
Friday, July 5, 2024

A voluptuous spy on a mission for Queen Victoria – #NewRelease #BDSM #EroticRomance #MFRWsteam

Rajasthani Moon cover

For today’s Steam Hop, I’ve got a teasing little bit from my multi-genre opus Rajasthani Moon. This week I’m celebrating the print release of this book. I did the whole thing myself—formatting, cover and so on—and I have to say, I’m quite proud of the results.

But it’s not the outside of a book that really matters. What’s important is the story between the covers. And I’m warning you—this one is incendiary!


A bandit prince cursed into beast form under the full moon.

A brilliant but sadistic Rajah whose robotic sex toys mingle torture and delight.

A voluptuous spy on a mission from Her Majesty, tasked with discovering Rajasthan’s secrets.

She has never faced such a challenge.

When Rajasthan refuses to remit its taxes, the Queen calls on her most lethal and seductive secret agent, Cecily Harrowsmith. Cecily expects to have little difficulty persuading the rebellious Rajah to submit once more to the Empire. Instead, she is the one forced to submit – to endure unprecedented extremes of pleasure and pain.

Kidnapped by the ruler's half-brother Pratan and delivered into the hands of the handsome but depraved Rajah Amir, she soon finds herself fighting against her own lascivious nature as much as the schemes of her captors. Her sympathy for the moon-cursed wolf-man Pratan only complicates her situation. Cecily has never failed to complete an assignment, but now she risks betrayal by both her body and her heart.

Excerpt (Explicit)

The cool air of the cave teased her bared flesh. Then a light touch, delicate as a feather, traced its way along the inside of her thigh. Her pussy clenched and moisture dribbled out. The impudent finger smeared the juice across her sensitive skin. Pleasure sparked through her.

You can’t fight me.” His voice was like warm honey now, all the anger gone. It flowed through her, unbearably sweet. “And I don’t think you want to. There’s no shame in surrendering when you’ve been rendered completely helpless.” Pratan trailed his fingers upward, brushing across her damp nether curls. Lightning struck, searing her aching clit. She convulsed in her bonds, unable to control her reactions.

Who are you, my plump little dove? Tell me your name.” His roving fingers skimmed the slippery walls of her outer lips. She bit back her moan but couldn’t help arching back to seek more contact. He dipped into her wetness, deeper than before, but only for an instant. She writhed against the pillar, welcoming the scrape of the bark on her taut nipples.

He had three fingers inside her now, or maybe four, plunging in then pulling back before she could tighten her muscles to hold him inside. He still kept well away from her throbbing, needy clit. She ground her pubis against the tree trunk. The indirect pressure offered some relief, but not enough to satisfy her.

Swat! “None of that now!” His calloused palm landed on her bare arse with stunning force. Her soft flesh burnt in the wake of the slap. Meanwhile, the delicious stimulation in her cunny vanished. “I won’t let you spend until you’ve told me what I want to know.” Swat! His second swipe hurt more than the first. Her buttocks wobbled with the power of his third blow. The sting raced straight to her clit.

Cecily chewed at her lip to contain her groans. She’d make the Queen proud.

Do I need to whip you? I’d be glad to.” Her skin chilled as he stepped away from her body, taking his heat with him. With her face turned in the opposite direction, she couldn’t see what he was doing, but she heard him moving around the cave. Her clit pulsed like a radio beacon, broadcasting her need and demanding attention. Her scent rose around her, overwhelming the musty dampness of the cave. She tried to relax, to let some of her arousal drain away. She would not—could not—allow him to break her. He seemed to know, though, that she could bear pain a good deal better than sexual frustration.

She recalled receiving her instructions, back in London. Z looked more like an elderly country vicar than the head of Her Majesty’s secret service. “We are all relying on you, Miss Harrowsmith,” he’d told her. “The Queen believes that, given the reported youth and virility of these rebel princes, you are the ideal operative for this mission. I will not deny, however, that we are sending you into grave danger. You must remain in control at all times.”

