Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Celebrating Women – #WomensHistoryMonth #MovingForwardTogether #MFRWHooks

Women's History Month Banner

[Banner Source]

As you may already be aware, March is Women’s History Month. I’m encouraged by the fact that U.S. government websites discussing the origin of International Women’s Day ( and providing resources related to Women’s History Month ( are still online.

There are too many of us to silence all our voices.

For today’s MFRW Book Hooks blog, I’m featuring the prologue from the first book of my steampunk trilogy The Toymakers Guild. Most of my heroines are feisty and independent, but Gillian Smith is in a class by herself. Though she’s only nineteen, she is brilliant, resourceful and determined to make her mark as an engineer and inventor.


She wants to build sex toys... if they'll let her.

In prudish, patriarchal Victorian England, nineteen year old prodigy Gillian Smith finds a secret society dedicated to the erotic arts. She’ll need both her intellect and her physical charms to earn the permanent position she craves.

If you like steam punk erotica with a kinky feminist bent, you'll love The Pornographer's Apprentice.

Series Blurb

Defying the repressive morality of the Victorian era, the Toymakers Guild uses advanced technology to fabricate bespoke sexual artifacts for the discrete pleasure of select clients. Its members are not only brilliant engineers but also sexual renegades seeking freedom from the prudish society that surrounds them. These are their stories. 

The Pornographer's Apprentice cover

The Hook

Only when faced with the stout oaken door to Randerley Hall did Gillian Smith’s considerable resolve fail her.

In the dead of night she had fled her Aunt Martha’s London townhouse, mere hours before her diabolical guardian planned to denounce her as a deviant and a thief. She had endured the seven-hour rail journey to Tavistock crammed into a reeking third class carriage, struggling to remain awake in order to guard her meagre possessions. Upon arrival, she’d been tempted to take a room at the inn and sleep for a few hours, but she didn’t want to deplete her limited savings. If the Guild rejected her, she knew she’d need every farthing to survive. So she had waved off the gig driver who’d accosted her and set out to walk the five miles to Randerley Hall.

In truth, the fresh breeze off the moors felt welcome after the stuffy misery of the train. Her spirits rose as she left the town behind, following the winding road that climbed and dipped among the grey-green hills. She reached the manor gates before the house itself was visible. Although vicious iron spikes marched along their top edges, they stood open, as if beckoning her to enter a new phase of her life.

She paused when she caught sight of Randerley’s grim bulk, huddling among tall poplars. With its dark turrets reaching toward the cloudy sky and its mullioned windows like blind eyes, the ancient building could hardly be called welcoming. Still, Gillian knew her future lay within those stern stone walls.

Her carpet bag on her shoulder and Uncle George’s precious catalogue clutched under her arm, she strode up the steps to the pillared porch and considered the massive door. It towered above her, easily eight feet high, a single, solid plank of age-blackened wood studded with iron rivets. Finding neither bell-pull nor knocker, Gillian rapped her knuckles against the oak.

Excuse me,” she called. “Hello? Is anyone there?”

The wind sighing in the trees was her only answer.

She knocked again, so hard that her fingers stung, to no effect. Losing patience, she banged upon it repeatedly with her fist. The door must be exceptionally thick; despite the force of her blows, she could discern no echoes of them from within.

Damn it to hell,” she muttered. “Now what?”

Stepping back, she scanned the façade of the building. She saw no light in the windows, no movement. Was her information obsolete? Could it be that the Guild no longer occupied Randerley?

The house didn’t appear derelict, despite its obvious antiquity, and the grounds were well-kept. She approached the door once more, searching for some hidden mechanism she might use to gain entry.

The door itself was featureless, but about two feet to the right she noticed a panel of brass. An exquisitely detailed image of a chambered nautilus decorated the top. Below this figure she found a column of seven brass tumblers, with a bevelled push button at the bottom. She rolled a fingertip across the surface of one cylinder. It turned smoothly, under the slightest pressure, exposing engraved digits from zero to nine.

