Wednesday, July 4, 2018

MFRW Book Hooks: Burn, Baby -- #lLGBTQ #newrelease #MFRWHooks

Welcome to another MFRW Book Hooks hop! Today I’ve got a snippet from my recently released collection of lesbian short stories, Burn, Baby:A Sapphic Six Pack.

This excerpt is from “Rush Hour”, a fun story about the attraction between opposites.

Nothing is impossible, optimists will say. Have they ever tried to get a cab during rush hour? In the rain? I’d been standing on Fifth Avenue for twenty minutes, my briefcase clutched precariously under the same arm that held up my umbrella, waving at the taxis filing by in slow motion. Every one was full.

The clock was ticking. I was due at Cipriani in less than two hours to welcome the board of directors. I had to get home. A motorcycle roared through the streaming gutters, nearly knocking me over. A tsunami of dirty water rose to soak my pants. Thanks, buddy. Now I really had to get home.

I should have taken the subway. I didn’t want to ruin my suit in the rain, but that hardly mattered now. I was just about to give up and walk when I saw a cab with his light on, halfway up the block. Juggling briefcase, purse and umbrella, I scrambled through the crowd on the sidewalk. He might be my last chance.

He was stuck in traffic. I prayed that the signal didn’t change. Just as I reached him, a black-clad figure pushed past me and wrenched the door open.

Hey! That’s my cab!”

No way, lady. I got here first.” The girl grinned at me, pale makeup and purple lipstick giving her a ghoulish quality. She started to climb into the vehicle but I grabbed her sleeve.

I’m late. I need this cab. It’s terribly important. You can take the next one.”

You think that I don’t have important places to go?” She pulled her arm from my grasp, further stretching her already misshapen sweater. “I’ve got rehearsal in half an hour. Now get out of my way.”

She tried to elbow past me. Desperate, knowing I’d feel bad later, I snatched her shoulder bag and threw it on the sidewalk.

You bitch!” As she ducked down to pick it up, I slid into the taxi. Before I could slam the door, though, she pushed in after me, jabbing me in the ribs with her umbrella. The door closed just as the traffic light turned green.

Where to, ladies?” The cabbie was torn between annoyance and amusement.

Ow! 32nd and Lex, please.” I could barely get the words out.

No, don’t listen to her. Houston, near Varick. Step on it!”

Ignore her. I was in the cab first. If you don’t take me to Murray Hill immediately, I’ll report you.”

~ ~ ~ ~

You can buy the book at all your favorite bookstores.

Be sure to visit the other authors who are participating in today’s Book Hooks. You’ll find their links below.


Janet Lane Walters said...

What a dreadful dilemma, especially the ruined suit. This is very interesting and I wonder who will win the ride.

Anonymous said...

Vivid action and strong emotions. I'd definitely keep reading. I feel sorry for the cabbie's dilemma. - Ed

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