Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Free romance to start the year – #NewYearsEve #ParanormalRomance

Woman, wolf and moon

Image by Calla Negra from Pixabay

Happy New Year to everyone! To help you celebrate this New Year’s Eve, I’m sharing a short paranormal romance tale I wrote a while ago.

I hope you enjoy it.

First Moon

I'm good at being human. No one ever guesses the truth.

I hold down a responsible, well-paying job as HR Director for an up-and-coming biotech company. The ability to smell emotion and read non-verbal cues gives me an advantage when working with tense or angry employees. I have a handful of women friends, including Lyssa, the hostess for tonight's festivities. I join them for coffee or shopping or movies, just like an ordinary person. We complain and gossip. We talk about men. Yes, I've even had lovers, occasionally, though I have to admit they always leave me feeling unsatisfied – not necessarily physically, but in some deeper sense. Lyssa and Janine tease me, telling me I'm too much of a perfectionist, that I should compromise, that these days nobody expects to meet her soulmate. I laugh along with them, pretending to agree.

People like me, are drawn to me in fact. I'm no anti-social loner, despite the reputation of my kind. And yet, there's always a wall, keeping me separate. Tonight especially, as the clock counts down to midnight and my friends get progressively more tipsy, I'm aware of the distance between me and my fellow celebrants. It's as if I'm looking through one way glass. I sense their joys, their fears, their rising excitement, the surges in hormones triggered by the closeness of the opposite sex. New Year's Eve, a night to be a bit reckless, to take chances one can blame in the morning on too much wine. No one really sees or understands me, though. My weariness from the effort of maintaining my mask. My longing for freedom. My unending, unalterable loneliness.

Almost everyone is dancing. The loud rock music stirs my body but hurts my ears. Lyssa's condo suddenly feels stuffy and overly warm. Twenty five or thirty humans give off significant heat. I'm sweating in my velvet top.

I slip out onto the tiny deck, closing the glass doors behind me, and the noise mutes, though drum beats still vibrate the planks under my heels. Gazing across the Cambridgeport rooftops to the river, I fill my lungs with frigid December air. The cold, still night is as delicious as Lyssa's champagne.

It snowed earlier, so every surface is frosted in white, but now the sky is clear as crystal, black as my ebony hair. The moon climbs above the chimneys and my breath catches in my chest. It's barely half-full, no real challenge to my self-control, but still, the beast in my stirs and stretches. Moonlight glitters on the icy Charles. I crave the sensation of that stark, pale light on my nakedness.

Oh, sorry! Hello!” A pleasant-voiced, even-featured man appears beside me. “It's just too loud in there, isn't it? Do you mind some company?”

No, not at all,” I'm forced to reply, though I'd really rather savor the night alone.

I'm Brett,” he adds, then wraps his arms over his nicely muscled chest. “Jeez, it's cold out here! Aren't you freezing?”

Not at all.” I let the awkward pause lengthen, refusing to pick up the conversational ball and tell him my name as he expects. I stare at the moon, so bright it practically burns. “I love winter nights.”

I smell Brett's arousal, sense his frustration and confusion. “It's nearly midnight,” he says finally. “Want to come in?”

I can practically read his mind: his lips on mine as the year turns, his big hands molding my hips and pulling me close. I'm tempted for an instant, but I know how it will end - like every other encounter, flat and empty.

In a minute. You go ahead.” He sighs, turns, leaves me to my solitary vigil.

Five. Four. Three. Two. One.” My friends' voices are a million miles away. The moon whispers to me. Why resist your nature? Why surround yourself with strangers when what you want is the earth under your feet and the night wind in your hair?

New Year's Eve, a night to be reckless. I make my way through the crowd of laughing, kissing humans, to offer Lyssa my thanks and regrets. Nobody really notices me leaving.

My coat swung over my shoulder, I head for the river, high heels loud on the empty pavement. The deserted Esplanade gleams in the moonlight, embroidered with the intricate shadows of the bare-limbed oaks and maples.

I manage to hold off the change until I'm under the trees. The brief, familiar disorientation ripples through me, then the flavors of the night deluge my senses. The faint rustle of a few crisp leaves clinging to the branches above me. The pulsing blood-smell of a rabbit crouched under a footbridge. Tar and car exhaust, blackberries and rust, the damp, ripe scent of the ground, still unfrozen under the thin carpet of snow.

Stretching out my paws, I work the stiffness out of my spine. The moon beams down on me. My snow-dusted jet fur sparkles.

