortune (Guest Blogger)

Even the name Knights Templar sounds romantic. I picture powerful knights fighting in organized jousts to win a lady’s favor.

The Templars were nothing like that. They were an order of fighting monks formed to escort pilgrims to the Holy Land.

Ever been on an escorted holiday led a guide? In England, Thomas Cook started a travel company on that principle. In 1841 he organized a group excursion from Leicester to Loughborough. Everyone hailed it as a success and the UK’s first travel company was born. No one realized the Templars had done something similar back in the time of the crusades. Of course, they had to fight off infidel attacks along the way. 

Back to modern holidays. Do you use travelers’ checks? They’re a great way to keep your money safe, aren’t they? The banks did good when they thought of them.

Well…not really.

The Templars beat them to it. When someone set out on medieval pilgrimage, they needed a way to protect their valuables. They could pay money to the Templars before they set off and withdraw it along the way. Just like modern bankers, I’m certain the Templars charged for the privilege.

While I’m on the subject of bankers, who do you think started the banking system? The Gnomes of Zurich? Well…only if those gnomes wore a white tunic emblazoned with a red Templar cross. 

On the 13th October, 1307 the whole Templar organization was condemned by Pope Clement and King Philip lV of France. They owed the Templars a fortune and didn’t want to pay it back. Instead, they arrested every Templar they could lay their hands on and put them to death. A few survivors supposedly escaped to Switzerland and fought with the Swiss cantons against foreign oppressors. Once the battle was won, they moved to Zurich and worked with the one thing they knew. Money.

Did you notice the date of the Templar’s fall? 13th October doesn’t sound all that important, until I tell you it was a Friday. Friday the 13th. No one can prove it, but many people think that’s why the date’s considered unlucky.

Of course, the Templars were crusader knights. Along with other travels, they brought new foodstuffs with them. As a caffeine addict, I’m glad they brought coffee. I live in Yorkshire’s famous rhubarb triangle, so that’s something else I’m grateful to them for—along with dates and spices.

Not hungry? Okay, but I bet you use mirrors and writing paper. Carpets add comfort, and they came from the Holy Land too. Are you a chess player? You guessed it. Chess was a game played in the Holy Land and adopted by visitors.

I know I’ve been flippant, but let’s face it, the Templars and their ilk really did do lots for us.

So why the interest in the Templars?

In my latest book One Knight Stand the hero once belonged an order of religious Knights based loosely on the Templars—one I invented. He’s was a Knight Defender.

Now he’s a modern-day billionaire with a philanthropic streak. And fangs. That’s why he’s a Knight Vampire. Not that my heroine knows that.

Boy, is she in for a surprise!


Crusader knight, Blaxton de Ferrers rises as a vampire after the Knights Defender steal his soul. Murdered by his cousin, he preys on the people he once swore to protect. His emotions leach out of him. Gradually, he forgets how to feel. 

Eight hundred years later, he meets Harriet.

Harriet Mortlake’s a strong, sassy woman who battles her weight and her temper. She’s the modern-day archivist in the castle which was Blaxton’s childhood home. She’s supposed to ferret out the castle’s secrets. Instead, she finds the love of her life.
When danger threatens Harriet, Blaxton steps in. Harriet and Blaxton are a match made in heaven. Except… he’s a vampire and he’s destined for hell. 

Note: this book was previously released under the title Knight’s Vampire. It has been updated and re-edited for this release.

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How dare you embarrass me like that?” Harriet Mortlake planted her hands on her hips and glowered at the man she’d cornered outside the cafe. Her normal iceberg cool deserted her, and she wanted to slap the condescending smile off his face. Around this stranger, she felt as though lightning bolts flashed from her eyes.

It’s a temple, not a chapel,” he insisted.

Stubborn. Damn. Male. She’d been showing the big guns from the Castles’ Management Trust around the building. They’d already made it clear they thought her too young for the archivist’s role. This know-it-all had infuriated her when he sounded off in the chapel. Now he antagonized her all over again.

