Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Once a romantic...twice a rebel @Jenna_Jaxon #HistoricalRomance #Waterloo #Giveaway

Much Ado about a Widow cover

Lady Georgina Kirkpatrick defied her family, jilted her fiancé, and married the man she loved. But when her husband died at Waterloo, she was delivered right back into her father’s power...

Victory is sweet—but England’s triumph was Georgie’s rout. Now that she’s widowed, the loathsome marriage her father first arranged has simply been renegotiated. With neither money nor rights, and nowhere to flee, all she can do is cherish her last weeks of freedom. . . . Until a band of ruffians overtake her carriage and kidnap her. When she escapes in seaside Brighton and encounters her brother’s rather wild friend, Lord St. Just—whom she suspects aspires to be a pirate—she’s prepared to entertain more of his adventurous suggestions than usual...

St. Just knows his mind and his duty, and he loves a challenge. Helping a fair lady make her farewells to hoodlums suits his talents well. Within the hour he has Georgie, her lady’s maid—and her little dog, too—sailing for his castle in Cornwall. Meanwhile, the lady’s entire family, her kidnappers, and her scheming intended are in pursuit. But as he and the indomitable Georgie grow closer, he begins to suspect that together they will prove a match for them all...


A key grated in the lock. Lulu growled and stalked toward it, the fur on her back rising straight up.

Not yet, Lulu.” Georgie gathered the leash. “Don’t bite him quite yet.”

Her dog stopped advancing on the door; however, the growling did not abate. Better be safe. She gathered Lulu into her arms. “I’ll give you the signal.”

The cabin door swung open, revealing Lord St. Just, an impossibly broad grin on his face. “Wait until I tell you what my men and I just did.”

You don’t have to tell me, my lord. I already know.” Georgie glared at him and held Lulu tighter. The little animal was shaking, and Georgie was sure if she loosened her grip Lulu would launch herself at the unwary marquess. Serve him right too.

You do?” He frowned and cocked his head, which made him look like a puzzled puppy. Lulu looked just like that whenever she was unhappy. But what did he have to be unhappy about? He was the one who had kidnapped her.

You have set sail, my lord, with me and my maid aboard against our wills. Many sensible people call that kidnapping.” She’d always known this man was a pirate. In fact, she’d told her brother so. She handed Lulu to Clara before the dog could leap out of her arms and tear at his lordship’s throat. If anyone was going to attack the marquess, it would be Georgie herself. Plant him a facer and see how he liked being set upon.

Oh.” The impossible man was all smiles again. “Yes, we had to put out or miss the evening tide.” His grin had returned, showing many straight, white teeth. “But we did manage to steal your trunks, Lady Georgina. If you will consider yourself abducted again, at least rejoice in the fact that you will have clean linen throughout the ordeal.”

About the Author

Jenna Jaxon is a multi-published author of historical and contemporary romance. She has been reading and writing historical romance since she was a teenager. A romantic herself, she has always loved a dark side to the genre, a twist, suspense, a surprise. She tries to incorporate all of these elements into her own stories. She lives in Virginia with her family and a small menagerie of pets. When not reading or writing, she indulges her passion for the theater, working with local theaters as a director. She often feels she is directing her characters on their own private stage.

She has equated her writing to an addiction to chocolate because once she starts she just can't stop.


Instagram: passionistimeless

Buy Link

Jenna is giving away a $25 Amazon GC to one lucky reader during her tour.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Review: Splendificent - #Review #UrbanFantasy #Babes

splendificent cover

Splendificent by Dacy Alex
Roxy Kitty Publishing, 2019

Giselle Nyfall would never claim to be extraordinary. The buxom blond California girl spends her free time streaming video games, crushing on celebrities and cruising the web to research unusual sexual practices. She has a dream, though – to get out from under the thumb of her controlling socialite mom and move to New York City for college.

When, against all expectations, the C+ student is accepted to elite Hemera University, Giselle is initially ecstatic. Then her dorm room turns out to be non-existent, due to a computer glitch. Not to worry, though. Anika Lindgren, the curvaceous and seductive Head of Student Services, informs Giselle that she’s being housed in an Upper East Side condo reserved for “extraordinary young women”.

