Do you like Steam Punk? If you do, you'll love Carnal Machines, a brand new release from Cleis Press, edited by D.L. King. Carnal Machines is a collection of sexy short stories set in worlds of corsets and clockwork, bizarre devices of brass, leather and rubber, airships and subterranean probes. It's a delightfully creative mix of Victorian sensibility, fantastic technology, and unbridled sensuality.
Already we've received two fantastic reviews, from Erotica Revealed and the Erotica Readers and Writers Association.
Starting today, the Carnal Machines authors are running a blog tour. I'll be posting next week, and giving away a copy of the book to one lucky commenter. Meanwhile, visit my fellow authors and read about their tales.
May 1 D. L. King http://dlkingerotica.blogspot.com
May 2 Teresa Noelle Roberts http://teresanoelleroberts.blogspot.com
May 3 Kathleen Bradean http:/kathleenbradean.blogspot.com
May 4 Jay Lawrence http://jaylawrenceerotica.blogspot.com
May 5 Kannan Feng http://kannanfeng.wordpress.com
May 6 Essemoh Teepee http://www.smotp.com/html/blog.html
May 7 Elizabeth Schechter http://easchechter.wordpress.com/blog
May 8 Delilah Devlin http://delilahdevlin.com/blog
May 9 Tracey Shellito http://traceyshellito.livejournal.com/
May 10 Renee Michaels https://alimom.wordpress.com/
May 11 Elias St. James http://dlkingerotica.blogspot.com
May 12 Lisabet Sarai http://lisabetsarai.blogspot.com
May 13 Janine Ashbless http://janineashbless.blogspot.com
May 14 Poe Von Page http://poevonpage.blogspot.com/
Don't miss the fun!
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