As if!” Harriet snorted. “No way would medieval Christians build a pagan temple on their grounds. Superstitious locals would have accused them of devil worship. They burned heretics at the stake, remember?”

Despite Mr. Condescending’s interference, she’d impressed the big bosses—she thought. Now the sexiest male, ever, clung to his ridiculous belief the chapel had been a pagan temple.

He flashed her a smile which would have lit up the underground chapel where he’d embarrassed her earlier. He should keep his mouth shut and let her admire his looks. Everything about him radiated sex appeal. Looking at him almost made her anger evaporate, but he gave her the know-it-all look that made her bristle.

You need to get your facts right,” he told her, determined to have the last word.

Stupid, arrogant male. She couldn’t decide whether to show him her diplomas and degrees or kick his shins. She’d reined in her temper while the higher-ups carried out their inspection. Now they’d left, she felt free to vent her rage. Hands still on her hips, she tapped her foot at him.

Lost for words without an audience? Or don’t you have any facts to back up your cock-and-bull story? Put up or shut up, Mister. Tell me why you think it’s a temple.”

Mr. Condescending sat outside the castle’s tearoom as if he hadn’t a care in the world. His interference when she’d shown the bigwigs into the chapel could have cost her the job she loved. Whitborough Castle’s extensive records needed cataloging, and Harriet couldn’t wait to get her hands on them.

More about Kryssie Fortune

Kryssie Fortune writes the sort of hot sexy books she loves to read. If she can sneak a dragon into her paranormal books she will. Her paranormal heroes are muscular werewolves, arrogant Fae or BDSM loving dragons. 
Kryssie likes her contemporary heroes ex-military and dominant. Her heroines are kick ass females who can hold their own against whatever life - or Kryssie - throws at them.

Kryssie's pet hates are unhappy endings, and a series that end on a cliff hanger.

Her books are all stand alone even when part of series. Plot always comes before sex, but when her heroines and heroes get together, the sex is explosive and explicit. One review called it downright sensual.

Kryssie Fortune Social Media

Amazon Author Page

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Review Tuesday: Almost-Married Moni by Cheyenne Blue - #ReviewTuesday #MarriageEquality #LesbianRomance

Almost-Married Moni by Cheyenne Blue
Ylva Publishing, 2017

A simple Outback wedding. What could possibly go wrong?

Almost-Married Moni is a novella featuring the characters from Cheyenne Blue’s delightful Girl Meets Girl series: Never-Tied Nora, Not-So-Straight Sue and Fenced-In Felix. Moni, the title character and narrator, is the gutsy doctor from Texas who falls in love with Outback lawyer Sue in the second novel in the series. Now Moni and Sue live together with their housekeeper Mrs. T and their dog Ripper in the remote town of Mungabilly Creek, where Sue provides legal services and Moni runs a clinic. When Australia finally votes to allow same-sex marriage, Moni and Sue decide to officially tie the knot. However, their ideas about the wedding they want don’t necessarily agree with the notions held by their respective families. White dresses? In the red dust of an Outback summer?

Cheyenne Blue published this sweet romance to celebrate the long-awaited arrival of marriage equality in her adopted country. It’s a fine finale to her series. In fact, it feels like a reunion, since Sue and Moni plan to hold their wedding at Jayboro Station, the even more remote home of horse-loving Felix and Josie. Meanwhile, Nora and Geraldine from England (and the first book) are among the most honored guests.

The novella’s warmth and humor definitely feel like a celebration. There’s not much conflict, though of course things don’t go as planned, with Moni’s ex-girlfriend attending as a couple with Moni’s brother and Josie’s thoroughbred mare Flame throwing something of a spanner into the works. Love triumphs, though—as it should.

The author excels at evoking the stark appeal of the Outback landscape as well as the rough-and-ready character of its inhabitants. Any reader can tell that Ms. Blue connects deeply with her home. As is the case with many of her books, the countryside is almost a character in this tale.

Fans of Ms. Blue’s more explicit stories might be a bit disappointed to learn that there’s no erotic content at all in this book. That doesn’t mean the novella lacks heat. Desire as well as love binds all these couples together, but the expression of desire happens mostly off-stage.