The baroquely-decorated, luxuriously-appointed condo makes Giselle wonder whether this assignment might also be an error. Her doubts grow when she meets her roommates: tough, foul-mouthed Boston boxer Fleur Flanagan; flighty, violent, sparkle-dispensing southern belle Dusty Blackwood; social-media-obsessed redhead Sofi Poe; and “Viking Barbie” Tristabelle Elvrina, who claims to be an actual princess. They’re all drop-dead gorgeous, with a preference for skimpy outfits that show off their ample charms. And they all seem to be sizing up poor Giselle – whether for their next sex partner, their next meal, or their next murder victim isn’t quite clear.

When zombified husbands start showing up at the condo, Giselle discovers that her apartment mates are more than just bodacious babes. Each of them is a supernatural being of some sort. Fleur’s part vampire, part succubus; Dusty’s a failed fairy; Sofi is a kitsune, a Japanese fox shifter; and Tristabelle is the scion of an ancient Elven royal family. As more men fall to the sex curse, magic-enslaved minions kidnap Giselle for dark rituals, and raven-headed demons attack their limo, the girls’ powers are put to the test. Will they survive the bacchanalian excesses of the wildest party in the Underworld? Just how extraordinary are these young women? And what is Giselle’s role in this salacious dance of good and evil?

It’s worth buying Splendificent just for the fabulous cover. I defy you not to drool at the lovingly rendered images of Giselle and her supernaturally-talented roommates. Of course, you can just ogle them online. If you don’t actually read the book, though, you’ll be missing a treat.

The novel is marketed as “urban fantasy”, but in my opinion, it really defies categorization. True, it’s set in the quintessential city (New York), and teems with the type of magical creatures who normally populate the urban fantasy genre. However, rather than fleshing out a universe of paranormal forces that parallel everyday existence, the author seems more interested in the flesh of his enticing female characters. The bad guys are basically foils for showing off the girls’ skills and their substantial feminine charms.

At the same time, this isn’t really erotica. For one thing, there’s very little actual sex until the final chapters, just a lot of titillation (with the emphasis on “tits”).

But who cares?

The book is hilariously over-the-top, and the silly but snappy dialogue kept me giggling. Giselle, the “chosen one”, is far from the typical urban fantasy heroine. She’s physically clumsy, socially awkward, and not overly intelligent. Still, you can’t help but love her innocence and bumbling sincerity.

Although magic isn’t really the true focus of Splendificent, the book nevertheless brims with imagination. The author does a great job conveying the strangeness of Giselle’s experience. As an example, here’s one of my favorite passages. The girls are desperately fighting off a demon attack.

"Mistlewoe come to me!" Tristabelle howled behind Giselle.

Giselle saw something that left her stammering, her mind struggling to process this glorious sight that had no clue it didn't belong in this world.

It was a sword -- that she knew. It was being held by a very angry, very murderous person who was supposed to be Princess Tristabelle Elvrina of Golden Land.

The hilt of this treasure was made of translucent ice, with veins of the same substance running through it. The pommel or end of the sword was white ice magic crystal. Impossibly, its crossguard was a mind-bending set of wings that flapped as this murderous woman lunged forward. A lunge headed by a blade made of ice and tangled in mistletoe. Its icy blade was encircled by also frozen vines.

Giselle felt a pinch of pity for what she guessed were the countless victims of this mystical weapon. Even when the ice blade plunged into the demon's stomach, and his grotesque body began melting into sludge that disappeared when it hit the ground, her sympathy went out.

The person who was supposed to be a princess of an insignificant Scandinavian country let her sword fade from her hand in a cloud of sparkles.

Overall, it’s rather difficult to describe Splendificent. However, if you appreciate originality, humor, sexual innuendo and gorgeous women, I suspect you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Backward Glance - #NewYear #NewReleases #Giveaway

Looking backward in the mirror

Image by dbderuiter from Pixabay

We’re only a few days from the start of a new year. Like many of us, I’m tempted to look back over 2019 and draw some conclusions. 

In my meat-space existence, the past year has been busy and productive. I did a lot of traveling and accomplished quite a few of my career goals.

Since I don’t write full time, there’s normally a trade-off between my real-world activities and my writing. Still, despite being so busy, I managed get more books out in 2019 than I have in years.

I started in January, with the release of Sin City Sweethearts, the third, and up to that point longest, volume in the Vegas Babes series.

I didn’t really expect to continue the series beyond that point, but with Valentine’s Day approaching, I felt the urge to put out a seasonally appropriate title. I wrote Valentine’s Visit: Four-Way Friend Swap in about a week. Although it’s part of the Vegas Babes series, it’s a bit more romance-y in tone and content, focusing as it does on two committed couples. 

