Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Review Tuesday: Undercover Lovers by Fiona McGier -- #EroticRomance #SecretAgent #ReviewTuesday

Undercover Lovers book cover

Undercover Lovers
by Fiona McGier

Smashwords Edition, 2020

Torture leaves scars that don’t heal—inside as well as out. Former intelligence operative Ameena knows this only too well. It has been nearly two years since she was rescued from the sadistic clutches of The Executioner but the marks left by his attentions still mar her lush, exotic body. Meanwhile, she spends many sleepless nights smoking on her balcony and staring out at the city, ripped from slumber by vivid, terrifying nightmares about her former nemesis.

It doesn’t matter that The Executioner is locked away for life in a maximum security prison cell, thanks to her testimony. Her ordeal at his hands still haunts her as she tries to build a new life outside the Service as a choreographer and producer.

Then her former handler Malcolm contacts her with the unwelcome news that The Executioner has escaped. Malcolm wants her to act as bait in a scheme to flush out and recapture the villain. To keep her safe, he’ll have her under twenty-four hour surveillance by two young agents: sexy, self-assured man of action Tomás Escobedo and shy tech wizard Adam DeLaine.

Though reluctant to cooperate with their plan, Ameena has little choice. The Executioner will be looking for her regardless, eager to finish the job he started and leave her lifeless and bleeding like all his other victims.

Tomás makes it clear that he intends to seduce Ameena. Though she has had many affairs in her career as an agent, the handsome but arrogant Latin doesn’t tempt her. Instead, she finds herself drawn to Adam’s quiet, sensitive strength. When she chooses Adam as her companion for a weekend of externally orchestrated debauchery, he turns out to both passionate and considerate. Meanwhile, Tomás is furious, more determined than ever to conquer her.

Undercover Lovers, like most of the romances I’ve read by Fiona McGier, is a breath of fresh air. Ms. McGier pays scant attention to tired romance tropes. She’s far more interested in creating complex, powerful female characters who propel the story by their choices. Another author might have set up the rivalry between Adam and Tomás, then resolved it via a ménage a trois, but that’s not what happens here. Ameena’s years in the field have left their own scars, but Adam wins over her cynicism to touch her in ways none of her many lovers ever has. Before long she realizes that he’s the only man she wants. Then he’s captured during an assignment, and she’s forced to recruit a team to rescue him.

Ameena needs Tomás to participate in the rescue plan. He demands a night with her as payment for his cooperation.

No traditional romance would set up this conflict in the first place. Certainly no traditional romance heroine would agree to the terms Tomás sets out. Ms. McGier is brave enough to let Ameena give the agent what he requires, paying the price in order to save her beloved. In Ameena’s previous life as an agent, seduction was just another weapon, and she learned to do what had to be done.

Some readers might disapprove of this plot twist. I could only applaud. Ms. McGier handles it all brilliantly: Ameena’s dispassionate reaction after their night of intense but meaningless pleasure; Tomás’s incredulity; the fallout and misunderstandings when Adam ultimately learns about the bargain. Meanwhile, the rescue plan as it unfolds involves more cleverness, deception and pulse-pounding suspense.

Anyone who reads my blog or my reviews will know that originality and authenticity are critical criteria for me in evaluating a book. I adored Undercover Lovers, which gets high ratings for both. Of course it has a happily ever after, but that’s hard-earned. After her pain and sacrifices, Ameena deserves her life with Adam, the one man who has ever touched her heart.


Fiona McGier said...

Thanks so much, Lisabet. Like you, I try to ignore conventional romance tropes-or twist and turn them to suit my characters. Yes, I must have strong females, and usually they choose beta males-or at least alphas willing to share the power with an equally alpha female.

While I was writing this story, ran the question of a menage scene by my son, who reads all of my books, and my daughter. I told them that readers would expect a menage scene, but that wouldn't be true to Adam's character--nor would it make Ameena happy, since she's done with that kind of thing. So I did include one, but with a twist that allowed for the plot to not force my beloved people into doing something so out of character for 2 of the 3 of them.

And if you like Tomás' character, I gave an older him a female who is just as alpha in the 4th Minnesota Romance, No More Secrets.

Fiona McGier said...

To celebrate this review, Undercover Lovers is 1/2 off, so only 99¢, until the end of August. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1017998

Lisabet Sarai said...

Just Tweeted (or should I say , X-ed???) about the discount!

And I think I've read No More Secrets. That's the one with the scenes on the drug lord's yacht, right?

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