Tuesday, March 7, 2023

She has never faced such a challenge – #BDSM #Menage #99Cents #MFRWsteam

Rajasthani Moon cover

For today’s MFRW Steam Hop, I’m treating you to a long, teasing excerpt from my multi-genre erotic romance Rajasthani Moon. I’m hoping I can tempt you to take advantage of my special, limited time offer – this full-length novel, normally $4.99, is currently only 99 cents! You’ll find buy links after the excerpt, as well as links to the other authors participating in today’s event.


A bandit prince cursed into beast form under the full moon.

A brilliant but sadistic Rajah whose robotic sex toys mingle torture and delight.

A voluptuous spy on a mission from Her Majesty, tasked with discovering Rajasthan’s secrets.

She has never faced such a challenge.

When Rajasthan refuses to remit its taxes, the Queen calls on her most lethal and seductive secret agent, Cecily Harrowsmith. Cecily expects to have little difficulty persuading the rebellious Rajah to submit once more to the Empire. Instead, she is the one forced to submit – to endure unprecedented extremes of pleasure and pain.

Kidnapped by the ruler's half-brother Pratan and delivered into the hands of the handsome but depraved Rajah Amir, she soon finds herself fighting against her own lascivious nature as much as the schemes of her captors. Her sympathy for the moon-cursed wolf-man Pratan only complicates her situation. Cecily has never failed to complete an assignment, but now she risks betrayal by both her body and her heart.


Excerpt (R-rated)

Kneel up. Let me look at you.”

Cecily tried to keep her gaze averted as she complied, though she was desperately tempted to see if the ruler was as handsome in the flesh as in his portrait.

His chuckle sent a shimmer through her, something like shame but hotter and sweeter. “Very nice indeed. If all of Queen Victoria’s minions were as delectable, we might be more willing to return to her fold.” He laughed again at his own pleasantry. “Guard—the shackles.”

One of the male attendants flanking the throne strode forward, holding two cuffs of embossed leather. A slender, silvery chain about a foot long trailed between them. In a few breaths, the restraints encircled her ankles, leaving her hobbled.

Well, Miss Cecily Harrowsmith— Look at me, woman, don’t stare at your hands like some servant girl—what have you to say for yourself? Are you ready to confess? Do you admit you’ve infiltrated our realm to spy out our secrets and force us back under the thumb of your ambitious Queen?”

The Rajah leant forward in his chair, no more than half a dozen feet from her. A welcoming smile lit his clean-shaven face, but his eyes were black as coal and sharp as obsidian. Jet curls adorned his forehead, peeking out from under his turban of gold brocade, and jewel-studded ornaments stretched his earlobes. His sensitive mouth and smooth cheeks made him seem somehow softer than his brother—younger, fresher, less jaded. However, the intelligence she read in his gaze quickly dispelled any notion that she was dealing with a callow youth.

Cecily struggled to muster her thoughts in the face of such outrageous male beauty.

Sir—ah… Your Highness, I must beg your pardon and ask for your indulgence. It’s true that I came to Rajasthan to discover how your country has managed since your ill-advised refusal to share your revenues with the Crown. Her Majesty was concerned that without a steady supply of viridium, your people might well be suffering.”

Amir burst into a merry laugh. “The Queen is concerned about us poor Rajasthanis, is she? Well, as you can see, we are not suffering in the least. You can report back that her concern is misplaced. Better she should be concerned for your well-being, my lady spy.”

Cecily remained silent, suspecting that the clever Rajah would twist her words regardless of her excuses.

Amir rose from his throne and stepped forward, until he loomed over her kneeling figure.

You may know that Rajasthanis are renowned for their ferocity. The traditional punishment for espionage or treason involves a distinctly unpleasant combination of branding, disembowelling, then being left out in the desert to die.” He cupped her chin and raised her eyes to his. “It would be a pity to subject such a delicious creature to that sort of…indignity—but still, there’s no question that you deserve it, is there?”

His smile grew broader but his eyes remained hard.

She swallowed her rising terror, striving for a rational, conciliatory tone. “Please, Your Highness—I’m not a spy, merely the Empire’s envoy. The Queen sent me to reopen diplomatic relations. She would like to re-establish contacts with Rajasthan, a connection between equals…”

Really? If you’re on an official diplomatic mission, why were you travelling in disguise?”

As you note, sir, your countrymen are known for their violence and lawlessness. A woman openly journeying as Her Majesty’s representative would be especially vulnerable to attack by brigands and highwaymen—” Cecily stopped short, overwhelmed suddenly by memories of her time with Pratan. Her nipples knotted under the thin fabric of her bodice and moisture painted her thighs. Once again embarrassment heated her face. She tried to tear her eyes from the Rajah’s but he would not allow it.