Remain in control. The recollection was bitter. Here she was, in her enemy’s hands, more or less helpless to resist.

But she would resist. She swore it.

Now available in print!

Find the ebook links here: https://www.lisabetsarai.comrajasthanimoonbook.html

Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s Steam Hop!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

The Seven Genre Solution -- #NewRelease #Steampunk #Paranormal #EroticRomance

Rajasthani Moon banner

Anyone who reads my books, or my blog, will have realized that I have little patience with genre labels.

To me, “genre” implies constraints, rules you have to follow in order to satisfy the readers' expectations. I believe readers need to be more adventurous, that genre labels have the tendency to encourage a certain narrowness of focus. And I've always enjoyed stretching the rules.

When I wrote my first three novels, I considered them to be erotica. I really knew nothing about romance and its sub-genres. However, now they’re being marketed as erotic romance, since all three have happy endings focusing on a committed relationship. At the same time, they don't really fit what I now understand is the traditional romance model, in that they include sexual interactions between secondary characters and between the hero/heroine and individuals who are not their eventual partners.

So what?

Personally I'm a great lover of variety. I have no problem whatsoever with a book that mixes heterosexual, gay and lesbian relationships. I've written contemporary, science fiction, paranormal, historical, interracial, multicultural, steam punk, BDSM, voyeurism, menage, gay, lesbian, suspense, mystery, even a bit of humor. I refuse to be labeled.

I think this attitude probably hurts my sales. Many readers are more cautious than I am. I guess I can understand a reluctance to spend money on a book that's different from what you've read before – but don't readers get bored?

Anyway, I'm sorry, but I'm not about to pick a genre. It's just not going to happen. But I've hit upon a possible solution to the problem of satisfying readers. Rajasthani Moon includes elements of seven different sub-genres: steam punk, shape shifter, BDSM, ménage, Bollywood, Rubenesque and multicultural. I figure that there's something for everyone!

I began writing this book as a lark, with the deliberate intention of incorporating elements of as many genres as possible. Once I'd created Cecily, Pratan and Amir, they took on a life of their own. The book flowed much more quickly than many I've written, perhaps because I'd thrown all constraints to the winds. The result is – um – can I say a bit over the top? – but I personally think it's great fun.

And now you can hold this multi-genre opus in your hot little hands! I’ve just brought out a paperback version on Amazon, which I at least find quite thrilling. Get your copy here:

You’ll find other links here:


Rajasthani Moon teaser

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

New Audio Release! – #EroticRomance #AudioBook #MFRWHooks

Mastering Maya Audio Cover

Happy Wednesday! Today I’m celebrating the audio release of my BDSM erotic romance novella Mastering Maya. This is another production by WordWooze, the publisher that has done such a fantastic job with my other audio books.

You can listen to a sample here:

or here

The narrator Anna Tycin does an amazing job. And I love the cover, by James from


How much heat will it take to melt the Ice Queen?

Mistress Maya’s precise discipline and unshakable self-possession are legendary in the Boston kink community. Newcomer Dom Shark is fascinated by her beauty and power from the moment he sees her flogging a sub at Club Inferno. Behind the Ice Queen’s mask of perfect control, he senses a spirit aching to submit. He's determined to break through her defenses and bring her the same release she grants to the lucky slaves she tops.

When Maya dismisses Master Shark as young and inexperienced, he offers her a challenge: a night together, during which he'll show her what it means to be mastered. If he fails to bring her to new heights of bliss, he agrees to become her slave.

Can he make Maya trust him enough to surrender? Or will the flawless, untouchable dominatrix take possession of his body as well as his heart?  

Book Hooks logo

The Hook

Maya! I’m glad you’re still here. I want to introduce you to my old friend Shark. He’s just arrived in Boston.”

Tom’s booming voice matched his burly form. He dwarfed the wiry young stranger.