I have just enough human left in me to suppress my howl. Instead, I run.

It's effortless. I race through the shadows along the river bank, eating up the ground. The power surging through me has me drunk as any liquor. Sights, sounds, scents flash by, each one acute and distinct despite its brevity. The world does not blur as I run; it sharpens.

I head upstream, out of the city, the river winding westward into the wealthy suburbs, conservation land on either side. The trees crowd thicker here, but they don't slow me down. Sure-footed and strong, I streak between them, bounding over fallen trunks and ice-crusted tributaries that block my path. Now I let the joy rise in my throat and ring out over the countryside. My howl echoes through the blessed night. The moon approves.

The chill winter air slices into my chest. I'm miles from home, but I don't want to stop, not yet. This is too perfect, a glorious relief from the endless, everyday effort of fitting in. I don't really think about my human life, though. I don't think about anything. I merely sense and feel.

Finally, I slow to a trot, my heart pounding against my ribs. I'm exhausted, close to spent, yet excitement still sings through my body. Squatting, I loose a stream of urine to mark my passing. My nostrils twitch at the ripe warmth of my own scent. I spring to the top of snow-draped boulder, sink down onto my haunches and survey my surroundings. Gradually my pulse drops and my breathing returns to normal. A deep sense of peace steals over me.

Grrr!” The growl drags me out of my trance of weariness. I start and emit an answering growl. A flood of maleness assaults my nose and my nether parts swell in automatic response.

He steps out of the shadows, all bristling red-gold fur and blazing yellow eyes. He's easily twice my size. When he bares his teeth, they're ivory-hued daggers that could crush me in a single vicious bite. He doesn't attack, however. Of course, I have the advantage, perched on the rock above him.

I'm terrified, but thrilled, too. I know what he wants. I want it as well. But there's a fine line between lust and violence when you're a wolf. I've just enough human left in me for fear to hold me back.

He paces back and forth below, his eyes riveted to mine. Finally, he sits, patient as a pet hound, waiting for me. Then I give in to the beast, leaping down to land in front of him.

His voice, half wail, half growl, welcomes me. He circles my crouching form, snapping playfully at my ear when I allow him to get close, raking his claws across my flank. I know this dance; it's in my blood, though I've never mated with another wolf. My body knows how to bend, how to arch, how to open as he drives into me from behind.

Our coupling is over in minutes, but feels endless. Pleasure pure and sharp as moonlight pours through me as he launches his seed into my depths. His teeth close on my shoulder. The pain simply amplifies the intensity.

When we're done, I'm shaking. The moon won't be full for two weeks and my wolf-self is fading. The male trots off into a copse of beech, obviously expecting me to follow. I limp after him, cold seeping through my paw pads and up into my aching shoulders.

Thankfully, it's not far. He leads me to a snug-looking cabin dug into a hill, half-buried in the underbrush. A few yards before we reach it, the change seizes me. My limbs liquefy and rearrange themselves. In an instant, I'm sprawled in the snow, dizzy, naked and shivering. I can't move.

The male wolf nudges me with his snout. I force myself to crawl toward the wooden structure, noting how awkward four legs can be. The door's unlocked. Inside, embers glow gold and scarlet on the fieldstone hearth.

I collapse on the cot in one corner, lulled by delicious warmth, unable to stay awake for an instant longer. The wolf crouches by the bed, as if to guard my sleep.

Buttery sunlight wakes me, streaming in the small window above the bed. The fire has died. The room is cold, but there's smooth heat against my naked back.

I turn to find him curled around me – tall, well-muscled, his bronzed skin dusted with red-gold down that matches the curls on his head. I breathe in his scent, ripe male musk spiked with a sharp evergreen edge. He's sleeping, but he wakes as I gaze on his beauty and pulls my body to his. “Happy New Year,” he murmurs, nuzzling my ear and sliding his hardness into my soaked cleft.

Joy surges through me, almost drowning my lust. Almost, but not quite. As a man, he's nearly as fierce a lover as when he was wolf. I let myself go, let him see the animal that that is my true self. I know he won't be disgusted or afraid. And I'm quite certain that afterward, I won't feel empty.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Charity Sunday: Plenty for All – #FoodBank #EndHunger #CharitySunday

Charity Sunday Banner

Welcome to the last Charity Sunday of 2024. We’re in the midst of the holiday season, a season of celebration and plenty, when we enjoy our favorite treats, even overindulge a bit.

