Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Review Tuesday: Life After Promiscuity: A BDSM Love Story by Dorothy Freed #ReviewTuesday #BDSM #Memoir

Life After Promiscuity cover

Life After Promiscuity: A BDSM Love Story by Dorothy Freed

Wordwooze Publishing, 2024

Life After Promiscuity is an erotic memoir that describes in delicious, explicit detail the author’s decades-long involvement in a committed D/s relationship. Ms. Freed (“D” to her master) met her Sir at a public BDSM event in 1970’s San Francisco. Before that fateful night, she’d known she was excited by kink, but she hadn’t dared act on her desires. She was fortunate to connect with an experienced dominant who recognized her submissive yearnings and whose outrageous fantasies complemented her own. Over the years, her beloved Sir educated her, challenged her, disciplined her when she was bratty or disobedient, and above all, cherished her.

There’s a lot of sex in this book, but the main draw, for me, is the emotional connection between D and Sir. People sometimes talk about kink in terms of “playing”, and indeed D/s scenes can be light or humorous at times, but commitment takes the intensity to another level. This is serious D/s, life-changing and life-affirming, a mutual collaboration to deepen trust and expand limits. Occasionally Sir would allow D to be used by others; she even (with his blessing) explores her dominant side. None of this undermines the fact that D belongs to Sir – willingly and joyfully.

I recognize that joy from my own experience as a submissive.

Unsurprisingly, the book has a retro feel, commencing as it does in the swinging seventies when kink culture was flourishing. Indeed, the entire genre of kinky erotic memoir feels a bit dated in 2024. Since Fifty Shades of Gray, BDSM themes and aesthetics have thoroughly infiltrated mainstream media and culture. Is there anything new or original that can be said? Is D/s still viewed as transgressive and perverse, or has everyone been spanked?

Ms. Freed doesn’t really care about this. She’s focused on her own journey, which she describes with an artless enthusiasm that is touching and a bit amusing. I’m sure it isn’t the case that every one of her sentences ends in an exclamation point, but that’s the tone of the story. Her life with Sir provides both psychological revelations and physical pleasure. She’s perennially excited and she wants to share that with us.

The book is structured as a loosely connected chronological set of anecdotes which includes her first lesbian lover and her experiments with the role of Domme. Every one of them is fun to read about. The last chapter, though, moved me deeply. She describes a (recent?) event that she and Sir attended, where they were decades older than most of the participants. Her hair is gray and she has difficulty kneeling for long periods. He uses a cane and cannot always command the iron erections he used to display. Nevertheless, the spirit of their power exchange endures – her blissful surrender and his grateful acceptance of that gift. Given that my age more or less matches theirs, this had real personal resonance.

Life Beyond Promiscuity is not a philosophical book; I’m bringing in my own perspectives here. For me, D/s is not about bodies or toys or even sexual pleasure. It’s about connection, trust, and mutually satisfying, complementary desires.

Dorothy Freed doesn’t dwell on this truth. But it’s clear that she knows and celebrates it.

Monday, April 29, 2024

His darkest secret exposed to the woman who could destroy him -- #RomanticSuspense #EroticRomance @AmberDaulton1

Arrestng Alan banner


A hacker, a federal agent, and a crime boss. The time has come to fight.

Computer technician Alan Harding is no saint, but his squeaky-clean image is unshakable in the eyes of his family and especially his young son. After he agrees to assist a drug lord-turned-snitch and hack into a criminal database, he’s faced with an impossible challenge—keeping his hands and heart away from his sexy as sin bodyguard, DEA Special Agent Hannah Adler.

Hannah would rather go hand-to-hand with an assailant than go undercover as Alan’s girlfriend, but she’s determined to keep him safe and his illegal activities on the down-low. The handsome man and his adorable child, however, are more than she bargained for.

Once their enemies learn the truth and retaliate by kidnapping Alan’s son, they’ll have to race against the clock to save the boy and bring a dangerous empire to its knees.

Book 4 in the sexy romantic suspense series, Arresting Onyx.


