Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Hope, fear and unexpected change – #HistoricalFiction #PostWWII #Giveaway

Falling from the Nest tour banner


Spring 1946--Following four years of war on the heels of the decade-long Great Depression, Americans are finally feeling a sense of hope that begins sweeping the nation…

Jo-Jo Anderson feels that optimism too. Slipping the reins of her Iowa farming town, Jo leaves to make her mark on the entertainment scene in Manhattan. Audiences are clamoring for new musicals on Broadway, nightclubs are flourishing, and NYC is the beating heart of the radio networks. After arriving, Jo-Jo quickly realizes that thousands of would-be stars are following her same ambitions, making opportunities scarce, but her luck begins to turn when she hears about Talent Jackpot.

Her twin, Sarah, finds success with her studies as a scholarship student at the University of Iowa. But Sarah is adrift socially, finding it difficult to forge friendships. Her perfectly planned life is upended when her hometown boyfriend announces he’s suddenly joined the navy. Sarah’s top grades draw the attention of a crusty biology professor and after accepting his offer of a lab position, her rigid lifestyle gets a lot more complicated.

This novel tells a story of unexpected change. The twins make their way through multiple challenges with humor, ambition, and heartbreak but remain tied together by the bonds of sisterhood, winding their way through the seedier backdoors of the entertainment business, and into college dorm life and love nest apartments.

With the historical backdrop of the post WW2 era, Falling From The Nest, reads as a stand-alone story but also serves as a sequel to author Bobbie Candas’ previous novel, The Lost and Found of Green Tree.

Falling from the Nest book cover


While staring through raindrops racing down the smudged windows of the Stage Deli, I was startled by impatient, snapping fingers begging for my attention. I’d been looking at the long line of well-dressed patrons curling around the block of Carnegie Hall. They were patiently waiting, with umbrellas open, to buy tickets to some amazing performance I’d never see.

Hey you…doll-face.” I looked over in Snappy Finger’s direction. “Two grilled sky-highs on rye and two black coffees. We’re in a hurry.”

Ok, you grumpy, fat bastards. I pulled out a pad and pencil from my apron pocket and looked down at two burly men wearing pinstriped, double breasted suits with tacky wide ties. I flashed a smile, held back my real thoughts, and asked, “Mustard, mayonnaise, or both?” And added sweetly, “And how about a dill pickle on the side?”

Yeah, all the above, doll. Just get it ordered, quick. Oh, and bring us a couple black-n-whites too.”

You got it handsome.”

I turned, walking quickly down the tight row of wooden tables at the busy deli and called out my order to the cook behind the grill. “Hey, Chuckles! Two sky-highs, m-and-m, with a dill…and no rush, take your time with those.”

The short-order cook, a balding, older man with a low tolerance for fools and a sucker for a friendly smile, called out, “No problem, Jo-Jo.”

I poured the two cups of coffee and slid two large round cookies with chocolate and vanilla icing onto small plates. Six months ago, I would have been intimidated by those two men and their fancy suits. But now I knew they were only low-level number runners who wore the same cheap suit everyday, except maybe on Sunday when, hopefully, they got them cleaned. I'd seen and learned a lot in the last six months.

Back at Snappy Finger’s table, I purposely leaned over, balancing my tray. “Gentlemen, your coffee and black-n-whites.” I set their cups and cookies down and said, “I told the cook to put a rush on those sandwiches. Seems to be a little backed up at the grill though.” I then turned around and bussed the table beside them, stretching over to wipe it down, giving them a full view of my back side. I lived off tips. I’d learned what I had to do.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/Falling-Nest-Sisters-Green-Tree-ebook/dp/B0DH8JXF5S/ref=sr_1_1

About the Author

Bobbie Candas author photo

I'm a Texas girl: grew up in San Antonio, went to school at UT in Austin where I earned my degree in journalism, and settled in Dallas where I raised a husband, two kids and a few cats. My husband, Mehmet, and the cats will probably disagree on who raised whom, but I'm a sucker for a robust discussion.

