Wednesday, April 3, 2024

New release party! Win a $10 gift certificate! #MFRWHooks #PNR #Giveaway

Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl cover

Happy Wednesday! Today I’m celebrating the release of my brand new paranormal erotic romance Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl. I have an exclusive PG excerpt for you today. I’ll feature a spicier snippet for the Steam Hop this Friday.

To thank you for coming by to sample the book, I am running a contest. Leave me a comment on this post and I will enter you in a drawing for a $10 bookstore gift certificate. I’ll draw the winner next Wednesday.


A tragically attractive vampire, a hunky wolf-man and a skeptical but susceptible career gal. What could possibly go wrong?

Bianca Sorenson understands obsession. Her phenomenally successful Vamp magazine feeds the popular fascination with the undead. The city is full of fanatics who want to believe vampires are real. Bianca knows that’s a fantasy. Then a blond, blue-eyed blood drinker walks into her office looking for a model’s job and turns her universe upside down. Jim Bush hasn’t been a vampire for long, but his terrible history and seductive hunger undermine Bianca’s single-minded ambition and her cherished self-control.

Trying to escape from Jim’s disturbing influence, she collides with a shaggy giant of a man whose mere presence inspires irresistible lust. When Zack Kane reveals that he’s a wolf shifter and claims Bianca as his mate, she finds herself on the horns of a supernatural dilemma. How can she resolve her feelings for her two mutually hostile lovers while defusing a city-wide conflict between the vampire clique and the werewolf pack?

Fans of Twilight: get ready for a wilder ride than you ever imagined!

The Hook

Who was she, the ethereal, terribly convincing victim? And who—who was he?

She didn’t see him move. Yet all at once he was behind her, his hands on her shoulders, murmuring in her ear. “Barbara was her name. She was my girlfriend, back in college. A terrible mistake.”

He was so close, she should have felt the heat of his body, but it was as if a mannequin was pressed against her, instead of a living person. She could smell him, though, a sharp grassy scent that made her think of the country and wide open spaces.

Casually he trailed a finger up the side of her neck and circled her earlobe. A shiver raced through her, winding tight around her nipples, spiraling down to her sex. He nipped at her ear, playful, but still hard enough to make her gasp. “As for me, you know who I am, don’t you? Or at least, what I am.”

Bianca understood what he was saying. She just couldn’t accept it.

Here.” Still behind her, he grabbed her hand and placed her fingers on his throat. His skin was cooler than the air, cool and smooth as marble. “Do you feel any pulse?”

No—but—it’s just not possible. It’s just a myth. A fashion, a fad. Everyone these days pretends...”

He brought her wrist to his lips, flicking his tongue over the spot where the veins were closest to the surface. His mouth was hot, unlike the rest of him. A violent shudder of desire rocked her body. “Close your eyes,” he murmured.

I should call off this farce now, Bianca thought, but she obeyed anyway. Something pricked at her flesh where he held it against his mouth, the tiniest sting, hardly deserving the name pain. Then there was heat, and a pulling, not at her wrist but somehow at her heart, which leaped up in response and began to pump at twice its normal rate.

Red flooded the space behind her eyelids, scarlet, crimson, three-dimensional eddies of color like billowing clouds. A brief icicle of fear stabbed at her, then melted as warm, sweet pleasure flowed through her limbs. Her nipples, her pussy, everywhere, she felt this hot, wet current, aching and yet somehow not urgent.

Relax,” he whispered. “Let go.” She heard his voice, coming from a long way off. She saw his eyes, burning through the red haze. They had darkened from blue to empty black. She felt herself tumbling into their depths. Some last fragment of self-consciousness cried out for her to resist, but she ignored it. He was too strong, his will irresistible, the gifts he offered too precious to refuse. She let herself drift. He cradled then released her. She felt herself beginning to drown in the scarlet river of his blood lust.

The shock of separation drove black spikes of pain into her temples. She opened her eyes, gasping for breath. Motes of red swam in her vision. She twisted around to look at him, in wonder and terror.

Sorry.” He shrugged. “I didn’t know how else to convince you.”

You’re—you’re the real thing, aren’t you?” Bianca thought her chest would burst. “Nosferatu. Undead.” She rubbed at her throbbing forehead. “But it can’t be! I never believed...”

Believe,” he whispered, almost inaudible. Then all at once was back in his chair, leaving her heart slamming against her ribs. He smiled at her, that wide open, country-boy smile.

Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl teaser

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Leave a comment for the chance to win a $10 GC. And be sure to visit the other authors participating in this week's Book Hooks.



aerokorngal said...

I always enjoy a great vampire tale! reneela2000(at)gmail(dot)com

Kayelle Allen said...

That was sensual and exciting all the way through. Well done!

Audrey Stewart said...

I am a longtime fan of Lisabet Sarai and her books. I always read them and enjoy them.

Debby said...

I liked that hook. thanks debby236 at hotmail dot com

Janet Lane Walters said...

Great excerpt. What a way to prove a point.

Anonymous said...

Great cover, made me want to check out this book & the blurb confirmed it is definitely one of my preferred genres to read.

Colleen C. said...

Happy Release Day!!!

Anonymous said...

The tag line caught my attention.

DVDgal75 said...

Great cover

Jackie O said...

Love vampires, but said there was a wolf man too. Now I want to read about him as well. Hope you have a great day

Maggie Blackbird said...

Great excerpt, Lisabet. I loved how you captured his seduction and the affect it had on Bianca.

bn100 said...

nice excerpt
bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Lisabet Sarai said...

Congratulations to Maggie, who has won my GC in the giveaway.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the fun!

Kim said...

This sounds really interesting.

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