Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A man of many talents – #EroticRomance #BeaconHill #MFRWHooks

Incognito Banner

Having shared a bit from my very first novel last week during the MFRW Steam Hop, I thought today I’d give you a snippet of my second. Incognito, like Raw Silk, has been through a number of editions. Only recently, I brought out a new version in paperback, my first self-published print work (but not my last!)


Shy and serious by day—insatiable by night.

During the day, Miranda Cahill works diligently on her doctoral thesis. At night, she has sex with strangers. Her secret life explodes when she realizes her masked partner at a kink club and the charismatic colleague courting her are in fact the same person – the one man who can teach her to accept her diverse desires, as well as to trust her heart.

Review Quotes

“…brings a fabulous level of intensity and sensuality to the reader.” ~ Dawnie, Fallen Angels Reviews (5 Angels)

Sarai skillfully combines the present day storyline with some tantalizing Victorian history. This book is well researched, erudite, well plotted and very sexy. Highly recommended.” ~ Emma K., Amazon (5 stars)

"Truly a buffet of pleasures, with something for everyone."~  Donna George Story, Erotica Readers and Writers Association. 

Incognito book cover

The Hook

Eventually, he served dinner, fiery pork with basil and chilies, marinated squid salad, mustard greens in oyster sauce, mangos and sticky rice with coconut milk. Miranda was sure that she had never tasted anything better. Mark Anderson certainly did seem to be a man of many talents.

Afterward, they sat together on the couch with snifters of brandy. He was close, though they did not touch. She could sense the heat of his body. He took off his eyeglasses and looked at her, a frank question in his gaze.

He was beautiful, intelligent, kind, talented, but in spite of all that, Miranda felt suddenly wooden. A part of her wanted to reach out, brush that errant curl off his forehead, trace the outline of his full mouth with her fingertip. But she could not move, could not speak, strangled by nervousness and fear.

Mark saw. “You look tense,” he said softly. “Probably you’ve been working too hard. What if I give you a massage?”

Oh, the thought of his hands on her body! Miranda wanted it, and feared it.

Lie face down on the futon,” he suggested. “Don’t worry. It’s just a massage. I promise.”

Miranda could not help believing him. He flipped a lever that released the back of the couch, turning the frame into a flat platform the size of a double bed. She lay upon the mattress, fully dressed, her breath coming in little gasps.

She had chosen her clothing for the evening carefully, striving to look feminine but not seductive. She wore a short-sleeved turquoise jersey, long rayon print skirt that buttoned up the front, heeled sandals. Underneath, a simple cotton bra and panties. She had deliberately avoided Lucy’s closet. Mark looked at her, a little smile playing on his lips.

I can try giving you a massage through your clothes,” he said. “But it won’t be very effective. Why don’t you take off your top and skirt? Then I can see your muscles and better sense where the tension is hiding.”

His voice was warm, smooth, persuasive. “You can trust me, Miranda. You know that you can.”

Despite her nervousness, she sensed this was true. He wouldn’t take advantage of her. Without a word, she shed her outer clothes and lay down again in her underwear. She was no more exposed than she would have been at the beach, but here, alone in this man’s apartment, it felt different.

Buy Links


Kinky Literature:

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble: Note that Barnes & Noble has removed this book from their store due to their new erotica censorship policy.




Audio - Narrated by Freya Victoria



Paperback (Amazon) -

I hope you’ll visit the other authors participating in today’s MFRW Book Hooks hop!


Kayelle Allen said...

lovely excerpt! You can feel her nervousness as well as her desire to relax and enjoy the moment.

J. Arlene Culiner said...

You bet it felt different! Nice scene.

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