
Saturday, June 19, 2021

Sample my new release! #BDSM #Erotica #BoxedSet

Bound and Breathless cover

Today is release day for my new boxed set of BDSM stories. Bound and Breathless: Passionate Kink includes some of my most intense and moving tales of dominance and submission. The tales are mostly M/f and F/m, with one threesome tale where the relationships are too complicated to be captured in the usual shorthand!

This 130 page collection is available now on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. You’ll find the blurb below, plus an exclusive X-rated excerpt not shared anywhere else!


Agony that burns - until it sets you alight with pleasure

For some people, kink is a game, a way to spice up sex by adding a hint of taboo. This book isn’t about those people.

These stories dig deeper, baring souls, exposing the heady thrill of power and surrender, intimacy and complicity. In the passionate dance of dominant and submissive, there is no tomorrow. There is only now, balanced between pleasure and pain, breathless with forbidden possibilities.

X-Rated Exclusive Excerpt (from Never Too Late)

It takes no more than sixty seconds. One dark look from him and I’m on my knees, his heavy, uncut cock brushing my lips. “Open,” he says, and his silken voice wipes away every doubt and regret.

His cock is as silky as his voice but with a core of steel. He slides it into my suddenly eager mouth. I suck at the salty, slightly sour flesh, but only for an instant before he takes over.

He’s very hard, very urgent. The hand tangled in my hair tells me he needs this as much as I apparently do. He drives his length down my throat. I take it all, like some porn star, desperate to please him. It hurts. The skin is soft but he uses his cock like a battering ram, determined to break down my walls.

They are down already. I stretch my jaws, crane my neck, and receive what he gives.

His cum erupts across my tongue. I choke and sputter, trying to swallow the bitter fluid. A few drops trickle down my chin onto my linen jacket. At that moment, I don’t care. He strokes my curls back into some semblance of order and raises me to my feet. His eyes are black diamonds.

I knew it,” he says. Slow, thoughtful, he smears my lipstick even further with his thumb. I feel my lower lips gaping too, just as wet and swollen. “I could tell.” My nipples peak under my jacket, screaming for his attention. He continues to gaze into my eyes. I can’t hide.

The elevator dings. “My floor,” he says, laughter rippling on the edge of his words for the first time. He takes my hand. A sharp rectangle of plastic cuts into my sweating palm. “Room 1263. Seven o’clock.”

But...” I begin. He silences me with a single look.

It’s your choice,” he tells me. “But you know you want it. And I want you, Elizabeth. I want to make you mine. I’ve been watching you – the way you move your hips, the way you toss your hair. I know what you need. I can give it to you.”

He steps out into the carpeted mezzanine and is lost in the crowd of suits. I continue down to the lobby, stumble out on rubbery legs, and race for the ladies’ room to repair myself.

My support pantyhose have runs in both legs. I toss them in the bin intended for sanitary napkins, slipping bare feet back into my heels. I pin my badge over the cum spot on my chest. I repaint my lips, noting how bruised they look.

I can do nothing about the haunted look in my eyes.

The rest of the afternoon passes in a daze. I attend the sessions I’ve flagged in my program, futilely scanning the halls for a glimpse of him. I try to focus on the speakers. The memory of his flesh pounding into me drives everything else from my mind. I replay the heat that melted me into a seething puddle at his feet. I’m almost ready to believe it was some fevered dream, but the stain on my suit tells me otherwise.

I’m outside his room at seven sharp, heart pounding as though I’d run a marathon. What am I doing? I’m fifty five, married nearly three decades. I’m a grandmother, for heaven’s sake. The keycard slides into the lock. The light flashes green. I step across the threshold, knowing the risks but unable to stop myself.

Read it today!

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Annette said...

Happy Sunday! And Happy Release Day!!! unluckythimble at gmail dot com

Colleen C. said...

Happy Release Day!

bn100 said...

Happy release
bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Fiona McGier said...

Wow! You often write about females who have committed relationships, but can't get everything they need from their beloved--so they seek out a master--or are targeted by one. Very hot predicament to be in, apparently! Steamy excerpt.

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