He claimed her mouth and slipped his tongue between her parted lips. A hint of mint teased his taste buds, and he kissed her harder. Hannah wiggled deliciously in his arms as she tried to pull free. Every swipe of her breasts across his chest soothed the headache still throbbing behind his eyes. Each stroke of her belly against his restrained cock tightened his already achy balls. After he leaned sideways just enough to drop the bottle on the floor without spilling it, he backed her against the TV case.

Hannah pried her face away and kneed him in the thigh.

Ow!” He stumbled back, his head swaying.

Damn. What’s gotten into you?” She straightened her twisted shirt and patted her lips.

Sorry.” Not. He fisted his hair so hard his scalp burned. “I need you. I know you need me.”

You’re drunk and not thinking clearly.” She growled as he clutched her elbow. “Let go, Alan. I don’t want to hurt you.”

I’m already hurt. Do your worst.” He pushed her back gently and lavished such slow, sweet love on her mouth that she moaned and wrapped her arms around him. All-male triumph surged through his veins. He feathered kisses down her chin and suckled on her neck.

Oh, God. We shouldn’t do this again.” She tilted her head and lifted up on her toes.

Fuck.” He panted hard as her lower stomach brushed his erection.

I don’t want to regret this.”

He pulled back from her neck and cupped her warm face with his hands. “I’d never regret you. I’ve wanted you ever since you handed me my ass on a silver platter.”

You remembered I said that?”

It was the sexiest speech I’d ever heard. How about a drink? It will loosen you up.” He grabbed the bottle.

Hannah snatched the whiskey and swigged it like a pro. Her eyes watered, and she handed it back to him. “Strong.”

He gulped another long draw and set the bottle on the coffee table. With the liquid fire rushing through him, taking control, he kissed Hannah so deeply that he stole the air from her lungs. Then he pushed her face-first against the wall.

What the hell, Alan? Hold on.” She bent her arms to brace herself.

Calm down. Relax,” he murmured and buried his nose in her hair. Jesus. Even those wild, curly locks smelled of his favorite spice. He flattened his hand on her back and swept his lips across her tense neck and shoulder blades.

Her rigid muscles eased. She trembled and pushed back toward his crotch.

Good girl.” He jerked down his jeans and boxers, kicked them away, and pumped his heavy cock. Her cotton pants sheathed her sweet ass as he stroked himself between her cheeks. “Get ready to burn, Hannah baby. When I’m done with you, you won’t be able to move.”

Bring it, hotshot.”

Her breathy challenge rocketed through him. Hell, yes. Game on. She was his, and he played to win.

New Release banner

Add it to Goodreads - https://bit.ly/ArrestingAlanGoodreads

Check it out on BookBub - https://bit.ly/ArrestingAlanBookbub

Buy Links

Universal link - https://books2read.com/arrestingalan

Amazon - https://amzn.to/3CQFCuh

Apple/iBooks - https://apple.co/3PE4vAA

Barnes and Noble - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/arresting-alan-amber-daulton/1143584871?ean=2940160981956

Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/arresting-alan

Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=d2vCEAAAQBAJ

About the Author

Amber Daulton head shot

Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through Daulton Publishing, The Wild Rose Press, and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.

She lives in North Carolina with her husband and demanding cats.

Social Media Links

Universal link – https://linktr.ee/AmberDaulton

Exclusive Newsletter (free ebook to new subscribers) – https://amberdaulton.com/newsletter-signup/


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Charity Sunday: For our four-footed friends – #CharitySunday #PetRescue #PureLove

Charity Sunday Banner

Many Charity Sundays, I’m on fire to do something about all the crises facing our world. War, injustice, poverty, disasters – the problems are daunting but we can’t afford to give up.

Sometimes, though, I recognize that small gestures close to home also play a role in increasing peace and joy on earth. I haven’t picked an animal-related charity in a really long time, even though my pets are central to my life. So for today’s Charity Sunday, I’m supporting Buddy Dog Humane Society, in Sudbury, Massachusetts.


