Saturday, August 17, 2024

Battling the space pirates – #WomanInCharge #SciFi #Backlist @AlexanderLyndi

Triad book cover

So it turns out that one of my dearest author friends, Lyndi Alexander  (alter-ego Alana Lorens) has a book with the same title as my latest release: Triad. When she joked about how different her book was from mine, I couldn’t resist asking her for a media kit.

This book came out back in 2012, but it has stood the test of time.

Lyndi and I are both oldies but goodies!


After five years of silence, the Arkosian space pirates are back to terrorize the sector where Trezanna Len fights to save her Solarii colony, a small group of Terran descendants settled on the planet Induna. To survive, the Solarii need assistance. And soon.

Trezanna could ask for help from the neighboring group called Dragonfleet, but its cruel leader Estrella Drake has been on a rampage to annex Solarii space. Estrella would never agree to an alliance with the Solarii. Or would she?

Buy Links

Paperback at Amazon 

Paperback at Barnes & Noble 

Hardback at Barnes & Noble 

eBook at Amazon Kindle 

eBook at Apple Books 

eBook at Barnes & Noble 

eBook at Kobo 

eBook at Smashwords


Trezanna tuned the controls, trying to catch the frequency her fighters were using against the Arkosian space pirates. Barely able to hear at first, she leaned in close, the blue light from the screen dimly illuminating her face and body.

Static phased in, then sharpened to a war whoop. “Beat it, Whirlwind, she’s gonna blow!” came the triumphant voice of Shelby Hussard, the spitfire teacher-turned-pilot of the Tiboron.

Cheeky bit.” Monte Winston swerved the Whirlwind from its path, swinging wide to avoid the coming explosion. His voice was warm and amused, consistent with his usual attitude of lassitude. Trezanna noted with approval that he avoided Hussard’s trajectory, preventing pirate gunners from acquiring an easy shot at them both.

Hussard counted down. “, now!”

The on-screen trace of the larger of the cruisers wavered and vanished. Trezanna could imagine the silent shower of fire and sparks bursting into the vacuum of space only to be swallowed by the black. “Yes!” she yelled, fist clenched with satisfaction. “Well done!”

She leaned heavy against the edge of the console, legs aching. The smell of burnt plastic and wiring filled the room. “Give it up, Marcand,” she whispered as she waited. “Call it a day. Go home.”

Apparent chaos reigned overhead as the debris from the cruiser scattered. Winston reported one pirate lightship decimated by a large piece of torn metal. He and Hussard then turned their ships to dog the rest till they turned and fled.

The Blaze hung in space, power readings flickering. Dr. Shahla Talib had been in the cockpit, reluctantly pressed into service after two pilots had been killed the week before. She’d been through Space Force training before she’d joined the Solarii, so Trezanna had assumed she could handle the controls of a small ship.

She’d said she could, anyway.

Trezanna frowned and thumbed the comm unit. “Talib? Solarii base to Blaze, come in! Blaze?

No answer. Had she been sent up there to die?

Author Bio

Lyndi Alexander always dreamed of faraway worlds and interesting alien contacts. She lives as a post-modern hippie in Asheville, North Carolina, a single mother of her last child of seven, a daughter on the autism spectrum, finding that every day feels a lot like first contact with a new species.

Author Links

Website and Blog



Amazon Author Page


Smashwords | Lyndi Alexander


Twitter: or @AlexanderLyndi

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