Friday, January 5, 2024

Hungry for more – #Lesbian #Historical #EroticRomance #MFRWsteam

By Moonlight banner

Welcome to the first MFRW Steam Hop of 2024! It might be January, but we’re heating things up with romance excerpts from spicy to incendiary.

My Steam Hop contribution today comes from my lesbian historical romance By Moonlight, a re-telling of the famous poem “The Highwayman” by Alfred Noyes. Unlike the original, this story has a happy ending. Plus, of course, the lovers are both women!


She risked all, loving an outlaw – especially a woman

In her eighteen years on earth, Bess has never traveled more than twenty miles from her Devonshire village. The raven-haired innkeeper’s daughter has little time to dream of adventure as she labors from dawn to dusk to keep her abusive father satisfied.

Then, at the weekly market in Tavistock town, she meets a handsome dandy who claims her with a single stolen kiss. When the gallant gentleman makes a midnight visit to the inn, Bess learns that her new lover is none other than Kit Latour, a notorious French highwayman who has been boldly relieving the local nobility of their valuables. Well-aware of the risk she’s taking, Bess still offers herself to the seductive outlaw. Even Kit’s darkest secrets cannot quench the flames of her love.

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Not so long ago Bess had been a bashful virgin, but there was no shyness in her now. She pulled the garment over her head and tossed it onto the chair, shaking her long hair free. Moonlight from the window made her pale skin glow. Kit’s eyes roamed over her nakedness. She’d never felt so beautiful, or so needy. “Now you,” she urged. She reached for the brass buttons, fumbling in her eagerness.

Kit chuckled. “Little minx! You’ll be all night at that.” In the space of a few breaths, the showy waistcoat and soft breeches lay crumpled atop the boots. Barefoot, Kit stood with hands on hips and legs sturdily apart, wearing nothing but the long, loose, ruffled shirt. The white linen was startling against sun-darkened flesh. The gallant intruder flashed a saucy grin.

Pray do not tease!” Bess moaned. “’Twill be morning all too soon.” She settled onto the bed and spread her legs to release a flood of her scent. “Please, my love.”

The outlaw slipped out of the shirt and discarded it with her other clothing. Kit’s small, firm breasts were tipped with earth-colored nipples as tight and hard as Bess’s own. Moisture beaded the triangle of amber-hued curls that nestled between her lean thighs.

Still, the older woman held back for a moment. Perhaps she was enjoying the sight of the formerly chaste innkeeper’s daughter turned wanton, writhing upon the sheets and exposing her wet cunny.

Bess didn’t care how she looked. “Kiss me,” she pleaded. “Touch me, Kit, before I die of longing.”

I have made a lascivious monster of you,” said the highwayman as she crouched between Bess’s sprawled thighs.

Your monster, my love—oh! Oh yes!”

Kit had the devil’s tongue, long as a snake, hot as the flames of Hell. It slithered through Bess’s folds and probed her secret places, kindling fiery pleasure wherever it wandered. As she licked and suckled, Kit’s hands were busy as well, reaching up to cup the aching fullness of her girl’s breasts and flicking at the swollen tips. Every touch sent lightning sizzling down to Bess’s center. Deep within her, the sweet heaviness mounted, higher, fuller, closer to overflowing.

Her diabolical lover knew how to bank then stoke the fires, to push her to the edge of spending then keep her there for what seemed like an eternity. Not tonight, though. They’d been apart too long. Kit was as hungry as she was. The outlaw held her open and feasted upon her. Fingernails scored Bess’s inner thighs. Kit rooted in her soaked cunny, drinking her juices and gnawing on her tender flesh. Bess clutched Kit’s head, fingers entwined in the tangled auburn tresses. She bucked and writhed, shameless, as she ground her dripping sex against Kit’s pointed chin.

A moonbeam slanted into the room. Kit drove two fingers into her depths and nipped the engorged pearl atop her cunny. Bess exploded into bliss, shards of brightness whirling around her like pieces of a broken mirror.

The spend roared through her body, leaving her limp and boneless. She came back to her senses to find Kit stretched out beside her on her narrow bed. The other woman trailed a single finger along her skin, from the valley between her breasts to her navel, then down to brush the damp black tangle that hid her sex. The delicate touch made Bess shudder with new delight. She leaned closer to kiss Kit’s lips and tasted the ocean flavor of her own cunny.

“’Tis nearly dawn,” she said. “And I’ve not pleasured you yet.” She urged Kit’s legs open and slipped her hand between them. Kit’s folds were sleek and hot. Bess skimmed her fingertips along the slippery inner walls, which rippled at her touch.

Ah, Bess! That’s lovely—oh!”

She’d located Kit’s pearl and flicked it with her thumb. The slick muscles tightened around her fingers. With every meeting, she learned more of the paths to Kit’s pleasure, but still she felt awkward and clumsy. If only she could work the same magic on Kit’s body that her lover worked upon her own.

Oh, good, so good…Just like that, my darling. A little more…”

Kit snatched her hand and held it tight. She rocked her hips, forcing Bess’s fingers deeper. With a choked cry, a shudder, and a gush that drenched Bess to the wrist, she found her release.

Bess watched her sharp features relax and soften in the aftermath. The notorious Kit Latour, outlaw, bandit and thief, looked much younger with her eyes closed and her shoulder-length russet locks fanned out over Bess’s pillow.

Somewhere in the distance, a cock crowed. Bess bent to kiss her drowsing lover.

You’d best be off. It will soon be light.”

Kit stirred. She pulled Bess down into a desperate embrace. Their breasts mashed together. Below, their juices mingled, black curls tangling with ginger. Kit’s greedy kiss just left Bess hungry for more.

By Moonlight teaser

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today's Steam Hop!

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