Wednesday, October 2, 2024

One supernatural lover at a time was more than enough - #PNR #Halloween #Vampire #Shifter #MFRWHooks

Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl banner

It’s finally October, my favorite month, because it includes Halloween, my favorite holiday. In celebration, I’ll be posting Halloween-related or paranormal excerpts all month long.

Today I have a spooky bit from my MFM paranormal romance Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl. Enjoy! And don’t forget to visit the other authors participating in today’s MFRW Book Hooks blog hop.


A tragically attractive vampire, a hunky wolf-man and a skeptical but susceptible career gal. What could possibly go wrong?

The city is full of fanatics who believe vampires are real. Bianca knows that’s a fantasy. Then a blond, blue-eyed blood drinker walks into her office and turns her universe upside down. Trying to escape from the vampire’s seductive influence, she collides with a wolf shifter whose mere presence inspires irresistible lust. How can Bianca resolve her feelings for her two mutually hostile lovers?

The Hook

Bianca didn’t want him in her apartment. For one thing, she was worried she’d jump him again. His scent was a drug, a perilous intoxicant that stripped away her humanity and turned her into a raging sexual animal.

For another, it was possible Jim was waiting for her. Given the mutual antipathy that characterized Jim’s and Zack’s first brief meeting, she didn’t want to risk another encounter.

Her condo probably reeked of sex. With his canine-enhanced senses, Zack would know the instant he stepped inside what she and Jim had been up to. And Jim—he’d catch the smell of blood from the seeping bite wound on her shoulder. He’d go crazy.

They stood on her stoop while she pretended to be looking for her key. Maybe she could distract him. “Let’s go find something to eat first,” she proposed. “I haven’t had anything since breakfast.”

Get something delivered,” her companion grunted. “You shouldn’t be outside. The moon’ll be rising in half an hour.”

The moon?” She shuddered, despite the toasty coat she wore. “Do you mean—?”

One bite’s probably not enough to change you,” he answered. “But moonlight strengthens the influence. Increases the risk. Now get inside. Or do I have to carry you?”

He looked both willing to and capable of fulfilling his threat. With a sigh, she unlocked the external door and led him up the two flights to her condo unit.

Please, let Jim be gone, she prayed silently, though she generally considered herself agnostic. One supernatural lover at a time was more than enough for her to manage.

But if there were any gods listening, they chose to ignore her. At the sound of the turning deadbolt, Jim bounded out from the bedroom, nude as when she’d left him.

Bianca! Where have you been? I was so worried!”

He’d already gathered her into his arms and was nuzzling her hair when he noticed Zack out in the hall. His whole body stiffened, as though he’d been turned to marble. Something pricked her scalp. With a wordless hiss, he thrust her aside and took one step toward the open door, his lips curled back to expose vicious, snake-like fangs.

Zack snarled and sank into a crouch. A violet aura shimmered around his body. His hair whipped around his face as though caught in a hurricane. A beast-shaped shadow loomed behind him.

Sparks crackled up and down Bianca’s arms, stinging like a thousand tiny bees. A near-deafening buzz filled her ears. The air was so thick with menace, she could scarcely breathe. She wanted to run, but icy terror froze her in place. For the first time, she understood the danger she’d courted, letting these creatures into her life.

Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl teaser


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Kayelle Allen said...

What a great excerpt. You feel her emotion in every line.

Kate Hill said...

Caught between a vampire and a werewolf, that's delicious and dangerous! Love the excerpt!

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