Calm. Calm. She flashed back to the pinnacles of ice for an instant. Then she accepted the new Dom’s outstretched hand. “Master Shark?” Her eyebrows arched and she allowed a hint of laughter into her voice. “A pleasure. Welcome to Club Inferno.”

Please, call me Stephen.” He kept hold of her hand several seconds longer than protocol demanded. She noted that he stood only a few inches taller than she, that he smelled of female musk and cured leather, and that he was somewhat older than she’d guessed from a distance—closer to thirty than twenty. “I’m only Shark to my subs.”

I can see how you earned the name.” Maya gestured toward the schoolroom door, where clots of Doms and subs were now emerging. “You’re as voracious and implacable as your namesake.” Her hand still tingled from his grip. She ignored the sensation.

I’ll take that as a compliment.” The stranger chuckled. “You’re no fount of mercy yourself—if I may say so.” He raked her with his eyes, deliberately assessing her physical charms. Maya kept her face impassive, even as her pussy moistened. “Your caning—well, it was magnificent!”

Genuine admiration rang in his voice, though his bold stare suggested there were limits to his respect.

Long years of training, Master Shark—as well as skilled teachers.” She skewered him with what she hoped was an intimidating look. “And who taught you, young man?” The emphasis on ‘young’ was subtle but unmistakable. “Where are you from?”

San Francisco. I studied with Mistress Sylvia and Master Blade.”

Ah, I know them well.” That partially explained his expertise. Sylvia and Blade both enjoyed stellar reputations in the kink community. “Though I haven’t played on the West Coast for many years.”

I’m sure I would have noticed you if you had.” He looked as though he wanted to say more, but Maya cut him short.

Nice to meet you, Stephen. But I’ve got to get home.”

I’ll come with you.”

The suggestion was so unexpected that Maya, at first, barely noticed its rudeness.

What? What do you mean?” Even she recognized the shock in her voice.

I’d really like to get to know you better. You fascinate me.”

His frankness unnerved her. “Sorry, but I never take anyone home with me.” Maya tilted her head in Tom’s direction. “I’m surprised Master Thomas didn’t tell you.”

Oh, I did!” Her long-time associate grinned at his companion. “He’s just the stubborn type. Won’t take no for an answer.”

Not a desirable trait in a dominant,” Maya observed, covering her discomfort with disapproval. “When someoneeven a bottomsays no, that means no.” She shook her head, edging away from the pair. “But, then, you’re still young and inexperienced.”

Shark’s arm shot out. He seized her wrist, preventing her from leaving. “I’m not that young.” The dark edge in his voice sent a scary thrill straight to her sex. “I just know what I want. And I’m used to getting it.”

Find ebook links at

Be sure to visit the other authors participating in today’s Book Hooks hop!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Tall, dark and hotter than sin – #PNR #EroticRomance #DarkMagic @TinaDonahue


She’s everything he’s desired… He’s the one man she shouldn’t crave.

Knowing the danger the Wanderers pose, Erica Vega intends to hunt down the mysterious group steeped in dark magic, curses, and mind control. As a Deputy U.S. Marshal, she has the law behind her, along with her telekinetic powers. Let the chase and battle begin.

Not so fast. Her superior forbids her to go after any Wanderer, instead ordering her to work cold cases with her new partner Lucian Navari.

Tall, dark, and hotter than sin, Lucian doesn’t play by the book. He has his own agenda and agrees to help Erica hunt Wanderers on the sly where he and she can be up close and personal.

Erica’s not one to mix duty with pleasure, but he’s impossible to resist in too damn many ways. As they investigate an elusive Wanderer, nothing is as it appears—she can’t trust what she sees or believes. Lies masquerade as truth, and deception rules while she and Lucian grow closer in a carnal dance that will change their lives.



The Craving teaser


He shoved his hair back. “You still don’t trust me.”

