Sunday, June 30, 2024

Charity Sunday: Fighting for the Right to Love #LGBTQ #CharitySunday #PrideMonth

Charity Sunday banner 2024

Welcome to our June Charity Sunday event. Given that today is the last day of Pride Month, I’ve selected GLAD as my June cause. GLAD is an organization that fights the seemingly endless legal battles for LGBTQ rights and equality. It was founded in 1978, and has a long history of success. Alas, even in the United States, LGBTQ individuals and families are still not free to love and free from discrimination or persecution.

It exhausts me to see the virulence with which some people attack individuals with non-mainstream sexual identities. Honestly, why should they care? Is it a question of fear? A desire for power? Or frustration and despair that needs scapegoats?

Anyway, for today’s Charity Sunday I’ll donate two dollars to GLAD for every comment I receive, to support their focused and highly effective mission.

Meanwhile, I have a brief excerpt from my MM paranormal erotic romance At the Margins of Madness. This novel is basically contemporary, and it’s set in the liberal state of Massachusetts. Neverthelss, protagonist Rob Murphy, a city police officer, still can’t be open about his desires.


Both power and love can lead to madness

Nineteen year old Kyle has devastating visions of horrific disasters. Everyone assumes Kyle is schizophrenic, but Rob, the cop who picks him up off the street, knows better. Since his telepathic sister's brutal murder, Rob wants nothing to do with "gifted" individuals like Kyle. Yet he can't deny his attraction to the beautiful, tortured young man -- an attraction that appears to be mutual.


Rob woke to find Kyle stretched out beside him, one arm flung over his eyes, the other crossed over his breast. The young man’s face was relaxed, the pale brow smooth, the ripe lips parted slightly. Rob leaned close, aching for a kiss. He felt Kyle’s breath against his face. Better to let the kid sleep. Between the recent surgery and their activities last night, Kyle was probably exhausted.

Rob, though, felt more energized than he could remember. It had been years since he had shared a bed with someone. Not since Gina had kicked him out. After that, he couldn’t risk anything like a long-term relationship. The force tolerated his sexual preferences, but only as long as he didn’t flaunt them. So he had to be content with blow jobs and jack-offs from guys he met in the small hill towns around the city, towns where nobody knew him. Once or twice a year, he’d treat himself to a weekend in New York City, cruising the gay clubs, indulging himself in all the hot male flesh he could handle. It was fun, but not exactly satisfying.

He allowed himself to gawk at Kyle’s lithe, perfect body. The skin was like creamy marble, with only the slightest flush of blood. In fact, he could have been a Greek statue, a youthful warrior, slender but strong. The muscled chest and molded thighs were hairless, but curly tufts of black adorned in his armpits and groin. The hair in his crotch was matted with dried semen—Rob’s and his own.

Rob’s cock gave a little jump at the recollection. It had been so good, so very good. He could still taste a faint bitterness from the cum Kyle had pumped into his mouth, after a leisurely blow job that had made Rob go hard again, too. Kyle’s own mouth was agile and muscular. He sucked cock with a talent unusual for his age. How many cocks had he swallowed in order to keep his belly full? Rob didn’t want to think about that, though he couldn’t really figure out whether he felt sympathy or jealousy.

The boy’s penis nestled, half-erect, in its furry black nest. It was circumcised, pale as the rest of his flesh, but with a ruby-red helmet. As though it felt the weight of Rob’s scrutiny, the cock twitched and swelled a bit more.

Unable to resist, Rob bent over Kyle’s crotch. His nostrils filled with the mingled odors of sweat and semen. Behind these more blatant scents, Kyle’s flesh had a smell of its own, a smoky musk that reminded Rob of autumn leaves. Saliva pooled in Rob’s mouth. He extended his tongue, intending to circle the shiny crimson bulb, to wake the boy with a lewd kiss. He was interrupted by a ring from the phone.

Rob was too disciplined to just let it ring. It might be headquarters. It might be Gina, some emergency involving the kids. He rose, careful not to wake his slumbering companion, and padded out to the hall in bare feet.

