Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wildly off course, the crew all dead... #SciFi #ThreeSome #MFRWHooks

Triad teaser

Where did last week go? It’s Wednesday already, which means it is time for another MFRW Book Hooks blog hop.

I’ve got another snippet from my three-way romance boxed set Triad for you today. This one comes from my scifi tale Bodies of Light.

Blurb - Bodies of Light

Can you make love to beings without bodies?

Physicist Dr. Christine Monroe has devoted her lonely life to research on hyper-space travel. Her continued failure leads her to sign on to the Archimedes, a sub-light-speed mission aimed at establishing a colony in the Sirius-B system. Waking from suspended animation, she discovers that the ship is wildly off course and the rest of the crew are dead due to equipment failure.

At first she thinks the two virile strangers who show up on the ship are figments of her imagination - erotic hallucinations created by isolation and stress. However, Alyn and Zed are solid, real, and ready to sacrifice their lives for the strong woman they’ve found stranded in deep space. As her ship begins to disintegrate, Christine must choose between the planet she was sent to save and the two aliens she’s come to cherish. 

Book Hooks logo

The Hook

She had failed.

Suspension was supposed to be dreamless. Still, frustration and disappointment swirled through her consciousness. Pain nagged her, the ache of goals missed, work left undone. What work? She could not recall. She knew only that it had been critically important.

Layers of confusion swaddled her mind like heavy blankets, smothering any attempt at logic. The incoherence disturbed her further. Images, words and symbols crept into focus then faded before she could decipher their meanings. The need to understand was an itch she could not scratch.

She hung in a dark, foggy void, disembodied and disoriented. Only her emotions had any clarity. She could not banish the certainty that she had been tested and found wanting.

Then came the light.

In the void there was no time. Without transition, light arced through her, golden arrows that pierced and scattered her despair. She had no eyes but somehow she was drenched in rainbow-edged glory. Shimmering waves of aquamarine and cerise danced before her—through her—banishing her darkness. She heard the light as well as saw it, a strange melody that pulsed in rhythm with the glow, tugging at her heart. Irrational joy flooded her.

Christine.” The voice wound in and out among the chords. It caressed her being, promising comfort and release from care.

Christine.” A second voice (yet how could she know this, without ears to hear?) whispered in the brief pauses between notes, deeper, darker, a gorgeous contrast with the flaring colors that bathed her thoughts. The new voice spoke of pleasure, of desire and exquisite satisfaction.

You are not alone,” the first voice murmured.

We are with you,” the second announced, bold and bright as a trumpet call. At the same time, sensation rippled through her. Invisible hands cupped and massaged her breasts (but she had no body, no breasts…) until sparks flew from the nipples to merge with the spiraling brightness. Fingertips trailed along her non-existent skin, triggering pleasure so intense it frightened her. The silver voice—as she pictured the first—soothed her without words. The bronze voice laughed like ringing bells and coaxed ever more unbearable delight from her insubstantial body. Her soundless moans rose to join the prismatic symphony in which she floated.

The twin voices teased and enticed her, urging her to let go. “We will support you,” they crooned as pleasure suffused her. She stopped trying to understand how she could experience such arousal when she had no limbs, no sex. She was the pleasure, a multi-hued whirl of harmonious vibration in crescendo.


Triad cover

Triad – more than 100K words of luscious erotic romance.

Free on Kindle Unlimited!

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today's MFRW Book Hooks hop!


Kayelle Allen said...

You write with such visual impact and emotion. "confusion swaddled her mind like heavy blankets", "dark, foggy void, disembodied and disoriented" - brilliant writing.

Jana Richards said...

Very visual and evocative. Wonderful excerpt, Lisabet!

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