Buddy Dog logo

I haven’t lived in Massachusetts for two decades, but Buddy Dog was the source for one of our most beloved cats, Leticia. She was the kitten of a feral mother, and was absolutely terrified of humans. I remember the way she shrank into the corner of her cage when we first visited to meet her. She was so gorgeous, though, a solid black half-Siamese with fur like velvet, that we took on the challenge of raising her. And it was a challenge, believe me. It was years before she was sufficiently socialized to be comfortable interacting with us. At that time, we were commuting back and forth each week between our rural home and an apartment in the city, taking our cats with us. Frequently when we were ready to leave, Leticia would hide under the bed, making a timely departure a difficult task.

Eventually she became a smart, self-assured and bossy adult female (like many black female cats). When we moved to Asia, she came with us, and lived here to the ripe age of seventeen (along with our other rescue cat Ferdinand).


Portrait of Leticia

Anyway, one thing I recall about Buddy Dog was how serious they were about establishing our credentials as responsible cat owners. They required us to fill in a questionnaire and submit all sorts of documents, including proof of income! I had to laugh, given all the felines we’d raised, but I appreciated their commitment. From their website, it looks as though they haven’t changed.

Anyway, today I will donate two dollars to Buddy Dog Humane Society for every comment I receive. As for my excerpt, I have a snippet from my new novel Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl, which features an ailurophile psychic. Enjoy!


A tragically attractive vampire, a hunky wolf-man and a skeptical but susceptible career gal. What could possibly go wrong?

The city is full of fanatics who believe vampires are real. Bianca knows that’s a fantasy. Then a blond, blue-eyed blood drinker walks into her office and turns her universe upside down. Trying to escape from the vampire’s seductive influence, she collides with a wolf shifter whose mere presence inspires irresistible lust. How can Bianca resolve her feelings for her two mutually hostile lovers?

Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl cover


Unencumbered by her suitcase, Bianca could move more freely. It took her less than forty-five minutes by subway to reach St. Mark’s Place. A vegan restaurant occupied the ground floor of the address on Mirielle Dupont’s card. A steep flight led up to the second floor entrance of the building proper. There was no sign, but peering up from street level, Bianca noted that the window to the right of the entrance contained a plump calico cat, tightly curled on a black cushion.

The door opened before she knocked.

Bianca, my dear! I’ve been expecting you.”

A white tunic draped the psychic’s hefty, broad-shouldered figure, worn over sky-blue silk pantaloons. Atop her artificial golden curls perched a turban of multi-colored paisley satin. Elaborate silver earrings dangled from her chalk-white earlobes. Kohl outlined her eyes and her lips were painted a bright red. Despite the season, her feet were bare, the toenails bright with blue polish. Another feline, silvery gray, wove its sinuous body around her ankles.

Bianca allowed herself to be pulled into the cozy, cluttered room. Bookshelves packed with tumbled volumes lined most of the walls. Indonesian batik covered any empty spots. With a sofa, two puffy armchairs with matching ottomans, an enameled curio cabinet, and a round table flanked by wrought iron chairs, the room held far too much furniture. The window sill had been extended to form a broad shelf that supported two cat beds, one of which, as she’d noted from below, was occupied. The calico did not stir, but a tiger-striped creature who was stretched out along the back of the sofa raised its head to survey the new arrival, then raked its claws across the upholstery. A fourth feline, solid black and large as a toy poodle, sat in the middle of table, watching her with unblinking yellow eyes.

A gorgeous Oriental carpet covered the floor. Bianca toed off her boots before Mirielle could comment, not wanting to track in dirt from the street.

Thank you, thank you kindly. Won’t you sit down?” Mirielle gestured toward the table. “I’ll make us some tea.”

Before Bianca could object, the psychic had disappeared through a curtained door toward the back of the apartment. Not knowing what else to do, she took the offered seat, which put her just level with the black cat. He regarded her gravely, his expression suggesting far more wisdom than he could possibly possess.

Why was she here? Did she really believe the eccentric transvestite had some sort of mystical power? The crowded space did not seem to contain any occult objects – no pyramids, crystal balls, Ouija boards or Tarot decks.

Still, Mirielle had immediately identified Bianca at the club and had not seemed the least bit surprised by her appearance today. Without being told, she clearly had some understanding of Bianca’s dilemma. And despite her liveliness, the self-proclaimed clairvoyant struck Bianca as someone who’d been around for a very long time. If anyone had answers to Bianca’s questions, it might be Mirielle Dupont.

