Wednesday, February 14, 2024

To dream of her lover– #LGBTQ #ValentinesDay #99Cents #MFRWHooks

By Moonlight banner

Greetings and Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m marking the ultimate festival of romance with a brief but emotional excerpt from my FF historical romance By Moonlight. And for the next few days, this book will be on sale at all outlets for only 99 cents as part of the I Heart SapphFic Valentine’s sale. Over 100 books are involved in the event, all priced under a buck. The sale runs February 13 through February 15. Stock up your eReaders!




She risked all, loving an outlaw – especially a woman

In her eighteen years on earth, Bess has never traveled more than twenty miles from her Devonshire village. The raven-haired innkeeper’s daughter has little time to dream of adventure as she labors from dawn to dusk to keep her abusive father satisfied.

Then, at the weekly market in Tavistock town, she meets a handsome dandy who claims her with a single stolen kiss. When the gallant gentleman makes a midnight visit to the inn, Bess learns that her new lover is none other than Kit Latour, a notorious French highwayman who has been boldly relieving the local nobility of their valuables. Well-aware of the risk she’s taking, Bess still offers herself to the seductive outlaw. Even Kit’s darkest secrets cannot quench the flames of her love.

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The Hook

Somewhere in the distance, a cock crowed. Bess bent to kiss her drowsing lover.

You’d best be off. It will soon be light.”

Kit stirred. She pulled Bess down into a desperate embrace. Their breasts mashed together. Below, their juices mingled, black curls tangling with ginger. Kit’s greedy kiss just left Bess hungry for more.

I can hardly bear to leave you. But I’m after a fine prize today. If my plan succeeds, I shall have more than enough to take you away with me.” Kit slipped the fancy shirt over her head, hiding her small but shapely bosom. She’d already donned her breeches.

Where would we go?” Bess had never been more than twenty miles from the village where she’d been born.

Back to France, perhaps. Or to the colonies. As far away as possible from the King and his soldiers. There’s nothing for me here, my sweet, but a rope around my neck or a knife in my gut.”

A chill seized her, though the hidden sun was already warming the autumn air. “Do not speak of such things, Kit.”

Fully dressed now, her lover swept her into a final kiss, then cupped her cheek and gazed into her eyes. “Until tonight, bonny Bess. I’ll come to you by moonlight—though Hell should bar the way.”

She vaulted over the casement and clambered to the ground. Bess watched from the window as Kit crept toward the stables to retrieve her horse, Delilah. The sense of Kit’s cool palm on her face lingered, long after the mare’s hoof beats had died away.

Somewhere in the quiet inn-yard, a gate creaked. Bess held her breath. Now that Kit was gone, she was newly aware of the dangers that threatened them. She listened intently, but aside from another crow from the early-rising rooster, all was silent.

The moon had set. The wind had fallen. In the east, the stars were fading. An hour or two remained before dawn, when she needed to be about her chores. Her eyelids drooped. She could afford to sleep, at least for a while, to sleep and to dream of her lover.


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Kayelle Allen said...

One of my favorite poems learned in childhood was The Highwayman. Love this !

Maggie Blackbird said...

What a lovely excerpt and the blurb sounds awesome. I especially loved this line: The sense of Kit’s cool palm on her face lingered, long after the mare’s hoof beats had died away.

Janet Lane Walters said...

There's an interesting tension in the excerpt.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

A hot and sweet snippet.

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