Mid-year, I got the news that one of my publishers was shutting down and releasing the rights for the titles they’d published. I re-edited, expanded and re-titled my third novel as The Heart of the Deal. The re-branded novel has sold much better than the traditionally published version.

I also managed to get two shorts, The Last Amanuensis (speculative erotica) and Refuge (multi-cultural erotic romance) back onto the shelves.

During July and August, I took a long trip back to the U.S. to visit family and friends. To keep my blog readers occupied during the month I was gone, I organized a “Free Reading Fest”, with lots of stories and prizes. When I returned, I collected all those stories and published them as Crowd Pleaser: Erotic Shorts, which is 100% free on Smashwords.

Meanwhile, I was working on the next Vegas Babes book. Babes in Bondage came out just after Halloween, nearly 50K of wildly creative, over-the-top erotica.

I think that will be the last Babes book... but I’ve thought that before.

I didn’t really plan any more releases for 2019 – I was too busy – but then I got inspired by the upcoming winter holidays. I ended up publishing two very different holiday titles. Cherry Pie and Mistletoe is a sweet, hot erotic romance featuring characters who are over sixty. In contrast, Santa, Baby! is anything-goes holiday smut, with a mild femdom theme. I’m amazed to realize that despite end-of-year professional responsibilities, I managed to write and release 20K in about three weeks.

So what about next year? I’m not sure, but I do plan to put out another title in my Asian Adventures series, set in Vietnam. Then I’ll package those books into a boxed set. I’m also going to do a boxed set of Vegas Babes... unless I get inspired to write one more installment.

As for new efforts, I have a notion for a new steam punk erotica series called The Toy-Makers Guild, about an elite group of Victorian engineers and artists who excel at creating implements of pleasure. I also have a half-written vampire/shifter romance that I abandoned a few years ago. I hate to waste that effort; I may recast it as an urban fantasy.

But what would you like me to write next year?

Leave me a comment letting me know your preferences, and you could win a prize: your choice of any of the books I published in 2019. I’ll draw two winners, once we make it to 2020.

Meanwhile, Happy New Year to all of you! Wishing you love, joy, peace and prosperity in the new decade.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Saturday Spanks: Santa, Baby! #SaturdaySpanks #HolidayErotica #NewRelease

Saturday Spanks banner

Season’s Greetings!

For today’s Saturday Spanks, I thought I’d share a bit from my new holiday erotica title, Santa, Baby!

There’s only one spanking in this sizzling 12,000 word story – but it’s a good one!


This Christmas, Santa discovers it’s nice to be naughty!

Recent university grad Matt Glaser may not have the Santa Claus beard or belly, but when it comes to earning extra holiday cash, it's a case of 'ho ho ho, let's start the show'—he loves his red suit like a reindeer loves carrots. This potential client, though—classy, curvy Eleanor Danforth—seems more interested in checking out his butt than his references. And two grand for a private party? Oy vey, Prancer, something's not kosher about this particular Vixen. She's not one to be denied, though. When the interview takes a carnal turn, he finds he’s unexpectedly eager to satisfy the demanding older woman.

Wearing the provocative costume supplied by his employer, Matt arrives at the Danforths’ swanky apartment to discover he’s been cast as the emcee for Eleanor’s intimate gathering. His duties include managing a pair of scantily-clad blond elves, distributing decadent treats to guests who’ve been good, and meting out punishments to the naughty. Meanwhile, the mistress of the house has a Christmas gift especially for him—one made of silicon and leather straps, which requires plenty of lube. Ho ho ho, Matt! It's going to be a very merry Christmas indeed.


When the elf was finally quiet, I turned her head so I could gaze into her sparkling blue eyes. “So, little girl,” I said, making my voice deeper without thinking about it. “Have you been good this year?”

The script came easily, the lines I’d used in year after year of Christmas gigs. I fell into the part, a sense of my own benevolence spreading through me.

Yes, Santa. I’ve been very good.” She grinned and squirmed against my rigid cock, fully aware of the effects this produced.

Hmm.” I stroked my beard theatrically. “I’m not sure I believe you, little girl. Are you sure you haven’t been naughty?”

No…no, Santa, I’ve been good.”

You haven’t done anything…dirty? Like touching yourself?”

