“Could you get off on just a spanking?”
This is first line of my story "Just a Spanking" in D.L. King's new anthology Spank!, coming September 15th from Logical Lust Publications. It's a question posed by a Dom to his long-time, long-distance sub. It's a question I asked myself.
Lots of people enjoy sexual spanking - 19% of respondents worldwide and 41% in the US indulge, according to the 2004 Durex sexual survey. However, how much of the charge comes from the spanking itself? Would spanking still be a turn-on if not accompanied by caresses, teasing, or intercourse?
Hence, my story, which became a sort of literary Gedankenexperiment investigating the issue. The tale is an exercise in minimalist kink. The Dom sets up a scenario in which spanking is the only activity. Aside from laying his hand liberally across the sub's backside, he doesn't touch her at all. The only sensations she is allowed to experience are the pain of his smacks, the heat of her burning bum. No warm-up, no fingers dabbling in her pussy, no threats or endearments, just the stinging blows landing inexorably on her punished flesh.
And does she come? Or does her Master give in and give her more than just a solid bottom thrashing? Well, you'll just have to read the story and find out. Meanwhile you can read a brief excerpt from the tale on my website.
The Spank! authors are in the middle of a blog tour, by the way. The participants and the dates are listed below. Drop by their blogs and find out more about their favorite flavors of corporal carnality.
9/1 D. L. King http://dlkingerotica.blogspot.com
9/2 Cervo (Logical Lust) http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/3 Sommer Marsden http://sommermarsden.blogspot.com
9/4 Anna Black http://jennareynolds.com/journal/
9/5 Jean Roberta http://www.jean_roberta.livejournal.com
9/6 Tara S. Nichols http://tarasnichols.blogspot.com
9/7 Maggie Morton (Logical Lust) http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/8 Kathleen Bradean http://kathleenbradean.blogspot.com
9/9 Lee Ash (Logical Lust) http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/10 Lisabet Sarai http://lisabetsarai.blogspot.com
9/11 Evan Mora (Logical Lust) http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/12 Allison Wonderland http://aisforallison.blogspot.com/
9/13 Sean Meriwether (Logical Lust) http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/14 Roxy Katt http://roxykatt.blogspot.com/
9/15 Donna George Storey http://sexfoodandwriting.donnageorgestorey.com/
9/16 Beth Wylde http://bethwylde.wordpress.com/
9/17 Sacchi Green (Logical Lust) http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/18 A.D.R. Forte http://adrforte.blogspot.com/
9/19 J. Z. Sharpe Logical Lust http://www.logical-lust.com/blog.html
9/20 Jessica Lennox http://www.jessicalennox.com/
9/21 Cassandra Park http://www.mscassandrapark.com/
That's a fun question to ponder. I imagine you've inspired a few people to go out and experiment for themselves. Looking forward to the read.
Loving this post and the excerpt is brilliant!! Can't wait to read more....Phew!
Lily x
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