
Saturday, October 10, 2020

A BDSM Dance with the Devil -- #SizzlingSunday #FreeBook #ParanormalEroticRomance

Sizzling Sunday - Damned If You Do


It’s Sizzling Sunday - time for a hot excerpt from one of my books. In anticipation of Halloween, I’m focusing on my paranormal titles this month – and I am giving away free copies!

Today I’m featuring my paranormal BDSM erotic romance, Damned If You Do. If you like what you read, leave me a comment with your  email. You could win the book in your choice of ebook format.


Sometimes romance can be hell

Wendy Dennison is tired of being a starving author. The royalties from her critically acclaimed romance novels barely pay her bills. Her devoted agent Daniel Rochester may be smart and sexy, but he can't get her the sales she needs. Then a charismatic stranger appears at her coffee shop table, promising her fame and commercial success, as well as the chance to live out her dreams of erotic submission. But at what cost?

Nothing you can't afford to lose, my dear.

Seduced by the enigmatic Mister B, she signs his infernal contract. He becomes both her Master and her coach, managing her suddenly flourishing career as well as encouraging her lusts. Under her mentors nefarious influence, she surrenders to temptation and has sex with Daniel. The casual encounter turns serious when she discovers her mild mannered agent has a dominant side. As the clock ticks down to her blockbuster release and Mister B prepares to claim her soul, Wendy must choose either celebrity and wealth, or obscurity and true love.

Sizzling Excerpt

The sleek silver limo parked by the curb in front of the Coffee Corner drove everything but amazement from her mind. “This is yours?” she asked as her companion helped her into the back seat, then slid in beside her.

Company car. They’ve put it at your disposal, as one of our most promising clients. I gather that you like it.”

She trailed her fingers over the supple leather upholstery, breathing in the scent of luxury. “Not exactly what I’m used to.” Most days she walked the mile from her house to the café. In good weather, if she was feeling energetic, she might take her bike. The twelve year old VW Tom had left her sat in the driveway, reserved for longer trips that justified the expenses of gas and maintenance.

Get used to it, Gwen. This is your new life.” Snaking an arm around her shoulder, he pulled her against him, until they were hip to hip. “From now on, you can expect nothing but the best. Success. Acclaim. Wealth.” He leaned closer, flicking his tongue over her earlobe. She gasped as electricity sizzled through her. “And pleasure, of course. Endless, unspeakable pleasure.”

The smoke-tinted windows created a perpetual twilight within the vehicle. An equally dark barrier separated the spacious back seat from the driver in front. No one could see the lewd manner in which Mister B dragged her shirt up to her armpits and her bra down to her waist, exposing her ample breasts. When he twisted her nipple with impeccably manicured fingers, lust poured through her, as though he’d opened a spigot. Her pussy overflowed to further drench her already-sodden panties. She squirmed on the slick seat, hungry for stimulation.

Without releasing her breast, he rubbed two fingers along the damp seam of her jeans. Wendy couldn’t suppress a desperate moan. He chuckled as he sniffed his fingertips. “Your fragrance is exquisite, my dear.” Cupping her pubis, he ground the heel of his hand against her clit while his fingers beat out a frustrating rhythm against the tightly stretched denim between her thighs.

She hadn’t been this turned on in months—no, years. The substantial bulge at his fly told her he was also aroused, but somehow she didn’t dare touch him. Though he had yet to give her any orders, he had made it clear she had to obey him if she wanted to reap the benefits of this strange arrangement.

Meanwhile, an odd passivity had taken her over. He’d told her not to think, but only to feel. Her rational self, the part that screamed warnings about engaging in sexual trysts with total strangers, had retreated to some distant corner of her mind, leaving only a hunger to be touched, a craving to be filled, a shameful desire to be used and even abused.

I know what you want, Gwen. What you truly need. I’ve read all your stories of implacable masters and eager slaves. But you never go all the way in your tales, do you? You don’t dare show the world the true depths of your depravity.”

His words inflamed her almost as much as his actions.

I—oh!” He ripped open her fly and forced his hand down the front of her jeans, under the elastic of her underwear, into her soaked and swollen cunt. His fingers were like tongues of flame as they probed her cleft and teased her clit. “Oh, please…I can’t bear it…”

As quickly as they’d arrived, his fingers were gone, leaving her empty and aching. She gazed at him in a state of horny disbelief as he used a monogrammed hankie from his breast pocket to clean her juices from his elegant hands. “I shall decide what you must bear, my sweet little slave. Now I believe we’ve arrived at your abode, where we can explore this question further. You should fix your clothing.”

Buy Links (Ebook)

Kinky Literature:

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Buy Links (Audio)

Narrated by Audrey Lusk



Don't forget to comment. You might win!


Debby said...

I love snakes. The cover is great.
debby236 at hotmail dot com

Larry Archer said...

"He’d told her not to think, but only to feel."

Her only decision about jumping into the deep end of the pool, was feet first or head first?

Great story Lisabet.

Karinski said...

Good luck everyone! I loved this story

aerokorngal said...

Would love to read more. Thanx for the chance at this!

bn100 said...

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Donise C. said...

Total hotness!!

Catrina Pomerleau said...

Wow, definitely a sizzling excerpt! Thanks for sharing.

Fiona McGier said...

Undeniably hot excerpt--just like all of your stories have! I presume she'll be torn between two masters? Poor thing--LOL!

Lisabet Sarai said...

Okay, I have draw a winner - aerokorngal. But I don't have your email address!

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