Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Trust can’t be bought – #Billionaires #SiliconValley #ArtificialIntelligence #MFRWHooks

The Gazillionaire and the Virgin banner

It’s Wednesday again! Which means it’s time for another MFRW Book Hooks blog hop.

Sticking with last week’s theme of “realistic” romance, I’ve got an excerpt from my BDSM erotic romance The Gazillionaire and the Virgin. Actually, when I wrote this back in 2016, I didn’t realize how realistic it was going to be. Both of the main characters are tech people and the book features an AI system that can generate stories... Sounds familiar, right?

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my hook, a somewhat fraught phone conversation between my heroine and my hero.


Trust can't be bought. It has to be earned.

When Silicon Valley entrepreneur Rachel Zelinsky meets reclusive genius Theo Moore, she has a single objective —a deal to incorporate his AI software into her company’s popular virtual world. She finds Theo to be arrogant, sensitive and socially awkward, but his aura of power speaks to her carefully-hidden submissive side. Confused and aroused, she falls under his geeky spell.

Theo Moore can’t be bought. His past battles with poverty make him deeply suspicious of the billionaire CEO, though Rachel’s voluptuous curves and brilliant mind embody his ultimate fantasy. Too bad his knowledge about sex derives from extensive research and a stash of kinky porn rather than real-world experience.

Rachel may be Theo’s first lover, but Theo is her first true Master. One word from him, one touch, and she surrenders to bliss. It seems that love and complementary desire may harmonize their differing values, until Rachel’s unwitting violation of Theo’s trust tears them apart.

The Gazillionaire and the Virgin cover

The Hook

I wait until the fundraiser’s all arranged before getting in touch. I don’t want to give him too much time to obsess about the prospect. I call him from home, about seven a.m. My spies have discovered he’s a morning person.

Um—hello?” His voice is a bit gravelly, but deeper and more sonorous than I’d remembered.

Hello Theo. This is Rachel Zelinsky.” Don’t hang up, I think during the ten second pause that follows. Don’t even consider it.

Oh—um... Hi, Rachel.”

So far so good. I wait for him to continue, but he’s silent.

How are you?” I prompt, finally.

Okay.” Two beats. “And you?”

I’m great. Busy, but that’s normal. Anyway, I’m calling about the fundraiser.”

Huh? What are you talking about?”

For Code in the Hood. Remember? I told you when we met I’d try to organize an event to raise more cash for your organization.”

Oh, yeah, right. I thought you were just being polite.”

I chuckle. “Not at all. As you’ll learn when you get to know me better, when I say I’m going to do something, I do it. So it’s all set, for seven tomorrow night, at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View. I’ll pick you up around six. 1263 Redondo Palms Avenue, right?”

Ah—ach—what? No! No, I can’t, Rachel!” He sounds as though he’s choking. “Really—you don’t need me. I’m grateful, but—”

We most emphatically do need you, Theo. You’re the founder of CIH, its public face, the man behind its success. People want to meet you.”

Oh, God—what kind of people?” He’s breathing heavily, almost hyperventilating.

Rich people. People who want to give you money to help the poor kids in the ghetto learn about modern technology. Millionaires, Theo. Billionaires!”

I don’t want to meet them...” He’s almost inaudible.

You’ve no choice, Theo, not if you care about CIH. Look, you don’t have to make a speech or anything. Just attend the function with me. Smile, Drink a bit of champagne. Shake people’s hands. I assume you have brochures and other PR material, right?”

Yes, yes....”

Bring that and let my people pass it out. Then all you have to do is be yourself, Theo. Share your passion for CIH, and let these people see how they can make a difference. I guarantee that if you follow my instructions, you’ll rake in at least a couple million in one evening.”

A couple million? You’re kidding.” His astonishment has overwhelmed his anxiety, at least for the moment.

Dr. Moore, another thing about me: I never kid about money.”

Theo is silent. I press my advantage. “The function’s black tie—I love to get dressed up, even if most of the Valley crowd would be happier wearing polo shirts with company logos seven days a week. So I’ve taken the liberty of ordering you a tuxedo. The tailor will deliver it this afternoon, and make alterations if necessary. You will be at home, right? Your department secretary says you have no classes or meetings today.”

Dr. Zelinsky, you have no right to go snooping into my life.” I hear genuine anger in his tone. A little chill shimmers through me. “Talking to my secretary! Finding my street address! What, did you do a secret 3D scan to get my suit measurements? I’m not one of the pawns who inhabit your virtual world. I care about my privacy.”

Sorry—Theo, please, try to understand. I just want to make this as painless as possible for you. I apologize if you feel I’m being intrusive. If I’d asked you whether you wanted a tuxedo, though, you probably would have refused my offer.”

Damn right I would. I’m not wearing some penguin suit just to please you, Rachel Zelinsky.”

A little thrill shoots through me. There’s something about the way my name rolls off his tongue—as though he’d been saying it, or at least thinking it, a lot...

Theo.” I soften my voice, add a note a pleading. “It’s not for me. It’s for the kids in South Central. Can’t you do it for them?”

Humph.” When that’s all he says, I know I’ve won this round.

Pick you up at six. I’m looking forward to seeing you again, Theo.”

He hangs up without any reply.

I find that my nipples are like stone and I’m soaked with sweat.


G&V Teaser

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today's Book Hooks!


Kayelle Allen said...

Oooh I do love reading about a strong woman who knows how to take control of a situation. How can you *give* control to others if you never have it yourself? Great excerpt!

Kate Hill said...

Can't say I blame him. She's invasive, but I feel like he'll be able to handle her!

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