Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The Ingredients of Bliss (#menage #bdsm #MFRWHooks)

Ingredients of Bliss cover

Wednesday again, which means it’s time for another Marketing For Romance Writers Book Hooks blog hop!

Check out my blurb and hook, from my outrageous BDSM ménage novel TheIngredients of Bliss. Then go visit some of the other authors “hooking” you today!


One sexy French chef. One kinky American TV producer. One ambitious Chinese gal who thinks she wants them both. The ingredients of bliss? Or a recipe for disaster?

Accomplished cook Mei LeeEmilyWong knows exactly what she wantsher own show on the Tastes of France food channel. But life is full of complications. First, her deceptively nerdy producer, Harry Sanborne, initiates Emily into the delights of submission. Then her boss, legendary chef Etienne Duvalier, begs her to dominate him. Emily just cant resistespecially when Harry orders her to explore her inner mistress. Suave and sexy Etienne will do whatever she asksin the bedroom if not in the kitchen. And Harry, her lovingly diabolical Dom, adores pushing Emilys limits.

When the network sends the trio to France to shoot a series of cooking shows on location, Emily knows her career is on the upswing. Her plans fall apart in Marseille as a Hong Kong drug syndicate kidnaps both Etienne and Harry. The Iron Hammer Triad mistakes Etienne for notorious gangster Jean Le Requin, who has stolen their drug shipment, worth millions. Emily realizes she must find the real Le Requin, retrieve the purloined dope, and bargain it for Harrys and Etiennes lives. The secret shes been keeping from Harry might prove useful. Still, what chance does one woman whose knife skills are limited to chopping vegetables, have against the ruthless cruelty of two criminal organizations?


The Hook (Rated R)

He broke the kiss and raised himself up on his forearms, gazing down at me. “I love you, Emily.” He didn’t need to say the words. The truth blazed in his face.

I love you too. I choked on the admission, unable to give back what he needed and deserved. How could I say I loved him after what had happened yesterday? Miserable, confused, drowning in self-reproach, I remained silent.

It’s about Etienne, isn’t it?”

What?His insight shocked me into a response.UmnoI mean…”

Whatever else you may or may not feel, don’t lie to me. Please.”

I swallowed the lump in my throat and scanned his handsome face. I saw no trace of anger. In fact, a hint of a grin played on his lips. I nodded.

Tell me. Every detail.”

I can’t…”

Mei Lee Wong, I swear that if you dont confess this instant, Ill thrash you with that paddle we bought last week until you can barely walk!Yet even as he voiced this threat, he levered himself off my body and thrust two fingers into my pussy, triggering a spasm of exquisite pleasure.

How could I refuse him?

Buy Links (available in ebook and print, too!)

Totally Bound (with special bonus chapter!):



Visit some of today’s other Book Hooks posts!


Janet Lane Walters said...

Interesting. She sure has her work cut out for her. Great excerpt

Anonymous said...

I think this is an x-rated illustration of "The carrot (his fingers) or the stick (the paddle)".

Lisabet Sarai said...

Thanks, Janet & Ed!

You're both definitely right!

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