If only this were true of everyone. It’s embarrassing and uncomfortable to admit, but even in the U.S., the world’s wealthiest country, there are people going hungry. In my former home area of Western Massachusetts, roughly 10% of the population suffers from food insecurity. This number doesn’t tell the full story, since food security varies widely depending on socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity.


And Massachusetts is one of the richest states in the U.S.

For today’s Charity Sunday, I’ve chosen the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts as my cause to support. There are hungry people all over the country – all over the world – but I thought I’d start by helping my former neighbors. For each comment I receive to day, I’ll donate two dollars to the Food Bank. And if I receive over twenty comments, I’ll add on an extra ten dollars.

Food Bank of WMass logo

For my excerpt today, I’ve got a bit from my holiday short Slush. The heroine of this tale is a homeless woman, who rescues the male protagonist after a mugging. Enjoy!


You say you found me near a fancy car? A silver Beemer?”

The kid pulled off his mittens to warm his fingers over the flames. “Sorry – I wouldn’t know. I really didn’t notice. I was busy trying to get you into my cart.”

Ian patted the pockets of his fleece-lined leather coat, then shrugged it off his shoulders. Finally the place was starting to warm up. “Did you find my keys?” He rifled the pockets of his soaked trousers, with increasing urgency as he discovered every one was empty. “Where’s my phone? My wallet?”

The youth looked up, face rosy from the fire. “The muggers probably took ‘em. Anyone can see you’ve got plenty of dough.”

Panic seized Ian by the throat. His iPhone, his Cartier watch, his Hermes wallet, all gone. No money. No credit cards. No way to communicate with the outside world. “How – how do I know you didn’t steal them?” He lunged toward the figure near the fire, sure he could shake his belongings out of those rags.

That stare, stripping him to the bone. That laugh again, like a crystal bell ringing in the cramped, stuffy ex-garage. “Come on! If it was me who ripped you off, why would I bring you back to my place?”

Drained by his sudden exertion, Ian collapsed back onto the lumpy mattress. “Ah – um – of course you’re right. Sorry. Thank you. I do appreciate your help, really I do. I’m just tired, and disoriented, and so thirsty...”

The kid retrieved a chipped mug from one of the crates piled up against the wall, filled it from a spigot above them, and handed it to Ian. “Here you go.”

Ian sniffed at the liquid before he took a sip. It smelled a bit musty, but he needed it too badly to care.

I managed to score some aspirin today, too. Think you could use it more than me.”

His host popped two white tablets into Ian’s palm. He peered down at them, dazed.

By Jesus! You think I’m gonna poison you?”

No, no, of course not.” He washed the medicine down with more of the water. Somehow he felt better already. “You’re very kind.”

The young man shrugged once more. “Anyone would do the same.”

Not me. If I saw you lying in the gutter, I wouldn’t look twice.

The thought gave him more pain than the throbbing lump at the back of his head. Was it really true?

Lie down. Rest. You hungry?”

Ian interrogated his battered body. “Um – no, I don’t think so.”

Well I am. Gotta get out of some of these clothes first, though. It’s getting pretty toasty in here.”

The kid yanked off his woolen cap. Ian gasped as masses of fine golden hair spilled down over those narrow shoulders.

You – you’re a woman!”

Yeah – you didn’t know?” Her peals of laughter made him blush with embarrassment. Rage simmered underneath. No doubt she thought him a fool. It was so obvious now – the slender body swaddled in second hand sweaters, the little hands, the delicate features and fair complexion... But who would have expected to find such a pretty girl in a place like this?

I’m sorry,” she said, gulping air in an attempt to smother her hilarity. “I sometimes forget. I’m not exactly a glamor queen these days.” She gestured at her raggedy clothing. “You don’t mind if I take some of this off, do you?”

Stunned, Ian shook his head. She peeled off a stretched out hoodie, two sweaters and a flannel shirt. After prying off her sneakers, she shed her baggy dungarees. Now she wore nothing but off-white athletic socks, a grass-green tee shirt and the scarlet long johns. Both of the latter clung to her willowy form, making it quite clear there was nothing underneath.

Despite his exhaustion and the pain in his head, Ian’s cock stirred inside his damp, hand-tailored trousers. You bastard, he thought. She saves your life, probably, and all you can think of is fucking her.

She didn’t notice. She was surveying her own petite body, the green top and red bottoms. “Wow,” she chuckled. “I look really Christmassy, don’t I?”

Her merriment was infectious. “All you need is a pointy cap and you could be one of Santa’s elves,” he told her.