An entry code! Gillian was impressed. This mechanism was far more effective than bolts or locks. Only those who knew the correct combination of digits could enter the Guild’s sanctum.

But how was she, an outsider, to gain access? Her heart sank as she automatically did the calculations. Seven tumblers, with ten options each, meant there were ten million possible codes. Impossible to guess. Nevertheless, she had to try.

She doubted the code was random. Seven random numbers would be too difficult to convey or remember. There had to be some pattern, some system. But what was it?

Feeling lost and desperate, she twirled the dials to the sequence 2, 4, 5, 1, 8, 1, 9. Everyone knew Her Majesty the Queen’s birth date. Holding her breath, she depressed the button.

The spiral design flashed red. “First error,” announced a mechanical voice. “Two attempts remaining.”

Tears pricked Gillian’s eyes. Her limbs felt leaden; she swayed and almost fell. Her long walk over the moors, her sleepless night, the fear that had driven her to escape, all combined to overwhelm her. Had it all been for nothing?

No. She would not give up, not while there was any chance at all. Perhaps the passcode was something deceptively simple. People were, after all, typically lazy.

She reset the tumblers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Her finger hovered over the button for an instant, then gave a firm press.

Second error,” the irritating mechanism chided. “One attempt remaining.”

A hot surge of anger temporarily banished her exhaustion. Bloody engineers, she raged silently. They think they’re so clever. Well, she was clever, too. She would not let them best her.

She filled her lungs with the grass-scented air and willed her pulse to slow. As her father had taught her, so long ago, she raised an imaginary lens to her mind and focused on the problem at hand. The world became brighter, more sharply delineated. Her thoughts turned like well-oiled gears.

Gillian scrutinised the entry panel. There had to be a clue. A stray sunbeam broke through the clouds, making the nautilus gleam. The engraved spiral drew her gaze, pulling her into its centre…

Of course! Inspiration blazed like the sparks in a Leyden jar. Working with quick confidence, she set the values a third time: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8. Without hesitation she pushed the button to register her choice.

Sparkling green flooded the lines of the spiral. With a soft click, the lock released, and the heavy door swung open on silent hinges. “Welcome,” proclaimed the disembodied voice, “to the Toymakers Guild.”

Jubilant, Gillian gathered her bag and her book and stepped inside.

The Pornographer's Apprentice banner

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Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

“I haven’t set foot through that door since he died” – #LaterInLife #BookishRomance #SecondChanceRomance

Through the Red Door book cover


Two good men vie to heal a widow’s heart—but it only holds room for one.


Unless I find a lifeline, my bookstore will close its doors forever. My best shot at saving Book Nirvana is my late husband’s collection of rare, racy books, but I’m not ready to open that red door and face the flood of memories. And I’m not ready to open my heart again, even if the two new men in my life tempt me to try.


I came to Book Nirvana in search of antique bawdy books and fell hard for lovely, lonely Clara. As a widower, I understand her skittishness, but the spark between us is undeniable. My academic connections could rebuild her clientele, but if she discovers my secret scandal, her fragile trust will shatter.


I’m over the moon for beautiful, bookish Clara, but how can a teacher like me compete with a suave professor like Nick? Clara and I have so much in common, and our sweet friendship could bloom into something deeper if it weren’t for my rival’s grip on the vulnerable widow. I don’t trust him, and neither should she.

Come to Book Nirvana for chosen family, laughter and tears, sizzling passion, and a love triangle for the ages.

Through the Red Door was previously published and has been revised and updated with new chapters.

Series Blurb

Welcome to Book Nirvana, an indie bookstore in Eugene, Oregon, where you’ll find every flavor of bookish delight, a quirky staff who are as close as family, Lulu the all-wise shop cat, Coffee Dreams next door, and a dazzling collection of naughty books kept behind the red door in back. If you ask shop owner Clara nicely, she just might let you peek inside!

Buy Links



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Link to The Story Behind the Red Door on Bookfunnel:

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Nick and Clara are perusing a book of Shunga: Japanese erotic art from the Edo period.

