Monday, August 12, 2024

Coming this Friday! Hundreds of LGBTQ+ deals! #LGBTQ+ #CheapBooks

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Do you enjoy LGBTQ+ books? If so, then don’t miss the Queer Your Bookshelf event, happening this Friday, the 16th of August. More than four hundred titles, with a wide variety of pairings and genres, will be available for only 99 cents each... for one day only!

I’m participating, of course. You can grab two of my erotic romance books, one lesbian (The Witches of Gloucester) and one gay (At the Margins of Madness). The former is usually $2.99, the latter, a full-length novel, $4.99. But on Friday, each one will cost you less than a buck!

To whet your appetite, I’ve got an exclusive excerpt today from The Witches of Gloucester.


Its not about power. Its about love.

The historic port of Gloucester, Massachusetts has a special charm, due in part to its resident witches. For decades, raven-maned Marguerite and red-headed Beryl have lived among its hard-working inhabitants, making magic and mischief. To reach their full potential, they need a third witch to complete their circle. Platinum-haired newcomer Emmeline might be the woman theyve been waiting for.


The Witches of Gloucester cover


Full night had fallen. With the turning of the tide, the breeze had shifted, bringing the clean, sharp scent of open ocean into Beryl’s bedroom. Fat moths dashed themselves blindly against the window screen. Snatches of jazz floated in from the restaurant across the cove.

The three women sprawled naked among the tangled sheets, sweat-streaked and sticky. Marguerite trailed her fingertips across Emmeline’s flat belly. The new witch lay between her two seducers, exhausted by pleasure. Her milk-white thighs parted, offering Marguerite an enticing view of the moist, plum-dark flesh where they joined. The contrast between the moon-pale limbs and those vermilion folds made Marguerite yearn for another taste. Reluctantly, the older witch suppressed her rejuvenated lust. Emmy had to be prepared, tutored and trained. Her powers must be awakened and focused. Midsummer’s Eve was two short days away.

Reaching across Emmeline’s prostrate form, she shook Beryl’s shoulder. “Love? I hate to disturb you, but it will be midnight soon...”

Beryl’s eyes flickered open. Her grin broadened when she took in the delectable sight of the girl recumbent between them. “Right. Of course. Emmy, dear...” Beryl brushed her lips across Em’s. “Wake up, little one...”

Emmeline stirred and groaned, then threw her arms around Beryl’s neck. “Kiss me again, please,” she murmured, her voice thick with sleep.

Later, Em. It’s time for you to study.”

Study? But I’m tired. And I’m horny...” She nuzzled the freckled skin under Beryl’s ear, then made a lunge for one of the redhead’s plump nipples. Beryl caught her by the shoulders and held her at arms length.

If you’re going to be a witch, you’ll need to develop some self-discipline,” Beryl scolded. Marguerite could tell, though, that her long-time lover was trying hard not to laugh.

Like you two?” Em extricated herself from Beryl’s grip and ran her fingers through her silvery tangles.

We know how to control ourselves, when it’s necessary to do so. Right now, we have more important concerns than our own pleasure.” Rolling off the bed, Beryl padded naked out of the bedroom.

Sorry, darling. We don’t have much time.” Marguerite donned one of the satin kimonos Beryl kept hanging on the back of her door, then tossed another to Emmeline. “Cover up. That may help us all to avoid becoming distracted.” In truth, the thin robe did little to hide the girl’s charms, but at least her succulent sex was no longer visible.

Marguerite seated herself upon the braided rug and gestured for Emmeline to do the same. “There’s magic in our couplings, certainly. But there are other kinds of power as well. Each of us has our own special talents. We need to understand your abilities more fully, before the ceremony.”

What ceremony?” With fluid grace, Emmeline slid onto the floor and tucked her heels under her buttocks. A new ache bloomed in Marguerite’s pussy, hard to ignore.

A ritual that will bind you into our circle, love. If you choose to join us, that is.”

I – I don’t know.” Emmeline’s face was like clear water, revealing every emotion. “You – Beryl – it’s all happening so quickly. I never wanted a woman before, but now...”

Yes?” Marguerite smiled her encouragement.

Emmy sighed and raised her hands, palms up in a gesture of resignation. “What can I say? It feels right. Inevitable. What I’ve been seeking all my life.”

Sound like a story you’d enjoy? Bookmark your favorite online bookseller and get ready to fill your e-reader with the best LGBTQ+ books around!

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