For years I was involved in retail management, but in 2014 I refocused on my writing, taking deep dives into the lives of my characters. When you can pry my fingers off the keyboard, I enjoy entertaining, sharing food and drink with friends and family. I enjoy shopping, usually on the hunt for apparel, with a special weakness for shoes, and will frequently jump at the opportunity of an unexpected trip to a far-away place.

And I always make time for reading. I keep a stack of novels ready and waiting on my night stand, with a few tapping their toe in my Kindle. I bounce around genres, and I’m always ready for a good recommendation.

Facebook: Author Bobbie Candas: https://www.facebook.com/bobbiecandasauthor

Good Reads author link: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8292457.Bobbie.Candas

Amazon Author Central: https://www.amazon.com/Books-Bobbie-Candas/s?3A283155%3A283155%2Cp_27%3ABobbie+Candas

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbiecandas

Website: http://www.bobbiecandas.com

The author will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, October 14, 2024

Meme Monday - #WishfulThinking #Humor @KayelleAllen

These are my ducks


Thought we should start the week with a bit of fun. I don’t know if I can do this every Monday, but I was inspired by this meme I borrowed from Kayelle Allen. You can find lots more great content, as well as free books, at her website:


Wishing you a wonderful week!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

On sale now! Luscious, suspenseful #PNR by Christine Lynn Lambert – @Chris4Lamb #Shifters #EnemiesToLovers #SteamyRomance

Bear's Dream banner

By Christina Lynn Lamber (Guest Blogger)

In honor of Halloween month, two of my steamy, suspenseful paranormal romances, Coyote’s Vow (Stranger Creatures book 4) and Bear’s Dream (Haven Forest Resort book 1) are on SALE for $1.99 on Amazon!

Get swept up in the wild world of shape shifters and psy, and leave the chill of October behind. Each book in my Stranger Creatures series, as well as my Haven Forest Resort series, features a different couple in their fight for a happily ever after.

Coyote’s Vow (Stranger Creatures book 4) is Trevor and Kylie’s story.

Coyote's Vow book cover

Kylie was the victim of a brutal experiment that gave her telekinetic abilities. Coyote shifter Trevor doesn’t trust the psy but when his feelings for Kylie grow out of control, will he risk everything to be with her? When a deranged doctor has disturbing plans for shifters and psy, can Trevor and Kylie stop him, or will they be silenced forever?


Who is she? Trevor tried not to stare at the woman sitting across from Shifters United President Matt Blackwell but damn, she was beautiful. Her long, black hair had a purple, glossy tint. Intricate tattoos wound around her arms and lower legs. He wanted to run his fingers along the ink lines of every single tattoo. Her skin looked so smooth and touchable. Bitable too. Nope. Not appropriate. Not at all. He forced his descending coyote fangs to recede.

Blackwell didn’t introduce Trevor to the mystery woman, though, and that sent his curiosity into caution mode. The purple-haired beauty gave him a wary look before glancing back down at the computer tablet in her hand. Right. Business. Trevor had obviously interrupted a meeting. He’d stopped by Matt Blackwell’s hotel room to drop off a folder full of intel and surveillance photos. He needed to find an excuse to stay and talk to the woman with lovely dark brown eyes.

Thanks for taking care of the research,” Blackwell gave him a nod. “Set the info on my desk and I’ll take a look before the meeting tonight.”

Trevor walked past the mystery woman and set the folder full of information on the small desk beside the coffee table. He stole another, longer glance at the woman. Her nails were painted indigo blue. His favorite color. The tattoos winding around her arms seemed to be in motion, encircling her in their safety. Weird trick of the light. Had to be. He rubbed his eyes. Blinked. The tattoos went still. The woman smelled amazing, like wildflowers after the rain, but she didn’t smell like a shifter. Didn’t mean she wasn’t one.

Scent blockers made it easy for shifters to mask their unique scent, to a degree. The blockers also did a fairly good job at hiding other smells shifters could detect, like fear, desire, and rage. Even so, Trevor could almost always detect hints of the slightly rancid, faint garbage aroma of the blockers, no matter what brand or what home recipe a person used. Coyote shifters could pick up on smells most other shifters couldn’t.

