By P.D. Alleva (Guest Blogger)
The story of The Rose Vol. 1 begins immediately after the end of World War 3. More than a handful of characters in the novel are completely unaware of what has been happening behind the scenes of the war. Unaware that aliens exist and definitely unaware that there is a human/alien conspiracy responsible for the war, I relate these characters to the reader, all of whom are tossed into this alien conspiracy eye opener, discovering the existence of aliens, underground cities, and the threat the conspiracy poses to all of humanity.
During the writing process I envisioned the reader sitting shotgun on a thrill ride with the characters behind the wheel, discovering one twist after another as the multiple alien species’, their history and lore, are brought to the forefront of consciousness existence while continuing to provide intrigue and a thirst to learn more. Of course I enjoy cliffhangers that add to the mystery of alien lore and theories featured in the story. Following is a brief ‘inside flap’ description of the story that provides a slice of background.
World War III has been raging for more than a decade. Desperate to survive, American citizens found refuge in the many safety camps scattered across American soil. Sandy Cox is among them. She arrived with her husband Ben four years ago. Now word has arrived that a treaty has been signed: War is over.
But the treaty is not what it seems. Rumors of chemical zombification and genetic experimentation on the young and unborn spread through the safety camp as the very soldiers tasked with providing safety quickly turn against their people. Sandy, six months pregnant, lives in fear for herself and her unborn child.
Enter Phil, a rebel freedom fighter with a mission to deliver Sandy to Atlanta where a group of freedom fighters wage a secret battle with a hidden enemy. And Sandy is the key to their success. But when Sandy and Phil are caught hiding in a run down hotel all hell breaks loose. And in the aftermath of the battle, Sandy is escorted to an underground medical lab and Phil is presumed dead.
Once taken underground, Sandy quickly discovers there’s more to World War III than human beings are aware of…and they come with teeth. Grey aliens and a species of Alien Vampires -- The Dracs -- have formed an alliance with powerful humans.
Now Phil must enter the underground compound as Sandy fights for the life of her unborn child. Armed with The Blades, an ancient weapon used in sacred alien martial arts, Phil braces himself for battle with alien vampires, greys, and genetically mutated humans.
Gear up, strap in, and indulge in an action adventure unlike any other.
Just a little taste of what’s in store with a little bit of information on the backstory, including the war and why Sandy is originally found in a safety camp. As an avid reader, I’ve always enjoyed stories that keep the reader guessing, wondering, and interested in learning more about the characters and depths of the plot. It is the writer’s job to keep the reader engaged, providing tid bits pertaining to the overall plot and arc of the story while maintaining that intrigue, want, and desire to learn more. And of course, tossing in some plot twists that develop into redirection conspired with action that ultimately feeds the reader with a holy cow, or WTF kind of response, but always driving the excitement. As we cheer and wait to learn the fate of our favorite characters it’s the writer’s job to transform that intrigue into a mind-blowing reality that drives a stake through the heart and mind with complete satisfaction.
I enjoy maintaining the mystery and I’ll have to admit sometimes I’m even blown away by a plot twist or character reaction. With a planned series of seven books over three interconnected series (The Rose Vol. 1 & 2, The Indigo Trilogy, and Winter Vol. 1 & 2) building the story requires mystery, wonder, and forever building stakes in each installment. Questions receive answers as needed, but as Phil – the rebel freedom fighter in The Rose – says to Cameron – a rogue American soldier whose been thrown into this mysterious rebellion shrouded in alien lore and conspiracy - “Every answer leads to another question.”
A masterful, dystopian science fiction thriller of underground genetic experiments, telepathic evil greys, mysterious rebellion, conspiracy, martial arts, and Alien Vampires.
Sandy Cox believed WW3 was over. But for those Alien Vampires, War Has Just Begun.
Forty-eight hours after a World War III treaty is signed Sandy Cox awakens in an underground compound unable to move. Tied to machines she screams for help but no one answers. At least NO ONE HUMAN.
And they’ve taken her unborn child.
Enter Phil, a rebel freedom fighter who has had more than his share of Alien Vampires. Armed with THE BLADES, a sacred alien martial art, he enters the compound on a mission to find Sandy. But as he battles his way through the compound, Phil discovers Sandy has her own agenda. Finding her stolen child is all that matters.
But the vampires have their own plan and Sandy’s baby is at the heart of their diabolical plot. Joined by a crew of rogue soldiers, they must navigate the underground compound, battling genetically mutated humans, aliens and monsters.
When battling Alien Vampires, one thing is certain…Get Ready To Bleed!
Fans of The Hunger Games, George RR Martin, VE Schwab, Star Wars and Ancient Aliens will be fascinated by this high-powered, intelligent, edge of your seat dystopian sci-fi action thriller.
“It’s in the blood, dear,” said Ellen, one of the women Sandy shared time and space with, her skin worn by age, hard labor, and days spent under the sun. Blotches, liver spots and creases led the observer to the eyes. One dark, the other a cataract milky white and she always wore a dark shawl draped over the head and shoulders. Sandy was afraid of Ellen, she reminded Sandy of a gypsy or witch from a fairy-tale.