Her stout, turbaned figure reappeared through the draperies carrying a tray. “Here we are. My special soothing blend, rose hips and orange peel, with a touch of mint. Off with you, Bruno. We need your space.”

The black feline regarded Mirielle for a moment, as if deciding whether to obey. Then he rose to all fours, arched into a leisurely stretch, and leaped from the table to the sofa, where he settled himself just below the tiger.

FFSG Teaser

You can find buy links for FFSG on my website: https://www.lisabetsarai.com/fangsfurbook.html

Please do leave a comment. Every one can help a needy dog or cat find a home.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Another case for the Chocolate Martini Sisters! #CozyMystery #Arizona #Preorder

The real chocolate martini sisters

By Brenda Whiteside (Guest Blogger)

For the past six years, my sister and I have toasted our birthdays with a chocolate martini in an historic hotel bar in Prescott, Arizona. As the celebration became a tradition, we came to call ourselves the Chocolate Martini Sisters. The name was instant inspiration for me. I imagined two sisters, amateur sleuths, finding murder each time they came together to celebrate. The idea was born. But I’m a suspense author, and I needed mystery skills. That’s when I enlisted a writer friend in Minnesota, Joyce Proell. She liked my idea, and we became the Chocolate Martini Sisters writing team.

Cornbread, Ribs, and Murder (A Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery, book 3) eBook will release on April 30. It’s on preorder this week. The print book is available right now.

The third book in this amateur sleuths, cozy mystery series will have you chuckling and on the edge of your seat as the sisters solve the murder.


It’s a rib cookoff…with a recipe for murder.

Nicole Earp and Emma Banefield are celebrating another birthday at the Dulce Inn with the added fun of a rib cookoff in the park. Not only are chocolate martinis in their plans, Nic has her heart set on winning the cornbread contest. But as the excitement bakes, someone is stirring up trouble for the inn and its employees.

Strange occurrences at the Dulce are on the rise. Slashed tires, menacing phone calls, and unsavory characters add a vibe that threatens the sisters’ anticipated fun-filled stay. When the hot-headed hotel owner is caught wielding a bloody letter opener over a dead coworker, the sisters are embroiled in a caper to help the one person who finds their sleuthing as welcomed as a rattlesnake in her bed. But is she innocent?

The Chocolate Martini Sisters are primed to find out. First, they’ll have to eliminate a host of suspects that includes a dishonest restaurant owner, a jilted girlfriend, an ex-wife, the barkeeper, and a masseuse with a crush. If they can stay off the radar of the surly chief homicide detective long enough, they can put out the fire…unless the killer burns them first.

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Cornbread, Ribs and Murder book cover


Care for a celebratory chocolate martini?” Grinning, Emma attempted to arch one questioning brow, similar to the dramatic effect she’d seen in movies, but both shot up.

Nic chuckled. “Do you really need to ask?”

In silent agreement, they’d set a course to the Azul Saloon when a piercing scream rang out. Emma startled, then froze.

What the heck?” Nic grabbed her hand clawing into the skin enough to make her flinch, then gulped and, noticing her pained expression, released her grip. “Sorry.”

The scream set a fire under the desk manager’s feet who darted from the reception area.

For an older man, Oliver Stonewell sure can move.” Emma hustled after him, sprinting across the lobby, curious about what she might find at the source of the wretched scream. Nic kept pace at her side, hand flat against the top of her hat, holding it steady.

As they closed in on the administrative office corridor, another longer scream morphed into a painful yowl. “Hellllp.”

The agonized cry tripped along Emma’s spine like jagged nails scratching at her skin. She raced past Jillian’s empty office. Following Oliver, she veered into the second open doorway and halted with a gasp. Oh my God. She’d seen the raw ugliness of death before, yet it didn’t prepare her for this—lots and lots of blood blossomed across the man’s shirt. She clapped a hand to her mouth stifling a cry. Unexpectedly light-headed, dots floated across her vision. Teetering, she caught the door jamb. Her legs steadied, but her stomach threatened to revolt.