What is the woman with the willowy tattoos? Was she a threat to Blackwell? Maybe a rabbit shifter? Rabbit shifters were the only animal shifters who carried no animal scent, but their eyes.... Not a specific color, just a look. Plus, they usually liked to flash their double rows of horrifying sharp teeth upon meeting other shifters. Just for a flex. The rabbits could be mean when bothered unnecessarily, but mostly, they were pretty decent. The woman caught him looking again and gave him a little half smile. Her pretty eyes with long, thick lashes were definitely not the strange eyes of a rabbit shifter.

I’ll see you later, Trevor.” Blackwell gave him a pointed stare.

You’re alright here?”

I’m fine. I have Nathan,” Blackwell gestured to his giant assistant and body guard who was seated in a chair in the kitchenette, reading a book.

No code phrases were used, and Trevor didn’t detect any signs of distress from the mountain lion shifter or his bear shifter assistant. Trevor nodded. Apparently, Blackwell had no intention of introducing him to the woman sitting with him. Nathan, grinned at Trevor, like he knew something. Fine, Nathan could keep his secret. But Trevor would get information, one way or another.

Purchase Links ($1.99 during October!)

Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BZT58GXZ

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Coyotes-Vow-Stranger-Creatures-Book-ebook/dp/B0BZT58GXZ


Bear's Dream (Haven Forest Resort book 1) introduces Ellie and AJ. 


Bear's Dream book cover

She had every reason to hate him

Aiden "AJ" Shepherd's mistake during a Shifter Army Enforcement rescue mission cost Ellie Ortiz's brother, Marco, his life. She despises AJ with a passion until a chance encounter with him on New Year’s Eve reveals he's not the cold, heartless man she once thought him to be. Her attraction to him takes her by surprise and she vows to ignore her feelings. When a new job puts her in contact with him every day, the heat building between them threatens to flare out of control.

His secret could ruin everything

During a disastrous assignment with Shifters United, AJ uncovers some information that changes everything. Keeping the truth hidden from Ellie is killing him but he might lose her forever if he tells her what he learned on his mission. When Ellie ends up in danger, AJ will stop at nothing to save her. To survive, they’ll have to work together to stop a reporter who is determined to prove the existence of shifters.


AJ staggered toward Ellie, holding his side. She caught him before he fell. Blood poured down the side of his face. She pulled the hood of his coat over his head to hide the blood.

People rushed over to them, asking if he was alright.

I guess they only care how he is now that the fighting is over.

He’s fine. Just a little bruised up.”

The wolf shifter woman cleared a path to AJ and guarded his other side. “I’ll help you get him to the woods. My friend can stall the cops and do crowd control while you guys shift out your injuries.”

Thank you. Seriously, thank you.”

The wolf shifter nodded. “No problem. Hurry.”

Ellie grasped AJ’s face in her hands and looked him in the eye. “We just have to get to the woods. It’s not far. Stay awake and stay with me. I can’t carry you. Understand?”

Yeah.” His voice was barely audible.

An eternity later, they found a spot amongst the pine trees and bushes with enough cover for him to shift. “Hold on. Don’t shift yet. Let me pull these chunks of metal out of your head first.”

He cursed as she pulled one particularly large, jagged chunk out of his scalp. Blood poured down his face and neck. His eyes drifted shut.

Come on! Wake up! Shift!”

He slumped over, oblivious to her yelling. She stripped him then dug her fingers into his stab wound. He growled and shifted into bear form. A sob of relief escaped her. AJ shifted back to human form, then, a split second later, he was a giant furry brown bear again. The bear walked around for a moment, dug his claws into a tree, then pressed his nose to Ellie’s cheek, making her laugh. In the blink of an eye, he was in human form again.

You’re alright now?” she asked.

Yeah, I’m fine.”

You’re sure?” She ran her fingers over the places on his head she’d seen cut and gouged. No sign of any wounds. She looked at his eyes. He focused on her properly. She breathed out a sigh of relief. “I’ve seen more than one shifter be pressed for time to heal and they weren’t healed up as well as they thought.” His injuries hadn’t been superficial. He wouldn’t have made it to their room to shift in privacy without being stopped by well-meaning regulars—shifters and psy often referred to humans with no strange, extraordinary abilities as regulars—insistent on taking him to a hospital.

