Friday, August 30, 2024

Fan Girl Squee – #Steampunk #99cents #FiveStarReview

Pornographer's Apprentice sale banner

Like most authors, I’m a reader as well as a writer. I subscribe to the newsletters of at least a dozen of my author friends and colleagues. I like hearing about what they’re up to, especially their new releases. I do what I can to share their latest titles and volunteer to be an ARC reviewer when I can spare the time. (I appreciate the fact that sometimes they will give a shout out to my books, too.)

One of the authors I follow is the legendary Cecilia Tan. Cecilia is an erotica pioneer. More than twenty years ago she established Circlet Press as a publishing venue for speculative erotica and erotic scifi, especially with queer or gender-bending themes. She also writes some of the most wise, nuanced and arousing D/s fiction around.

As you probably gather, I admire her a great deal. We’ve “known” each other for a long time, but never met in person, even though we lived in the same state for many years before I moved to Asia.

Anyway, I recently received a newsletter that talked about her new erotic steam punk story The Blossoms of Summer (see my review earlier this week). I emailed her to ask for an ARC copy, then casually asked if she’d read my steam punk erotica trilogy The Toymakers Guild. When she indicated that she hadn’t, I offered her a copy of the first book. I was thrilled when she accepted.

Imagine my delight when she wrote, a day later:

Oh this is fun! I only meant to glance at it and I'm already on chapter three. :-)

She finished it in record time, then left one of the most enthusiastic reviews on Amazon that I’ve ever received.

The Pornographer's Apprentice is a rowdy romp through all the best tropes of salacious Victorian literature, from randy housemaids to caning discipline, mixed with modern sensibilities about consent and deliciously inventive steampunk touches.

You can read the rest of the review (it’s quite long) here:

Any author will tell you how much it means to get a positive review. But a gushing review from an author whom I deeply respect? I’m over the moon.

To celebrate... I’ve decided to share the love. I’ve dropped the price of The Pornographer’s Apprentice ebook to only 99 cents at all venues... just for this weekend! The price will go back up to the usual $4.99 on Monday September 2nd. So don’t wait! Go read Cecilia’s review, then get your own copy.

You can find all the buy links for the book at


Pornographer's Apprentice sale graphic


1 comment:

Fiona McGier said...

So thrilled for you, Lisabet! You're one of my fave authors, so when you've written a review for one of my books, I've felt the same way. Congrats! You richly deserve all of her praise.

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