Actually, I can see the wisdom in focusing on the emotional connections rather than the physical in this book honoring the institution of marriage. Lesbians and gays are often portrayed as hyper-sexual beings. I believe those notions stem mostly from fear of the unknown or a need to trivialize same-sex relationships as “just sex”. In contrast, the author shows us a couple totally committed to sharing their lives with one another, both the highs and the lows, for better or for worse, long after their wedding night.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Only love can heal - #MMRomance #Giveaway #Military @MelJoyAZ

Point of Contact cover


There'd forever been a thread running through Trevor Estes's life—his son Riley, strong and constant like heartbeat. But when Riley is killed in combat, everything in Trevor's life unravels into a mess he doesn't know how to mourn.

Until Jesse Byrne, Riley's friend and platoon mate, arrives on his doorstep with a box of Riley's things. Jesse's all-too-familiar grief provides an unlikely source of comfort for Trevor; knowing he's not alone is exactly what he needs. Trevor never imagined he'd find someone who fills his heart with hope again. As the pair celebrate Riley's memory, their unique bond deepens into something irreplaceable—and something neither man can live without.

But diving into a relationship can't be so simple. Being together means Trevor risking the last link he has to his son...leaving Jesse to wonder if he'll ever be enough, or if Trevor will always be haunted by the past.


Jesse tried it, and soon they were laughing, trying to top each other’s skywriting artwork, running through the box of sparklers until they were down to the last few.

Finally Trevor sank down on the stone bench, holding his aloft and looking up at the sky. “I miss you, Riley James. I love you.”

Jesse hoisted his sparkler up, too. “Miss you, Riles.”

Jesse headed inside, amused at the sight of Trevor making himself at home by brewing some coffee. His brown hair was flattened on one side, sticking up on the other, and he had a red crease in his cheek from where it’d been pressing against his hand.

Trevor was wearing an old pair of jeans that hung loosely on his thin frame, and a T-shirt with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His hands were long-fingered and graceful, and Jesse noticed with a jolt that he was wearing Riley’s watch, the oversize face almost swallowing his slender wrist.

The memory of Trevor stroking his tattoo a few hours ago sent another wave of inappropriate desire surging through him, and Jesse gulped. Jesus, get a grip! I’m his son’s friend! He won’t ever see me as anything but a kid.

And why should he? Besides Trevor being older, and way more experienced, he was dealing with a ton of emotional baggage, not the least of which, his recent breakup with the man he’d intended to marry, for fuck’s sake.

Get a grip, asshole. Seriously. He’s way out of your league and the last thing he needs is some stupid kid mooning over him. What he needs is a friend.

About the Author

Melanie Hansen likes to consider herself a cynic, but at heart she’s a hopeless romantic. Every morning she gets up before dawn to spend time with her characters, creating stories that are deeply emotional, sometimes heartbreaking, but in the end where love always wins. Melanie’s proud of the fact that two of her books have been named as RT Book Reviews Top Picks.

She grew up with an Air Force dad, ended up marrying a Navy man, and has lived and worked all over the country. Melanie hopes to bring these rich and varied life experiences to her stories about people finding love amidst real-life struggles.





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Melanie will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sizzling Sunday: Dragon Boat Blues - #Vietnam #MMF #SizzlingSunday

Sizzling Sunday banner

Welcome to another Sizzling Sunday! Today I’ve got a spicy bit from the latest in my Asian Adventures series, Dragon Boat Blues, just released last Friday. The story is an MMF ménage romance set in Vietnam.


Take your chances as they come

My lost superhero Josh had jet black hair, movie star cheekbones, clever hands, the devil’s mouth, and an instinct for driving me crazy. Josh believed in his own myths. He was forty miles an hour over the speed limit that day, more powerful than a locomotive, when we smashed into the tractor trailer. He blew out like a candle. I sputtered in a sort of half life, year after year, marked forever by that brief dance with insanity.

