Today's my birthday. I'm really busy; it's Monday, a work day, plus I have a dentist's appointment, so I don't expect to have a chance to breathe. However, I still tend to wax philosophical on the day I turn a year older. Today, I'm thinking about all the gifts that have been bestowed upon me over the past year.
At the top of the list is decent health. Both my husband and I have avoided any serious ailments, despite our advancing ages. The worst we've experienced is a nagging cold or two. And this year actually finds me feeling at least five years younger, due to the hip surgery I had in May. After years of gritting my teeth and limping along like some crone, I can now walk without pain, even dance! I definitely know the meaning of the term "a new lease on life"!
Another gift - we're managing to keep our heads above water financially. We're still both employed and even got a modest raise this year. Of course, prices are going up all the time. Sometimes I feel like Alice, running as fast as I can just to stay in one place. However, when I look around me at all the people who have lost their jobs and are truly struggling, I have to be grateful.
My writing accomplishments over the last year have been modest but worthwhile. I'm particularly proud of my vampire ménage Fire in the Blood and my BDSM tale The Understudy. Sometimes I get a bit depressed, looking at the output of my more prolific colleagues, but then I have to remind myself that this is not a competition. If I just keep writing, keep publishing, at my own pace, I have reason to be proud.
My extended family is all well, with the exception of my nephew who's undergoing chemotherapy for recently discovered testicular cancer. Even there, we've been lucky. The prognosis is very good, although the poor guy is going to have to endure the loss of his hair and other symptoms before he's cured.
Yes, I've been given many gifts this year. And I want to share some of the bounty with you, my readers!
As my first birthday gift to you, I have added a new free read to my website, an intense M/M erotic tale called Mad Dogs. Actually, this was the first M/M story I ever wrote. It has been published in several anthologies. Although it's not really romance, I hope that you like it.
Second, I'm giving away a copy of my latest release Almost Home to one person who leaves a comment for me today, either here or at Marian Perrera's blog Flights of Fantasy, where I'm guesting today. Comment on both posts and double your chances of winning!
Finally, my monthly contest is still going on. I'm celebrating my birthday by giving you whatever you ask for. That's right, tell me which of my books you'd like to read, and your wish just might come true. Just send me an email to contest [at] lisabetsarai.com with the subject "Birthday Contest". In your email, tell me which of my books you'd pick if you won, and why. On February 15th, I'll randomly select one lucky winner who will receive the book cited in his or her email.
I hope you enjoy your gifts as much as I enjoy giving them!
Happy Birthday Lisa! hope you have an aweosem day ur new book sounds well greta gonna runa nd chekc out the free read in alil while
Wish you the happiest of birthdays
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a great day and get everything that you want.
Happy birthday! People born on this day are the awesomest (yes, me too LOL). But did you hear our sign's changed? They added a new (or old) zodiac sign and switched everything around. Now we're Capricorns and not Aquariuses :(
Happy Birthday, Lisabet!
Charlotte xx
I just wanted to stop by and wish you a VERY happy birthday Lisabet! I hope that man of yours spoils you rotten! It sounds like it's been a wonderful year for you.
And I'm holding on to this quote "this (writing profession) isn't a competition". It's so true. Makes it easier to set aside the professional jealousy that rears its ugly head now and again.
Happy Birthday. I hope you get everything you wish for including another good year of health, work and success.
I'll keep your nephew in my prayers. As you know, they do so much nowadays that its become routine for most surgeries.
A very happy birthday to you! Too bad you have to see the dentist today. That's not a fun way to spend a special day.
Wishing you the very best on your special day! Happy Birthday Lisabet! :)
Have a happy birthday. Make sure to give yourself a treat.
Cheers & Cake for you, Lisabet, Happy Birthday!! ;)
Happy Birthday..cake and ice cream everyone!!!. susan Leech
Happy Birthday! You sound like you have a busy day planned, but I hope you take time for yourself too.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Happy Birthday! I love my birthday also. Birthdays are always good to celebrate.
Happy birthday, Lisabet!
I have to say, of all the authors I've met so far, you are on top of the list of those I consider successful. I'm reading Raw Silk (got the e-book after all, I'm not a patient person ;)
With your beautiful prose and your charitible efforts, yours will be a name I believe many will remember. A kind of immortality I think most authors strive for.
Wishing you all the best and giving you a big birthday hug,
Happy Birthday Lisabet. I hope this gets to you in time, but I have a feeling I'm too far west or your too far east.
I do take exception to the 'despite our advancing ages' comment. I mean, jeeze lady, you and I must be very close to the same age and I'm not advancing age for anyone, so how could you?
I'm so glad your hip replacement has made your life so much easier. Getting around without pain is something we all take for granted, unless we can't do it.
I really do wish you all the very best in this coming year. As you said, you may not be as prolific as some, but what you do get out there is quality and that's all that matters. Keep up the amazing work!
Happiest of birthdays, Lisabet. And yeah, what Bianca said! :)
Hello, all!
Thank you so much for your good wishes and kind words. I had a great day - but you know, attitude is really everything!
I'll be picking a winner tomorrow.
Meanwhile, Lindsay - Happy birthday, and I'll be an Aquarius forever!
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