
Monday, May 6, 2024

In defense of insta-love – #Menage #Spanking #Ghosts @piamanning3

Hometown Spirits book cover

By Pia Manning (Guest Blogger)

It’s true, love at first sight, or insta-love, is a real thing. Not everyone is cautious when it comes to following their hearts. Some of us just know when we’ve found the love of our lives and are willing to take that leap of faith into a lifetime commitment. Elizabeth Faulkner (Finding Home), Sherry Evans (Coming Home), Piper Thomas (Advantage: Home Team), and Emily Slater (Hometown Spirits), would all agree with me.

Here’s my story:

I met the love of my life one miserably, bone-chilling, wet day in late November many years ago. Drops of icy rain rolled down my nose and soaked my hat and coat. I clutched a nylon backpack to my chest with fingers so cold I couldn’t feel them. There I was half jogging to my apartment in a futile effort to escape the sleet when a car pulled up beside me. The driver rolled down his window and asked if I wanted a ride home.

Oh, I knew who he was. My white knight lived in the apartment below mine but the previous year he had been the resident assistant on the dorm floor with the worst reputation on campus. But I still had six blocks to go, the sleet poured down, and beggars can’t be choosers.

His car started life as a red VW Beetle but had faded to a weird shade of pink and rust-orange. The front fenders were wired to the chassis. Despite this, I got in. And noticed that I could see the road through the floor. But the roof didn’t leak, and that beat my nonexistent car.

Outside our building, we sat and waited for the icy rain to end. We talked. About everything. Sometimes big topics and big feelings; other times about small silly things. The sleet finally ended, the dark tattered clouds fled, and yet we still sat there, talking.

The next evening, he knocked on the floor (his ceiling) and asked if I wanted to help him finish a pizza. Bribing me with food was a dirty trick. It worked.

To make a short story shorter, we were married that next January. Number of weeks in our courtship from start to finish: Five. We’ve been together forever. I truly hope we have forever again. 

By the way, to celebrate love in general and my new release in particular, I am giving away a free copy of the the latest Caveman Creek romance to one person who leaves me a comment. Don't be shy! Have you experienced love at first sight? Or do you think it's a myth?  

Hometown Spirits Blurb

Nurse Practitioner Emily Slater wants a home of her own in a welcoming community. She fell in love with Pinecone Creek and hopes to connect with the people she serves and give back to her town. Emily needs the kind of relationships that last a lifetime.

Brothers Mike and Paul Lambert have always called Pinecone Creek home. They need a woman to share their lives and their bed. One look at Emily sends their hopes soaring, and they spin dreams of having a family and children. Their protective instincts roar to the surface whenever they’re close to her. Even though they’ve been disappointed before, they’re willing to risk their hearts again.

But Emily hasn’t finished unpacking and her ‘to-do’ list is a mile long. The men are panty-dampening hunks, and they make her feel safe, but she isn’t ready to commit to the brothers quite yet. And that cabin she just bought? Someone or something doesn’t want Emily there.

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That’s Letty Nelsen’s old place. No one’s lived there in a while. Not since—” Mike’s gaze traveled downward.

Letty got murdered,” Angie finished. “People say strange things happen out there at night. Lights, sounds of a woman crying and moaning…” She shivered.

The realtor told me a lady died there, but he didn’t say anything about a murder. I’m not sure if I believe in ghosts or hauntings, but that is awful. I planned on stopping out there tonight to unload tools, take measurements, and try to get an idea of how much DIY is in my future.” And how much it’ll cost, Emily thought. “But I haven’t been back in weeks. Can you give me directions? It’s no fun wandering around in the dark.”

Tell you what. Why don’t you follow me?” Mike offered.

Oh, thanks, but I don’t want to put you out. If you don’t mind just directing me…” Emily honestly didn’t want to impose on Mike, but going off with a strange man to an isolated cabin in the woods wasn’t a smart thing to do—no matter how nice he seemed or how fast a woman might drown in his soulful brown eyes or notice the muscles straining against the Henley underneath his flannel shirt or…

No trouble. It’s on my way home,” Mike coaxed.

You’ll be safe with Mike. Besides, I know you’re leaving with him, so he’d be in for a big hurt if you disappeared!” Angie declared while she cleared their plates.

Thanks, Angie.” Mike rolled his eyes and shook his head.

My pleasure, Mike,” Angie answered over her shoulder before she disappeared into the kitchen.

With a reference like that, how can I say no?” Emily laughed and laid some bills on the counter. “If you’re sure it won’t take you out of your way, I’d appreciate the help.”

About the Author

Pia Manning is the erotic romance author behind the Caveman Creek series. She is married to a wonderful man. Rides herd on four cats (not easy to do) and canine Noodles the Schnoodle (schnauzer/poodle cross), raises monarchs, and plays Clash of Clans. Not a morning person.

Find me at:


Siren Bookstrand page:


Amazon Author Page:

Apple Books:

Barnes & Noble:


Email: pia.manning at yahoo dot com

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Lisabet Sarai said...

Huge congratulations on the new release, Pia!

Pia Manning said...

Thank you so much for having me as your guest! I can't wait to read about others' instalove stories!

bn100 said...

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Debby said...

I have not experienced it but do believe it is possible. The cover is beautiful and seems to emphasize her eyes and their lovely chests. debby236 at gmail dot com

Lisabet Sarai said...

Pia is having trouble commenting on Blogger but asked me to announce that Debby has won the free book.

Thank you for dropping by!

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