Her face lit up with delight. “Thanks. I’m Daisy, by the way. Should have introduced myself before and spared you the shock.”

That’s okay. My name’s Ian.”

She fixed him with one of those direct stares. Her eyes were gray, he noticed, not the cornflower blue he would have expected given her hair.

Maybe you should take off your own wet things, Ian. Wouldn’t want you to catch pneumonia, or anything – after all the work of dragging you back here!”

They laughed together. Ian shucked his sports jacket and unbuttoned his dress shirt. Now that the fire had warmed the small space, his undershirt was more than adequate. He hesitated before removing his pants. His erection has subsided for the moment, but what if it returned? In the end, though, the feel of sodden fabric clinging to his skin was just too uncomfortable to endure. He hung the wet trousers over a rickety chair near the mattress, then draped his relatively dry shirt over his crotch – just in case.

An odd sense of well-being stole over him as he propped himself against the wall, watching Daisy move around her rudimentary shelter. Her every gesture had an economical grace. With her back to him, she busied herself at a makeshift counter of planks and cinder blocks along the opposite wall. He caught the snap of a match, the chemical odor of Sterno. Her blond tresses were a shower of gold, illuminated by the single dusty bulb in the ceiling, When she stood on tiptoe to grab something off a shelf near the ceiling, her pert buttocks flexed under the red long johns. Ian mentally scolded himself as his cock twitched and filled. But what could he do? She was, quite simply, enchanting.

A heavenly aroma filled the space. Ian’s stomach rumbled. “Oh my God, that smells delicious! What is it?”

Daisy smiled over her shoulder. “Just Campbell’s tomato soup. About all I can afford these days. You want some?”

Is there enough?” He felt so guilty, craving her meager supplies.

Sure. I’ve got some crackers, too.”

She brought him a steaming bowl and a bent, stamped metal spoon. “Careful, it’s hot.” She scattered cellophane-wrapped two-packs of saltines over the blanket. “Help yourself. It’s easy to filch more from work.”

You have a job?” He dipped his spoon into the soup then blew on the hot surface. The smell reminded him of his childhood. His mom used to make tomato soup when he came in from playing in the snow.

Sure. What’d you think, I was some kind of bum? At Donut Heaven, down on Huntington Ave. Only part time, and not even minimum wage, but I get a free uniform, lunch if I don’t have a split shift, and all the day-old doughnuts I can eat. Unfortunately, they make awful doughnuts.” She gave a rueful chuckle. “But it’s a lot better than nothing!”

Slush book cover

Please leave me a comment. Get your friends and family to leave comments! If we get up above twenty, it means more plenty for the hungry folks in my old neighborhood.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Join us for Charity Saturday, 29 December 2024 #CharitySundaySignup #Altruism #Marketing

Cat on New Year's Eve

Since 2017, I’ve been devoting the last Sunday in each month to a post which features some worthy cause. Often, other bloggers join me in this effort, turning the event into a blog hop. This month’s Charity Sunday blog hop will take place this coming Sunday, the 29th of December.

Charity Sunday is a meme designed to give authors and bloggers a chance to give back to the world, as well as to attract new readers.

How does it work? Each participant selects a favorite charity. Before
the date, you should prepare a blog post that: 1) talks about the charity and why you support it; 2) provides a link to the charity; 3) includes an excerpt from one of your books; 4) includes the code to show links to other participating blogs.

It’s fun if you can make the excerpt relate somehow to your chosen charity, but this isn’t required.

For every comment left on your post, you commit to giving some amount to the relevant charity. The specific charity and the amount to donate are up to you. You can set an upper limit to your donation if you want.

If you’d like to participate in the next Charity Sunday
on December 29th, sign up using the Linky List below. Please be sure that the link you enter will lead directly to your Charity Sunday post, not just to the home page of your blog.

You can get the 2024 Charity Sunday banner here:


For an example post, check out this link from my last Charity Sunday:


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

He hadn’t lost his knack – #SecondChanceRomance #HolidayRomance #MFRWHooks

Once Upon a Blizzard banner

Merry Christmas to you all!

You’re probably not surfing the web today, looking for holiday romance, but just in case, I’ve got a snippet from my second chance holiday romance Once Upon a Blizzard to make you smile.


No electricity. No water. Plenty of heat.