Aw, jeez,” muttered Nic, echoing the horror coursing through her shaky body. 

* * * 

You can find all of the Chocolate Martini Sisters Mystery books here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BQ9T7ZBX


Joyce head shot

After hearing countless stories as a mental health professional, Joyce Proell retired to create her own tales. As an award-winning author, she writes historical romance and cozy mystery where all endings are guaranteed happy. She shares her home on the prairie with a husband and a little dog with a big personality. When she isn’t reading or writing, she likes to swim and finds baking almost as relaxing as a day at the spa.

Visit Joyce at her website: https://joyceproell.com/ or at https://www.facebook.com/JoyceProellAuthor

Brenda head shot


Brenda Whiteside is the award-winning author of romantic suspense, romance, and cozy mystery. She writes children’s books under the pen name, Brenda Sue. After living in six states and two countries—so far—she and her husband have settled in Central Arizona. They admit to being gypsies at heart and won't discount the possibility of another move. They share their home with a rescue dog named Amigo. While FDW fishes, Brenda writes.

Visit Brenda at https://www.brendawhiteside.com

or https://www.facebook.com/BrendaWhitesideAuthor

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Critique Groups Are A Writer’s Best Friend – #CritiqueGroups #Fantasy #Giveaway @Fallenwood1

Fallenwood series tour banner

By Leslie D. Soule (Guest Blogger)

Often, I can come up with brilliant ideas all on my own (at least, I think they’re brilliant), but much of the time, a story can really get a lot out of being shared with others and critiqued. Prior to the pandemic, I belonged to a writing group in Sacramento, California, called Stonehenge, and we met at a pizza place and shared whatever story we’d been working on, and got commentary from the group on how it could be improved, to make it even better. It was in this group that I worked on stories like “A Case of May”, which is a horror story that was picked up by Terror House Publishing.

I remember explaining what I had of the story, at the time, to the group. One of the members said, “Ghosts have RULES?!”

Haha. Guess I hadn’t quite explained that part.

There’s certainly something to be said, for telling your story to others and seeing how they react to it. After all, they are your audience. In the case of a writing group, your group members are your beta readers.

I’ve often “borrowed” ideas given to me by other people, if it would make a story more interesting (always with permission from the person who came up with the idea). Such was the case with “A Case of May”, where a friend of mine came up with a far more clever ending than what I’d originally envisioned.

So I would highly recommend finding or creating a writing group, because it will not only provide a sense of community, but will most likely also make your writing quite a bit stronger.

A Case of May” can be found at: https://terrorhousemag.com/case/


The Fallenwood Chronicles is the ongoing story of Ash Kensington, a young woman who finds herself transported into a fantasy world, where she must take up arms in a battle of Good vs. Evil, against the Dark Lord Malegaunt. Tragedy strikes her life in the real world, but she finds friends in Fallenwood, like her mentor Will Everett, a talking cat named Greymalkin, and a court jester named Terces. Working together, they battle against the odds as Ash faces attacks from the world and from within. Eventually Ash finds the strength within herself, to attempt the fight against Malegaunt, against overwhelming odds, come what may


Her heart raced and she breathed slowly, trying to calm her frazzled nerves. Glancing around, she wondered how far off the road she’d wandered. She knew it had been midday when she’d started running, and now looking up into the star-filled sky, it had to be late into the night. A rush of air greeted her the moment she reached this strange part of the forest, before her eyes had temporarily forsaken her. The wind whipped around her from all sides. She backed away from where she stood, and the wind felt like it was whooshing up from a precipice. Ashley paused to allow her eyes to adjust to the dark. When her sight returned, she realized that she was standing nowhere near a cliff—it was just an unfamiliar area of forest.

Suddenly, a ball of fire hurtled overhead in an arc toward her. Her mind screamed at her to run, but she found that her legs wouldn’t move. The flaming orb continued its descent, burrowing itself into the soft ground only inches away from Ashley’s boots. Two men rushed toward her, arguing all the while as Ashley stood immobilized. Her bones were in revolt. Her brain scrambled for an alias to give out to the men if they asked, but she could only come up with Ash, because she was looking at the little pile of soot at her boots. “Deflected,” the man in the lead announced.

