Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Something about you drives me crazy - #Shifters #PNR #MFRWBookHooks

FFSG Teaser

Welcome to this week’s MFRW Book Hooks blog hop. Today I have another exclusive excerpt from my paranormal erotic romance Fangs, Fur and the Single Girl. (It has a lot of “good parts”...!)



A tragically attractive vampire, a hunky wolf-man and a skeptical but susceptible career gal. What could possibly go wrong?

The city is full of fanatics who believe vampires are real. Bianca knows that’s a fantasy. Then a blond, blue-eyed blood drinker walks into her office and turns her universe upside down. Trying to escape from the vampire’s seductive influence, she collides with a wolf shifter whose mere presence inspires irresistible lust. How can Bianca resolve her feelings for her two mutually hostile lovers?

The Hook (PG)

Before she’d even opened her eyes, she recognized him by his scent, feral and intoxicating. Defying the excruciating ache at the back of her head, her pulse quickened and her pussy clenched. She was hardly surprised to find herself lying on the narrow bed at the back of Zack Kane’s shop. The owner perched on a chair beside her, his rugged face drawn into a worried scowl, which persisted even after he noticed she’d awakened.

How do you feel?” he asked. “Dizzy? Is your vision blurry? Any nausea?”

Bianca explored the lump at the back of her head with cautious fingers. It was tender, but not bleeding, as far as she could tell. “Feels like a gang of trolls is hammering inside my skull,” she replied. “But I can see all right, and my stomach is fine. Meanwhile,” she continued. “I’m wondering just what I’m doing here.”

Zack shifted in his chair and focused his attention on his big hands. “I—um—happened to be on 12th. Saw you lying unconscious at the foot of some stairs, so I brought you back to my store.”

Again? Quite a coincidence, don’t you think? Maybe you’re my guardian angel.” She winced at the sarcasm she heard in her voice. She should be grateful for his help. But she knew he was lying.

Ignoring the throbbing pain, she levered herself into a half-sit.

You’ve been stalking me, haven’t you? Following me around?”

I thought someone might hurt you.” He spoke so softly she could barely make out the words. “That guy in your office. He’s dangerous.”

Exactly what Jim had said about Kane.

It wasn’t he who attacked me.” She sat up straighter, willing him to meet her gaze. “Did you see who did?”

No, I didn’t. Didn’t see anything. Just you, lying there, motionless, injured…”

Finally he raised his eyes to hers. The anguish she saw there burned away her annoyance. All she felt was sympathy—and renewed desire.

Don’t worry. Please. I can take care of myself.” She clasped his hand in her smaller one, giving it what she hoped was a comforting squeeze. His skin was hot and dry, as though he had a fever. Her pussy spasmed. She wanted that heat, inside her.

You don’t understand. There are people—forces—powers… Those guys have no souls. They’ll do anything.”

So you did see them! Who were they? Tell me, Zack.”

He shook his head. She searched his face, staring into those melted chocolate eyes, seeking the truth. There was something so familiar about the lively darkness she saw there...

Oh my God! It was you! The dog—the wolf—whatever!”

New York wasn’t normally subject to earthquakes, but Bianca could have sworn the world lurched underneath her. Given her business, she’d already been primed to accept the reality of vampires when Jim had demonstrated his powers. But werewolves? Could it really be true that beings who were half-human and half-beast walked the streets of Manhattan?

And if so, what other supernatural creatures might she encounter?

Zack watched her, an expression of acute misery on his bearded face.

You saved me,” she murmured.

She’d never seen a grown man look so ashamed. “And nearly killed you, in the process. I couldn’t help it. I try to control myself, but sometimes…” His voice trailed off. He swallowed, then tried again. “It’s very risky for me to change in public, but sometimes, if the feelings are strong enough, I can’t help myself. When I saw them assault you, instinct took over.”

Thank you, Zack.” She swung both legs over the edge of the bed, so she could take both his hands. “But why me?”

I don’t know.” He shook his shaggy head. “Normally, I keep to myself. Just me and my dogs. I play it safe. From the first moment I met you, though, all I wanted was to shift and to mount you.”

Mount her! Oh God!

Something about you—the way your hair falls around your face—the way you smell, or something, drives me crazy.”

He reached for her. She was halfway into his arms before he’d completed the movement. His lips sealed to hers. Burning with thirst, she drank him in.

FFSG Cover

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today's Book Hooks!

1 comment:

Kayelle Allen said...

She just took a step into a much wider world. Loved this excerpt!

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