Nick flips the page again and points to an image of a couple going at it fiercely. “Notice how the woman’s toes are curled?”

I giggle. “I thought that was just an expression. You know, he made my toes curl.”

Nick closes the book. Something mesmerizing and a little bit dangerous glimmers in his dark eyes. The corners of his full lips twitch upward. “Everyone deserves to have their toes curled, don’t you think?”

My ribs seize, halting my breath. Discussing sexy artwork with this gorgeous professor is a weird combination of awkward and titillating, but this is tipping into flat-out flirtation. Nick’s warmth, his husky voice, the erotic images laid out before us—it’s all too much. I’m hot and tingly, squirmy with embarrassment, and heavy with guilt. I’m not ready to feel this way again, despite my body’s undeniable reaction.

Time to be honest with this kind man, before he takes this any further.

I clear my throat and sit up straighter. “I’m a widow, Mr. Papa—Nick. My husband passed away a year ago.”

His teasing smile melts, and his dark eyes shine with emotion. “I’m sorry, Clara. I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable.” He lays his hand over mine, his touch warm and gentle. “I lost my wife two years ago. Cancer.”

The tension drains from my body like water through a sieve. He understands.

My husband is the one who took care of our…” I gesture to the open book. “…our special collection. I haven’t set foot through that door since he died. But we still get a lot of visitors wanting to see those books. They used to talk to Jared, but now I have to screen them.”

How do you decide who’s allowed inside?”

Gut instinct. People have a certain oily vibe when they just want to leer at dirty books. And they’d usually be disappointed. I mean, it’s mostly older stories and artwork, and most of the books are quite expensive, which keeps the perverts away. They’re hoping for cheap porn, not art.”

The corners of his mouth quirk up. “So, why did I pass the test?” Deep within his dark irises, flecks of gold catch the light.

Well, you are a professor and all.”

I am indeed. And you know what they say about us academics—‘Publish or perish.’ I heard about you from a colleague at the university here. I’ve been under pressure to publish something new, so…” He pulls out his phone and taps the screen. “I made a list of titles I’d like to buy for my department. It might take a few days to get an okay from our chairwoman. If I send you the titles, will you hold them for me?”

That means he’ll be back, giving me time to reflect on my reaction to this deliciously disturbing man.

As if reading my mind, he adds, “I’d really appreciate your help. And if I can’t get funding, I’ll buy them myself. These books are nearly as fascinating as their owner.”

I gape like a goldfish, then fold my hands in my lap and paste on a pseudo-calm smile. “I’d be glad to hold the books for you, Nick.”

I’d be glad to hold anything he wants me to hold.

For a terrifying moment, I’m sure I said those words aloud. I take a deep, trembling breath.

So does Nick. He gives my hand a final squeeze. When we stand up, I notice the top of my head only comes to his chin. I’ve always had a weakness for tall men, especially ones with deep, velvety voices, sparkling dark eyes, devilish smiles—

I squash those dangerous thoughts into an iron-clad box and slam the lid. This is a business connection we’re forging, a potentially valuable one. “Right. I look forward to seeing you soon.”

Not as much as I look forward to seeing you, Clara.” My name slides off his tongue like a caress.

As I walk toward my shop, the heavy warmth of his gaze heats my back. Just to be sure, when I reach the sidewalk, I turn for one last glimpse. He’s still watching, a mysterious half-smile on his lips.

About the Author

Sadira Stone author photo

Award-winning contemporary romance author Sadira Stone spins steamy, smoochy tales set in small businesses—a quirky bookstore, a neighborhood bar, a vintage boutique. Set in the U.S. Pacific Northwest, her stories highlight found family, friendship, and the sizzling chemistry that pulls unlikely partners together. When she emerges from her writing cave in Las Vegas, Nevada (which she seldom does), she can be found shaking her hips in dance class, playing her guitar (badly, but getting better), exploring the Western U.S. with her charming husband, cooking up a storm, and gobbling all the romance books. For a guaranteed HEA (and no cliffhangers!) visit Sadira at

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Monday, March 3, 2025

One bed, two stubborn hearts – #ContemporaryRomance #EnemiesToLovers #NewRelease

Blueprint for Passion book cover


When enemies share a hotel room in a Boston snowstorm, things are bound to heat up...