Um…uh, no…”

Or letting someone else touch you? Have you let those nasty boys see your panties?”

I don’t usually wear panties, Santa.”

Oh, my! That’s very naughty.”

But panties aren’t comfortable… and if I wear them, my girlfriend—oh! I didn’t mean that…”

Your girlfriend! Does she touch you?” I adopted a stern tone. Images of the two women having sex in the kitchen ran through my mind.

Betsy looked slightly panicked. “Only sometimes… only a little…and it feels so good…”

Naughty!” I thundered. “Definitely naughty. No present for you.”

But Santa…”

The eyes of Eleanor’s guests were all glued to the tableau in Santa’s chair. Henry, Jane, Delilah, the other guys, all seemed to be holding their breath.

You deserve to be punished. A good hard spanking is what you need.” I couldn’t believe what I was saying. I’d never spanked anyone in his life, had never thought about it. Now, though, my dick surged at the idea of raining blows on this minx’s bare ass.

No. No…!” Betsy wailed.

Take your spanking like a good girl,” I murmured in her ear, soft enough that only she could hear. “Then maybe I’ll give you a present.”

She sniffled.

Over my knee, little girl,” I said, in a louder voice. “Now.”

Betsy climbed off his knees. With surprising meekness, she rearranged herself so that she was face down, her hips resting on my thighs and her rear in easy reach of my hand. The chair was large enough that she could fold her arms on the cushion beside me, and rest her head.

I flipped up her tiny skirt, exposing her beautifully rounded ass. “Are you ready?”

Yes, Santa.” Her voice was unsteady.

I raised his arm. Did I dare? The white skin beckoned. I brought my palm down in a ferocious slap on her left cheek.


The skin darkened and grew pink at the point of impact. My swollen dick pulsed.

Slap! My next stroke landed on her right cheek. She jerked, but didn’t cry out this time.

Slap! Slap! With each blow, I became more excited. Still, I felt in complete control, connected with the girl on my lap. Betsy moaned, but as I continued to spank her, I noted the pussy juice coating her inner thighs. This was turning her on.

Get your copy today!

Kinky Literature –

Friday, December 27, 2019

Race you to the bedroom.... #HolidayRomance #EroticRomance #RomCom

Under a Christmas Moon cover

By Tim Smith (Guest Blogger)

Tis the season for that inevitable combination of holidays and romance. The two go together like homemade cookies and hot chocolate, and have long been a staple of books and made-for-TV movies. My latest offering to the list of short holiday reads is Under a Christmas Moon. This is the third installment in an unofficial series I began three years ago with Santa Slept Here, followed by Cupid Says Happy New Year. The two lead characters are the same, and the stories follow their developing relationship, but they don’t need to be read in order.

Scott Burke and Lisa Berger were high school sweethearts once upon a time, but that was fifteen years ago. Sparks were rekindled one year ago, when Lisa found herself stranded in Scott’s hometown on Christmas Eve and they realized they never should have parted. Now they’re planning their first Christmas together as a couple, but a little thing called life keeps getting in the way. Both of their careers keep them busy, especially Lisa’s, and Scott begins to feel like the odd man out in the relationship. Can the two lovers keep the flames burning, or will they decide it isn’t worth the trouble?

I’ve long been a fan of the premise of two people who knew each other once upon a time, but it wasn’t the right time for them to pursue a relationship. They find each other after they’ve been apart, and discover they belong together. That’s the theme with these two characters. Scott became smitten with Lisa when they were in high school fifteen years earlier, but he was too shy to do anything about it. She was also the most popular girl in his class, and he doubted she would ever want to date him. Now that they’ve both grown up and been kicked around by life, they discover they have a lot in common.


Lisa turned off one of the lamps then stood beside Scott with her arm around his waist. They looked at the Christmas tree.

It looks so pretty, all lit up,” she said.

Yeah, it does. I’m glad you like colored lights on a tree. I can’t stand the ones that are all white.”

Me, either. A Christmas tree should be bright and colorful. It needs to scream festivity.”

Does this one scream loud enough for you?”

Lisa examined the tree for a few moments. “It will after you move that Santa closer to the angel near the top.”

Scott groaned and rolled his eyes. “I give up.”

He took their wine glasses to the kitchen to refill them then returned to the living room. Lisa sat on the floor in front of the fireplace. The blue and yellow flames danced along the faux logs and gave off just enough heat to take away the chill. Scott gave Lisa her glass then sat next to her. He had loaded up the stereo with their favorite holiday CDs.