Suzanne and Gino have a history going back to high school, but for more than a decade the workaholic CEO has been thousands of miles from her New England home town.
A mistletoe kiss at a Christmas party rekindles the old spark and Suzanne finds some things do indeed get better with age. When Gino rescues her from a blizzard, though, she discovers that she's not the only love in his life. Gino shares his bed and his colonial-era farm house with taciturn painter Harris Steele.
Snowed in with two lusty men who truly seem to care, she wonders why she’s so determined to return to her lonely West Coast life. Is there really a chance for a holiday happy ending?

The Hook

So, how are you?” she queried. “You look fantastic.” He did, too. Back in school, Giovanni Torelli had been baby-faced and a bit plump. The years had been kind. His face was longer and leaner than before, his cheekbones more prominent. A few lines on his forehead and around his ripe lips provided an air of maturity. He had let his hair grow—in high school he’d had a crew cut—and it flowed over his well-shaped skull in lustrous black waves. His long sideburns were a throwback to the eighties, but they suited him. He reminded her of some Italian crooner.

He still had those huge, lustrous eyes under elegant brows. They had been his best feature back then. Mostly they’d been full of laughter. Now Suzanne saw their depth.

As for his body, the baby fat was long gone. He looked to be solid muscle. Now that his weight was in proportion to his height, he looked taller than he used to—probably five eight or five nine. His height fit well with Suzanne’s petite frame—as she recalled only too well from their recent embrace.

Gino was dressed far more casually than Suzanne, in a holly-green V-necked sweater, jeans that looked painted onto his corded thighs, and scuffed cowboy boots. Suzanne, in contrast, wore red velvet, pearls and heels. She felt her cheeks burn as his eyes roamed over her body. The dress wasn’t particularly tight, but it clung to the sleek, curvy form she managed to maintain through arduous hours at the gym. Rationally, she knew she was attractive, especially for a woman on the far side of forty, but somehow she felt as insecure as she had as a teen.

You look pretty fantastic yourself,” Gino replied. “But then, I always thought you were a knockout.”

Oh, come on!” She waved her hand to dismiss the compliment. She didn’t want to think about the past. “Anyway, what have you been up to? Last I heard from Helena, you were in New York at some top firm. You must be a partner by now.”

Nope. I moved back to the Pioneer Valley three years ago.”


The job was killing me. I was making tons of money, but I was too busy to spend it. I wasn’t enjoying myself. And as you may remember,” he said with a gleam in his eye, “I like to have a good time.”

She had a sudden, vivid recollection of eighth grade science class. He and Jerry sat on either side of her at the long lab table, teasing her about her snug, pink angora sweater, stirring up her hormones and making her miserable. The two of them had driven her crazy. She’d scribbled page after page about them in her diary, fantasies as lurid as her thirteen-year-old mind could concoct.

She dragged herself away from her memories. “So what are you doing now?”

I work for Franklin County Legal Aid. And I do a bit of farming.”

Farming?” Suzanne laughed, incredulous. She couldn’t imagine Gino driving a tractor or shovelling manure.

Yeah. We’ve got twenty acres in New Salem and a dozen milk cows. We sell homemade cheese and organic veggies.”

Suzanne couldn’t help noticing the plural pronouns. “Are you married then?”

Gino took her hand, grinning. He brushed his thumb along the inside of her wrist, sending sweet chills up her spine. “Not at the moment. I’m totally available.”

He hadn’t lost his knack. After two decades, he could still make her flustered and confused.


Once Upon a Blizzard cover

Grab your copy of this sexy, sentimental romance at your favorite bookstore:


And be sure to visit the other intrepid authors participating in today’s event.

May your days be merry and bright!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Review Tuesday: The Tenor's Shadow by J.B. Warrick -- #ReviewTuesday #MMRomance #ParanormalRomance

The Tenor's Shadow by J.B. Warrick

The Tenor’s Shadow by J.B. Warrick  

First edition, 2024

Antonio (not “Anthony”, and definitely not his teenage nickname “Tony”) is a talented tenor working to build his career. Though he has a reputation for being a bit of a temperamental diva, he’s laser-focused on doing whatever is necessary to make a splash in the international opera scene. This includes traveling to perform at different theaters around the world, enduring grueling rehearsals, and placating bossy and egotistical directors. The demands of his work leave him little time for relationships; the best he can do is pick up an occasional adoring twink for a quick, meaningless fuck.

Orphaned in his teens, Antonio was raised by his beloved Uncle Daniel. What he doesn’t know is that Daniel’s husband Oliver is a powerful vampire and coven master, and that Daniel has also been turned. When Antonio starts getting threatening letters, he mentions them to Daniel. Oliver responds by sending Freddie Grosvenor to serve as Antonio’s bodyguard.