Miami preservationist Victoria Whitmore has met her match in Alex Rivera—a devastatingly sexy developer who's determined to tear down the historic neighborhood she's sworn to protect. With his smoldering dark eyes and perfectly tailored suits, he's temptation personified. Too bad he's also her sworn enemy.

Self-made developer Alex Rivera has always gotten what he wants through hard work and determination. But proper, passionate Victoria Whitmore tests his control like no one else. When she challenges him with that aristocratic tilt of her chin, he doesn't know whether to argue with her or kiss her senseless.

Forced to work together against a ruthless competitor, Victoria and Alex find themselves sharing a hotel room during a Boston snowstorm. One bed, two stubborn hearts, and enough chemistry to power all of Miami Beach.

BLUEPRINT FOR PASSION sizzles with forbidden attraction, forced proximity, and the undeniable heat of Miami nights. This steamy enemies-to-lovers romance proves that sometimes the best foundations are built on opposites attracting.

Content warning: Contains a Latin lover who knows exactly how to push all the right buttons, steamy scenes that will fog up your windows faster than a Miami summer day, and enough sexual tension to rival the Florida humidity.

Get your copy today!


Movement at the edge of Elder’s Landing caught her eye. A Subaru SUV pulled up to the curb and she watched with curiosity as Alex Rivera stepped out of the driver’s side. The SUV was not the flashy sports car she’d expected from Miami’s newest development golden boy.

Damn. The photos in the business journals hadn’t done him justice. Even from her balcony vantage point, she could see why the planning board had fallen for his charm offensive. Tall, easily over six feet, with a lean, athletic build.

His dark hair had a slight wave that suggested resistance to Miami’s humidity, and his olive skin spoke of Cuban heritage. The charcoal suit was perfectly tailored to highlight those broad shoulders, but it was his face that held her attention. Strong jawline, remarkable cheekbones, and eyes that managed to be both shrewd and warm at once. He moved with the contained grace of someone completely comfortable in their own skin, confident but not arrogant. When he smiled at whoever was inside the car, the expression transformed his whole face, adding a boyish charm to his otherwise serious demeanor.

He turned to open the passenger door, and Victoria absolutely refused to acknowledge the little flutter in her stomach when he smiled at whoever was inside.

Then he looked up.

For one endless moment, their gazes locked across the morning air. Victoria refused to step back, though every instinct screamed at her to retreat from the intensity of that stare. Instead, she lifted her chin slightly, a silent challenge. His answering smile was slow, appreciative, and far too knowing.

About the Author

Neil Plakcy author photo

Neil Plakcy crafts engaging stories that celebrate love, identity, and found family across multiple genres. From the charming Golden Retriever mysteries to the gritty Mahu series featuring a gay Hawaiian detective, Plakcy's work engages and delights readers. Whether penning contemporary romances or Victorian-era tales, Plakcy's straightforward, immersive style transports readers worldwide, from Miami to London. With over two decades of experience, Plakcy invites readers to see the world through different eyes.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The essence of romance? — #Femdom #Dominance #Submission #NewRelease

Image of sexy woman's legs with high heels

By Lawrence Westerman (Guest Blogger)

My new short story collection, Anything For Mistress, explores a subject near and dear to my heart—female domination, or femdom, for short. Femdom first captured my imagination early in life and it has been an enduring theme throughout.

Being a sub is a very mental thing. In many ways, it’s based on fantasy. In some ways, it’s a state of mind, a role you slip in and out of. In other ways, it’s part of the bedrock that makes up your personality. It’s poorly understood, partly because it’s so taboo. Because we live in a patriarchal, male dominated society, weakness in a man is frowned upon. But subs aren’t weak. That’s a misconception. Being a good submissive requires strength, devotion and dedication. If one is fortunate enough to serve at all, that is. For many, femdom will forever remain a fantasy.