He shook his head. “I really don’t know what I should do with you.” He flipped the gauzy train of her sari off her shoulder, exposing the swollen nubs that strained the fabric of her top. “Though I imagine I’ll think of something.”

For an instant she expected him to reach for her brazenly erect nips, to pinch or twist them. She knew he’d be cruel. A shudder of anticipation raced through her. She sucked in her breath, expecting—no, craving—the debasement.

He didn’t touch her. Instead, he favoured her with an ironic grin and settled back into his chair. “Sit here, then.” He indicated a nest of pillows piled to one side of the throne. “For now, I shall pretend that you’re telling the truth, Cecily, and treat you as the honoured representative of a foreign monarch.”

Thank you, Your Highness.” Cecily released the breath she’d been holding. A bit awkward, she crawled past Amir’s feet to curl up among the cushions, her legs tucked under her. The silver chain tangled in her sari. As she tried to remedy this, she gave it a quick tug to test its strength. The delicacy of the chain was misleading. It seemed as unyielding as the robotic bonds Pratan had employed.

The festival will begin as soon as the crescent moon rises above the palace walls.” He favoured her with another brilliant smile, his eyes softer now. “It’s quite a spectacle.”

I’m looking forward to it,” she answered, since he seemed to expect a reply. Leaning a bit closer, close enough that she could feel the heat emanating from his silk-clad form, she lowered her voice and loaded it with honey. “But, sir—is it really necessary that I be shackled like some common criminal? After all the effort I made to get to Rajasthan, to obtain an audience with Your Highness, do you really think it’s likely I would flee?”

I don’t plan to give you the opportunity, my lovely. In any case, I like seeing you in chains. They suit you.” And now he did touch her, flicking a jewelled finger across one of her still-taut nipples.

A blade of pleasure sliced through her. She couldn’t control her gasp.

You’ll find that’s one of the many things my brother and I have in common—a fondness for rendering beautiful women helpless.”

As if conjured by the Rajah’s words, a door swung open behind the thrones—Cecily could see now that, although the canopy was temporary, the tiered viewing platform was built into the wall—and Pratan stepped onto the platform.

Amir! I see that you’ve already made Miss Harrowsmith’s acquaintance, Your Highness.” Apparently heedless of royal protocol, the bandit prince bestowed an enthusiastic hug on his brother. “Be careful. She’s a caged tiger. Good evening, Cecily.”

Pratan crouched in front of Cecily and, without the slightest warning, took possession her breasts, fondling and squeezing them like ripe melons.

I— You—Release me this instant, you—” Cecily sputtered, fighting the arousal that flooded her. “How dare you?” she added when he didn’t obey, only too aware of the contradictions between her words and her reactions. She gripped his arms, trying to tear his hands from her hungry flesh and noticing despite herself the way his biceps flexed under his satin tunic. He simply ignored her, crushing her aching nipples in his palms. One hand traced the line of her hips then wandered across her belly, finally coming to rest near the juncture of her thighs. All the while, he held her eyes—challenging her to deny her irrepressible lust.

Amir could scarcely contain his laughter. “Ah, brother, clearly you know our guest far more intimately than I do. But I plan to remedy that soon.”

Pratan cupped Cecily’s pubis for a moment longer. He teased a finger back and forth along the damp fabric covering her cleft before he rose to seat himself beside his brother. Cecily choked down her cry of frustration. “You’ll find it well worth your while, Amir-ji, but don’t let down your guard.”

Buy Links

Kinky Literature - https://www.kinkyliterature.com/book/363-rajasthani-moon-steampunk-shifter-bdsm-romance/

Amazon US - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09DBMLQQG

Amazon UK – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09DBMLQQG

Smashwords - https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1100493

Barnes and Noble - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rajasthani-moon-lisabet-sarai/1140045684?ean=2940165000041

Kobo - https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/rajasthani-moon-steampunk-shifter-bdsm-romance

Apple Books -


Add on Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58835067-rajasthani-moon

I hope you'll take a few minutes to check out the other steamy excerpts featured today!


Adriana said...

Always so rich with detail: "A welcoming smile lit his clean-shaven face, but his eyes were black as coal and sharp as obsidian." Love this scene.

Daryl Devoré said...

wonderful little detail to show how much she is actually enjoying it. Tweeted.

Maggie Blackbird said...

I LOVE this visual: but his eyes were black as coal and sharp as obsidian. Jet curls adorned his forehead, peeking out from under his turban of gold brocade, and jewel-studded ornaments stretched his earlobes.

D.S.Dehel said...

Your use of description paints a lush picture. I love it.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

This book sounds like so much fun. It's in my Mount Everest-sized "to read" pile. Tweeted.

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