People who hated shifters lurked in hospitals, watching, waiting to destroy anyone they found out of the ordinary. Today, some ignorant haters had almost killed AJ, at a damn winter festival celebration. Nowhere was truly safe. She was still freaked at how close he had been to losing consciousness and never waking up. She knew damn well he would have died if he hadn’t shifted when he did. She didn’t want his light to burn out. Didn’t want anybody’s light to dim, really, but he was… She shook her head. A good guy. That was all. She didn’t want to see a good person die too young. She wrapped her arms around herself and her eyes teared up.

Hey,” he spoke softly, “look at me.”

She met his gaze, reluctantly.

I’m all right,” he assured her. “The important thing is, a group of angry men didn’t get the chance to beat the living hell out of a shifter teenager.”

She nodded.

He gently stroked her cheek and his hand came away bloody. “Your turn to shift.” She hadn’t felt any pain in her face. Probably because several of her ribs were cracked and her stomach had a fist-sized knot in it where she’d been punched. She stepped behind a tree, undressed, and shifted. B shook out her thick black fur and walked around a few paces in the woods. After a moment, she reluctantly shifted back to human form. Ellie stopped still when she caught AJ staring at her.

Damn, you’re beautiful.” His appreciative tone wrapped around her. She gulped and ducked behind the tree to put her clothes back on. She emerged, wrapped back up in her bloodstained winter coat and clothes. At least the blood wouldn’t show up since everything she was wearing was black.

Purchase Links ($1.99 through October!):

Amazon US:


Amazon UK:


About the Author

Before I was struck with the unexpected inspiration to write a book, I worked in a few different fields. I was in sales for a while and did not enjoy it. After I finished college, I worked as a case manager helping people with disabilities. When my children were little, I was a personal trainer and running coach. During the evenings, when I was supposed to be studying for another fitness training certification, I started writing down the ideas for a story that I couldn’t get out of my head. Finally, I gave in and acknowledged that writing is what I was meant to do.

I love creating imperfect but determined characters who find the courage to love and the strength to survive in a world where there are no guarantees. My stories include a fair amount of sarcasm, suspense, steam, and violence. When I’m not writing, I enjoy spending time outside and finding ways to avoid cooking. I live in beautiful Virginia with my husband, two teenagers, a sweet, hairy monster of a dog, and two devious cats. 

For updates, poems, short stories, and other fun stuff, you can find me at:

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Christina-Lynn-Lambert/e/B01MCYK0K7

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/christina-lynn-lambert

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/christinalynnlambert

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15900423.Christina_Lynn_Lambert

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christinalynnlambert

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/christinalynnlambert

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chris4lamb

Wordpress: https://christinalynnlambertwordpress.com

Friday, October 11, 2024

Christmas in Kittburg, Germany – #SingleDadRomance #HolidayRomance #MilitaryRomance @SadiraStone

The One You Can't Keep book cover

My friend and colleague Sadira Stone has a brand new novella for the holidays. Sadira specializes in lusciously emotional stories with as much heart as heat, featuring vivid real-world settings and the joys of found family.

Read on for more information about The One You Can’t Keep!


It started as a holiday fling. Will it end in heartbreak?


After a heart-smashing divorce, a fresh start on an Army base in Germany is exactly what I need. No more whispers behind my back. No more pitying glances.

My new teaching job is my refuge, until…

Logan, a hunky single-soldier dad struggling to help his defiant son.

From that first meeting, our attraction sizzles.

But a forbidden fling with my student’s father could destroy my career and crush my heart.


Military life almost cost me my son.

After a bitter split, one yearly visit is all we’re allowed—until Cody lands on my far-flung doorstep.

I’m determined to give him the stability he’s never had, despite his belligerent teenage attitude.

My hunger for his hot, compassionate teacher is a secret I’ve got to keep undercover.

But I’m a soldier, not a saint.

And Cody’s not a fool.

The clock on our Christmas romance is ticking, and neither of us is ready for goodbye.

Come to Kittburg, Germany for a heart-warming love story with found family, second chances, and a Christmas to remember!