Massive and muscular, quiet and reserved, Freddie is a two-hundred-year-old vampire with a dark past who is devoted to his master. He’s determined to protect the flamboyant, mercurial tenor from the dangers posed by a vindictive rival coven. At first, his charge resents his presence and tries to escape from his oversight. However, a power greater than either Antonio or Freddie draws them together. They are fated mates, linked by contrary destiny. If one of them dies, the other will perish as well. While they live, however, they share a physical and psychic connection of almost unimaginable intensity.

The Tenor’s Shadow is a smoothly written MM paranormal romance that offers few surprises. J.B. Warrick’s vampires for the most part follow established traditions. They have supernatural speed and strength. Their abilities correlate strongly with their age. They drain the blood of their victims, replacing it with their own, if they want to turn a human to a vampire. They can exert magical charm to bend humans to their will.

I normally have little patience with predictable, trope-fueled fiction. Still, I greatly enjoyed The Tenor’s Shadow, largely due to its luscious eroticism. The sex/love scenes in this novel are simply glorious. The attraction between Freddie and Antonio operates at a distance and does not depend on physical contact, so that their initial erotic encounters are deliciously indirect. Freddie comes after merely imagining Antonio in the shower. Antonio surrenders to Freddie on a crowded plane, pushed over the edge by the first contact with his mate’s fangs. As they accept their bond and learn to trust one another, their sex becomes rougher and wilder, yet simultaneously sweeter and more satisfying.

It’s actually a bit embarrassing to admit that my main reason for liking this book was the sex. But then, I am an author of erotica largely because I’m sensitive to the nuances of desire and its fulfillment. I think J.B. Warrick can claim the same. I’d love to see what he could do if he were to tackle a less stereotyped plot or genre.

Monday, December 23, 2024

A naughty holiday fantasy... now on sale! #HolidayReads #Femdom #99cents

Santa, Baby! sale banner

Happy holidays to all my readers! I’ve got an early Christmas treat for you; I just dropped the price of my holiday erotica title Santa, Baby! to only 99 cents until the end of the year.

This isn’t a romance, but it does feature a swoon-worthy hero/narrator. And it’s all good, naughty fun.


Matt Glaser may not have the Santa Claus beard or belly, but when it comes to earning extra holiday cash, he loves his red suit like a reindeer loves carrots. This potential client, though—classy, curvy Eleanor Danforth—seems more interested in checking out his butt than his references. And two grand for a private party? Oy vey, Prancer, something's not kosher about this particular Vixen.

Excerpt (Adult)

Muffled in the overcoat I’d borrowed from my roommate Brian, I faced the hardwood and brass double doors to the Danforth’s fortieth floor apartment. The doorbell was easy to locate; I just wasn’t sure I had the guts to ring it.

The Santa costume that my employer had provided was more appropriate for a go-go boy than Father Christmas. The droopy conical hat was traditional, with its fuzzy white trim and pom-pom, and the knee-high black patent leather boots, too, but St. Nicolas wouldn’t have been caught dead in these shiny red spandex hot pants. They clung to my bum like a second skin. It was a good thing the weather was warm for December, or I would have frozen my balls off. The scarlet shirt, made from some sort of stretchy velvet, had long sleeves with white fur cuffs. However, the front made a plunging vee that bared most of my chest.

I was grateful for the soft, snowy-white fake beard. It hid my blushes. I felt ridiculous and incredibly exposed. Like most authors, I tended to live in my head, my vivid imagination compensating for my mundane real-world existence. In contrast, this costume emphasized the physical. My face was hidden; my mind wasn’t important. I had no illusions about the fact that Mrs. Danforth had hired me primarily for my body.

I could still back out. Turn around, step back into the chrome and steel elevator and whoosh down to the ground floor. Spend Christmas Eve eating take-out and working on my novel.

Seriously, though, could I afford to throw away two thousand bucks? Meanwhile, the experience, however weird, might in the future serve as grist to the writer’s mill.

Before I could talk myself out it, I gave the button a firm press.

Almost immediately, Mrs. Danforth opened the door. “Good evening, Matt. You’re right on time. I do appreciate punctuality.”

