Sunday, October 29, 2023

Charity Sunday: Rejecting War – #CharitySunday #PeaceIsPossible #PeaceNotWar

Charity Sunday 2023 Banner

As I sit down to write this post, a week before Charity Sunday, I’m fighting despair. The situation in Israel has overshadowed all the other disasters and crises currently afflicting our planet and people – not because there are more individuals affected (in fact, other wars and catastrophes are endangering tens of millions of lives) but because of the virulent hate unleashed by the Hamas massacre and Israel’s fierce retaliation. Protests around the world – copycat acts of violence and terrorism – swelling Islamaphobia and anti-Semitism – shrill voices on both sides calling for ever more abhorrent acts of inhumanity – even if there were a straightforward way to extricate the world from this escalating conflict, there are plenty of people who’d reject it, calling instead for revenge.

I’m sick at heart, because I believe that war – even a so-called “justified” war – is never a solution. Each conflict sows the seeds of the next. In truth, there are no winners or losers, no matter who surrenders to whom. War is cruel, incredibly wasteful, and ultimately irrational. The same amount of energy directed toward dialogue and compromise and focused on activities that alleviate the sources of conflict would provide massive benefits to all the parties involved.

This may seem like an utopian view, but I am not the only individual who believes this. That’s why my Charity Sunday efforts this month will support the War Resisters’ League. Founded 100 years ago, WRL advocates for peace, trains people in direct non-violent action and publishes educational material that exposes the roots of war, highlighting how institutions derive benefit from violence that destroys ordinary lives.

 When I went to the WRL website, I was heartened to read dozens of calls for a ceasefire and serious peace negotiations in the Middle East, from a range of organizations and individuals on both “sides” of the conflict.

These calls give me some hope. We can oppose war on both moral and practical grounds. Therefore, I’ll give two dollars to WRL for each comment I receive on this post.

People get satisfaction out of anger, especially when they’ve been victimized. That anger accomplishes nothing, however. It just feeds the fires of hate and interferes with efforts to address the root causes of injustice. I hope readers will join me in putting aside their outrage and working toward just resolutions that will consider everyone’s needs.

Usually I include an excerpt in my Charity Sunday posts. I don’t have anything at all appropriate, though. Looking through my backlist, I was amazed to note that I do not have any books or stories that focus on war, though I have written on occasion about prejudice and ethnic divisions.

Anyway, I thought I’d lighten things up by including a bit of flash fiction I wrote a while ago, which deals in a somewhat tongue-in-cheek manner with Islamic extremism. I have often thought that people would be happier, healthier, less angry and less violent if they had satisfying and enjoyable sex lives. The flasher below plays with that notion. (I do hope that this will not offend anyone. That is not my intention at all.)

Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

We Were Promised Virgins

By Lisabet Sarai

(May 2018)

By the Prophet, you are beautiful!”

I’m Miriam. I’ve been assigned to your case.”

Lie down, woman. I shall take you now, before the others arrive.”

No, no, Abdul—you mustn’t rush! Let’s begin with your licking me between my legs.”

What? How degrading! No man would lower himself to such an act.”

If you use your mouth on me, I’ll do the same for you. I see you need relief.”

I will find relief in your virgin cunt!”

Abdul? Will you lick me or should I leave?”

Don’t—I’ll... Mmm! You are sweet as ripe pomegranate. Oh! I never...”

Oh! Oh, yes! Oh, Abdul, YES!”

Are you well, Miriam?”

Very! Excellent job! Now you...”

May the Prophet preserve me! What a wicked mouth! I can’t hold back...”

No need to.”

No virgin would use such tricks!”

I never said I was a virgin.”

But we were promised virgins in heaven.”

The bomb didn’t kill you. You’re being rehabilitated.”

This isn’t paradise?”

You’ve been transferred to the School for Healthy Attitude Generation – S.H.A.G.”

I’m alive?”

Very much so. Mmm. Tasty cum!”


No, I’m a volunteer. When you recover, we’ll continue. Meanwhile, I’ll go work with the pussy grabber in the next room.”

* * *

Please do leave a comment and do a bit for a more peaceful world. Thank you!


Andy Scott said...

Totally agree with your thoughts and hope sense conquers. Also love the story xx

Debby said...

I totally agree with what you say. I especially feel bad for the children who should have to experience that. Thank for the tidbits as well

Larry Archer said...

Another worthy cause for you to promote. Good luck but I fear what will happen when we pull our thumb out of the dike to suck it. Foxy says she's thinking immoral thoughts about you. XOXO F&L

Tina Donahue said...

I just saw a video about what really causes wars - bankers - for profit (what else?). It was really eye opening and sad. This insanity has to stop. Those poor people who are having their lives torn apart because of greedy sociopaths. With what's going on in the world today, we don't need an imaginary Hell. We're in it and living it daily. :(

Colleen C. said...

Too much hatred in this world... It saddens my heart.

H.B. said...

Thank you for the post. It sounds like a worthy cause to support.

Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

Working with the pussy grabber is too much to ask of anyone!
It may seem incongruous to the fact that I write erotica, but I have a very low libido, as in pretty much non-existent, and it suits me just fine. People should be taught from an early age to be compassionate, even towards those with very different ideas. The key is to do no harm. The current political situation is not only deeply concerning but terrifying.
It is possible to condemn both the Israeli military and Hamas without hating either Israelis or Palestinians. Certainly, nobody deserves the recent atrocities.

Dee S Knight and Anne Krist said...

It always used to amuse me when people talked about was being caused my military warmongers. Who did those people think had to fight the wars? No one hates war more than those who have to fight them, and unfortunately wars have been fought since the beginning of time. Since man has had anything, there has been someone else who has wanted it.

Lucy Felthouse said...

Great cause as always, Lisabet. I hope for peace and an end to the suffering.

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