For me, femdom is the essence of romance. I’ve explored the subject exhaustively in this collection, looking at it from every angle I could think of. In doing so, I had fun combining different literary genres, including elements of horror, fantasy and science fiction. Although the stories in this collection are fiction, I tried to share simple truths and personal revelations about femdom and BDSM wherever possible and whenever they seemed to fit. Submission engages all aspects of my being: physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual. I try to get in touch with those parts of myself when I write femdom erotica. These stories were written between 2018 and 2025. I hope they do the magic of femdom justice. Thanks for taking this journey with me. I hope you enjoy the ride.

Anything for Mistress cover


Would you do anything for Mistress?

Thirteen smoldering Stories of FEMALE DOMINATION! Devoted subs undergo strict discipline and exquisite humiliation at the hands of stern, beautiful dommes.

Do you have secret submissive longings? Step into another world where every dark desire is permitted and every forbidden fantasy is explored.

If you’ve ever dreamed or fantasized about serving at the feet of a dominant woman, you owe yourself a copy of this seriously kinky collection


Mistress holds my soul in the palm of her hand. Increasingly, I feel like this is no longer role play we’re doing. With each passing day, I become more deeply and profoundly her slave. This is the place that has beckoned to me all my life — a distant shore I only ever dreamed existed. And yet here I am. There are no limits anymore. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my Goddess. I am hers absolutely and completely for as long as I still draw breath.

About the Author

As a lifelong devotee of femdom, I relish putting my fantasies and experiences into words. I grew up on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, inspired by all the cultural, artistic, and intellectual riches New York City had to offer. My journey as an author of femdom erotica began with a blog,“Her Majesty's Plaything," that was transformed into a story and appeared in, Under Her Thumb: Erotic Stories of Female Domination, edited by D.L. King. A follow up story: “Dreams Made Flesh,” appeared in, On Fire: Erotic Romance Stories, edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel. Having been bitten by the writer’s bug, I went on to write Hubby Improvement Plan, Femdom Fortune Teller and The Bootboy Chronicles, all of which are available on Amazon. I’m excited to announce the release of my latest book, Anything For Mistress: A Femdom Anthology, on Valentine's Day 2025! Many thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

No stranger to battle – #BlackHistoryMonth #Ghetto #MFRWHooks

Divided We Fall cover

For my last February post, I’ve got a bit from a much darker story than my usual. I wrote Divided We Fall immediately after the 2016 US presidential election. It was my vision of a world in which hate has been deliberately cultivated, in order to divide us and make us weak.

The story includes language that some people might find offensive, including racial slurs. That’s what hate is all about, after all – using every tool, including language, to dehumanize the other.

If you’d like a copy, just leave me a comment telling me so. Although it’s a harsh tale, it does include some light, and some romance.


Linhs three year old brother has wandered out of Viet Village into Niggertown. Despite the danger, she has no choice but to go looking for him in hostile territory. She manages to convince the rifle-toting guard at the entrance to the black ghetto to help her search, using a mixture of bribery and bravado. As they comb the desolate streets of Niggertown, seeking any trace of Duy, Linh discovers that the barrios inhabitants arent necessarily the violent, drug-addled brutes shes been taught to hate, and by the time Linh and Steel have rescued the injured toddler and spent a long night hiding in a derelict building, she has come to understand who are their real enemies.

The Hook

There are no walls. Just IEDs, trip-wire bombs and snipers. We’ve learned a few things from the jihadis.

The Santa Anas whip at the white rag attached to my broom handle as I cross Vermont. No-man’s land. Black hair tangles in my eyes, obscuring my vision. I should chop it all off, maybe even shave my head. That would be safer. Would look scarier, too. Pathetic how vanity survives, even in the most desperate situations.

Afternoon shadows stripe the broken pavement. The only vehicles visible are burned-out skeletons, picked clean by scavengers from both barrios. I dart from one to the next, keeping a good distance away from the blackened hulks while still trying to use them for cover as I approach the Niggertown gate. Any one of them could be booby-trapped, though that would break the unwritten rules that have allowed us Viets to co-exist with the niggers. So far at least.