She sipped her wine. “Our first Christmas together.”

Second,” Scott corrected. “You were here last year.”

I meant our first official we’re-a-couple-now Christmas.”

He hugged her. “That’s a nice feeling. Any regrets about leaving Memphis and moving back here?”

None. Now I’m closer to my family and I get to be with you.”

Scott sipped his wine. “No second thoughts about moving in with me instead of getting a place of your own?”

Lisa set their glasses on the hearth. She pulled Scott close then kissed him. “Not a one. When we reconnected last year and we both realized how much in love we were, it was a no-brainer.”

He reached up to brush a stray strand of hair from her face. “It was for me, too.”

Scott embraced Lisa and kissed her, slipping his tongue into her mouth and massaging her lips with his. Her scent kicked his libido into overdrive, and he ran his hands along her back.

She peered into his eyes. “Did you have fun today?”

Yeah, I did. It was nice having you all to myself. Think we can do that more often?” Cupid Says Happy New Year

Mm-hmm.” She traced her finger along his jaw. “Remember last year, when we finally made love for the first time?”

Arousal stirred at the memory. “Of course. You were incredibly hot that night.” He hesitated. “And you have been every time since.”

Thank you for adding that last part.”

She kissed him again then peered into his eyes, giving a sultry look. “Race you to the bedroom,” she teased.

What do I win if I get there first?”

Anything you want to do with me.”

If I lose?”

She flashed a playful smile. “The same thing.”

They went to the bedroom upstairs. Scott undressed in the faint light, then watched Lisa do a leisurely striptease. His gaze devoured her as she pulled her sweater over her head, followed by unhooking and shrugging off her black lace bra, giving her firm breasts their freedom. She unfastened her tight jeans, then wriggled them over her hips, turning away when she tossed them aside before seductively peeling her matching panties over her tight, round ass.

Damn, she knows just how to get to me.

* * *

This is a light romantic comedy with a cute ending, reminiscent of what you see on Lifetime or Ion this time of year. Be forewarned that there is some adult content. If you like this one, check out the first two in the series, Santa Slept Here and Cupid Says Happy New Year. Happy reading!

About the Author

Tim Smith is an award-winning, bestselling author of romantic mystery/thrillers and contemporary erotic romance. He is also a freelance writer, photographer, and blogger. When he isn’t writing he can often be found in the Florida Keys, doing research between parasailing and seeking out the perfect Mojito.


Thursday, December 26, 2019

New Gay Romance from @JPBowie - #MMRomance #Cowboys #Horses

Vetting the Cowboy cover

Vetting the Cowboy

Hot in the Saddle is a new series set in a dude ranch in California. It features some of the characters from my earlier cowboy series Ride ’em Cowboy plus a variety of new hot men who live and love the cowboy way.

When Mike Henry, the new veterinarian in town, meets cowboy Seth Archer, it could be good times ahead—but Mike’s ex isn’t about to let him go without a fight.

Seth Archer, working cowboy on a dude ranch in Northern California, is thrown for a loop when he meets Mike Henry, the new veterinarian in town. The five-foot-eight bespectacled Mike isn’t Seth’s type, but the blue eyes behind the glasses are something Seth can’t seem to get past or forget.

Mike’s on the run. Well, not exactly, but he left Seattle to get away from Victor Torrens, a dominating boyfriend who turned abusive when Mike told him he wouldn’t be his submissive. Mike hasn’t worked with horses before, but it’s not long before his natural love of animals—and cowboys—makes him decide to call the small town of Denton home.

Seth and Mike bond, but their love affair might just be doomed before it truly begins when Victor sends Alex Brand, a celebrity bodyguard, to strongarm Mike back to Seattle.

In order to protect Seth and his new friends from Alex’s big fists, Mike may be forced to make a decision he’ll regret for the rest of his life.


Seth brings in one of the horses he’s seen limping. Parker Jones, the co-owner of the Seven Plus Ranch tells him to call the local veterinarian…

Where’s the doc, d’you suppose?” Seth asked.

Give him another call,” Bob said.

Right.” He punched in Walker’s number and was diverted to his receptionist, Trish. “Oh, hi. Just wondering how much longer the doc’s gonna be. This is Seth over at the Seven Plus.”

