Monday, December 14, 2009

The Answers to All Your Questions

Welcome to Beyond Romance, my new blog. I've been toying with the idea of opening a personal blog for nearly a year. When my latest novel was accepted by Total-E-Bound, I decided to bite the bullet, take the plunge, sally forth into the fray...whatever.

For the next two weeks, I'll be hosting a Grand Opening Party here at Beyond Romance. Every day I will give away an autographed copy of one of my print titles to one of the people who leaves a comment. So please, don't stay anonymous, or you'll miss your chance to win.

On December 28th, the release date for Necessary Madness, I'll randomly select one individual commenter to receive my grand prize: a six-pack of my ebooks including a copy of the new release. You can win a daily prize and still be eligible for the grand prize... so I hope that you'll visit and comment often.

Anyway, I thought I'd begin by answering questions that you might have about me or my blog.

1. Does the world really need another author blog?

Well - honestly? - no, not really. However, I couldn't resist. I wanted my own blog for a couple of reasons.

For the last year I've been a member of the group blog Oh Get A Grip. I post once a week, every Sunday, on a selected topic. The Grip has been a blast, but as I've gotten into blogging, I've discovered that I sometimes have things to share that don't fit in with the weekly topic.

I've started doing guest appearances on the blogs of other authors, but that, too, is only occasional. I need a "room of my own" where I can sound off when I feel the urge.

Another motivation for Beyond Romance is that I can now reciprocate and offer my writing peers the opportunity to appear on my blog. In fact I plan to host guest bloggers every Wednesday and Friday.

If you are an author and would like to schedule an appearance, just email me at:

2. Do you plan to post every day?

During the Grand Opening, I'll have new content each day, either from me or a guest. Once things settle down, I'll post at least three days a week and have guests on an additional two days. If you'd like to know when I've added a new post, just use the subscription widget over on the left.

3. Why is the blog titled "Beyond Romance"?

I'm more than just a romance author. I write erotica and erotic thrillers. My husband keeps pushing me to write a mystery. And I love science fiction. At some point I'm sure that I'll try my hand at producing a full length scifi title.

To be honest, I don't like to be put in a box. I believe that the distinction between "erotic romance" and "erotica" is somewhat artificial. (I'll probably return to this theme in the future.) I worry that the micro-genres that pervade the romance world tend to encourage readers to stick with the familiar rather than experimenting with something new.

In the erotic romance realm, I've written heterosexual, menage, gay and lesbian stories. I write BDSM and paranormal, contemporary and a bit of historical. Basically, I'll try anything!

I grew up in the sixties. I'm a bit of a rebel. And I hate being bored.

4. What have you written?

The best way to answer that question is to visit my website, Lisabet Sarai's Fantasy Factory. Go to the Books page for my currently available titles. My publishing history lists all my credits.

5. How long have you been writing?

Forever. I have always had a love affair with words. I started writing fiction and poetry pretty much as soon as I learned how to hold a pencil. I've written lots of non-fiction, too, in the service of my profession.

(I don't write full time. I love my day job too much.)

My first publication in the erotica/romance genre was in 1999, when Black Lace released my novel Raw Silk.

5. What do you do when you're not writing?

Aside from working, I enjoy reading (of course), listening to music, cooking, watching films, and playing with my two cats. In my younger days I was a dancer. Lately my joints are not quite up to that, but I still try to exercise a couple of times a week.

One of my great passions, which I share with my husband of twenty seven years, is traveling. Unfortunately having day jobs interferes a bit with wandering the world, but together we have visited every continent except Australia and Antarctica. Meanwhile our travel wish list is still several pages long!

In addition to writing, I review erotica and erotic romance for the Erotica Readers and Writers Association and Erotica Revealed websites. I also write the monthly newsletter for ERWA. Finally, I've edited several collections of erotica. I am now the editor for the single author charity anthology series, Coming Together: Presents. I'll be bringing out at least three collections by my favorite authors during the next year.

So, that's probably enough for now. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in a comment, or just send me email.

Looking forward to getting to know you!


Donna said...

Congratulations on the new blog. I look forward to reading it.

Erotic Horizon said...

Congrats on getting the blog set up...

I look forward to spending the next few days with you and your guest and of couse I await all you have planned for next year.


Estella said...

Congratulations on your new blog!

orelukjp0 said...

Congratulations on the new blog. I am glad I'll be learning more about you and your works. I also love your name. It gives me hope that it will be something others than just promos and excerpts. We do care about authors and want to know about how their minds work out stories.
Congrats again.

Tamsyn said...

Congratulations on the new blog! Looking forward to having lots of fun here. :o)

Sherry said...

Congratulations on your new blog. I love to find out about more authors that I read I find it very interesting.

LuAnn said...

I'm looking forward to reading your new blog, Lisabet. I'm anxious to see what you have planned over the next two weeks to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Lisabet!
I wish you many followers!


tetewa said...

I'm looking forward to it, congrats!

Molly Daniels said...

Welcome to blogger Lisabet:) I've come to enjoy your posts on OGAG!

Judy said...

I enjoyed reading your post and learning a few things about you. Congrats on your blog. I enjoy visiting all the author's blogs.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new blog :)

sassytdw said...

Conratulations on your new blog!!

Cathy M said...

Hi Lisabet, I am always ready to add a great blog to my list.

Maggie Dove said...

Hi Lisabet,

Just wanted to stop by and say hi. Congrats on new blog.


Ida Brugler said...

congrads on your new bolg!

Emerald said...

Congratulations on your new blog, Lisabet! I am delighted that you have formed one and have added you to my blogroll. I look forward to checking in!


Anonymous said...

So enjoyed the FRESHNESS of your new Blog, Lisbet! I look forward to checking back often...

hugs, Kari Thomas,Paranormal Romance Author,

Genella deGrey said...

Congrats and all the very best to you, Lisabet!

Tina Donahue said...

Love the look of your page, Lisabet! Congrats on the new blog - it's a winner!


booklover0226 said...

Congrats on your new blog! I look forward in reading your posts.

Tracey D

Stacey said...

Lisabet, congratulations on your bouncing baby blog! With this many comments, looks like you've moved well along into childhood already!

Love the title, and the yummy header!

See you soon! Dev

Andrea I said...

Congratulations on your new blog. I look forward to following it.

Debby said...

Congrats on your new blog. I am not sure how often I will visit but I willtry.
debby236 @ att . net

s7anna said...

Hey Lisabet,
Congratulations on the new blog!!!
I'm looking forward to your future postings...especially the scintillating excerpts & yummy pics/book covers you may post (hint hint) LOL

Happy Holidays

Jennifer Mathis said...

congrats and I just wanted to add that I love hearing about other places people have been and even more when it's from an author. They can write better than us average joes. Hint lol

EdgesAngel23 said...

Congrats on the new blog!! It looks like a great read!! :)
Ashley A

Stacey Smith said...

Congrats on the new blog all blogs are a good thing there can never be to many of them.
Happy Holidays

Sweet Vernal Zephyr said...

More congratulations on the new blog. I look forward to your sounding off! ;)
mdwartistry at yahoo dot com

lindseye said...

Will enjoy coming over to visit.
linze_e at hotmail dot com

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