About the Author

Author photo

Leslie D. Soule received her M.A. in English from National University. She is a scholar, artist, citizen journalist, and martial artist. She has been an established writer for a decade, and has novels published by Melange Books, Terror House Press, Gypsy Shadow Publishing, and Nat 1 Publishing. The Fallenwood Chronicles is her 4-book fantasy series and features the novels Fallenwood, Forgetting Fallenwood, Betrayer, and Retribution.

Twitter handle: @Fallenwood1

Buy Links

Book One: https://www.amazon.com/Fallenwood-Leslie-D-Soule-ebook/dp/B00OJR1KEA/ref=sr_1_2

Book 1 cover

Book Two: https://www.amazon.com/Forgetting-Fallenwood-Leslie-D-Soule-ebook/dp/B00HOXV4OW/ref=sr_1_1

Book 2 Cover

Book Three: https://www.amazon.com/Betrayer-Fallenwood-Chronicles-Book-3-ebook/dp/B073RRKRGM/ref=sr_1_1


Book 3 Cover

Book Four: https://www.amazon.com/Retribution-Fallenwood-Novel-Leslie-Soule-ebook/dp/B08D6T81QM/ref=sr_1_1

Book 4 Cover

The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to one randomly chosen entrant during the tour.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Join us for Charity Saturday, 28 April 2024 #CharitySundaySignup #Altruism #Marketing

Rainbow Flower

Image by Eden Moon from Pixabay

Since 2017, I’ve been devoting the last Sunday in each month to a post which features some worthy cause. Often, other bloggers join me in this effort, turning the event into a blog hop. This month’s Charity Sunday blog hop will take place this coming Sunday, the 28th of April.

Charity Sunday is a meme designed to give authors and bloggers a chance to give back to the world, as well as to attract new readers.

How does it work? Each participant selects a favorite charity. Before
the date, you should prepare a blog post that: 1) talks about the charity and why you support it; 2) provides a link to the charity; 3) includes an excerpt from one of your books; 4) includes the code to show links to other participating blogs.

It’s fun if you can make the excerpt relate somehow to your chosen charity, but this isn’t required.

For every comment left on your post, you commit to giving some amount to the relevant charity. The specific charity and the amount to donate are up to you. You can set an upper limit to your donation if you want.

If you’d like to participate in the next Charity Sunday
on March 31st, sign up using the Linky List below. Please be sure that the link you enter will lead directly to your Charity Sunday post, not just to the home page of your blog.

You can get my brand new 2024 Charity Sunday banner here:


For an example
post, check out this link from my last Charity Sunday:


A vampire’s kiss – #ParanormalRomance #Vampires #Giveaway #MFRWHooks

FFSG small banner with cover

One of the fun things about publishing a novel is that you have many more options for passages to share with readers.

For today’s MFRW Book Hooks hop, I’m treating you yet another exclusive excerpt from my new paranormal erotic romance Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl the first time my human heroine kisses her vampire lover.

And since we're talking about fun... let's do a giveaway! Leave me a comment. One lucky visitor will win a free ebook copy of the new novel, in your choice of formats!


A tragically attractive vampire, a hunky wolf-man and a skeptical but susceptible career gal. What could possibly go wrong?

The city is full of fanatics who believe vampires are real. Bianca knows that’s a fantasy. Then a blond, blue-eyed blood drinker walks into her office and turns her universe upside down. Trying to escape from the vampire’s seductive influence, she collides with a wolf shifter whose mere presence inspires irresistible lust. How can Bianca resolve her feelings for her two mutually hostile lovers?

The Hook

Banca knew she should be frightened. She should get out his presence before she made a final, irreversible mistake. The risk, the pure reality of it, only made her want him more. He was watching her. She could feel his eyes on her lips, on her throat, on the rise and fall of her breasts as her breath quickened.

She glanced around the bar, filling up now that it was after five. Donnie’s was not known as a “blood” bar, but still, she noticed half a dozen men wearing capes and pale make up, plus two or three women in slinky black dresses and wigs. It was pathetic, the way they all craved a fleeting taste of inhuman power, a brush with immortality. And here she sat, thigh to thigh with the genuine article.

