Friday, October 4, 2024

Candlelight glinted on polished steel – #MFRWsteam #MMRomance #PNR #Halloween

At the Margins of Madness banner

Welcome to the October edition of the MFRW Steam Hop. Today we give erotic romance authors the opportunity to share their visions.

Since Halloween is imminent, I’ve challenged the MFRW authors to showcase work that is both sexy and spooky. My excerpt today, from my MM paranormal romance At the Margins of Madness, is pretty extreme along both dimensions.

You’ve been warned...!


Both power and love can lead to madness

Nineteen year old Kyle sees visions of disasters, visions that tear his world apart. Everyone assumes that he is schizophrenic, but Rob, the cop who picks him up off the street, knows better.

Rob's own experience has taught him that psychic powers are real, and potentially devastating. Since his telepathic sister's brutal murder, Rob wants nothing to do with "gifted" individuals like Kyle. Yet he can't deny his attraction to the beautiful, tortured young man – an attraction that appears to be mutual.

When a brilliant, sadistic practitioner of the black arts lures Kyle into his clutches, Rob faces the possibility that once again he may lose the person he loves most to the forces of darkness.

Excerpt (Explicit)

By the time he reached the I-290 overpass, he was staggering. He tripped and slammed into a wizened black woman toting her groceries, knocking her hat onto the sidewalk. “Ah, sorry, ma’am,” he slurred, giggling as he tried to replace the absurd pillbox on her gray curls.

Crazy honky bum! Get your filthy hands off me!”

Um, really, I apologize…” But she was already gone. He fell against the railing, still chuckling, and leaned over to watch the cars whizz by, blurs of bright color. He tilted the bottle to his lips, then realized it was already empty. “Fuck!” His drunken hilarity evaporated. He held the useless thing over the highway and released it. The clash of its shattering, the squeal of brakes as cars tried to avoid the spray of broken glass, gave him an odd satisfaction. Maybe for once I’ll cause the disaster, instead of being a helpless spectator.

As though conjured by his thought, the vision appeared full blown, wiping out the world. There were no screams. Instead soft music droned in the background, flutes and deep horns that rose and fell in a hypnotic rhythm. There were no flames, though the flickering patterns on the walls suggested candles were the main source of illumination. Kyle felt slick, cold stone against his naked back. He lay prone, unable to move; when he tried, coarse rope bit into his wrists and ankles.

Chill tongues of fear licked at his heart. He was trapped, bound, arms and legs spread-eagled on a surface that felt like marble. He could see the ceiling, rough-hewn beams hung with cobwebs, and the walls, piled slabs of stone joined with grimy mortar, but little else. He smelled earth, mould, damp cement.

His limbs felt heavy, as if he were drugged. There was different kind of heaviness in his groin, a familiar throbbing that told him he had a hard-on. Pleasure swelled in his cock with each beat of his pulse.

What was going on? Had he fallen in with some kind of pervert? He knew he was taking a chance every time he agreed to suck someone’s cock, but he needed the money for booze and the occasional burger. Had his luck finally run out?

A face hovered over him, youthful features crowned by shining blond hair. The man’s eyes were an icy blue that sent new chills racing up Kyle’s spine. His sensual lips curved into a broad smile that held no warmth but which revealed pearly, perfect teeth.

Ah, Kyle! You’re awake. Excellent. The ritual requires that you be conscious throughout.”

Ritual?” Kyle’s voice reached his ears as though coming from far away.

The man did not answer Kyle’s implied question. “My robe, Jez,” he commanded. A slight brunette wearing a miniskirt stepped into Kyle’s field of view long enough to slip the scarlet satin robe off the man’s shoulders. He was slender but fit, with swelling pectorals and corded biceps, all furred with golden down. He mounted some sort of steps until he was standing on the platform where Kyle was bound, straddling Kyle’s helpless form.

The young man’s cock was as scarlet as his robe. It arched up between his thighs, rooted in blond curls, gleaming wetly in the flickering candles. Despite his fear, Kyle grew more excited. His own cock twitched and his balls tightened.

You’re beautiful, Kyle,” crooned the surfer-boy looming over him. Kyle was sure that he’d never seen this man before, yet somehow that face, that mocking smile, was familiar. “I’m going to enjoy this. Perhaps you will, too.”

He stepped forward until he was even with Kyle’s hips, then crouched into a squat just above Kyle’s throbbing erection. The head brushed against the man’s furry buttocks. Kyle’s pelvis gave an involuntary jerk as pleasure shimmered through him.

As Kyle’s cock pushed upward, Golden-hair pressed down, embedding Kyle’s rod in his greased hole. The sudden heat and tightness sent cum rushing up Kyle’s shaft. Golden-hair reached behind his back and pinched Kyle’s scrotum, hard enough to momentarily erase the pleasure.

Don’t come yet, boy.” The young man’s lips thinned to a determined line. Clearly, he was trying to maintain his own control. “I’ll make you come, but only at the right time. Jez?”

Kyle felt the woman stirring beside him. The other man’s eyes held him transfixed like a rabbit in the headlights of a car. Candlelight glinted on polished steel as Golden-hair raised the long knife the woman had given him.

He laid the point against Kyle’s breastbone, just pricking the skin. Then he tightened the muscles in his buttocks, squeezing Kyle inside his hot channel. Kyle couldn’t help himself. He arched up, burying his cock more deeply in the man’s ass.

At the Margins of Madness cover

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today's Steam Hop!


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