I booked the dragon boat cruise on Ha Long Bay to use up a few free days at the end of my business trip, figuring my disability wouldn’t be a problem on the luxurious junk. I wasn’t looking for companionship, just a bit of peace. But when British honeymooners Stan and Phil welcomed me into their circle of love, I discovered how much healing I still needed.


Won’t you let me pleasure you, sweet?” He slid his palms up, closer to my center. “I’m dying to taste you.”

I don’t think—please… Oh, Stan…” I could have stopped him as he hooked the elastic waistband of my leggings and peeled them down over my hips, baring the untrimmed brown tangle of my pubis. But why bother? He’d stop by himself when he saw what lay beneath.

Stan paused, breathing in my strong scent. “Oh, Lydia!” He leaned closer, lips parted, nostrils flaring. “Let me get these off you…”

With a deftness I wouldn’t have expected from a gay man, he stripped me of the footless tights. I raised my butt to help. Why postpone the inevitable?

The horror that lit his face when he saw my scars gave me a sort of grim satisfaction.

My God! I had no idea.” With a hesitant finger, he traced the livid, cross-stitched track that ran from below my knee to my groin, just one of the puckered, discolored souvenirs I bore from my nine operations. “Do they hurt?”

Somehow I kept my voice neutral. “From time to time. Most of the pain comes from the joints, though, where the prostheses interact with the bone. The doctors did the best they could, I suppose, but there’s a limit to what medicine can accomplish...” Tears threatened again. I dashed them away with the back of my hand. “You should probably go now.”

Stan looked startled. “Oh, no, love…” He bent to my ravaged flesh and licked along the length of the scar. I shuddered at the wet heat. “Oh, no,” he murmured, so close to my pussy that I felt the vibrations, deep inside. “I want you more than ever.”

He drew my thighs apart, parted my labia with his blunt thumbs, and blew a stream of hot air over my cunt. Fiery pleasure leapt up in response. I think I moaned. Taking that as encouragement, he swept his tongue through my folds, back to front, ending with a flick to my rapidly swelling clit.

Like a speeding train, arousal hit me, smashing my reservations into insignificance. I sank my fingers into his lush hair and dragged his face to my pussy. He didn’t offer the slightest resistance. Burrowing into my cleft, he devoured my soaked sex-flesh, licking, sucking, probing my depths, fluttering over my clit, until I was half-crazy with need. I ground my pelvis against his plump lips. I impaled myself upon his stout tongue. I took what I wanted, what I so desperately craved, smothering him in my cunt, drowning him in my juices. Arching against his mouth, I clung to his skull like a life raft as my orgasm swept over me in liquid fury.

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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Forged in Fire is #FREE -- #SciFi #SpaceOpera #Pietas @KayelleAllen

[This book is amazing. Don't wait, get your copy today! ~ Lisabet]

About the Book

When the immortal Pietas is marooned on a barren world with no food and few survival tools, he knows it could be worse. He could be alone. But that's the problem. He's not.

Half a million of his people sleep in cryostasis, trapped inside their pods and it's up to Pietas to free them. He can't release one at a time. It's all or nothing. He's facing over five hundred thousand hungry, thirsty, homeless immortals who will call on him for rescue and he has no way to answer.

It's not all bad. The beautiful telepathic warrior he's loved for lifetimes is at his side. He's bonded with a sentient panther. He hates humans but the one dumped on this planet with him has become a trusted friend.

Before Pietas can build shelter, figure out how to grow food, or set up a government, he must take back command from a ruthless enemy he's fought for centuries. His brutal, merciless father.

Immortals may heal, but a wound of the heart lasts forever...

WARNING: Contains humor, sweet romance, betrayal, angst, vengeance... and a ginormous, sentient black panther who wants to be Pietas's "kitty."

Genre: science fiction, sci fi, scifi romance, action adventure, space opera, military science fiction

ISBN 1981328327

Released: Dec 27, 2017
Publisher: Romance Lives Forever Books
Pages: 236
Print pages: 297
Wordcount: 75,831

Buy Links – FREE UNTIL 27 MARCH!