I don’t want to be here. I’ve got no confidence my truce flag will buy me any kind of safety. But what can I do? My little brother’s disappeared, last seen headed toward the black ghetto. We searched every corner of Viet Village. Unless he’s deliberately hiding―not likely given his age and his usual good behavior― he must have wandered outside the bounds.

The many kinds of harm he might meet scroll through my mind like credits for some old movie. I force myself to slow down as I approach the West Century intersection, the only un-mined street leading east into Niggertown. Gripping my flag in one hand, I raise the other high to show I’m unarmed. It’s true, aside from the switchblade hidden my boot. I don’t step out of the abandoned grocery my family calls home without that knife. When I sleep, it hangs from cord around my neck, nestled between my breasts. Older Brother calls me Blade-Heart. He thinks it’s a joke, but his nickname suits me. I might ask Uncle Pham to tattoo it on my bicep.

Freeze, bitch.”

I’m expecting the challenge, but still, my stomach does a queasy flip. I remain motionless, as instructed, keeping both hands visible. A tall, lean figure steps out from behind some pollution-rusted shrubbery in front of a ruined apartment building. He carries his Kalashnikov like it’s another limb, one which he points directly at me. Funny how there’s never enough food, but no problem getting guns.

What you doin’ here? This ain’t your territory. You get your gook ass back ‘cross the street before I kick it back!”

Though the guard talks tough, I can see he’s young, maybe younger than I am. He fixes me with a belligerent glare and brandishes his weapon like he’d just as soon shoot me as not, but there’s a softness to his mouth that lets me imagine him smiling. Using his left hand to draw an ugly blade from his belt, he strides in my direction.

He wears threadbare jeans and a faded camouflage shirt, open to the waist. The inky skin on his bare chest gleams with sweat, despite the brisk wind. The paler flesh of a scar slashes across his chest, just above his left nipple. That must have been a dire wound, close to fatal. He might be young, but he’s no stranger to battle. None of us is, these days.

Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks event!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Everyone was supernatural in some way – #UrbanFantasy #Review #Giveaway @GameOverStation

Chronos Warlock tour banner


Adair Finch, the most powerful warlock in the world, is back in business!

But first he must complete his pact with a mischief spirit by finding her a human body. Seemingly no easy task, as the mischief spirit is beyond picky about her future body. But on his way to Oakland, Finch stumbles upon the dead body of a social media star—both a solution and a major problem.

Oakland is teeming with werewolves, full moon witches, vampires, and redwood elves, most of whom aren’t on good terms with Finch. Navigating the supernatural world to gather clues about the murder is hard enough, but now Finch must also dodge old enemies and rivals. And to make matters worse, the murderer just might be trailing Finch, now that he’s found the body.

Good thing Finch has a pact with Chronos. With time on his side, perhaps he can do the impossible…

Continue this urban fantasy series in the second book of the Chronos Chronicles!


The luxury nightclub was stunningly beautiful. The chandeliers wept crystals, lush black rugs were made of some of the softest material Finch had ever stepped on, and the gentle golden lighting gave everything an expensive feel. Soft jazz music played from speakers in the ceiling, rounding out the ambience.

It was a place so fancy, even the perfectly spherical ice cubes in everyone’s drinks had pedigrees.

The clientele was also in a league of its own. The moment Finch took in a deep breath, he knew everyone here was supernatural in some way. While some looked completely human, magic radiated from them like heat off a heat lamp.

Plus, there was a werewolf behind the bar.

Not like the bouncer outside, who had to remain in human form. No, this bartender was a full-blown anthropomorphic wolf. He stood on two legs, his black fur lustrous over a body made of pure muscle. He wore a suit tailored for his lycanthrope body, his little vest a shade of gray that complemented his ebony fur.

He even had a tail hole in his pants, so his large and bushy tail could wag around, unhindered.