“Come again?” said Sandy, her eyes shifting from soldier to Ellen to soldier then back to Ellen.
Ellen had cut herself transferring a wood bucket filled with rice to add to an already large trough of buckets. A thick wood splinter pinned in the bottom of her palm dripping with a thick stream of blood. She turned to Sandy raising the bloodied palm and caught a drop of blood in her unwounded hand.
“The blood dear,” said Ellen. “All magic comes from the blood.”
Sandy cringed at the sight; she’d always been squeamish. Her stomach bumped, blood curled. Magic, Sandy thought. If only magic was real. How wonderful would that be? Sandy understood she was naïve, the result of an isolated childhood and her parents’ death when she was ten years old. Not that they had taught the young Sandy about the world she lived in either. They’d kept her under lock and key, never so much as offering a glimpse or advice on the outside world. They were always so cryptic with their explanations, living in an abundant and overgrown mansion as if luxury were a childhood friend. Sure there were plenty of rooms for a child to explore but as time went by those rooms seemed more like a prison than a home.
Years of neglect, isolation and secrets were as torturous as physical suffering. And she was tired of secrets. She wanted to know truth. Truth was like a blanket that keeps you warm in the coldest winter.
“The blood, Sandy,” said Ellen who clenched her fist around those crimson droplets, shaking her hand in front of her face. “All is in the blood.”
About the Author
PD Alleva is an alternative fiction author. His novels cross genres, blending mystery, conspiracy, psychology, and action with horror and dystopian science fiction. Alternative fiction is PD's attempt at describing what readers uncover in any one of his books, a new discovery towards mainstream storytelling. He's been writing since childhood, creating and developing stories with brash and impactful concepts that he would describe are metaphors for the shifting energies that exist in the universe. PD exists inside of his own universe, working diligently on The Rose Vol. II and exceptional horror novels. Be prepared for Golem, PD’s upcoming horror thriller.
Social Media
Facebook Page: @pdallevaauthor
Twitter: @PdallevaAuthor
Instagram: pdalleva_author
Buy links
PD Alleva is giving away a $50 Amazon/ gift card to one randomly chosen reader.
Good morning. Thank you for hosting Lisabet, and good morning fellow readers and book lovers, thank you for stopping by today. I'll be popping in throughout the day so feel free to leave comments and ask any questions you may have, I'll answer them as best as I can. Enjoy the excerpt, and the background behind The Rose blog. Happy Thursday, PD
Hello, P.D.
Welcome to Beyond Romance! The Rose sounds intense and challenging. Seems to fit with your head shot LOL. In any case, I hope your tour goes really well.
Ha, that was funny. The biggest challenge with that headshot was making sure my double chin didn't show up. It's all about the camera angles LOL. Thank you for the support Lisabet.
Unusual story!
Great post – sounds like an interesting book!
Unusual? Definitely! I enjoy deviating from the norm to put out a story that is unique but nostalgic at the same time. Great comment Aerokorngal, thank you for stopping by.
Hello Victoria. Thank you for stopping by.
Sounds like a great book.
Nice, thank you Rita. Enjoy those alien vampires, evil greys, and genetic experiments.
Great post and I appreciate getting to find out about another great book. Thanks for all you do and for the hard work you put into this. Greatly appreciated!
Great cover! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you James, glad I can turn you on to some telekinetic grey aliens. Good luck on the giveaway, and thank you for stopping by, PD
AuntySuzany thank you for stopping by. I'm soooo happy the cover came out absolutely perfect. the designer really did a great job. Thank you, PD
this sounds very interesting!
I really liked the blurb and excerpt and think the books sounds really interesting.
cool beans. thank you Marisela for stopping by. Be careful with those alien vampires. They like to jump out at the last second LOL.
awesome, glad you enjoyed the "All magic comes from the blood," excerpt. The excerpt is a little window into Sandy's past combined with a little foreshadowing. Enjoy your day and thank you for stopping by Sherry.
Sounds like a thrilling read! Thanks for sharing!
Hey, anything that gives Stormy Vixen a thrill has got to be good. LOL. Thank you Stormy.
Good morning. I just wanted to say thank you to Lisabet for hosting the book tour and for supporting other authors, your contribution is awesome and I'm grateful for it. To GoddessFish promotions for promoting and putting the tour together and to all the readers who stopped by, a big hearty alien vampire thank you. Hope you all enjoyed the blog, excerpt and tour stop. Good luck on the giveaway and enjoy your weekend. Be bold. Be brilliant. Be extraordinary. Best wishes, PD
Enjoyed the post, sounds like my kind of read!
awesome tetewa. enjoy those alien vampires. Thank you for stopping by
Very unique take on vampires! The cover's almost zombie-like. :o
Thank you Emmaline. Glad I can turn you on to some alien vampires. Enjoy the ride.
Sounds great! I love the cover!
thank you Msredk.
Sounds really interesting... thanks for sharing!
Thank yo Catrina, if you pick up the book, enjoy the ride and those alien vampires. Enjoy your weekend, PD
Awesome cover! Thank you for sharing!
thank you for the awesome comment Suzany, it's good to have you here
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