Over the past few weeks, I’ve watched, appalled, as wildfires have torn through California and Oregon, consuming everything in their path. I have family and dear friends in California, so I’ve had the chance to see this disaster through their eyes. Fortunately, everyone close to me is safe – so far at least – but their stories of eerie red skies and smoke so thick they can’t breathe have made me freshly aware of how vulnerable we all are to the ravages of nature – and the consequences of anthropogenic climate change.
It seems pretty clear that we can expect more catastrophic fires, floods and storms in the coming months and years. I’d like to think that the last few months will be a wake-up call to those who have previously denied the reality of global warming. Meanwhile, I’m focusing on the immediate victims of the fires. Specifically, today I am donating to two local charities working to provide food, housing, information and financial assistance to people impacted by the disaster: the Community Action Partnership of Sonoma and the Food Bank for Monterey. I will donate one dollar to each of these organizations for each comment I receive on this post.
Meanwhile, I have a rather intense excerpt for you from my paranormal erotic romance Hot Spell, which actually includes a forest fire. Don’t worry, though. In this fantasy, the earth heals itself.
flames of passion are more than metaphor.
The city swelters in
the grip of an unseasonable heat wave. Sylvie endures her solitary
urban existence for the sake of her career, but the prospect of a
hot, lonely three day weekend proves unbearable and she flees east to
the pine-shrouded mountains. Far more at home in nature than in the
city, Sylvie doesn't mind being alone in the wilderness, but she's
not the only being haunting the glades and the trails.
is fiercely attracted to the voluptuous beauty he finds sun bathing
nude in a high meadow, but he must resist his overwhelming desire for
the sake of her safety. The sun-bronzed man with the red-gold hair is
cursed with power he knows will destroy her if they give full rein to
their passion. Can Sylvie refrain from tempting him? Or will she risk
being being literally consumed by love?
Excerpt (Rated X)
Another orgasm hit her like a tsunami. She couldn’t think straight anymore. All she knew was pleasure and Aidan—the feel of him inside her, wrapped around her, kindling her into one crisis after another. Aidan was pleasure—pure pleasure and pure love.
“You”, she gasped, as the tremors faded. She was amazed that she could speak. “Please, Aidan…”
That was all she could manage, but he understood. He pulled his fingers out of her anus, leaving her gaping and empty, then seized her hips with an iron grip. His fevered hands branded her flesh, marking her as his. She would have sworn he couldn’t go faster or deeper, but she was wrong. His cock tore into her, three or four thrusts to every breath, slicing into her flesh like a super-heated diamond blade.
It should have been painful but it was anything but. Every time he filled her, she wanted to sing. The burning that followed his every touch had a frequency that resonated with pleasure, if it wasn’t exactly pleasure itself. She welcomed the heat. It made her swell and bloom, opening to new currents of delight. Still he moved faster, raging through her with the force of a hurricane.
She felt heat beating against her skin, like the sun had come down to earth. Fragrant smoke filled her nostrils—wood smoke. The scent brought memories of campfires, cosy winter nights by the hearth, sleigh rides—all sweet things that made her smile. Aidan drove his cock deep into her cunt, stirring her to another boil. Her limbs crackled with electricity, sparked by his touch and the feel of him, deep, deep inside her belly.
Something else crackled. Her eyes stung and teared. She opened them to discover that all around the clearing, the forest was ablaze. The grass surrounding them wilted and browned. Flames sped across the ground and jumped from one tall spruce to the next, until each was a new torch lighting the night. The sky was golden-red like the scales of a Chinese dragon. Still Aidan fucked her, sending tendrils of flame winding through her. She burned, the forest burned, and Aidan pulsed inside her.
He was close. The smoke grew denser. Her skin was cracking from the heat but Sylvie didn’t mind, not at all. This was her destiny, their destiny—to fuck and to love, to come together and to burn together.
Aidan howled and slammed against her ass. Inside her, she felt his cock swell, larger and larger still, until she thought she’d burst apart from the pressure. Then he jerked and his boiling cum filled her cavity. It poured out, spilling down her thighs, leaving stinging, burned flesh in its wake. “Sylvie!” he yelled and more liquid forced its way into her, searing her soul.
The grass around them burst into flames. The trees crashed as they were consumed, like local thunder. Lightning tore through the sky, even brighter than the forest fire. Sylvie felt herself melting, consumed from the inside out, as Aidan’s fiery jism ate its way into her vitals. Now we’re truly one, she thought with a secret smile, as pleasure flared and swept her into its heart. Now and forever.
The world grew brighter and brighter, until she couldn’t keep her eyes open. “Aidan,” she called and felt him grasp her hand, even as flames ran over their joined flesh. He was there as the flames reached crescendo, the fire-whipped wind howling through the charring branches. He was there as she sank into a warm pool of sweet darkness.
Don’t forget to leave a comment, and do your part for people left hungry or homeless by the fires. And I do hope you’ll visit the other bloggers participating in today’s hop. Each one is supporting a worthy cause, and you can help.
Thank you!
What a neat way to help.
That blurb was scorching hot.🚿🍹😁
What a neat way to help.
That blurb was scorching hot.🚿🍹😁
Oregon and California... So like Australia earlier this year. So terrible.
It is so sad. I am trying to help
Thanks for doing this. I live in Cali and it's definitely scary times.
Thanks for this!
Thank you for supporting this important cause. We're up in Washington State, and we endured two weeks of smoke that kept us indoors while fires raged to the east and south. Something must change.
:) Another great cause!
We've even noticed the haze here in Chicagoland. The sunsets are more orange due to the smoke, and the moon is yellow. I want to hope that you're right about this convincing naysayers, that we need to pay attention to what we're doing to the planet. But just like with Co-Vid, which many believe to be a hoax, because they don't personally know anyone who has been devastated by it, or died from it, I fear that those who don't want to believe, won't. I saw a cartoon that had a dad and daughter sitting in the remnants of a deserted burned-out city, wearing hazard suits, and the dad was saying, "Well, we didn't save the people or the planet--but at least the stock market did all right for some, for a while." Sad.
Oh, and scorcher of an excerpt! This hearkens back to your earlier post this week, when you were speaking to how to describe orgasms in different terms. This is certainly a very HOT way to capture her passion! Phew!
These are definitely scary times! Thank you for donating! That excerpt was HOT!
Two more great causes to give to, Lisabet.
We've even had a haze in the sky way over here in Massachusetts from the smoke in the northwest. I mourn for the northern CA I knew 50 years ago.
A great excerpt!
Great cause as always, Lisabet!
Lisabet, hot enough to STARTS a fire! We were affected by bad air quality from the fires here in Idaho, too. I hope California finally gets its act together and institutes some forest management!
I love your thinking...starting a fire (with new book) to help fix what other fires destroyed.
I live in an area between several of the fires, so I really appreciate this! (Some of the fires are on federal land, so it's not just a local management issue. At any rate, all of the firefighters--Cal *and* Fed--have been amazing!)
Thank you for all your comments! Rounding up, I'll donate $20 to each of my charities. You guys rock!
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