Today is release day for my historicall MM romance Opening Night. Actually, this story would be considered as alt-history; it imagines a world in which William Gilbert, the comic genius responsible for the topsy-turvy brilliance of operettas like The Mikado and H.M.S. Pinafore, gets pulled into an intense romance with a young actor in the D’Oyly Carte company. As far as anyone knows, Gilbert had no homo-erotic impulses, but it’s always fun to play with what-ifs.
Readers who are familiar with my work will be surprised to hear that there are no explicit love scenes in this book. (If you’re disappointed by this, I recommend one of my other MM romances, such as The H Gene or At the Margins of Madness).
Let your heart be your compass
It’s January 1887, a few days before the opening of the audacious new operetta “Ruddigore”. As if librettist William Gilbert doesn’t have enough to worry about, one of the D’Oyly Carte stars breaks his leg doing the horn pipe. Fortunately, the understudy Frank Wilson turns out to be immensely talented, as well as devilishly handsome. Wilson has set his heart on Gilbert – and he’s not going to be swayed from his course.
The Hook
Gilbert found Wilson down by the Embankment, smoking and staring at the river. The sleet had stopped but the sky was still piled with leaden clouds. He watched the young man for a few moments before calling out to him.
The understudy had a distinct grace about him as he lounged against the rail. He wore a gray worsted overcoat and felt bowler with a hat band of green silk. He half-turned, revealing an elegant profile, and Gilbert noticed the matching cravat. Gilbert wondered how the young man could afford such snappy clothing on an actor’s wages.
“Mr. Wilson!”
Frank faced Gilbert. His face was alight, glowing like a misplaced sun in the grimy dusk. Gilbert took a deep breath. Yes, the lad was handsome, with classic features, a cleft chin, and dimples that spoke of mischief. It was more than that, though. Despite his youth, this man had presence, a powerful attractiveness that drew the eye and the heart. Charisma, that was the word.
“Mr. Gilbert.” Wilson deliberately mashed his cigarette out against the iron rail. “What’s wrong, sir?”
“Are you up on the Dick Dauntless part? The lines? The songs?”
The light in the young man’s face brightened. “Yes, of course. Why? Is poor Mr. Lely ill? How unfortunate!”
Gilbert was not deceived by the concerned words. Wilson was burning to take over the injured tenor’s role.
“He has suffered an accident and is effectively incapacitated as far as the play is concerned. However, we cannot afford to delay the opening. We resume rehearsals at four o’clock.”
Frank Wilson beamed. “I’ll be there.” He climbed the steps to Gilbert’s side, and took his arm. The director caught a whiff of scent, lilac with some sharper undertone. “May I accompany you, sir?”
Gilbert swore that he could feel the heat of the other man’s flesh, even through the heavy wool coat. He swayed on his feet, suddenly woozy. Damn, Kitty was right, he was coming down with the grippe, if not something worse.
Frank steadied him. Gilbert had an impression of great strength. He felt a momentary impulse to give in, to do nothing but lean against the solid young man and be supported, succored. He was so very tired of all the tension, the conflicts, the bickering of the cast, the acrimonious exchanges with Sullivan. How easy it would be, to yield to this handsome young man...
A few chill drops of rain on his face woke him from his reverie. He extricated himself from Wilson’s arm and strode back up the slope to the theater. “Come on,” he called, “the cast is waiting.” He didn’t need to look back to know that Frank Wilson was scrambling after him.
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I do hope you’ll visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks hop!
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Happy release day. Hope sales are wonderful. Great little detail about the grimy dusk. True for that era. Tweeted.
Yay! Happy release day, Lisabet!
Congrats on the release. What fun to play with the impossible
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