She did, more than any man in her life, except for Mike. However, when people got rattled or drank, they sometimes blurted stuff they shouldn’t. Not their fault, but it didn’t make things better. “If by chance you ever say anything about my power, I’ll deny it. I’ll make you sound like a loon. That’s a promise.”

You think I’m that much of a prick?”

She’d never met a finer man. With him, she felt comfortable and safe. He’d protected her after the tree incident and tried to stop her from behaving like a maniac. Today, they’d become friends without even trying. She should have been scared at the notion and for breaking one of her work rules. Instead, relief washed over her. She wasn’t alone in this. “You’re the man. How many times do I have to keep telling you?”

He chuckled. “God, you’re something.” He searched her face. “Are you all right?”

Her insides still trembled. She suspected from doubt and unease about Pope, and at having Lucian here, close and alone with her. “I won’t lie, I’ve been calmer. Maybe a beer will help. Can I get you one?”

Yeah. Thanks.”

She delivered the brew, along with damp dish towels to clean their faces and hands. Once they were finished, she dropped the things onto the cocktail table and gestured him to her cloth sofa, large enough to seat four or serve as a makeshift bed for an overnight guest. They sat on adjoining cushions. She didn’t mind having him near. His proximity, scent, and heat unsettled her in a good way. She gulped her beer, hoping it would help her forget the bad stuff.

Lucian sipped his drink and regarded her.

Her throat and face stung with heat. “You’re staring again.”

Do you mind?”


Then stop making it so easy.”

She lowered her face and smiled. “There’s dust on your shirt and pants.”

He looked and shrugged. “I don’t care, if you don’t.”

His deep voice soothed. His big body promised excitement, comfort, refuge from a crappy world. Stuff she shouldn’t want, at least from him. Work relationships always got complicated no matter how she controlled her feelings. Throwing attraction into the mix made things worse. She gulped more beer.

You’re sure you’re all right?”

Bubbles tickled her nose. She rubbed it and wanted to lie, tell him to go home, she was okay and didn’t need him here. The words wouldn’t come. She looked at him.

He lifted his shoulders. “What?”

Never had she wanted a man as she did him. “Screw this.” She put her bottle on the cocktail table and crawled onto his lap, straddling his legs. “Don’t talk, please.” She cupped his face. “Unless you don’t want me.”

His eyes rounded. “Are you joking? Hell yeah, I do.”

Shhh.” She didn’t want words. She needed intimacy and fitted her mouth to his.

He smiled. So did she, their lips lifting together, seeking each other.

The room spun. A ride like no other. His stubble rasped her cheeks and chin. His lips couldn’t have been softer or warmer. Better than what she’d experienced in her dream.

He pulled her close and speared his tongue into her mouth.

She lost her breath. This was past epic and straight into legendary. Even her fantasies weren’t this good.

They kissed with abandon and stark need, each pressing nearer, trying to eliminate any separation between them. His strength thrilled, showing her his power, yet it also felt like a caress.

He growled and tore his mouth free.

No.” She cupped his head to pull him back to her. “I’m not through.”

Neither am I.” Holding on to her, he leaned forward, put his bottle on the table then twisted around and pushed her to the sofa. The cushion whooshed from her weight. “Not a word, understand?”

Several locks had fallen over his forehead. His eyes were bright with lust. Face flushed. Fucking gorgeous. “Yes, sir.”

He laughed and captured her mouth with desire, using it with skill. His kiss was savage and unrestrained, tongue burrowed deep, giving her no chance for words. Wild sounds poured from them, more animal than human. It fueled her lust.

She clawed at his shirt and pants, wanting them off.

He pushed up her blouse and tugged down her bra then claimed her breasts. His hands were heavy, hot, and in command. The best thing she’d ever felt.

Reason and good sense fled, replaced by carnal instinct feral in its intensity, nothing timid or gentle about the act.

They rocked and rolled, dry humping, deep kissing. The sofa jerked on the hardwood floor.