Buy Links

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DGRL9NVL

Apple: https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-one-you-cant-keep-a-single-dad-holiday-romance/id6677048627

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-one-you-cant-keep-sadira-stone/1146282861

Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-one-you-can-t-keep

Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1617122

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Sadira_Stone_The_One_You_Can_t_Keep?id=-cggEQAAQBAJ

UBL: https://books2read.com/TheOneYouCantKeep

Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/books/the-one-you-can-t-keep-a-single-dad-holiday-romance-by-sadira-stone

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/218720948-the-one-you-can-t-keep


My defenses drop away as Klara’s magnetism draws me in, strong and true. I brush my lips over hers. “What do you hope, my Christmas angel?”

I hope we get the chance to know each other.” She feathers kisses over my mouth, my cheekbones, my closed eyelids, as if memorizing the shape of me.

And then, hallelujah and glory be, she slides her hand under my sweater to stroke over my bare skin.

At this first skin-on-skin touch, heat roars through me, making my nerves sizzle. But I’ve seen too much of life’s mess not to think of consequences.

Is this what you want, Klara? Because there’s no way this doesn’t get complicated.”

She sighs, her breath hot against my cheek. “Honestly, I’m afraid sex with you will lead to feelings bigger than I know how to handle.”

My thumb traces the tantalizing outer curve of her breast, and I swear, I understand now what people mean by ‘my heart swelled in my chest.’ And though I’ve never been any good at expressing big feelings, this surge of emotion pushes the words out.

There are a hundred reasons not to open that door, Klara, but being with you feels so damn right. I can’t offer as much as you deserve.” I press my lips to hers and just breathe her in. “But I really want to explore this with you, and if you’re willing, I’ll give you everything I can.”

Her gaze is solemn as she cups my face in her palms. “I’ve learned the hard way that nothing worth having is simple and easy. So yes, I’m ready to gamble on a good thing.”

Happiness fills me like sunshine. Though I know our time is limited, I can’t rush this moment, this precious chance to explore Klara’s lush body. I sip at her lips, caressing her ribs, her hips, my hands greedy to memorize every curve.

With a hungry mewl, she chases my mouth and licks inside, her velvet tongue sweet and hot. Back and forth we parry, my gestures deliberately slow, hers increasingly frantic. Rising onto her knees, she bunches my sweater and tugs it up.

Easy, now.” Chuckling, I wriggle out of the pullover she seems hellbent on tearing from my body.

Klara’s glittering eyes drink in my naked torso, and her warm hands trace every exposed inch. Her sigh shudders through slack lips. “Logan, ever since I saw you in the steam room, I have dreamed of this moment.”

About the Author

Award-winning contemporary romance author Sadira Stone spins steamy, smoochy tales, mostly set in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Her stories highlight found family, friendship, and the sizzling chemistry that pulls unlikely partners together. When she emerges from her writing cave in Las Vegas, Nevada (which she seldom does), she can be found in dance class or the pool, learning guitar, blowing bubbles with her grandchild, exploring the Western U.S. with her charming husband, cooking up a storm, and gobbling all the romance books.

Visit Sadira on All the Socials!


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Not just their own futures ... #Thriller #Suspense #Giveaway @EWPodojil

The Poseidon Project tour banner


The Poseidon Project is an international suspense thriller and the first book in The Herb Society Mysteries series

Molly Halloran and her friends have a secret past. Their bucolic retirement is suddenly upended when Molly’s husband is abducted and held for a steep ransom. Now she, her friends, her tech executive son Lukas and his Air Force pilot boyfriend must race against the clock and travel halfway around the world to meet the kidnappers’ demands. But when they learn why her husband has been abducted, they realize how high the stakes truly are. Molly and her friends now must face their past in order to save the future. But not only their futures; the world’s.


The explosion was deafening. A huge fireball engulfed the Iveco box truck with a force that knocked Molly, Donna, Linda, and John off their feet. Having been already seated, Lukas instinctively shielded Taylor from the force of the blast that was over one hundred feet away. The explanation of the Hindenburg explosion his mom had referenced two days ago flashed through his mind. The hydrogen collection tank must have had a leak or breached from being overfilled. But unlike the Hindenburg, there was not a zeppelin-sized supply of hydrogen on the Demeter unit, or what was left of it. The explosion was sudden, strong, and brief. The flames quickly burned through the truck’s cargo area, then slowly burned the embers of what little was left. The truck was destroyed, as was Demeter. Zip-Tie’s blackened remains smoldered on the ground, about ten feet from the blast.

Betty and Patrick stood at the top of the terrace waving their arms and appeared to be yelling something. Lukas could not hear much other than the ringing in his ears, and he assumed the rest of the group was partially deaf as they struggled to get to their feet. Lukas had shielded Taylor’s body, and his hearing appeared to be unaffected. Taylor kissed Lukas on the cheek and mouthed Thank you. Or at least Lukas thought he said it silently.

Betty held the fourth Glock in her hand and ran toward the group to help them ascend the terrace. “We’ve gotta get out of here!” she yelled, hoping their damaged ears could hear her. She knew it was only a few minutes before the Dubai police came to investigate the source of the explosion in the city center.

Where is Malik?” Betty asked as John, Donna, and Molly rubbed their ears, hoping to regain their hearing.

He ran that way.” Taylor pointed in the direction of the Burj Khalifa. “I saw him for an instant right after the blast.”

Patrick raced toward the group. “Police are on their way. I hear the sirens. Let’s go, everybody!” Patrick and Taylor, both injured, were able to shepherd the group up to the Sprinter van, get in, and buckle up for what was going to be a quick getaway.

Betty slammed on the accelerator, and the van lurched forward. She could see the flashing police lights about a quarter of a mile to her right. She turned left, hoping to avoid them. “Patrick, I need you to navigate! I don’t know where I am!” Betty yelled with a tinge of panic in her voice. Patrick stood up and sat in the passenger seat to help navigate.

Taylor quickly dialed his daughter. She answered on the first ring tone. “Dad, where are you?”

Get the Goose ready. We’ll be there in—” He looked at Patrick, who held up his hands with fingers extended. “—ten to fifteen minutes. Please clear a take- off slot for us in twenty-five minutes from now.”

Got it, Dad. Drive safely.”

Tory hung up as Betty slalomed quickly through

About the Author

Author image

E. William Podojil has worked as a writer, advisor and international business executive while living in the Netherlands and the United States. He studied screenwriting at UCLA. His first novel, The Tenth Man, was published in 2004, by Haworth Press. His latest novel, The Poseidon Project, will be published by Wild Rose Press in August, 2024 as the first book in the Herb Society Mysteries series.

Podojil currently resides in Northeast Ohio with his husband and three sons. He travels extensively and writes about his experiences on his website www.ewpodojil.com.




Amazon Buy Link


The Poseidon Project book cover

One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $25 Amazon/BN.com gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A magical Philip Marlowe – #UrbanFantasy #Review #Giveaway @GameOverStation

Time-Marked Warlock banner


Adair Finch is the most powerful warlock in the world, and one of the best private investigators for hire. He has dealt with corporate vampires, murderous werewolves, and even fae royalty. Everything was perfect until he lost one case—the case where he also lost his brother.

So Finch retired. From magic. From PI work. From everything.

Bree Blackstone, a twelve-year-old witch, doesn’t know or care about any of that except Finch’s reputation. In the middle of the night, she bangs on Finch’s door. Her mother has been murdered, and now the assassin is after Bree as well.

Reluctantly, Finch agrees to help, only to discover something sinister has been brewing in town while he ignored the world… He’ll need to dust off all his old skills and magic before it’s too late.


Finch sighed.

Right as he was about to turn to head inside, a loud crack rang out across the parking lot.

Blood splattered across the Nissan. Dr. Colton hit the side of the vehicle and tumbled to the asphalt, a hole in the side of his chest, his brown outfit quickly soaking in crimson.

Another crack, and Finch understood what was happening. Someone was shooting at them. Somewhere far off. Only rifles made that harsh kind of bang that sounded like something cracking in half.

Bree didn’t even have time to cry out. She fell forward, shot in the back, and hit the ground hard.

A third shot was coming, but Finch didn’t give the shooter a chance.

Finch manipulated time itself.

Everything froze. The leaves in the trees, the cars on the distant road—even the wind.

Then the color drained from the world, turning it into a black-and-white movie devoid of all vibrancy. The shadows were pitch black, and the sky a pool of pristine white.

One by one, all the nearby objects melted away, unraveled by Chronos’s powerful and disturbing time magic. The university disappeared. The cars disappeared. Even the people—Bree and Dr. Colton—until there was nothing left but an empty, white void.

Finch’s body jerked. He blinked his eyes.

And then he was back in his bed, dressed in his ratty pajamas, flailing around in the sheets. He sat up, his heart hammering.

His phone displayed the time.


Time-Marked Warlock book cover

Review by Lisabet Sarai

Adair Finch is a warlock. Through his bargains with gods, djinn and other magical creatures, he has acquired a variety of special powers, including the ability to rewind time and to unleash a lethal firestorm upon his enemies. In the past, Adrian worked as a private investigator, applying his capabilities to assist the police in solving crimes with a supernatural component.

That was when he cared. Now, burdened by the death of his brother Carter, Adair is barely alive. Mired in despair and guilt, he huddles in his filthy apartment, isolated and brooding, trying to shut out the world.

When the world comes knocking on his door in the person of twelve year old witch Bree Blackstone, however, he can’t suppress his impulse to help. Bree’s mother Vera, one of Adair’s former friends, has been killed, right in front of Bree’s eyes. Following her mother’s past instructions, she has come seeking the assistance of Adair or Carter Finch.

Adair doesn’t want to get involved, but his sense of responsibility overcomes his misery and inertia. With Bree in tow, he sets out to unravel the complicated circumstances that led to Vera’s murder. His main weapon is the fact that he, and anyone he marks with the special sigil of Chronos, can go back in time and replay events, possibly making different decisions or taking different actions, as many times as necessary.

Time-Marked Warlock creates a fascinating world in which magical and non-magical beings co-exist, albeit uneasily. Witches are born with power, the nature of which depends on their phase of the moon. Warlocks acquire power by making pacts with spirits, demons, gods or other supernatural entities, binding those entities to one of their five cores: the crown, the eyes, the heart, the soul and the loins. The bound magic takes its toll; power providers make their own demands in return.

Adair’s an appealing character, the classic disillusioned and cynical private investigator with a heart of gold. Imagine Philip Marlowe with magical abilities. But it’s Bree who steals the show. Strong, sassy, determined and opinionated, she browbeats Adair into performing good deeds that have little to do with the murder case. As she learns more about the nature of being a warlock, she decides to become one herself, making a pact with the mischief spirit Kullthantarrick the Sneak.

Kull is a fabulous fictional creation. Although she can shift her shape at will (she’s partial to appearing as a fox, a cat or a pigeon), she has no physical body. Smart and sarcastic, Kull has the best lines in the book by far. Though overall this isn’t a humorous novel, her commentary frequently had me laughing out loud.

Kull longs to inhabit a human form, even though she knows this will erase her immortality. She and Bree bond, beyond their magical pact. Again and again, Adair finds himself almost helpless in confronting their joint wills.

I found the murder plot a bit confusing and overly complicated, but I suppose that the story required this. Adair resets time again and again, returning to the moment when Bree banged on his door. In each cycle he delves more deeply into the circumstances responsible for Vera’s death and comes closer to identifying the perpetrators.

By the time he puts the whole story together, he’s exhausted and to be honest, so was I. The interactions between Bree and Adair, which gradually result in the healing of his damaged soul, were far more interesting to me than the battles of supernatural factions.

All in all, I enjoyed Time-Marked Warlock. It’s original and engaging, with a distinctively different view of the supernatural and quirky, sympathetic characters. If you like urban fantasy, give it a try.

About the Author

Shami Stovall author avatar

Shami Stovall is a multi-award-winning author of fantasy and science fiction. Before that, she taught history and criminal law at the college level, and loved every second. When she’s not reading fascinating articles and books about ancient China or the Byzantine Empire, Stovall can be found playing way too many video games, especially RPGs and tactics simulators, or hugging John.

If you want to contact her, you can do so at the following locations:

Website: https://sastovallauthor.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GameOverStation/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SAStovall/

Email: s.adelle.s [at] gmail [dot] com

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Time-Marked-Warlock-Chronos-Chronicles-Book-ebook/dp/B0D9SW9D6L/ref=sr_1_1

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