My eyes grew wide and my cock started to harden as I took her in. She’d been attractive in her form-fitting suit and silky blouse, but now she was stunning. Her sleeveless, evergreen-colored cocktail dress was fashioned from some light, shimmery fabric that clung to her voluptuous breasts and hips. The short skirt showed off her smooth thighs and muscled calves, their shapeliness enhanced by her sparkling red stilettos. Her pale hair gleamed in the recessed lights of the entry way. Artfully-applied make up accentuated her patrician features. Her plump, crimson lips were moist and inviting.

Toss your coat onto the chair,” she ordered. “Let’s see the costume.”

Like an automaton, I shrugged off the heavy wool garment.

She clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, you look spectacular! Sexy and naughty, just the way I imagined.” Without warning, she reached out to give my half-swollen dick a quick squeeze. The brief but brazen gesture just made me harder. “And I’m happy to see you’re already getting into the spirit of the evening.”

I didn’t resist when she grabbed my hand.

Come on, my girlfriends are dying to meet you.”

My imperious hostess practically dragged me into an enormous living room, bigger than the average hotel lobby and two stories high. The left wall was entirely glass, providing a breathtaking view of the Hudson River and the Palisades. A live Christmas tree towered to my right, roped in gold tinsel and sparkling lights, the angel at its peak almost grazing the ceiling.

Clusters of sofas and chairs were scattered around the vast space. Several male figures occupied a grouping at the far end. Closer, two women from Mrs. Danforth’s generation sat sipping cocktails, their heads together like gossiping teenagers. Despite their age, they both had dressed seductively, in tight, glittering gowns with low necklines that displayed their abundant flesh.

Delilah, Jane — this is Matt, our Santa.”

Oh my! You’ve outdone yourself, Ellie! He’s gorgeous!” The raven-haired woman had a Middle Eastern look, with a prominent nose and dusky skin. She offered her hand. “I’m Delilah,” she said, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Picking up on her mood, I bent to brush my lips and my soft beard across the back. “Enchanté, Mrs….”

Delilah giggled at the tickling sensation. “Mrs. Nothing! I’m happily divorced.”

Me too,” added the other woman, who had a square, somewhat plain, face but astonishing red-gold hair. “I’m Jane,” she announced. She grabbed my other hand, brought it to her mouth and licked my palm.

Electric pleasure sizzled through me at the unexpectedly intimate move, down to my increasingly rigid dick. My pelvis jerked reflexively. The three women laughed.


Santa, Baby! cover

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Friday, December 20, 2024

Sink deeper into the passionate world of The Prophecy – #UrbanFantasy #NewRelease #SteamyRomance @tinadonahue.bsky.social

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Unrestrained desire…and danger without end.

The Prophecy, Book 2

In the relentless war between their clans, they’ll risk all for their forbidden love.

With Zeke Neekoma, Liz found shameless passion. She indulged in her most wanton needs, drowning in his male heat and exquisite strength. A traitorous act. Zeke is her clan’s most hated enemy, a seer whose prophecies they wish to exploit. Enraged by her betrayal, the leader of her clan murdered Liz.

Reanimated by her father—her clan’s most powerful healer—she’s determined to fight on Zeke’s side, using her healing gift to help his people. Liz aches for a future with Zeke, to always know the ecstasy of his touch, the thrill of his body imprisoning and pleasuring her.

Zeke desires the same. However, the reanimation changed something within her. Now when Liz heals, she grows weak. Fearful he may lose her forever, Zeke forbids Liz to use her gift.

There’s no other choice. Her clan’s leader launches his next assault, a merciless plan that will test Zeke’s humanity, risk Liz’s life and threaten their timeless bond.

AMAZON: https://shorturl.at/Qrvi0


Deep Within Me book cover

Excerpt (Steamy)

Determined to delight her, Zeke focused on her pussy. He lathered her delicate curls, the same chestnut shade as her hair, and ran his fingers down the length of her slit.

She moaned.

A wondrous sound that told him far more than words ever could.

He washed this part of her well, too long in fact, then concentrated on her precious little clit.

Her breath stalled as he finally stroked it. For seconds, Zeke lavished his attention on her nub, then ran his fingers down her delicate folds to keep her from too much arousal, not wanting her to come immediately.

She groaned.

Something wrong?” he whispered.

You’re not rubbing my clit… You keep missing it.”

Do I?” Giving her no chance to answer, Zeke touched it once more, stroking, manipulating, teasing.

The delay in doing this had accomplished his goal, making her even more sensitive to his carnal touch.

Liz’s jaw tensed as she gritted her teeth. She released her weight into him and rolled her forehead over his shoulder, her body shivering as he continued to stroke her nub. Already primed for her climax, she came within seconds, huffing out her breath.

