Friday, May 3, 2024

So completely good, so wholly right … #MFRWsteam #EroticRomance #SneakPeek

Getaway Girl cover

Welcome to the May MFRW Steam Hop! This is, of course, the “lusty month of May”, and I thought I’d kick things off with a sneak peek at my upcoming erotic romance release Getaway Girl. The book is available now for pre-order; it will come out next Monday. Want to read it before it’s available to anyone else? Leave me a comment. I will randomly select one winner from everyone who comments.

Meanwhile, here’s the blurb and a steamy bit from later in the book. Enjoy!


Be careful what you wish for

All Peg wants is a break, a bit of adventure, a relief from her mundane existence in the bucolic but boring Yorkshire hamlet of Kirkby Malzeard. When dashing, sophisticated journalist Lionel Hayes saunters into the pub where she's tending bar, Peg suspects that he was just the sort of man to fulfill her fantasies of escape.

The seductive Lionel, however, is not what he seems. Before she knows it, Peg is a hostage, roped and gagged, speeding away from the scene of a daring crime. Lionel is armed and dangerous, but somehow Peg still wants him regardless of the consequences.

Note: This book was originally published in 2015 by Totally Bound. This second edition has been substantially revised and has a new ending.

Buy Links:

Excerpt (Explicit)

Nobody mentioned the missing barmaid, I gather.” Peg switched off the television, somehow annoyed that her absence hadn’t even been noticed.

Looks as though they’re really on the wrong track. Maybe we can relax a bit.” Lionel came up behind her and unfastened her bra again. His hands reached around to cup her breasts, massaging them gently. Despite her best intentions, Peg couldn’t help leaning back into his body. His hard cock settled in the divide between her buttocks. He stroked the silky rod up and down in that warm crease while strumming her rigid nipples with his thumbs. Each touch sparked electric spasms in her pussy. “Come back to bed, Margaret. Please.”

Peg allowed him to pull her back to the king sized four-poster. She was still uneasy, but she couldn’t resist his hands, his mouth, his sumptuous voice. He lay her down on her back and suckled at her swollen nipples until they were so sensitive she could scarcely bear it. Meanwhile, his fingers played between her legs, smearing her wetness over her outer lips, teasing her clit, then plunging deep into her hungry pussy.

She was achingly close to climax—he already knew how to bring her to the brink in minutes. With expert skill, he held her there, balanced on the edge, every touch waking new pleasure in her depths, but with the ultimate pleasure always a breath away.

He rubbed his cock against her thigh as he pumped his fingers in and out of her pussy, faster and harder. Each stroke ended with a flick to her clit. Each brought her closer to the release she so desperately craved.

His scent surrounded her, sweat and sleep and semen, mixed with the faintest hint of evergreen. It was familiar now, reassuring, yet still intoxicating. She moaned and squirmed under the relentless assault of his fingers and his mouth. She felt his cock jerk against her, and knew that he was close also.

Inside me,” she gasped. “Please, now… I want to feel you come inside me.”

Lionel rolled over on his back and in one swift movement, pulled her on top of him. Peg opened her thighs eagerly. His cock slid home, deep into her pussy, where it belonged. He tensed as he entered her, struggling for control, holding back so that they could climax together.

Peg sat up, her thighs straddling his pelvis. She began to ride him, up and down in long, liquid strokes. He held her hips, steadying her but allowing her to set the pace. She buried his flesh in hers, grinding against him. Her clit was so swollen and hard that it felt like a tiny penis. He arched up to meet her, forcing his cock deeper. She bore down, gripping him with her inner muscles, glorying in the feeling of fullness and connection.

Lionel moved his hands to her breasts, toying with her nipples. She writhed against him. Suddenly, he jerked upwards, his muscles straining, fingernails biting into her breasts. “Come now,” he moaned. “Come, love.”

It might have been the force of his cum boiling into her depths, or the friction of his furred pubis against her exposed clit, or the sudden pain of his lacerating fingers. Or it might have been that word, that word that he had used so casually. Whatever the trigger, Peg soared into a spectacular climax, her body convulsing in rhythm with his. The bed whirled, spinning them into space. She clutched at Lionel, dizzy, giddy with pleasure, astonished that anything could feel so completely good, so wholly right.

Don’t forget to leave me a comment! And I do hope you’ll visit the other authors participating in today’s Steam Hop.


Debby said...

Those bad boys are amazing. debby236 at gmail dot com

Cyntha Gioia-Puel said...

This looks really fun!

bn100 said...

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Colleen C. said...

great snippet!

Lisabet Sarai said...

Congratulations to Cynthia, who has won my giveaway!

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