By Eric Rill (Guest Blogger)
had finished my first novel, Pinnacle of Deceit, and was
trying to get some blurbs for the back cover. I was in Montreal and
immediately thought of Kathy Reichs, a part-time Montreal resident,
New York Times best-selling author, and producer of the
ultra-successful television show, Bones. (Fair disclosure—this
was before the TV show.) So I went online and found her publisher’s
email address and sent a message, asking if she would read the book
and maybe offer a blurb.
Two hours later, I received a
personal email from her. Could this really be happening? Was I going
to get a great blurb? I had my wardrobe picked out for the premiere
of the movie based on my novel, even before I read the email. For
those few seconds, the new budding author had a novel that was going
viral. (Well, again, in the interest of full disclosure, they didn’t
use that word back then.)
set in very quickly, when I read her words—something to the effect
that her publisher doesn’t allow her to write blurbs on books from
other publishers.
so I guess the movie would have to wait. Besides, we had a dinner
engagement that night, and I was already running late.
were the first to arrive. Suzanne, the hostess, was a designer and in
her previous career was a literary agent. I wanted to discuss the
blub situation with her. But that would also have to wait as the
doorbell rang and the other couple invited to dinner arrived.
introduced us—Kathy Reichs and her boyfriend, Bob. Come on, what
are the odds? When I asked if my name was familiar, she said, “Sort
of.” I reminded her of the emails a few hours before and we both
just laughed. The evening was great. She mentioned that her agent was
talking to a network to do a TV series based on her books. I asked
her who she would like to play her.
I forget the answer, but it was clear she wasn’t sure the deal
would get done.
I never got a blurb, but she did come to my book launch.
riveting new novel from Eric Rill, author of Pinnacle of Deceit
and The Innocent Traitor, is about a race against time. The
ticking time bomb is Saul Reimer’s sanity. His Alzheimer’s is
going to be the catalyst that will either bring his family together
or tear it apart.
It’s all unraveling.
night, I found myself somewhere on Monkland Avenue. I had no idea how
I got there. I looked in a store window and saw my reflection. It
took me a bit to figure it all out—like that the person in the
window was a man, and that the man was me.

key word is formerly, as I am sure you’ve already figured
out. Because today—and I have no idea what day it is, other than it
is really cold and I wish I had a jacket on—I am nothing, not a
real man, that’s for sure. I mean, how can you be a real man when
you don’t even know where you are half the time, and when you do
know, more often than not, you can’t grasp the concept of your
felt in my pocket for my wallet, but it wasn’t there. All I had was
my bank card. I spotted an ATM machine at the corner. But when I got
there, I couldn’t figure out how to work it. A woman walked up from
behind. I gestured for her to go in front of me. She smiled and said
she was in no rush. I looked at the machine, with all the words
flashing across the screen. My hands were getting slimy, and beads of
that wet stuff covered my forehead. Why couldn’t she just go first?
suddenly, it all made sense. I followed the directions, but it took
me a few tries to get the card into the machine with the strip the
right way. I looked behind me again. The woman was fidgeting with her
purse strap. Then the machine asked me for a personal identification
number. The good news is, I knew I had one. The bad news is, I had no
idea what it was. My brain is like a shortwave radio, mostly static
that occasionally finds the station, but even then the sound isn’t
always clear.
a way, it will be a blessing when my mind is totally gone, when I am
a vegetable, slouched in a wheelchair. Like many Alzheimer’s
patients on Montreal’s West Side, I’ll probably make a pit stop
at Manoir Laurier. Then, when Manoir Laurier can’t cope with me, or
we can’t afford it anymore, they’ll ship me off to Belfrage
Hospital, my final stop on this beloved earth. I’ll be there,
incontinent, drooling, and incoherent—that is, if I can even manage
to get a word through my blistered lips. And when it’s all
over—when my heart finally gives out, or I contract pneumonia, and
my family says, “Let Saul go; he deserves some peace”—when that
happens, they’ll take me down to the autopsy room, cut my skull
open, and find the tangles and plaques on my brain. Then they will be
able to say with 100 percent certainty that Saul Reimer had
Rill was born in Montreal and graduated from Cornell University with
a Bachelor of Arts, and from UCLA with an MBA. He held several
executive positions in the hospitality industry, including president
of a global hotel group. His hobbies include trekking, scuba diving,
and collecting antique carpets. Eric has two sons and divides his
time between his residence in Panama and international travel. You
can reach him at his website at:
your own copy of An Absent Mind:
This post is part of Eric's blog tour, organized by Goddess Fish Productions. Eric is giving away a $50 bookstore gift certificate to one randomly chosen reader. To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget below.
You can enter from each blog on the tour. The more blogs you visit, the larger your chances of winning. For a full list of participating blogs, just go here:
Good luck!
Great sample, can't wait to read the book!
Thanks for hosting!
this sounds awesome :) Thanks for sharing.
The excerpt is great. It sounds like Saul has a big problem on hands. I dont think I have read an excerpt before dealing with Alzheimers. Good luck with sales.
It sounds intense, but very engaging!
Trix, vitajex(at)Aol(Dot)com
Sounds very intriguing.
Thank you for featuring my novel. If any readers have questions I would be happy to respond.
Wow. What a wonderful excerpt. It helps one understand a bit.
I've lost a couple friends & relatives to alzheimer's and a couple now are suffering from dementia and Louie barrs dementia.
It sounds like you also have personal experience.
Thank you for the great contest.
orelukjp0 at gmail dot com
Touching how the excerpt gave an inside look into the disease.
Sounds like an interesting read. I like that it'll deal with a disease that not many will know much about unless it directly affects them.
I liked the excerpt on An Absent Mind thanks for sharing it with us. Happy spring to all
Hello, Eric,
Thanks for being my guest. I have to say, your excerpts made me really uncomfortable, which is a tribute to your capabilities as a writer. This is a difficult topic, but then, one purpose of fiction is to explore difficult topics safely.
Good luck with the book.
Nice cover
Great author story. I still haven't read any of Kathy Reichs' books yet.
Alzheimer's is a tough subject to tackle, both in writing and real life. I really like the cover.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway. Fingers crossed to win.
skeeterlee63 @
Enjoyed the post. Thanks for the giveaway.
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