He got delayed over at the Armitage place, Seth. He sent his new assistant, Doctor Henry instead. He should’ve been there by now. He must’ve got lost or something. He’s new to the area, only been here a couple of weeks or so. I’ll call him and see what’s going on.”

Thanks. Let me know if there’s a problem.”
Will do.” Trish hung up and almost as soon as she had, Seth heard a car pull up in the parking area near the stable.

He stepped outside and watched as a young man flung himself out of a Toyota Camry. Whoa, when did they start making vets like this one? Is he even old enough to be a vet? He had curly brown hair and was wearing a loose white shirt and skinny jeans. As he hurried toward the stable he kept pushing his black-framed glasses back up over the bridge of his nose. He suddenly stopped in his tracks, muttered something under his breath then headed back to the car. He pulled a bag from inside then practically ran toward the stable door.

Sorry,” he yelled on seeing Seth. “I got completely turned around trying to get here. Guess I’m going to have to get a car with a GPS when I turn this rental back in.” He held out a hand. “Doctor Mike Henry, and you are?”

Seth Archer.” Seth took the outstretched hand and shook it.

Doctor Walker said to ask for Mr. Jones.”

Parker, our boss. I’ll call him now you’re here.” He fisted his cell phone and called Parker. “Hey Boss, the vet’s here, only it’s not Doctor Walker, it’s a Doctor Henry.”

Okay, Seth, I’ll be right there.”

The doctor’s blue eyes peered at Seth though his glasses. “Uh, you can call me Mike…less formal, really. So, where’s the patient?”

That would be Bonney, right here,” Seth said indicating the brown mare.

Oh…she’s a beauty.” Mike hesitated. “Uh, have to admit, I don’t know much about horses. This’ll be a first for me.” He pushed his glasses back in place as he stared at Bonney.

Well, she’s as gentle as a lamb,” Seth remarked, wondering why Doc Walker had sent someone unfamiliar with horses. Parker isn’t gonna be pleased. He had to admit though that the guy was cute as a button. That curly hair, and those big blue eyes behind his glasses were a real turn on. Wonder if he’s gay

Okay. I see you have the front hoof covered. Is that where the problem is?”

Yeah. Parker figures it’s an abscess.”

Right, well if you could just lift her hoof so I can take a look.”

Sure.” Bonney whinnied softly as Seth knelt and balanced her foreleg on his knee. He removed the pad covering her hoof and Mike knelt beside Seth to start his examination.

Huh,” Mike murmured. “Mr. Jones is correct. That’s an abscess all right. Needs draining right away.” His glasses slipped down his nose as he peered at the inflammation and Seth had to smile as Mike pushed them back up with his forefinger.


Your glasses. Think they might need a little tightening.”

Mike chuckled. “Oh yeah, I meant to go visit the optometrist before I left Seattle, just didn’t get to it with the rush to get here.” He grinned at Seth then bent his head to take another look at Bonney’s hoof. Seth gazed at Mike’s curly hair. It wasn’t brown as he’d first thought now he was this close, more a kind of chestnut maybe, and there were lighter colored wisps intermingled with the curls. Was that natural or did a hairdresser have something to do with the highlights? He studied the backs of Mike’s ears and the way his hair curled around them. He wondered what kind of shampoo Mike used, it smelled real nice…

Doctor Henry?”

Parker’s voice from behind them made Mike and Seth jump at the same time. Their heads collided and Mike’s glasses flew off his face.

Shit, I’m sorry,” Seth gasped as Mike groped around in the straw.

No worries,” Mike mumbled. “I got ’em.” He rammed them back on and stood up. After carefully lowering Bonney’s hoof to the floor Seth followed Mike out of the stall. Parker was staring at them with an amused smile on his face.

Uh, Mr. Jones.” Mike wiped his hands off on his jeans then held one out in greeting. “Doctor Mike Henry. Sorry about that back there.”

No problem, for me, anyway.” Parker laughed softly. “You guys might have bruised heads to deal with though.”

Mike touched his forehead. “It’s fine…glasses too. So, Mr. Jones…”

Call me Parker.”

Uh, yes…Parker. Your diagnosis is correct, and with your permission I’d like to get started on the treatment right away before the infection spreads.”

Vetting the Cowboy is available now!

Amazon Kindle Unlimited: https://tinyurl.com/qrxaw9e

Website: www.jpbowie.com

My thanks to Lisabet for featuring my new series. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season!