Hello.” His voice sounded like gravel. It must be pretty early.

Sergeant Murphy? This is Lois Albright from Community Relations.”

Oh, right. Good morning. What can I do for you, Lois?”

Yesterday evening, you called the night desk, correct?”

Yes, I did. I wanted them to check something for me.”

The train tracks in Holden.”

Right. Why?” A chill shot up Rob’s spine. “Did they find anything?”

Ten seconds of silence at the other end of the line. “Two officers from Holden found a fifteen-year-old boy, screaming in pain, lying on the rails with a broken leg.”

What?” Rob didn’t really want to hear anymore, but he had to know. “Was he hit by a train?”

No, thank goodness. It seems he climbed over a fence and fell onto the tracks. The landing snapped his femur in three places.”

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!”

The fall happened around ten p.m., according to the kid. There was a freight train due through at five past midnight. If they hadn’t found him—if you hadn’t sent them over there—well, I don’t want to think about what might have happened.”

Rob found himself gasping for breath. There was a ringing in ears. This couldn’t be happening, not again. He couldn’t bear it.

He tried to focus on the voice at the other end of the line. “What? I’m sorry, I missed that.”

They want to give you a citation for service. The town of Holden.”

No, that’s okay. Never mind.”

You saved the kid’s life, Sergeant Murphy.”

No, really…”

How did you know? What made you call?”

Rob pictured Kyle, stretched out in the guest room, exhausted and seductive. It wasn’t possible to see the future. Was it? 


At the Margins of Madness banner

Find all the buy links for At the Margins of Madness at

Please leave a comment! Every one supports gay, lesbian, transgender and non-binary people struggling for equality and justice. 

The other bloggers participating in today's event have equally worthy charities. I hope you'll visit them, too.


Tina Donahue said...

Great choice, Lisabet. Honestly, I don't know why anyone cares what anyone else does as long as consenting adults are involved. Love who you want. To hell with anyone else.

Anna Taylor Sweringen said...

So true. I sat on the board of an LGBTQia affirming ministry called ParityNYC that helps Queer folk know there is no conflict between their sexual identity/expression and faith. Thanks for this post.

Debby said...

I often wonder what business it is for others. My daughter is gay and she was once told by a state official that no one would hire her due to her lifestyle.

Annette said...

Wonderful organization.

Colleen C. said...

Another truly wonderful cause!

Larry Archer said...

Thanks for promoting a great organization. You especially have my wife's support on this cause. XOXO Foxy & Larry

Lucy Felthouse said...

Great post, Lisabet!

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

Fantastic scene, very intense!
I honestly think some people think one can catch "gay cooties." Growing up in a very homophobic era (late 1970s to early 1980s) I remember when I was 17 years old I had a sexual dream about a fellow student who wouldn't have been my type even if I was lesbian or bisexual. Rather than just saying, "huh, that was a strange thing to dream," I literally prayed to God not to let me turn into a lesbian. It wasn't even that I hated homosexuals. However, I had been conditioned to believe homosexuality was abnormal, and I was already quite abnormal enough. To my mind, I didn't need one more abnormal trait piled onto the rest of the extremely extensive stack.
Fortunately, I've learned a lot since then. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who haven't.

Fiona McGier said...

I think it's prurient interest and fear--hetero men are paralyzed with fear that just because they might wonder what gay sex feels like, that they'll go crazy with lust and lose themselves if they don't try to make life miserable for gay men. Also, their misogyny shows. They think of women as "inferiors" because they have to "take it" from men. So they can't comprehend that another man would want to debase himself by assuming the female "role." But they sure want to watch females pleasuring each other--forgetting that if the women are that into each other, why the hell do they need a man in the equation? Sad, really sad. Religion has a lot to answer for--and sexuality is one of the major areas in which it totally screws up our lives.

Dee S Knight and Anne Krist said...

sorry to be so late commenting but I hope I'm in time. I loved this book!!

Lisabet Sarai said...

Thanks to everyone who visited and left a comment! I am off to donate $25 to GLAD. I really appreciated your sharing your thoughts on LGBTQ rights and experience, too.

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