And the bar had clearly been built to accommodate a beast nearly eight feet tall. It was larger, more spacious, and made of material that wouldn’t easily be scratched by the man’s claws.

His long muzzle and pointed ears really gave him the silhouette of a wolf, but his dark eyes were alight with human intelligence. And having dark eyes was a good thing—only werewolves with red eyes could spread the lycanthrope disease. If this wolf lost his temper and bit everyone here, there was no chance of a werewolf outbreak. Oakland had had too many of those already.

The wolf’s ears shifted in Finch’s direction as Finch walked over. The beast turned to greet him with a fang-filled smile.

Good evening,” the werewolf said, his voice rich and confident. “You seem familiar, but I don’t think I’ve seen many warlocks in these parts. Take a seat. I’ll pour you something smooth.”

Chronos Warlock book cover

Review by Lisabet Sarai

Warlock and former private investigator Adair Finch claims to have retired. After failing to prevent the death of his brother Carter, all Adair wants is to be left alone, to wallow in guilt and misery.

The universe has other ideas. For one thing, Adair owes a debt to Kullthantarrick the Sneak, the mischief spirit who helped him bring down a corrupt police officer and a villainous band of witches in his last case. After centuries of loneliness, Kull wants to know what it feels like to be human and to fall in love. The warlock has promised to find her a human body to inhabit so she can fulfill this desire—even though this means she’ll lose her immortality. They discover the body of a murdered social media star, which Kull declares to be perfect. Adair won’t be satisfied, though, until he identifies and apprehends the killer.

Meanwhile, Adair’s demanding landlord insists that the PI determine whether his wife is involved in an adulterous affair. Then there’s Adair’s former colleague Enzo, a police officer who’s been turned into a werewolf and forced to leave his beloved family. Though the warlock is bitter and cynical, he has a soft heart. He can’t seem to resist the urge to help people, especially when he knows that his magical powers—the ability to rewind time and to unleash a lethal firestorm upon his enemies—give him a potent advantage in almost any situation.

Chronos Warlock was even more fun than the first book in Shami Stovall’s series, which I reviewed last year. This is largely due to the character of Kull. Taking over the gorgeous body and the glamorous life of super-influencer Fox-Pistol, she is hilarious in her quest to understand the essence of being human. Alternately bold, naïve, outrageous and vulnerable, she pretty much steals every scene. Adair serves as the straight man, trying to protect her while resisting her undeniable appeal.

Like the previous book, this one is set in Stockton and Oakland, California—hardly the most glamorous of locales, but a very creative choice. The two working-class cities are hotbeds of supernatural activity. Oakland teems with witches, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, demons, half-spirits and elves. The redwood elves turn out to be particularly nasty creatures, elegant, devious and ruthless. They’re among the foes Adair must outmaneuver in order to find Fox-Pistol’s killer, locate and save his landlord’s errant wife, heal the emotional wounds of his colleague Enzo, and generally set the world to rights.

As in the previous novel, Adair’s ability to reset time proves pivotal to the plot. After a while this device gets a bit monotonous, however. For instance, Adair replays a hand of poker in the elves’ lair dozens of times, until he knows every card that will be dealt. To be honest, I lost interest at this point, especially since the outcome was preordained. Fortunately, other aspects of the tale, including the complicated structure of magic in Ms. Stovall’s world, kept me reading.

Overall, Chronos Warlock is an enjoyable, lively and sometimes surprising continuation of the series. In the next book (which I assume will eventually be published, given the hints in this one), I’d like the author to lean a bit less heavily on the time-manipulation and explore other ways for Adair to save the day.

About the Author

Author avatar

Shami Stovall is a multi-award-winning author of fantasy and science fiction. Before that, she taught history and criminal law at the college level, and loved every second. When she’s not reading fascinating articles and books about ancient China or the Byzantine Empire, Stovall can be found playing way too many video games, especially RPGs and tactics simulators, or hugging John.

If you want to contact her, you can do so at the following locations:




Email: s.adelle.s [at] gmail [dot] com

Shami Stovall will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.


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