Those small bursts of air warmed his chest more than the heated water and the room’s toasty temperature. Zeke ached to experience moments like this for the rest of his days. He hoped they’d be long. Right now, an eternity didn’t seem adequate enough. He caressed Liz far more gently than he would have liked, fearful of harming her. His desire was that acute. “Tired?”

She muttered, “Don’t you dare make me lift my arms.”

He chuckled. “I won’t.” He kissed the top of her head and her damp temple. “This time, I want you to lift your legs.”

Oh, screw that.”

Come on, be a good girl.”

She didn’t respond.

Or be bad,” he joked. “In fact, I think I’d like that—”

He didn’t finish, couldn’t as Liz dropped to her knees.

Zeke grabbed her arm to break her fall—if that was what it was—but her skin was slick with water and soap, not allowing him a firm grip. His throat tightened with panic, rasping his voice. “Hey, are you all right?”

She sat back on her heels, the water bubbling around her breasts, and tilted her face to his. “What do you think?”

Zeke couldn’t answer. First, she’d stolen his breath because he thought she’d fallen from dizziness or worse. Now, she cupped his balls in one hand and cradled his cock with the other.

He inhaled sharply.

She murmured, “My turn to wash you.”

She ran her tongue up his length, tracing the prominent veins on his shaft. Zeke felt those licks clear to the top of his head and the tips of his toes. A strangled sound burst from him.

It clearly encouraged her. She swirled her tongue over his crown, pausing to explore the small slit at the top before moving to the bumpy skin on the back.

So many sensations dashed through Zeke, he made noises that sounded more animal than human.

Liz sighed contentedly, then took his full length into her mouth, not stopping until the tip of her nose touched his dark curls.

Zeke gripped her hair, tugging it as he groaned his approval. Every part of his body registered his delight.

She intensified it, fondling his balls, working her mouth up and down his rod, encouraging him to climax. When he resisted, wanting this to go on for dayswilling to settle for a few hoursLiz resolved the matter. She stroked his anus, then worked the tip of her forefinger into the tight ring.

Holy mother, goddamned—

Zeke bellowed his delight, his climax explosive.

Far more subdued and fully in charge of his body, Liz accepted his come, drinking it eagerly. When there was no more, she released his cock, pulled her finger from his anus and suckled his right ball.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. “Don’t,” he sputtered, then growled, “I can’t stand it.”

Immediately, she released him. “I know.”

His shoulders trembled with his heaving breaths. In between them, he coughed.

Liz watched as he settled down. “Better?”

Maybe.” He shuddered and filled his lungs again, then sighed the air out. “Yeah.”


He was finally. “Uh-huh.”

Good.” She took his left ball into her mouth.

Crap. Stop.”

This time she did not, suckling him at her leisure, loving this part of him with her hot mouth and deliciously wet tongue.

He pulled his hair this time, not caring if he tore it out. She was fucking killing him. He cursed and groaned, then bitched some more when he couldn’t drag in adequate air. Breathing was just too fucking hard. His muscles ached from all the tension. He’d locked his knees to the point where bending them again might prove impossible.

Still, Liz continued. Her licks slow and sensuous, her hands roaming up and down his thighs, over his ass, in the furrow between the cheeks.

Jesus. When Zeke thought he might die from too much pleasure, Liz finally finished. She wrapped her arms around his legs and rested her head against his thigh, her embrace as needy as his when he’d caressed her earlier.

A wonderful moment, simply miraculous.

Eventually, they’d ended up in his bed with him on top of her. For Zeke, only the missionary position would do. During the following hours, he’d taken her three more times, remaining inside her sweet, tight cunt as he rested. He needed to see her face, gauge her reactions, assure himself that she continued to be all right.

With each act of love, they’d both grown more weary. However, their attention never strayed. They regarded each other in silence that they interrupted with nothing more than a few gentle smiles. The quiet intimacy not only felt right but comfortable.

About the Author

Tina Donahue author image

Tina’s an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.

MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/tinadonahue

Bluesky: @tinadonauthor.bsky.social

Website/Blog: https://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/

Newsletter: https://tinadonahuebooks.blogspot.com/p/newsletter.html

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/tina-donahue

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/146988.Tina_Donahue

Twitter: https://twitter.com/tinadonahue

Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/tinadonahue

Amazon author page: https://amzn.to/1ChWFkO

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas: https://sweetnsexydivas.blogspot.com/

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/AuthorTinaDonahue 

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