I don’t fully understand it,” Jim said, obviously catching her thoughts once again. “Why would they want to be me? Power’s nice, but overall, I live a pretty lonely and miserable existence.”

Maybe—maybe I can make you a little less lonely.” What was she saying? Was she insane? “For a little while.”

Ignoring the alarm bells clamoring in her brain, Bianca cradled his cheek for an instant, then pulled his mouth to hers. His lips were soft as any flesh, warm and muscular as they met and molded to her own. She tasted the wine he had been drinking, with background flavors of iron and salt. His tongue, too, felt human, jousting against hers, exploring, questioning.

Her rigid nipples pressed rudely through the stretchy fabric of her top, pleading for his attention. Of course he knew what she wanted. Without breaking the kiss, he cupped both breasts, tracing symmetrical circles around the tips. Her pussy clenched. Her thighs opened involuntarily. She rocked back and forth on the bench, rubbing her pubis against the hard wood.

Please,” she moaned against his open mouth, then was silent, realizing that she did not have to say anything. He knew, even before she did, how much she wanted to be taken.

Instead of giving it to her, though, he broke the kiss. He drew away from her, toward the opposite end of the bench.

What…? Jim? Don’t you want—?”

Too much, Bianca. Much too much to be safe. I should go.” He wrapped his trim body in his beige wool coat and draped a cheerful green plaid scarf around his neck, looking younger and more vulnerable than ever. He shook his head. “This was another of my mistakes.”

No! Don’t leave! I won’t touch you again, I promise.”

You won’t be able to keep that promise.” His voice was bitter as quinine.

What about the job?” Was she panicked by the thought of losing him, or the business opportunity? Bianca honestly wasn’t sure. “I can make you famous. Rich.”

You think I care about that?” His laugh chilled her.

Think about it, Jim. For the first time, you’d be appreciated for who you really are.”

Don’t you mean what I am, Ms. Sorenson?” He sighed. “Anyway, you know I couldn’t be myself. I’d be faking, as much as any of your models. Deep down, your readers all know vampires don’t exist.”

You could show them a hint of the truth…” Bianca threw twenty dollars on the table and grabbed her cloak. She was determined not to lose him.

They couldn’t handle the truth, Bianca.” His cool fingers feathered across her cheek. His half smile brimmed with regret. “Not everyone’s as hard-headed and clear-sighted as you.”

He sighed and shook his head once more. “Goodbye. Thanks for the drink. Thanks for listening.”

Turning his back to her, he headed for the door. She seized a handful of wool to hold him back, aware she was already breaking her vow. “Wait! Look, Jim! I am hard-headed. Tough as nails. I want you for my magazine. I won’t take no for an answer.”

He glanced over his shoulder, something dark churning in his eyes. “Let me go. Please.”

Only if you agree to come to the Vamp offices tomorrow. Ten a.m.. I’ll have the photographers ready.”

You’re too susceptible—” But as she relaxed her grip on his coat, he turned to face her.

She rejoiced at the partial victory. “You said I’m hard-headed. I’ll be so hard-headed you won’t believe it, boy.”

He flashed her a weak grin. “I’m too susceptible. Especially now that I’ve tasted you. Whenever you’re close—”

I’ll keep my distance. All business. Hey, I won’t even attend the shoot, if you’d rather.”

You’ll find it hard to stay away.”

I’ll force myself.” She answered his grin with one of her own. “Come on. Say yes.”

Maybe. Now I really do have to leave. I’m always hungrier at night.”

For a moment the college boy morphed into the unearthly creature from his portfolio. A queasy thrill shot through her. She recalled the magnetic pull of his lips against her pulse and the almost irresistible urge to surrender. The bar whirled around her as she relived that dizzying ecstasy.

By the time she recovered, he was gone.

Buy Links

Kinky Literature https://www.kinkyliterature.com/book/1508-fangs-fur-and-the-single-girl/

Amazon UShttps://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXF755SM

Amazon UKhttps://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CXF755SM


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