Wednesday, September 11, 2024

He drinks me in … #EroticRomance #BDSM #MFRWHooks

Gazillionaire and Virgin banner

Welcome to this week’s MFRW Book Hooks blog hop!

If you follow my blog at all, you’ll have noted that I just released a special 25th Anniversary Edition of my very first novel, Raw Silk. Like most debut novels, that book was extremely personal. In particular, the primary male protagonist and his relationship with the heroine were strongly influenced my real life experiences. However, my portrayal of the man who inspired Gregory Marshall is far from realistic. I ended up turning him into a classic romance alpha who had little in common with the original, except for his height, his seductive voice and his reservoir of inner power.

More than a decade later, I revisited the characters and the dynamics in a far more realistic and subtle BDSM romance, The Gazillionaire and the Virgin. In Theo Moore, I tried to capture not just the natural dominance and erotic intensity of my old lover, but also his vulnerability and insecurities.


She’s the billionaire. He’s the virgin. Still, he knows how to make her melt.

When Silicon Valley entrepreneur Rachel Zelinsky meets reclusive genius Theo Moore, she has a single objective —a deal to incorporate his AI software into her company’s popular virtual world. She finds Theo to be arrogant, sensitive and socially awkward, but his aura of power speaks to her carefully-hidden submissive side. Confused and aroused, she falls under his geeky spell.

Theo Moore can’t be bought. His past battles with poverty make him deeply suspicious of the billionaire CEO, though Rachel’s voluptuous curves and brilliant mind embody his ultimate fantasy. Too bad his knowledge about sex derives from extensive research and a stash of kinky porn rather than real-world experience.

Rachel may be Theo’s first lover, but Theo is her first true Master. One word from him, one touch, and she surrenders to bliss. It seems that love and complementary desire may harmonize their differing values, until Rachel’s unwitting violation of Theo’s trust tears them apart.

Review Quotes

...sweet and romantic but steamy and sexy at the same time. .... I adored it!”

~ Crazie Bettie, Amazon US

This book is one of the top five hottest books I have read. These were two of my most favorite lovers. I was wrung out when I finished it but what a delight!” 

~ Sheila, Amazon US

Gazillionaire and Virgin book cover

The Hook

He’s watching me, reading my face, his dark eyes flickering with emotion. I am suddenly as frightened as I am aroused. Theo Moore isn’t going to do casual. He’s an all-or-nothing sort of guy. I could seriously hurt him.

I want him, oh yes, more than I’ve wanted anyone in a long time. Am I ready to take responsibility, though, for the consequences?

So I don’t answer, don’t tell him how he has monopolized my thoughts for the past two days. Instead I change the subject.

Have you thought about how you’ll use the donations?” Even to my own ears, my enthusiasm rings false.

No–no–never mind that. I’ll consider that later.” He tugs on my hand, pulling me closer. My body slides across the leather upholstery, until my thigh presses against his. “I want to talk about us, Rachel.”

There is no ‘us’, I want to tell him. It’s too risky. Last night was great, but it won’t happen again. I choke down the words. I can’t think of any reply that won’t damage his fragile self-image.

There’s no chance for me to speak anyway. Theo wraps me in his bear-like arms, leans in, and claims my mouth. His kiss scatters my resolution like sun burning through fog.

His lips lock to mine, firm and muscular, taking control. I don’t fight him – how can I, when both of us know this is what I want? When he runs his tongue along the seam, I open automatically, following my instincts as he, I suspect, is following his. He tastes of peppermint. He smells like sun-warmed earth. He drinks me in as though he’d like to swallow me whole.


Gazillionaire and Virgin teaser

You’ll find all buy links at

Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks!

1 comment:

Kayelle Allen said...

The best writing comes from the heart. Great job showing each character.

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