He broke free again.

Fuck. He had to stop doing that. She grabbed his hair. “Come back here.”

He hauled her up then pushed to his feet.

She wrapped her legs around his lean hips, her arms about his shoulders.

Where’s your bedroom?” He looked right, left.

Behind you.”

He pivoted, carried her across the room, and halted. “Shit. Where’s Rápido?”

By the chair. Give me a sec.” Using her power, she transported him to his tank. There he could take a soak or bask beneath his warming lamp. Turtle heaven. “What are you waiting for?” She squeezed Lucian’s shoulders. “Get going. I’m about to die.”

And I’m not?” Huffing, he raced into her bedroom and brought her down to the mattress with him. Springs popped. The frame creaked.

Their mouths were welded together, their kiss long and lingering, deep and wet. The best kind.

He jerked free. “Wait.”

No.” She kept kissing him.

He pulled away. “We have weapons.” He left the bed and put his Glock on the bureau.

She was right behind him and placed hers next to his.

Grinning, they tore at each other’s clothes. Shoes, pants, tops, and underwear flew.

This time, she pulled him onto the mattress.

Naked, he crawled over her, his rigid cock brushing her thigh. He clasped her wrists. “Don’t even think about moving.”

She liked his alpha side. “Want me to play dead, huh?”

No way in hell will you ever do that with me.” He slid down her, gripped her knees, and pushed them to her shoulders, exposing her cunt.

Her breath spilled out.

He buried his face in her pussy, his tongue on her clit, flicking it.

Indescribable pleasure shot through her, tingling her inner thighs and mound. Colors dimmed. Sounds faded. The world slipped away, leaving nothing except his hands and mouth on her.

Erica yielded, craving this and him.


And don’t miss The Yearning

Book One of The Wanderers

The Yearning cover

To break this curse, they’ll have to turn the heat up. Way up.

Jasmine Dante prowls Key West’s nightlife, fighting a losing battle against a jealous rival’s curse that forces her to seek carnal pleasure, no matter the danger. Weakened from lack of sleep and driven by insatiable lust, she spots a man who stirs her desperate craving, and begins yet another dance of seduction.

Except the dark stranger who returns her direct stare is no ordinary lover. Inside his powerful body lies a raw sexuality that just might be enough to break her curse. There’s only one way to find out—imprison him in her bed and feed on his passion.

Former Deputy U.S. Marshal Mike Stearn is many things, but he’s no woman’s sex slave. The deadly telekinetic power he ruthlessly suppresses comes alive again at Jasmine’s touch. Beneath her bold, potent sensuality, he senses vulnerability and desperation. He may be in handcuffs, but she’s the one who’s enslaved.

As Mike resurrects his power to free himself so he can find the curse’s source and defeat it, Jasmine revels in his masterful rule. Her ravenous yearning evolves into rapture as she surrenders to his hunger, her darkest needs—and the emotional connection that lies beyond. Unless the curse takes her life first… 

The Yearning teaser


About the Author

Tina Donahue photo

Tina Donahue is an Amazon and international bestselling novelist who writes passionate romance for every taste – ‘heat with heart’ – for traditional publishers and indie. Booklist, Publisher’s Weekly, Romantic Times and numerous online sites have praised her work. She’s won Readers’ Choice Awards, was named a finalist in the EPIC competition, received a Book of the Year award, The Golden Nib Award, awards of merit in the RWA Holt Medallion competitions, and second place in the NEC RWA contests. She’s featured in the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market. Before penning romances, she worked at a major Hollywood production company in Story Direction.

On a less serious note: she’s an admitted and unrepentant chocoholic, brakes for Mexican restaurants, and has been known to moan like Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally while wolfing down tostadas. She’s flown a single-engine airplane (freaking scary), rewired an old house using an ‘electricity for dummies’ book, and is horribly shy despite the hot romances she writes.








Amazon author page:

Sweet ‘n Sexy Divas:
